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Blake Isaac Gordon 09-11-2017 07:17 AM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

Originally Posted by BillPratt (Post 798504)
Blake, I have one coming where the boobs start growing on page 3 or 4 and don't stop for the rest of the piece. Didn't fit in anyone struggling into suddenly too small clothes, but that's in the story after that.

If you want the girl who want big boobs, gets them, and still wants more... Well for some reason Bot Comics put Pics or GTFO out as a Bimbo Story Club title. In spite of the complete lack of bimbo. Their pricing structure may be be better, but not super smart all of the time.

Mr. Pratt would the comic you mention be at the Club or Expansion?

As for Pics or GTFO I seriously thought about getting it but the Bimbo theme and of course the simple fact that it was produced by the BE Story Club made it a big fat 'Nope' for me.

BillPratt 09-11-2017 09:00 AM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates
I have three stories coming out at Expansion Fan over the next year-or-so.

SoylentOrange 09-11-2017 10:19 AM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates
"As much as it pains me", hahaha... Man, Dream Girl is never going to live itself down, is it? I've never seen something go from such widespread adulation to disdain before or since in this community...

As to the McCloud comparisons (I love understanding and Making) I try to have mine be as much Action as Moment, but script constraints sometimes force me to keep the panels simpler. I have one upcoming on ExpansionFan centered on multibreast and BE where the growth starts on page 3 and doesn't stop until the last page, all while the main characters are ranging over half a castle trying to find a way to stop it. I think that might have what you're looking for.

Haven't had a chance to listen to the link yet, but I'm interested to hear their definition of "damaged", since I feel like there needs to be less fetish content where the end result feels like a tragedy...

Finally, looking forward to seeing what you've got cooking at EFan. Will this be your first foray on the site, or have you done anything for them before?

BillPratt 09-11-2017 07:43 PM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates
No. I've done some work for them over the past few years. Check out Strike Force. It concludes in October.

clovis 09-12-2017 08:36 AM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates
I have sequels to both "Till She Gets Her Way" and "Exceeds Expectations" outlined, but am not sure when or if I'll get around to scripting them properly for submission.

clovis 09-12-2017 08:41 AM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

Originally Posted by Blake Isaac Gordon (Post 798654)
This would be a super bad idea if the content was provided to free for the reviewer.

The reviewer needs (must) pay for the content or it will impact their review of the content. Why, there will always be the fear that, "If I am too negative, the provider will stop sending me free stuff, thus I like free and thus I will always like the content provided."

Its the same thing on Amazon and Steam, if the reviewer gets it for free its indicated on their review. I often take those reviews with a grain of salt.

But aren't most professional reviews free? Movies have press screenings or screener DVD copies. Books have advanced reader copies. Video games have betas. Restaurants reviews... that I have no idea how they are handled.

Having to pay for it all is a pretty good reason why no such reviewing body exists. Anyway, I was just throwing out an idea. I still think an organized reviewing group would be useful for both consumer and content provider.

BillPratt 09-12-2017 08:13 PM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates
Video games are where the disconnect is very, very noticeable. Scoring of games ran through a stretch a while back, and may still be as bad, where on a scale of 1-5, no matter how bad the game was it never got below 4 because, as Blake pointed out, if you scored a bomb like a bomb, you were removed from the approved critics list. Game over for your career.

This meant for any read to apply any sanity to the scoring you had to hope for a decimal treat the scoring as a rating of 1-10 according to the following formula:

actualRating = (givenRating - 4) * 10

So Shitwaggon Warriors at 4.2 was actually 2 out of 10. And until you realized this, you bought a lot of shitty games because how bad could a 4.2 out of 5 game be? That's like 84%. Almost an A+.

Video game ratings had zero credibility. I don't play much these days, too busy writing porn, so maybe they still have zero credibility. For a while if you name wasn't Siskel or Ebert, your movie rating had zero credibility. You couldn't afford to talk shit about a shitty movie because you were cut off, and when you're grubbing nickles together to feed your family on a writer's salary, you cannot afford that.

If on the other hand, you are reviewing because you love it and have an alternate revenue stream on the side, you can do whatever you want. It's nice.

Personal opinion. I don't read a lot of porn. It does nothing for me. This is precisely why I started writing stuff. Practically no one writes what I want to read. No one makes videos I want to watch. You could give it to me free, and I probably still wouldn't bother reading it.

BillPratt 09-12-2017 08:22 PM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates
Clovis, if you ever want to bounce stuff you are working on off me, let me know.

Blake Isaac Gordon 09-13-2017 06:52 AM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

Originally Posted by clovis (Post 798700)
But aren't most professional reviews free? Movies have press screenings or screener DVD copies. Books have advanced reader copies. Video games have betas. Restaurants reviews... that I have no idea how they are handled.

Having to pay for it all is a pretty good reason why no such reviewing body exists. Anyway, I was just throwing out an idea. I still think an organized reviewing group would be useful for both consumer and content provider.

Movies, books, video Games are such a large collection of institutions that it's easy to get a solid group of reviewers and the fact that so many people eagerly review such material it's easy to see what's legit and what's an attempt at 'gaming the system' much like Miss Sarem attempted....

Sad fact: an author is lucky to get two reviews on posting his story on TOB let alone getting anything where the work is stored behind a pay wall. (Patreon is different though, its almost like DA).

I'm really starting to think that today's BE Scene is sustained by 500+ loyal supporters. I really cannot imagine anyone taking the 2-4 hours to write a credible review of a 15 page fetish comic because they are a big fan of the medium.

I could never take the reviews seriously if I knew the reviewer got the comics for free. The only time I read a thoughtful review was back in the days when we used to have BE Story Contests...and sadly those days have passed... its all about the comics. And if someone wanted to write a great review all they would have to do is post a sizzling panel that sends peoples interest right to their wallet.

Blake Isaac Gordon 09-13-2017 07:03 AM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

Originally Posted by BillPratt (Post 798723)
Personal opinion. I don't read a lot of porn. It does nothing for me. This is precisely why I started writing stuff. Practically no one writes what I want to read. No one makes videos I want to watch. You could give it to me free, and I probably still wouldn't bother reading it.

Bill's right.

I think many readers are rarely 100% fulfilled when they finish a comic/story for this very reason. And I think those that keep supporting the comic sites keep hoping that the next update will have a comic/story that hits their mark.

(I almost missed this comment, whew...)

clovis 09-13-2017 08:35 PM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

Originally Posted by BillPratt (Post 798724)
Clovis, if you ever want to bounce stuff you are working on off me, let me know.

Thanks! Not sure when... or if, but I'll keep you in mind.

catfish27 09-13-2017 10:04 PM

Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

Originally Posted by clovis (Post 798700)
Restaurants reviews... that I have no idea how they are handled.

For professional restaurant reviews, the meals are ultimately paid for by the publication (newspaper, magazine, website, etc.). Restaurant reviewers usually work anonymously, thus, they usually pay cash and then later file an expense report with their employer.

Obviously, that would be a great model for reviewing BE and other fetish content that would alleviate Blake Isaac Gordon's concerns about reviewers getting the content free -- problem is, it's not like there are a lot of websites out there with the means to pay for subscriptions to a bunch of sites so that they can write reviews.

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