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rabbit_king 04-24-2010 06:17 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
but great material

Nom Anor 04-24-2010 06:20 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by liveordie83 (Post 475728)
We're like those people that sit in front of stadiums in lawn chairs for days trying to get tickets XD

Heh, I haven't done that since Episode III came out.:D

rabbit_king 04-24-2010 06:21 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Nom Anor (Post 475838)
Heh, I haven't done that since Episode III came out.:D

lol i was dressed as vader and had a saber battle with two jedi in the parking lot waiting for the doors to open

Jitensha 04-24-2010 06:23 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
lol you guys make me smile :)

Meh, well got to go to my internship now....I'll be back at around 6PM EST.
Give Lorekeep a bit of time to get ready, remember he lives on the west coast :P

Mercurius 04-24-2010 10:22 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
The comic is released! Go get it at the store, ASAP! I already did, and will make a review as soon as I finish reading...and fapping to it. :P

LOD 04-24-2010 10:23 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
The preview is awesome O_O

I can't wait for the download to finish!

LK 04-24-2010 10:30 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
You guys must F5 a lot. :P

I was sick. I got home, didn't see anything in my Inbox, and crashed for 14 hours. Jitensha sent the stuff about 3 hours after I crashed.

I'm fine now, just exhausted and fatigued, and not from work, so no good excuse there.

Mathai 04-24-2010 10:39 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
If ever there was a time that I wished I had spare money that I could use to promote great artists (Or at least say thanks for all your great work, I hope you do well in your life pursuits.) It was now. Q.Q The first one looked really good, and in this one you have outdone yourself. (At least, I believe you have. I can only base my assumption off previous responses to both segments and the preview pictures, which looked like they went from A to A+ work in the time in between the two projects)

While I can understand fully how well money crisis makes fun things become less possible untill money returns, I hope you dont mind me thinking fondly of the next day you release something for me to drive myself crazy wishing I could spare my money to say thanks for. XP

LOD 04-24-2010 10:44 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
It took my breath away......

I'm... speechless....

rabbit_king 04-24-2010 10:49 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
same here. this was fantastic and worth the money and the little wait. Lorekeep feel better buddy.

Mercurius 04-24-2010 10:49 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Lorekeep (Post 475869)
You guys must F5 a lot. :P

Yeah, it's all part of the fun.:P


Originally Posted by Lorekeep (Post 475869)
I was sick. I got home, didn't see anything in my Inbox, and crashed for 14 hours. Jitensha sent the stuff about 3 hours after I crashed. I'm fine now, just exhausted and fatigued, and not from work, so no good excuse there.

Arcbound was the closest on what happened to ya, last night. Yeah, we were kinda playing the guessing game. :P I'm glad you're better, Lore.

Mercurius 04-24-2010 11:11 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Sorry for the double post, but here's the review of it! :D

Jitensha's "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" Review

The comic picks up right after the events of Orihime's New Perspective, where Orihime has returned to her normal size after being shrunk to miniscule size. However, her regained stature is only temporary, and apparently infectious! Now three women of the Bleach universe are finding themselves getting small and horny, leading to lots of interaction and size play.

Jitensha really improved on this one, adding new angles to situations and size comparisons to each character. Each scene is more fappable as it escalates to the end.

SW at various heights, F/f, F/f/f, M/f/f/f, insertion, soft vore, sex on SW

STORY: 10/10
Once again, setting up the characters on whom they are for people not into Bleach, and more interactions.

ART: 10/10
Improved and perfected as every moment becomes fappable.

Rukia got most interactive with Orihime. Rangiku was added for bonus points...not just for her bust, but for her to shrink.


Clickme 04-24-2010 11:24 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Don't sweat it Lore. Everyone gets tired ^_^ Glad you're feeling better.

LOD 04-24-2010 11:38 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
When looking through it I was hit with a strong feeling excitement I know I've felt before......

It was the same feeling I got when I read Hando Herudo for the first time ^^;

Clickme 04-24-2010 12:05 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Well I have to say, I'm not disappointed ^_^ Very good work Jit ^_^ I can't say how awesome it is that you got this kinda quality out in so short a time following the first comic ^_^

TF-Viewer 04-24-2010 12:12 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Very nice.

Jitensha 04-24-2010 03:32 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
I am so happy you guys enjoyed it (^0^) There is nothing more satisfying than to know that my comic was liked. I hate disappointing people lol. And to top it off, Merc, this is the highest rating you've ever given me :P

Today has been a really, really good day....

Mercurius 04-24-2010 08:44 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Jitensha (Post 475991)
Merc, this is the highest rating you've ever given me :P

I had to say really got your "A" game on when making this. Plus, you learned some skills as an intern, which it really pays off in the end. :D Speaking of which....

Don't let trolls, *cough*MacroIB**cough**, get the best of ya. They are just Attention Whores. In other words, Don't Feed The Trolls. I learned that, the hard way, when I made videos for youtube, and some person wants to take it down for fun.

Jitensha 04-25-2010 01:29 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Nah, it's not that they get to me on a social level (like "haha I'm pirating your work! look at me!") but on a personal level...because I've already expressed to these people my financial situation and they still keep pirating and throwing it in my face. I bet their mothers would be ashamed at what soulless assholes they are.

I only get riled up, because last time I got a pirate surge for Pokemon, it really did effect my sales. I'm going to keep reporting MacroIB on imageboard4free until they take it down. They're breaking the rules of the TOS anyway.

Arcbound 04-25-2010 06:53 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Best work, by far. Loved it to pieces Jit, excellent job!

And I hope you're feeling better Lore. Seems there's some sort of bug going around nationwide, so you're not alone (I'm actually starting to feel run down as I write this, but whether that's from a general lack of sleep or illness I can't tell yet).

Soccermom 04-25-2010 09:30 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Lorekeep (Post 475869)
I'm fine now, just exhausted and fatigued

Not possible, Lorekeep:

fatigued: Tired to the point of impairment. A fatigued character
can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and
Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes
the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of
complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.

exhausted: Tired to the point of significant impairment. An
exhausted character moves at half speed and takes a –6 penalty to
Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted
character becomes fatigued. A fatigued character becomes exhausted
by doing something else that would normally cause fatigue.

You can't be both fatigued AND exhausted!:D

Oops, I'm rules lawyering again. Any DnD players see this?

Clickme 04-25-2010 09:31 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
j0 *raises hand*

Mercurius 04-25-2010 09:34 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Jitensha (Post 476099)
Nah, it's not that they get to me on a social level (like "haha I'm pirating your work! look at me!") but on a personal level...because I've already expressed to these people my financial situation and they still keep pirating and throwing it in my face. I bet their mothers would be ashamed at what soulless assholes they are.

I only get riled up, because last time I got a pirate surge for Pokemon, it really did effect my sales. I'm going to keep reporting MacroIB on imageboard4free until they take it down. They're breaking the rules of the TOS anyway.

They don't give a crap what you're going though, so why bother talking to them? It won't do you any good with reasoning. It's like the old saying: "Don't Feed The Trolls".

The only thing you can do is report it to the site officials. That's what I am doing, too.

qzar9999 04-25-2010 09:43 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Soccermom (Post 476215)
Not possible, Lorekeep:

fatigued: Tired to the point of impairment. A fatigued character
can neither run nor charge and takes a ?2 penalty to Strength and
Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes
the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of
complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.

exhausted: Tired to the point of significant impairment. An
exhausted character moves at half speed and takes a ?6 penalty to
Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted
character becomes fatigued. A fatigued character becomes exhausted
by doing something else that would normally cause fatigue.

You can't be both fatigued AND exhausted!:D

Oops, I'm rules lawyering again. Any DnD players see this?

Uh-oh, looks like somebody took Flaw: Nitpicking. Roll save vs. Sarcastic Jackass (align: Chaotic Evil) to see if you take damage from this post. :)

Clickme 04-25-2010 09:59 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Isn't is more of a CN alignment?

Soccermom 04-25-2010 10:35 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
I'm totally LN IRL. Best alignment!

Soccermom 04-25-2010 10:49 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by qzar9999 (Post 476225)
Roll save vs. Sarcastic Jackass

What saving throw is that again? Will?

TF-Viewer 04-25-2010 11:21 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Soccermom (Post 476244)
What saving throw is that again? Will?



Blackbat 04-25-2010 11:26 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Fantastic!! Love it!! Getting better every time, great skill 10/10

EvilFish 04-25-2010 11:48 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer (Post 476248)


Really? They make me sick, so I would have gone with Fortitude save.

qzar9999 04-25-2010 01:53 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
I suppose you're right, I would be more of a Chaotic Neutral (after all, GIR is my fricking avatar) but I do have those Evil tendencies...

I realized I forgot to comment on the actual product this thread is about. Jit, this was wholly and entirely awesome. Triple Size Panic is a +3/+3 Comic of Sexiness, with bonuses to the DEX and CHA stats. :)

Jitensha 04-25-2010 03:28 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
LOL LOL you guys are so awesome XD

Thanks for your very kind reviews, and for the DnD chat lol. I don't play...I think it's a little too 'nerd' for me, but one of my good friends who was in my wedding party is an avid player. He's obsessed :P Lorekeep actually met him at my wedding. I just need to save my imagination for the porn, so I just play video games instead lol :P

Arcbound 04-25-2010 07:12 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Soccermom (Post 476215)
Not possible, Lorekeep:

fatigued: Tired to the point of impairment. A fatigued character
can neither run nor charge and takes a ?2 penalty to Strength and
Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes
the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of
complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.

exhausted: Tired to the point of significant impairment. An
exhausted character moves at half speed and takes a ?6 penalty to
Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted
character becomes fatigued. A fatigued character becomes exhausted
by doing something else that would normally cause fatigue.

You can't be both fatigued AND exhausted!:D

Oops, I'm rules lawyering again. Any DnD players see this?


Oh man, I was just thinking that too...

Soccermom 04-26-2010 04:03 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Seems we have quite a few more DnD players than I anticipated!

qzar9999 04-26-2010 05:51 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
I must confess that I don't actually play either (unless you count Knights of the Old Republic and other video games that use a d20 combat system) but I'm VERY familiar with the way it works. I blame Red Mage from 8-bit Theater for that. :)

rabbit_king 04-26-2010 05:53 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
i will admit that i play and i am in the middle of starting up a game in the coming weeks

Dragon FangX 04-27-2010 06:43 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Bought it, read it, liked it. Hope there's plans for a third part if not another fun anime where shrinking is possible. ^^

Only complaint is the same one that they returned to normal at the end. XD

Would there be any chance of doing a fake doll TF if you do another? Like one of the girls imagines if they were turned into dolls or Ichigo has to dress them up as dolls to hide them?

Jaran 04-27-2010 07:27 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Bought it, loved it. I was very happy to see more of a focus on the process than the first one, and the three girls at multiple sizes was an excellent decision. Awesome job Jitensha, I look forward to your next work. :D

LK 04-27-2010 07:28 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Dragon FangX (Post 477128)
Would there be any chance of doing a fake doll TF if you do another? Like one of the girls imagines if they were turned into dolls or Ichigo has to dress them up as dolls to hide them?

Inserting a fetish enjoyed by a small subsect of an already small subsect could offput the larger subsect.

Jitensha 04-27-2010 09:32 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Just as Lorekeep said :P You don't know how many people were turned off by my water works in DC Mikiko 3. I just did it because I like it XD But it doesn't always make good money :P

I'm really glad you guys liked it, and things have been going well so seems like I might actually be able to keep my day job after all :P

LOD 04-27-2010 09:37 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Jitensha (Post 477156)
Just as Lorekeep said :P You don't know how many people were turned off by my water works in DC Mikiko 3. I just did it because I like it XD But it doesn't always make good money :P

I'm really glad you guys liked it, and things have been going well so seems like I might actually be able to keep my day job after all :P


You specifically had that separated from the comic. It's those people's own fault for having ventured through their info page for the url to it : p

Clickme 04-27-2010 09:44 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Well I'm really glad things went well this time ^_^

LK 04-27-2010 10:53 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
I don't know how many people were turned off as well. I just had the forethought to have it separated out. ^^; If people complained to Jitensha that would be interesting stuff.

Dragon FangX 04-27-2010 12:12 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Money is important. I still maintain my early comment in wishing they'd stay shrunk. XP

Jitensha 04-27-2010 12:18 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
maybe they will next time >_> <_<;

As we see so far, there is no cure, just a temporary one :P

LOD 04-27-2010 12:25 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Maybe his powers start to lose their effectiveness and doesn't grow them back to their full size ;)

Jitensha 04-27-2010 12:28 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
we'll see >:3 I have some pretty sexy scenarios for the upcoming comic...seems like I'll make a continuation :P

Clickme 04-27-2010 12:51 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
You can count me in for that ^_^ I''ll be purchasing DCM 4 and Bleach 3 hands down ^_^

Dragon FangX 04-27-2010 01:21 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Heres a question: what the one girl is stil inside another? I doubt guro would be present so would she just slide out and grow or would she only grow as far as her surroundings will let her?

Arcbound 04-27-2010 05:09 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Clickme (Post 477197)
You can count me in for that ^_^ I''ll be purchasing DCM 4 and Bleach 3 hands down ^_^

I second this statement. I love both series, and I can't wait for what future installments will bring!

Jitensha 04-27-2010 06:07 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
DF, there will be no guro, and I probably wont have anyone inserted into a vagina next comic since I recently did it in Bleach 2 lol. They are not affected by their surroundings though, that's why Orihime ripped through Ichigo's pants in Bleach 1.

And thanks guys (^_^) I'll be happy to deliver when the time comes :)

Crash Ichimonji 05-04-2010 03:28 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
Just want to say that I bought the second Bleach comic and DAYUM it rocked.

Great work, loved the girls' expressions (bedroom-faces FTW). Loved the Gundam Seed bonus content too (that was Gundam Seed characters, right? Never got too into the series, lol).

Jitensha 05-06-2010 08:04 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
I'm really glad you liked it :D I'm currently getting ready to go over the next SW comic with Merc, so more shrinking fun to come :P

And yes, those were gundam seed characters :)

Dragon FangX 05-06-2010 12:17 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
So, any hints about the next comic you'd like to share? Will it contain another girl or two shrinking? Will they get even smaller then this last one? Will Rukia finally come out the big girl on top? XP

Jitensha 05-06-2010 02:19 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
The next comic, as promised will be a sailor moon doujin, and yes it will be mostly girl on girl :) I do plan to make a bleach 3 in the near future ^^

Captain Ash 05-09-2010 02:03 AM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
The shrinking continues with a sequel from the first Bleach comic by Jitensha.
And this time we got three ladies to go.
Although the curse seemed to be broken in the first comic, it turns out that this threat is way out of over.
Like this peril isn't worse enough, Rukia has her own plans and find joy in her role as a dominant temptress.
Things get out of control when Rangiku steps in involuntarily and all women are shrinking.
Their only hope is Ichogo , but is he strong enough to face this challenge?

Jitensha made another wonderful comic.
Again I like the Who is Who, so even non-Bleach-fans are able to get in the story quickly.
The drawings and sequences are also splendid, although I wished on some places more details.
At the end of the comic it is sure that there will be another (great) sequel.

Captain Ash

Jitensha 05-09-2010 03:30 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement
I'm glad you liked it!

And yes, there definitely will be a sequel :P

Nom Anor 05-13-2010 08:35 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Jitensha (Post 481574)
The next comic, as promised will be a sailor moon doujin, and yes it will be mostly girl on girl :) I do plan to make a bleach 3 in the near future ^^

Any idea as to this soon-to-be-instant-classic's ETA, Jitensha?:D:p

Mercurius 05-13-2010 08:41 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Nom Anor (Post 485164)
Any idea as to this soon-to-be-instant-classic's ETA, Jitensha?:D:p

Depends on which one you're referring to...;)

Nom Anor 05-13-2010 08:42 PM

Re: "Bleach: Triple Size Panic" + Announcement

Originally Posted by Mercurius (Post 485167)
Depends on which one you're referring to...;)

The Sailor Moon comic, my good man.:p:D:cool:

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