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nightfieldzero 07-04-2013 08:11 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
-.- it wont take my

states I need to contact them

vincent_richter 07-04-2013 09:18 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
If you mean C4S, try PMing Missa about it.
She seems responsive and courteous enough, given a polite inquiry into the matter.

If you mean SAFF, call your bank yesterday.
I'm past the point where I trust anything they have to sell.

howlingfan 07-05-2013 08:44 AM

Re: Missa - SheWolf
So I’m the guy who funded this clip. First of all, let me commend Missa for doing a fantastic job bringing my script to life. I wasn’t planning on posting anything on this site, but three things happened:

1) This clip went to number one for four days in a row, quite an impressive feat when you consider there are literally thousands of clips on Clips 4 Sale (Missa alone has over 900). I originally submitted this script for the Mistress Taylor competition, but it was passed over. Not to rub it in, but I thought they should be aware that they passed on the script that went to number one.

2) Missa wanted me to review the werewolf clips on this site, so here it goes: As I mentioned above, I thought she did a phenomenal job, given her resources. I especially enjoyed her acting and adlibbing. I’m glad she was able to say a lot of the lines I wrote from memory. I’ve seen clips where the actress/model is clearly reading from her laptop or cue cards, and it takes away from the realism of the clip. Also, I loved her digital effects. I was glad she was able to incorporate her fangs growing in and the hair growth on her back, as well as the cuticles bleeding before her claws grow in. I even thought her eye color change was better than some Hollywood movies I’ve seen. I was also happy Missa kept the scene with her stockings slowly ripping, simulating growth, and was pleased she used my ideas for baby oil to simulate sweat and water to simulate drool, though, if you’ve seen the clip, you know she also provided her own real drool to great effect! :) I was most impressed with the effects she used to darken her nipples. I wasn’t sure she would be able to do that, but she pulled it off masterfully.
My only quibbles were the same ones everyone else had about the clip. For the record, my script did include a tail growth, which is why there’s a scene with her skirt slowly rising (a tail stub was supposed to burst through the back of her panties in the moment of orgasm), but I knew I was overly optimistic in thinking it would be able to be pulled off realistically with our limited budget. Also, I bought prosthetic ears and a wolf muzzle, but the ears didn’t come with the kit, despite being featured on the box photo, and Missa unfortunately wasn’t able to keep the muzzle on; it kept slipping off. I’m not complaining. Again, I think she did a great job, but I’m just merely addressing everyone’s concerns.
These concerns seemed to be addressed in the next she-wolf clip. She donned the muzzle I bought at the end and even grows a tail. I love the lighting of the scene when she’s transfixed by the full moon; it’s something approaching cinematography, even. Also, I have to admit, those extended nipples were a turn-on! Overall, great clip with a surprising amount of process, especially the claws and the aforementioned nips.

3) Lastly, dataloss mentioned that we should crowd fund a clip with much bigger special effects, and I couldn’t agree more. In fact, I had this idea months ago. If every female werewolf fan on the Internet chipped in just 10 bucks, we would literally have thousands to play with. (If Zach Braff can get millions in 1 week on Kickstarter, why not?)


missa 07-05-2013 10:45 AM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II

Originally Posted by alexstrife (Post 702451)
-.- it wont take my

states I need to contact them

Alex, the best I can tell is to contact them at

C4S has different procedures in place depending on where you are ordering from, how much you are spending, etc. I would contact them and they will let you know what the issue is.


shinchan1 07-05-2013 11:22 AM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
Loved the puppy video! werewolves arent really my thing, but from the sound of it it sounds great and I might just pick it up!
I agree with some of the other users, more animal tfs with the special effects of these werewolf ones would be amazing!!!
Keep up the fantastic work! and thank you!

GenYun 07-05-2013 12:42 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
The same thing happened to me. I sent them an email and it was resolved within minutes. Awesomely fast turn around for a problem like that. I was impressed, to say the least.

KrustyTheSailor 07-05-2013 12:46 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf
I've been thinking about datalossfs' suggestion, and I think it has merit. I'm certainly willing to contribute.

I could see such a project descending into chaos if not managed properly. 100 stakeholders means 100 opinions about direction etc. Democracy after the fact won't play as some people will feel ripped off.

The project needs to be well defined before anyone invests. Maybe get some treatments. Basically a Kickstarter project.

In the interest of manageability I suggest we:
1) Start a new thread.
2) Agree on a treatment.

howlingfan 07-05-2013 02:11 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf
Agreed. I’ll leave starting a new thread, etc. for you, dataloss, or someone else to do since I’m not exactly a regular commenter on this site. I would be more than willing to help fund its production though (without going bankrupt, of course). The biggest problem I think would be finding someone who has access to prosthetics special effects in the vein of “The Howling” or “An American Werewolf in London” who’d be willing to help. I know the werewolf short “The Dark” had a small prosthetics special effects team, though, oddly, most of their work was obscured in shadow. (Actually, since it’s called “The Dark,” maybe that’s not so odd.) The six-part, behind-the-scenes videos of the actress getting casts of her body for the TF feature casts of her arm, hand, and foot, though we never see those changes in the finished film. Perhaps they’re featured in deleted scenes or in a director’s cut? I e-mailed the director a while ago, but he never got back to me.

KrustyTheSailor 07-05-2013 02:25 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf
Let's cut the discussion here. This is a thread for Missa's work.

make_her_grow 07-05-2013 03:57 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf
Hey Missa! Just took a chance and bought your clip. It's a rarity for me to buy clips thanks to my current budget, and when I do it's for my fetish interests (growth, tf, nose). Here's my two cents:

Over all it was well done and very enjoyable for a fetish clip, especially for a one man (or in your case, woman) army made clip.

The pros:

I liked the f/x that were used. Some of the best ones I've seen as far as werewolf stuff goes (especially since most werewolves are "poofs" these days). I hope your budget can expand enough at some point to really get even better f/x equipment to get into more advanced stages of the transformation, for example like actual muzzle growth or more ribs barreling out/expanding/reshaping, more back hunching/expanding, etc.

I like the acting for the most part, but this will also be included into my cons later and I'll explain later. I liked the "orgasmic" nature of the clip a lot.

Also I liked the POV's used, especially the close ups of your face during the changes.

The cons:

I think you were simply trying to be politically correct when you were trying to act like a canine, but the drooling was a big turn off. I actually vomited a little when I saw it. Just not my thing. And just my personal opinion but that's something that should probably be left out in the future.

The acting. As I said earlier it was good, but I was hoping for some variety. The panting and "orgasmic" nature really shined, but I was hoping for that slight hint of pain that would normally come with a change like that. nothing too drastic mind you, just some minor gasps/grunts would more than suffice. That would really help in adding variety.

So as I said, all in all a good clip if you're into this sort of thing.

Just curious Missa: Would you be interested in doing some CGI work for nose growth clips of any kind in the future? Or any kind of nose material at all?

missa 07-06-2013 08:14 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf
Regarding the Kick Starter idea:

I think it's a phenomenal idea, almost a too good to be true concept. I would be willing fly to California if you guys choose me to be your wolf. I think it would be good to talk to some professional special effects people in CA; if someone knows a proven talent. He/she could be paid directly. I would not ask for an up-front payment. I would want my roundtrip flight for myself and another, and 1 hotel room (Holiday Inn cheap is fine). I would only ask for the copyright on the material so that I could re-sell. I hope you guys think that is reasonable?

Right now I am working everyday like crazy, I worry I wouldn't have the time to invest in researching more for this project. If someone wants to put in legwork for it, and wants me-- I am happy to take the trip and spend time on this project. I can advertise the project on my twitter, where many of my Missa fans read my advertisements, attempts at jokes, and updates. For the person who researches, I can offer them compensation by my custom service, please let me think more on this.

I will get my own website soon, and a Hollywood style SheWolf would be a phenomenal way to get attention to my site. :-)

missa 07-06-2013 08:19 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf

Originally Posted by make_her_grow (Post 702559)
Hey Missa! Just took a chance and bought your clip. It's a rarity for me to buy clips thanks to my current budget, and when I do it's for my fetish interests (growth, tf, nose). Here's my two cents:

Over all it was well done and very enjoyable for a fetish clip, especially for a one man (or in your case, woman) army made clip.

The pros:

I liked the f/x that were used. Some of the best ones I've seen as far as werewolf stuff goes (especially since most werewolves are "poofs" these days). I hope your budget can expand enough at some point to really get even better f/x equipment to get into more advanced stages of the transformation, for example like actual muzzle growth or more ribs barreling out/expanding/reshaping, more back hunching/expanding, etc.

I like the acting for the most part, but this will also be included into my cons later and I'll explain later. I liked the "orgasmic" nature of the clip a lot.

Also I liked the POV's used, especially the close ups of your face during the changes.

The cons:

I think you were simply trying to be politically correct when you were trying to act like a canine, but the drooling was a big turn off. I actually vomited a little when I saw it. Just not my thing. And just my personal opinion but that's something that should probably be left out in the future.

The acting. As I said earlier it was good, but I was hoping for some variety. The panting and "orgasmic" nature really shined, but I was hoping for that slight hint of pain that would normally come with a change like that. nothing too drastic mind you, just some minor gasps/grunts would more than suffice. That would really help in adding variety.

So as I said, all in all a good clip if you're into this sort of thing.

Just curious Missa: Would you be interested in doing some CGI work for nose growth clips of any kind in the future? Or any kind of nose material at all?

You might like the Shewolf II version. I tried to get pain mixed with pleasure in that transformation, I think I accomplished it. :-) I like all different kinds of transformation feelings: shock, pain, scared, and orgasmic-- but my most favorite is mixing the feelings of surprise, pleasure, and pain (kind of like how it feels for a woman having rough sex).

I see you have an even pro and con list, but I am happy that it seems like you liked it overall? I am sorry you didn't like the drool. The custom video was commissioned by a man who required it in the scene. I am thrilled you love the effects. I have been working hard on learning and improving. :-) It makes me feel great to hear that I did it well. Thank you for your review.

I can do a nose growth. If you are interested in a paid custom video, please email me privately (missmissax at g mail).

KrustyTheSailor 07-06-2013 08:24 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf
Started a new thread for discussion.

Conker 07-06-2013 11:16 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
I just noticed something...
the button popping idea came from me, and it wasn't a growth video like I thought it would be :p (not to be taken as an insult at all, this clip was great).

Obsidian Reaver 07-07-2013 06:25 AM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
Purchased the clip and finally got a chance to review it. Overall, this is one fine piece of work, and well worth the money for any TF fan.

-Excellent attempt at a tail growth scene. Was it perfect? No, but it's light-years beyond anything that's currently out there. Gives me great hope for future clips.

-The acting is superb. Missa truly sells this. A few pained (and cliche) "what's happening to me?" may have been nice, but given that this was more geared toward eroticism and "wanting it" rather than "resistance", I can't fault Missa for the lack of pained grunts or shifting bones.

-Having ordered the Futa version (what can I say, I like having extra content lol), I thought the growth of her clitoris was fairly well done.

-The music in the background. Very distracting and a huge turn-off imo. Nothing bugs me more than having to listen to "country" or "soft rock" while trying to watch someone go through a very personal transformation. I'm not sure if people think it adds drama or ambience to the story, but in reality, it just serves as a cumbersome distraction to the main attraction. My 2 pennies.

-The muzzle. While the special effects really did a great job of enhancing the transformation and were used to spectacular effect, I found the muzzle almost comical to look at. It was a highly decent attempt to complete the werewolf image, but in the end, it just didn't look right. May have better off without it.

Really, Missa out-did herself with this clip. If my understanding is correct, her resources are few, and yet she was able to produce this masterwork clip. Very, very impressive, and certainly worthy of going down as one of the greatest TF clips in terms of process. Given a little more time and resources, I think Missa could produce a TF clip to not only rival this one, but utterly surpass it in quality and content by a factor of ten.

And, since I hear rumors of a crowd-funding project in the works (which I will GLADLY contribute financial strength to), such a clip may not be too far off.

Very well done, Missa. You have my utmost respect as an artist and producer, and I think it's safe to say the majority of this community feels the same respect towards you. Keep up the stellar work. :)

GenYun 07-07-2013 08:06 AM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
I thought the music worked really well for the clip. I think it would have been an awkward silence without it in some parts.

dorintf 07-07-2013 09:17 AM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
>gets home from vacation
>very tired, less money in the bank now
>sleeps ten hours
>wake up, wonder what's on the internet today
>... Oh sweet lord yes.

unclecanabis 07-10-2013 05:54 AM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
THANK YOU!! First time I have not been disappointed with a female werewolf transformation since Yuki's first transformation in La Blue Girl 3. Yours was WAY Better!.

missa 07-10-2013 07:51 AM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
Wow! Thank you. :)

Rei-Lin 07-10-2013 12:53 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
Wow, I'd like to thank people here for the great response to a video I commissioned. As you may or may not know, I tried to commission a clip based on a script that I wrote, which in turn is usually based on some aspect of one of my stories or perhaps just what I'd think would make a good story. If you know my work, you know it has certain quirks in them that people either love or hate, but have been mostly loved by the community in these parts.

I'm glad that another idea of mine has translated well to a real life clip and I hope I'll be able to work with Missa more and continue to bring some of my story ideas to life. I think the next commission from me may surprise and shock you all, but in a good way. I'm not giving away anything, but I will say it's a blast from the past and I really hope you'll enjoy it as much as you have the She Wolf clips.

GenYun 07-11-2013 03:53 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
Knowing you, it's going to be awesome either way.

Missa's store seems to be down, anybody know why?

Rei-Lin 07-11-2013 04:21 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
Seems to be working okay for me. Maybe try a page refresh? I've had her site be slow every once in a while, but not down to where I couldn't eventually get to it.

GenYun 07-11-2013 04:29 PM

Re: Missa - SheWolf II
I was getting a message about Not Accepting Payments At This Time and all the vids were gone.

But as you pointed out it's back, so that's all that matters.

missa 07-11-2013 10:51 PM

Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker
Hello again,

A new process video. This one is somewhat experimental for me (new effects - fire, skin color changes, etc). All in all, I think it is a fun video. Be warned, the subject matter is a little dark, but I know some of you like it that way ;)

Contains: TF into demon, eye changes, nail changes, skin changes, a smidge of BE

Thanks again for looking,



missa 07-12-2013 09:09 AM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker
I have just been personally emailed asking to add more to the description on my clips4sale store. I like to keep the description vague because I want you to add your own conclusion to this story. I have updated the description of the video to explain more of my thoughts on this mysterious demoness and the storyline. The premise is basic: a demoness who brings justice to evil people. She is a combination of good and evil, and truly enjoys her work of casting evil people in their designated place: Hell. The ending is implied, so that you can fantasize your own conclusion. If anyone has any questions, they can be posted here, or emailed to me personally. :-)

This video was made for a man that I webcam roleplay with. He has generously allowed me to put in my own ideas for the script, he had two minor requests for the video: a demoness disguised as a regular girl, and a POV sex scene (with no penis shown). Thanks for checking the preview out!

Rei-Lin 07-12-2013 11:00 AM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker
Thanks for sharing Missa!

missa 07-13-2013 05:43 AM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker
Hi Rei-

GenYun 07-13-2013 07:43 PM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker
Overall I liked it. Thumbs up from me.

legend293 07-14-2013 12:08 AM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker
This,might be the best tf i seen for a tf video yet. Is there more videos like this?

missa 07-14-2013 06:19 AM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker
Yay GenYun and Legend!

I had to put my coffee down so I could victory dance. :-) Thank you!

Legend, above where my clips start, please see the drop down menu. Check out categories: transformation fantasy. I love my Werewolf vids, you might too? If you have any questions, just let me know!

GenYun, You have been so supportive of my work, on many of my threads. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Your Miss Kitty Hyde on your D.Art page is very inspiring. :-)

GenYun 07-14-2013 08:15 AM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker
Wow! Thanks very much! Feel free to draw on any of the stuff in my devanart gallery. :)

I may have a script for you too. Do you give a price based on scripts or is it a blanket fee?

missa 07-14-2013 06:37 PM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker

Originally Posted by GenYun (Post 703590)
Wow! Thanks very much! Feel free to draw on any of the stuff in my devanart gallery. :)

I may have a script for you too. Do you give a price based on scripts or is it a blanket fee?

I am excited to hear your script idea, if it is anything like your art pieces, I am eager bring the idea to life. I charge the same price for a "talkie" video with no special effects, as a video that takes 1 week of every day work with SFX. Please email me personally (missmissax at g mail).

missa 07-15-2013 06:33 AM

Missa turns into Pup TF

Hi everyone! :o

I was a bit unsure whether or not to post my video to the message board. I usually harshly critique my work, but this one I was harder on than most. I think that there are some things that I could do better, but the script writer was "thrilled" and "loved" the clip, so maybe I'm wrong about this one? ;) It looks like one of the Process members here, Krusty, has found the video-- so I will tell you guys about it personally.

The script writer did not ask for special effects, but transformation is so much fun, I decided to put more work into it. I did a similar clip for him in the past, Puppy wife 8152939 with a transformation of the mind only. I wanted to surprise him and put more work into it, hoping to pull off the illusion of transforming into a REAL dog!

The script writer required the transformation to accelerate after a doggie style creampie. That might not be for some of you? That's okay, I have made and will be making more clips without sex in them. Please spare the feelings of the guys who 'like that thing,' and not mention your preference. I really enjoy the fantasy world, and I hope to make a little something for everyone eventually.

Thanks for peeking at the GIF and post.


TF-Viewer 07-15-2013 06:56 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF
I bought it last night after it was mentioned in another thread here. I thought it was pretty damn good.

legend293 07-15-2013 09:38 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF
Is there a cat tf video?

Killiansog 07-15-2013 09:53 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF

Originally Posted by legend293 (Post 703772)
Is there a cat tf video?

I don't know how much commissions cost but I'd certainly pitch in for one.

lowes96 07-15-2013 09:57 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF
I want tg clip

ZappoHisbane 07-15-2013 10:30 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF

Originally Posted by Killiansog (Post 703775)
I don't know how much commissions cost but I'd certainly pitch in for one.

Ditto, for a cat tf. :-)

Rei-Lin 07-15-2013 11:47 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF
Just email her and ask for pricing, the email is right there on her website. I don't think she'd mind doing most custom videos as long as you can write up a good script and be pretty clear on what you're looking for since transformation type clips usually take her longer and she's been busting her butt doing them a lot lately, so the more details you can give her, the easier it is on her to do the ideas.

legend293 07-15-2013 11:49 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF

Originally Posted by Killiansog (Post 703775)
I don't know how much commissions cost but I'd certainly pitch in for one.


Originally Posted by ZappoHisbane (Post 703781)
Ditto, for a cat tf. :-)

Sadly I would not be able to pitch in for a cat tf video. =( If I could I would. I cant even buy the videos but I sure do like watching the previews for them.

GenYun 07-15-2013 01:07 PM

Re: Missa - Hell's Hitchhiker

Originally Posted by missa (Post 703687)
I am excited to hear your script idea, if it is anything like your art pieces, I am eager bring the idea to life. I charge the same price for a "talkie" video with no special effects, as a video that takes 1 week of every day work with SFX. Please email me personally (missmissax at g mail).

Done :)

mysteryman29 07-16-2013 05:07 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF
This clip really turned out great Missa! I think that between this and the she-wolf clips, you have shown a great deal of potential and I absolutely look forward to seeing more TF clips from you!

I hope that this will potentially lead to clips that might include SFX for the process portion and then additional real prosthetics (ears, muzzles, etc), tails, makeup, and fur for the post-process portions, much like you used SFX for the growing whiskers and then switched to "real" ones for the remainder of the clip.

Can't wait to see what other animal TFs you decide to give a try! The effort and fun you're putting into the acting, makeup, effects, etc. is great!

Keep up the awesome work!

Potion Victim 07-16-2013 09:15 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF
No tail or doggie ears?

TF-Viewer 07-16-2013 09:41 AM

Re: Missa turns into Pup TF

Originally Posted by Potion Victim (Post 703890)
No tail or doggie ears?

There's a tail toward the end.

missa 07-18-2013 04:22 PM

Missa - Panther
Hello Process,

It's me again! I have just completed a commissioned video inspired by the movie Cat People. I put a lot of my love into it. There is much process: eyes, sweat, nipple growth (in quantity and length), claws, thinning hair and eyebrows.

Eeee! I am so excited about this one. I hope you guys love it too! :o


GenYun 07-18-2013 05:12 PM

Re: Missa - Panther
I'm certainly looking forward to picking this one up. Natasha Kinski, move over!

missa 07-18-2013 05:15 PM

Re: Missa - Panther

Originally Posted by GenYun (Post 704104)
I'm certainly looking forward to picking this one up. Natasha Kinski, move over!

haha! Thanks Gen Yun! :D

Vengeance1701 07-18-2013 06:21 PM

Re: Missa - Panther
Again I say... I could watch this girl even without the transformation;) Gorgeous!

TF-Viewer 07-18-2013 09:41 PM

Re: Missa - Panther
I thought it was amazingly sexy. The sweating and extra nipples were done so well. A lot of references to the classic TF scene, I loved it. Just wish it could have continued a while longer.

make_her_grow 07-19-2013 06:43 AM

Re: Missa - Panther
Hey Missa do you accept cash payments for commissions?

missa 07-19-2013 08:11 AM

Re: Missa - Panther
TF- Amazingly sexy is such a nice compliment. Thank you! I really appreciate compliments. No matter how many times I go nude in front of a camera, it never gets easier. Someday I hope to be 100% comfortable, and hopefully soon! I received a request to do the nipples a bit differently (more texture) involving props, I might invest in that soon. I like nipples how they are, but it's good to have variety, eh?

Maker Her Grow-- Please email for custom details. Unfortunately, I can't accept cash though. I am asking guys to wait a few days before paying me for a new custom, until I get caught up with my work. I have a shrinking video coming up, a nose transformation, and two submissive* sort of videos (*those won't be this board's cup of tea).

mysteryman29 07-19-2013 08:45 AM

Re: Missa - Panther
Congrats on having the top 5 TF clips on C4S Missa! There is definitely a fanbase for your work!

Awesome job! Can't wait to see more!

make_her_grow 07-19-2013 08:47 AM

Re: Missa - Panther

Originally Posted by missa (Post 704176)
Maker Her Grow-- Please email for custom details. Unfortunately, I can't accept cash though. I am asking guys to wait a few days before paying me for a new custom, until I get caught up with my work. I have a shrinking video coming up, a nose transformation, and two submissive* sort of videos (*those won't be this board's cup of tea).

Aw man I'm sorry about the cash payment. I had some trouble with paypal a few years back when someone hacked in and tried taking money from my bank account I didn't have. Luckily the bank caught on real quick and we were able to resolve the matter, but I haven't been able to trust online accounts like Paypal since.

I am glad however that you already are working on a nose clip, care to divulge more? Unless it's a clown thing (which I don't like) then I'll have no problems buying it. :cool:

missa 07-19-2013 10:34 AM

Re: Missa - Panther

Originally Posted by make_her_grow (Post 704182)
Aw man I'm sorry about the cash payment. I had some trouble with paypal a few years back when someone hacked in and tried taking money from my bank account I didn't have. Luckily the bank caught on real quick and we were able to resolve the matter, but I haven't been able to trust online accounts like Paypal since.

I am glad however that you already are working on a nose clip, care to divulge more? Unless it's a clown thing (which I don't like) then I'll have no problems buying it. :cool:

You can email me if you want to know about my payment method. I don't post it on the boards because I might change it in the future, depending. I don't use paypal.

The nose TF is Pinocchio. :)

OhZone 07-19-2013 10:42 AM

Re: Missa - Panther
Yummy! OHYEAH!

onallfours 07-19-2013 12:01 PM

Re: Missa - Panther
Missa pls. My wallet cannot take much more.

Cursebearer 07-19-2013 02:59 PM

Re: Missa - Panther
This is definitely more up my alley and was therefore an instant buy. I tend to prefer more bestial transformations where the woman isn't enjoying what she's going through. The sweat effects, the heavy breathing and the facial expressions were especially superb; it was easy to see that you studied the source material and put a lot of effort into replicating the feel of it. Gorgeous woman as well, which of course doesn't hurt. I would kill to see a classic pained werewolf transformation from you, even with a good portion of the TF implied as in this clip.

In that line of thought, how much does a clip like this usually run someone?

Coal 07-19-2013 03:11 PM

Re: Missa - Panther
No to be a downer but I thought the growling sounded more like you were choking on something. The multi nips were very well done though and the spine was a nice touch.

benoit2k2 07-19-2013 03:29 PM

Re: Missa - Panther
AMAZING WORK! Don't stop making these!

missa 07-19-2013 07:38 PM

Re: Missa - Panther
Yay Curse! I like pained transformations too, but also I like a mixture of pained and pleasure. I think that actually might be my favorite. Scared, pained, pleasure, and then finally-- welcoming the change, as if the beast/spirit has finally pushed down my human-like emotion. BUT I am trying to satisfy everyone who sends me a custom script, and do whatever they like, and in turn, satisfy everyone's different cup of tea.

I am taking a bit of a break on accepting customs. I "hate" to ask you to wait a few days, but it's best so I can continue on being prompt with the guys who have already paid. Transformation, Giantess, and the entire fantasy world is my favorite, and I hope to do this full time if possible. :-)

Coal, I will teach you what choking sounds like! (hahah.. just kidding!) Maybe tweaked my voice a bit much for you, anyway, you know I love your posts! I am glad that you like the nips and spine. Can you imagine if I could have had the capabilities to make my skin tear? That would have been really cool... someday...

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