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Sparks 08-10-2012 10:01 PM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish

Originally Posted by Ficfactor (Post 662412)
Why not something along the lines of what Crash suggested?

I haven't watched any of the Evangelion things, so I would have no way to write the characters correctly. I did actually do personality changes in one of my stories, but it was multiple characters having multiple transformations, so the mental changes were only part of the transformations.

MysteryShadow 08-11-2012 12:36 AM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
I guess this Digimon fic counts. A personality swap between a tomboy and a girly girl.

Alefin 08-11-2012 04:41 AM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
May not be exactly what you're looking for, but you might want to check out Argus' stuff, over at

The-Pro 08-12-2012 12:18 AM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
At last, a poster who gets it. What Brandygang describes is exactly my fetish. TG and TF are secondary and can enhance it, but it's the psychology that does it for me.

Sadly this means that almost all fetish art and fiction does nothing more than tease me by just barely alluding to these themes without actually exploring them on the way to identity death/hardcore sex.

lostandwhatever 08-12-2012 09:11 AM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
Here's a few authors you might like:

Morpheus - (Do an author search for Morpheus.)

Nomdreserv -

Tainted Sins -

As you go down that list, they get progressively more cruel. For Morpheus, check out his "Role Exchanger" stories first. Nomdreserv and Tainted Sins mix in a lot of other TFs as well, so I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for. It seems that most people don't know about Nom or Tainted since they both stopped writing a while back, but I still think of their work as being classic, hardcore TF. Hope you find something you like in their work.

LostHopeOfDusk 08-12-2012 09:45 AM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
I tend to hate it, sorry. But I do like some instints showing... as long as the person selft is not overwritten.

The-Pro 08-14-2012 02:33 PM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
I'm kind of tired of Morpheus personally. It's quite formulaic and I find his characters flat and uninteresting. Maybe I've just read too many of his stories though.

Xysash 08-15-2012 08:34 PM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
I normally hate personality rewrites, but that's because they usually don't leave anything of the original person behind.

Something where there's genuine continuity of personality, where they recognize the changes as they're happening? That's awesome.

I also support what duckboy43 said about changes to the character's speech patterns. That sort of thing is really fun.

Incidentally, this thread has given me an idea for a story. A guy decides that the girl next door, who he's always had a crush on, has become too outgoing and wild, so he decides to use a mind control device to make her shy and withdrawn. It works at first, but then her old traits start reasserting themselves. It turns out that somebody else is trying to control her as well!

brandygang 08-16-2012 05:06 PM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish

Originally Posted by Xysash (Post 663331)
I normally hate personality rewrites, but that's because they usually don't leave anything of the original person behind.

Something where there's genuine continuity of personality, where they recognize the changes as they're happening? That's awesome.

I also support what duckboy43 said about changes to the character's speech patterns. That sort of thing is really fun.

Incidentally, this thread has given me an idea for a story. A guy decides that the girl next door, who he's always had a crush on, has become too outgoing and wild, so he decides to use a mind control device to make her shy and withdrawn. It works at first, but then her old traits start reasserting themselves. It turns out that somebody else is trying to control her as well!

Yes exactly, I hate complete identity/memory rewrites where there's no remainder of the individual, at that point it's indistinguishable from a complete transformation for me.

Like say you have girl character who is quirky, fun loving, talkative but intelligent, level headed and well grounded. And then you have another two, maybe one that's shy and another that's stuck up.

And then they get transformed into vampires or corrupted into demons. Assume there's no mistress or master involved though. Well then how do they act?

Well, you have to take it to a very formulaic manner . What were the original characters personalities? Well assuming you already know that, what are those of a vampire/demon?

Although it's tricky because it's essentially fiction, stereotypically they're dark, brooding, mysterious, sometimes violent or unstable, capricious.

So you just have to find a way to mold the original characters until that ideal without ever achieving a 'complete' or perfect change, assuming such exist.

The quirky girl might explore take her new form to the max, have fun with it and not mind being a little more unpredictable. But still have a good sense of humor and wit all the same, maybe assented with a newfound attitude. (Maybe towards her victims)
The shy girl is more likely to just be a secretive, hiding in the dark and stalking people in the shadows, often hesitant to do so if she decides to act on it at all. She might even be scared at times, maybe apologetic whenever she has to do vampire-stuff, and basically would be really uncomfortable with it.
The stuck-up one would obviously keep her pride and become a vain temptress, perhaps more dominating and cruel, retaining the most of herself because her original personality feels closest to what she's become.

Oh and that's for a stereotype that exist in fiction, since such things don't exist I'm sure I'd be much easier to do it based off of an existing personality one can understand or relate to.

Many transformation and mindcontrol fetishes relish in the loss of identity, but the kink in this for me (And perhaps many others) is the reassertion of it through a different persona or guise. Different kicks, same flicks.

blarnibus 08-17-2012 11:29 PM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
I tend to hate when multiple people come into a thread and complain that they don't like a certain topic. It doesn't add to the thread in any way and encourages people to not talk about said topic.

blarnibus 08-18-2012 01:59 PM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish
on a side note if you don't mind tg then you can check out and look at all their cliche world caps. Those are very heavy into personality tf.

The-Pro 08-19-2012 06:58 AM

Re: Personality tf/mc, An obscure and quirky fetish

Originally Posted by brandygang (Post 663377)
Many transformation and mindcontrol fetishes relish in the loss of identity, but the kink in this for me (And perhaps many others) is the reassertion of it through a different persona or guise. Different kicks, same flicks.

Ah, here's where we differ. I like the assertion of it AGAINST the different persona or guise. The change should be uncharacteristic and against their will, but never a complete surrender or identity death. If it's ambiguous how much of the personality change is caused by external factors and how much is them adapting in ways they wish they wouldn't then all the better.

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