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BustArtist 07-19-2013 01:12 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
grOw/cOmic#5, page 89 completed!

I've been making great progress, finishing page 89 just one day after the last page. These are the last pages of the series, so the story is coming to a close; the images have been fun to draw, to say the least! :P~ Only 8 more pages to go!


Originally Posted by Beetlebomb (Post 704090)
Hey BustArtist, I've been behind on grOw/cOmic#5. I believe I've only purchased the first 2 issues so far. Will you be doing some kind of selective bundle where I could get a slight discount for purchasing all the issues I'm missing at once? Thanks :)

Beetlebomb — Always. In fact, the current "Collection" contains issues 1-4, and is available now. When issue 5 comes out, the Collection will be updated to include that as well.

Beetlebomb 07-20-2013 01:34 AM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
That's awesome to hear!

I checked my hard drive and I've already picked up the first issue. Hopefully I'm not asking too much, but would it be possible to arrange a personal purchase with you for issues 2-5 for slightly less money after you've completed the comic? I'd be fine with the 27.95 that it's priced at now. I'm a long time fan and make sure to grab everything you produce(Got my own BustArtist folder just for your stuff haha), I'm just a bit short on expenditures at the moment.

I understand if it's too much. Regardless, I'm very eager to see what you've got cooking for us, BustArtist. Thanks for the many years of quality content.

And Happy Birthday by the way!


BustArtist 07-23-2013 02:35 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
grOw/cOmic#5, page 90 completed!

I really thought I would finish this page yesterday, but page 90 proved to be a bit more complicated than I originally thought. There was definitely a lot of detail and overlapping body parts which made shading and coloring slower with all the added masking and selecting. But it's a great page — fun and hot! Chip, chip, chip — I am whittling away at the completion of the issue. Only 7 pages to go!


Originally Posted by Beetlebomb (Post 704284)
That's awesome to hear!
Thanks for the many years of quality content.
And Happy Birthday by the way!

Thanks, Bettlebomb! Glad you are enjoying my work, and appreciate the birthday wishes. :)


BustArtist 07-24-2013 03:57 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
grOw/cOmic#5, page 91 completed!

I worked extra long tonight to finish page 91 since I was sooo close to making it a one-day completion. And I did it! Some panels took some experimenting on some new effects, and others were quite detailed. The big panel alone took about 3 hours from start to finish. Only 6 pages to go, and the next page will pass the 75%-done mark.

BustArtist 07-29-2013 04:09 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
grOw/cOmic#5, page 92 completed!

By finishing page 92, I have now passed the 75% mark towards the completion of issue 5 of grOw/cOmic#5, "grOwing Appreciation"! This was a very detailed page that pushed me into new areas of effects and coloring. I think it turned out great! With only half the day gone, I will now have the other half to get a good jump on the next page, which is also a very detailed one filled with lighting, effects, and special features. As for the preview, you will notice it is more vague than previous ones. This will continue as these last few pages are the end of the issue and the series. As I have done for previous issues, the final previews are less revealing so as not to give too much away.

You may have wondered at the speed I have been able to produce the last few pages. Though you can't see the full detail of each page (yet), I have been able to do much more in less time than usual, as well as put some more details with greater ease. How? Well, in talking to a friend who is also a graphic designer, I mentioned my goal of obtaining a Wacom Cintiq screen. He said, "Oh, yeah! Those! Really cool. I picked one up a little while back." When my jaw dropped and I asked him why didn't he tell me before, he replied "You didn't ask." After some prodding, and him admitting that we didn't have any current jobs that required him to use it, he lent it to me to try. Needless to say, I did more than try, I USED! This thing is awesome! And, even better, my hand/wrist/arm fatigue is noticeably retreating! Hopefully, I can convince him to let me continue using it for my "current project that is on a strict deadline" (wink wink). After issue 5 is released, I will renew my efforts to complete my Cintiq Fundraiser so that I can purchase one of these beauties.

As for issue 5, due to the above, I think you may notice an uptick in the art!

BustArtist 07-29-2013 04:10 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
grOw/cOmic#5, page 93 completed!

Chip, chip, chip... and then even more chipping. I worked extra late tonight because I wanted to make sure I finished page 93 today. It was a serious effort, as the page has quite a few panels and lots of special effects. I was a little skeptical that I would complete the page, but I did it! Only 4 more pages to go! Hang in there!

BustArtist 07-31-2013 12:39 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
grOw/cOmic#5, page 94 completed!

With another page done for the final issue of grOw/cOmic#5, we are one step closer the release of the issue that will end this series. Page 94 sees the series begin to wrap up as the explosive final issue comes to a close. Only 3 more pages to go! Hang in there!

BustArtist 08-06-2013 05:47 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
3 Attachment(s)
(Note: I couldn't post this sooner, as I had a LOT of trouble uploading images to the Process Forum).

Final page of grOw/cOmic#5 completed! — Pages 95, 96, and 97 completed!

Page 97, the final page of both issue 5 and the entire grOw/cOmic#5 series, has been completed! As mentioned, the preview is vague, so as not to give away anything of the ending.

So what's next? I am finalizing proofreading and a few art corrections ("Hey! how come that piece of cloth disappeared?" and "Oops! The cover was supposed to have dust and smoke."). Afterwards, I will then make the final issue — standard, premium, and art-only PDFs.

Then, it's off the store, to set up the purchasing options.

Then, it's on to the website, creating the art, webpages, text, and other links to the issue.

The next entry to this topic will be the announcement of release — which I foresee happening either Wednesday evening (EST., US) or Thursday!

I may also have my Cintiq Fundraiser ready by then — or, if not, soon afterwards.

Hang in there!

BustArtist 08-07-2013 04:35 PM

Re: grOw/cOmic#5, issue 5 RELEASED!
3 Attachment(s)
Issue 5 in the grOw/cOmic #5 series has been RELEASED at !

grOw/cOmic#5, "grOwing Appreciation" (part 5 in a 5-issue series)
Chapter 5: "An Up and Cumming Star"

Extra-long 22-page issue!!

Jennie had burst out of the theater, the suns mass ejection energy making her grow to incredible heights. But much to her dismay, the military was still in the area and discovered her — hell, they couldn't miss her! Fearing for her life, she cried out in terror as the attack helicopters roared towards her curvy, towering figure.

Available in either PREMIUM or STANDARD Editions!

Premium Edition:
For only $1.45 more than the Standard Edition, the Premium Edition features:
• A 300 dpi high-resolution (2700 x 3525 pixels) version of issue 5 (50% more resolution than the standard grOw/cOmic!). You will be able to enjoy much more of the art, especially if you like zooming in to absorb all of the details of the characters and backgrounds.
• "Art Only" Edition of issue 5: this is the complete comic (also in 300 dpi high resolution) but with all of the speech balloons, narration boxes, and sound effects text removed so that you can enjoy the art to its fullest in each panel.
• Full page pencil drawings of choice pages. -- Included in the Appendix of the "Art Only Edition" are 13 full pages from issue 4 shown in their pencil form, including: some pages with the pencil lines on top of the rendered backgrounds for placement matching of figures.

Standard Edition features:
• Issue 5. "An Up and Cumming Star" in the standard, grOw/cOmic resolution of 1800 x 2350 pixels.
• 5 art-only pages in the Appendix with all the speech balloons, narration boxes, and sound effects text removed so that you can enjoy the art to its fullest in each panel.

Category: GTS (<150'; Gentle)(including scenes of 150'-1000'); Breast Expansion (science: huge!); Ass expansion; vore (non-gore); handheld; building destruciton.

Current Collection features:
• Issues 1-5 in Standard or Premium versions. Save up to $6.35 compared to normal, separate prices.



I would like to introduce, Doreen, the BustArtist Cintiq Fundraiser Cheerleader. She will help cheer you on during my Fundraiser to purchase a Wacom Cintiq 22 HD Touch screen. For more info, see the Contribution Page of my website. There is no obligation, of course, but your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Expander 08-07-2013 04:54 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
Kudos! Loved it!
Any news on future Grow comics we should get hype for? =P

qzar9999 08-07-2013 11:41 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
Well you're definitely going to get *some* kind of contribution from me. Looking at the reward scheme I'm sorely tempted to go the top level...but something, for sure. Payday is Monday, so it won't be long. In the meantime...this was a satisfying conclusion to the story. As usual, your art is top-notch and the comic is very sexy. I like their idea for how to use Jenny's new size for practical purposes, that was pretty neat. When next you produce something with GTS/Growth content, count on me buying it! :)

Expansionist 08-08-2013 12:40 AM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
Hey, BA,

Bought the issue as soon as I knew it was available. I was not disappointed.

The work was gorgeous, easily the most visually stunning comic you've released yet! Not to mention that the subject in question made an incredibly stunning, beautifully curvy giantess.

I loved this growth series, probably my favourite of the lot. I've been wondering for a while, do you consider all of your "grOw" comics to happen in the same setting? The "BA-verse", as it were? Or do you consider them to be independent settings?

Just saying that an enormous cross-over with all of the characters with their respective growth agents would be pretty awesome. >.> Maybe even just the ones that include giantess growth.

I'm (mostly) joking of course - that would be a massive undertaking, no doubt, and a lot of people would probably prefer new content either way, as opposed to re-treading old ground. Still, thanks for all of your hard work over the years - you've comfortably produced some of the best work in this genre and your art continues to improve even now!

I don't want to seem demanding or pushy at all, as I fully understand that you'd need a break at this stage, but have you had any ideas of what you're doing next, if anything? Personally I love how your growth comics turn out so I'd love another one in that vein, but no doubt I'll be amazed with whatever work it is you produce.

Stay safe, BA! All the best. ^^

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