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qzar9999 12-08-2011 09:46 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Man, pseudo, you really do write some amazing size erotica. I don't care what anybody says about you, you're ok in my book. ;)

bigjoo12 12-08-2011 10:27 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Absolute best I have read in literally, years. Wow.

pseudoclever 12-09-2011 03:09 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Wow guys, seriously. I can't begin to tell you how gratifying the community response to this is. You're really making all the work the two of us have put into this worthwhile, and I thank you. So, *ahem* anyway, here we have the audio for Chapter 3!

Audio Lessons Learned #2

- Audiophiles might notice a slight decrease in sound quality in this one. Yogurcita (who is on these forums now, yay!) has authorized me to tell you why. Seems she was running her fingernails along her jeans while reading this, and her fingers through her hair. I didn't notice it until I fired up the recording, and there was this REALLY obvious background noise. The program I use lets me remove it, but at a slight quality cost. Ah well. This one is STILL crazy-good.

- The lesson learned, then, is to remove all the background noise you can prior to starting recording. From chapter 4 out, we've shut off the furnace, removed the clock from the room, and even pulled the plug on the refrigerator.

Captain Ash 12-10-2011 03:04 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
This is great!

Maybe on your next project you could do an Audio Drama.
With some more voice actors and some nice sound effects to underline the atmosphere, this should be great.

Keep on the good work.

Captain Ash

vid 12-10-2011 08:31 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Originally Posted by pseudoclever (Post 623731)
Seems she was running her fingernails along her jeans while reading this, and her fingers through her hair.

Was, uh, that because she...REALLY enjoyed reading it? :o

Can't wait to dig in!

pseudoclever 12-11-2011 01:10 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Originally Posted by Captain Ash (Post 623803)
Maybe on your next project you could do an Audio Drama.
With some more voice actors and some nice sound effects to underline the atmosphere, this should be great.

Not a bad idea. I'd need more voice actors...and the production values might start to be a barrier. It's hard enough making just a simple human voice sound good, if I started adding SFX it might get REALLY cheesy.


Originally Posted by vid (Post 623816)
Was, uh, that because she...REALLY enjoyed reading it? :o

There are things I have been authorized to tell you, and things I have not. ^^

pseudoclever 12-11-2011 01:11 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
4. The Ring In Return

It took me three tries to open the heavy iron door at Ardeen Nutrition. The bell jangled its greeting as I stood panting in the showroom. Anthony, looking even bigger than I had imagined, rounded the corner, a wide smile on his face. This was the moment I had been both dreading and anticipating all morning.

“Welcome to...Samantha?” He stopped. Peering down at me, a confused glimmer of recognition in his eyes. “Oh, I'm sorry! You just look like someone I know. You could be her little sister, it's seriously uncanny. Ah, anyway, what can I....”

“Anthony, it IS me!” I hung my head in embarrassment. “I just...well...I shrank. A little.”

“ a put-on, isn't it?” He cocked his head, studying me critically.

I stomped my little foot in frustration, nearly losing my oversized shoe in the process. “No, damn it! Listen to me! Remember yesterday, when Tiffany said she had something that would help me lose weight? Well, this is what it did to me! It worked, it made me slimmer...but I didn't know it was going to do THIS, too!”

Anthony boggled at me, rubbed his eyes. And thankfully, I saw the hard stance of disbelief leaving him. “Okay, wow. This is crazy. But come to think of it, your story DOES explain a few things. Like, how Tiffany has been managing to grow so fast. Do you...happen to know how tall you are now?”

I nodded shakily. “I' More than a foot shorter than I'm suppose to be.”

He put a hand over his mouth, covering a gasp. “Jesus Sam! Are you okay? I can't believe you made it all the way here in that state! I mean really, you could've called the store. I would've been happy to come get you.”

“Would you have believed me? And would Tiffany have let you skip out of work even if you had?”

Anthony gave me a wry little smile. “Point taken. must have been scary for you. Being out in public like that, as small as you are. You must've felt so helpless.”

Anthony was right – the journey at my present height HAD been terrifying. Riding the bus dressed in a long coat, one that previously came down to my knees and now stopped just short of my ankles, I'd hoped to make the trip without attracting any attention. But my new assets – two gigantic, fleshy orbs bouncing around on my chest – had defeated me there. And men, they have a sixth sense about that sort of thing. The driver, the patrons on the bus, and every man I passed on the street...they'd all stared at me when they thought I wasn't looking. Worse, my heightened awareness of – well, of height – had been on fire the whole trip. I'd fought it, and had just barely managed to keep my body's reaction to my new size under control.

I'd made it through that ordeal, and I was fine. I'd been holding it together all day in fact, from the morning's first measuring, to the search for proper attire, to arriving here and facing my crush at a new, miniscule height. But the sound of Anthony's voice, the caring on his was just too much. I felt tears welling in my eyes.

He was there immediately, holding me against him, petting my hair. “Hey, hey. It's going to be alright. You're here now. With me. And I bet Tiffany can fix everything, with whatever she has that's been making her grow.”

“ think so?” I looked up hopefully, into his handsome face. God, he was enormous! Well okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration – even at my present size he only seemed to be a reasonably tall man. But the looked good on him. I felt utterly helpless in his arms. Helpless, yet safe. Protected. The role of knight in shining armor seemed to suit him to a tee.

And something else I realized. In all the time that I'd been here, Anthony had yet to stutter. Or look away from me in embarrassment. His cheeks hadn't flared their usual deep maroon. He seemed confident. Assertive. As if he was in complete control of the situation.

“Samantha?” His voice was barely above a whisper.

“Yes?” He was still stroking my hair, his fingernails gently grazing my scalp, sending a soft, pleasurable pulsing down my spine.

“I know this may be off-topic. And maybe it's inappropriate too, given the situation. But I've been meaning to ask you something, for a long time.” The feeling of being held by this man, this man who was so much larger than me, was almost magical. His fingers were tracing a line from the tip of my ear to the base of my jaw. The tiny, sensitive hairs at the nape of my neck stood up, practically begging for his touch.

“What do you want to ask, Anthony?”

He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. But right on cue, I heard booming footsteps coming down the aisle behind us.

“Anthony Spielmen! Exactly what do you think you're DOING? You stop molesting that little girl this INSTANT!”

Wincing as if her words had been a slap, Anthony released me. He turned, standing in front of me, shielding me from Tiffany's view. “Woah, okay, awkward. Hold on a second, you don't understand.”

From over the top of Anthony's head, Tiffany's gigantic face come into view. Her eyes went wide with surprise, but not the kind I might have expected. It looked like the kind of expression a girl might wear when being presented with a box of chocolates on Valentine's Day. A box of chocolates she suspected was coming. “Samantha! Why, what HAS happened? Where's the rest of you, girl?”

Tiffany was an absolute giantess to me – eight feet tall to my way of thinking, so big that I felt my heart skip a beat at the sight of her. She even looked as if she had grown since the day before, though of course that was just my change in perspective. But despite her size, I felt anger welling up inside me. And fueled by all the trials and tribulations of the past twenty-four hours, I exploded.

“You KNOW where the rest of me is!” I shouted at the amazon bitch, my hands clenching into fists. I slapped one of my newly enlarged breasts, setting it to jiggling like a garbage bag full of Jell-O. “It's here! And it's in that weird steam that came off me! That cream you gave me was supposed to improve my figure, not SHRINK me. You KNEW this was going to happen. Why? Why did you DO it to me?”

Tiffany held up her hands, looking vaguely amused at my outburst. “Easy, easy,” she hushed. “Reduction in size was only a faint possibility. Though maybe it IS partially my fault....”

“Partially?” Anthony repeated, his tone deeply sarcastic.

If Tiffany had heat vision, the look she shot at him would have punched a hole straight through his forehead, and on into the next county. She reached down, and with no apparent effort shoved my white knight out of her way. He gave a startled little “Hey!” and just managed to catch himself before flying headlong into a giant pyramid of vitamins.

The huge girl glared down at me, but I continued to meet her gaze defiantly. Finally she broke, and looked away. “I should have given you dosing instructions,” Tiffany said, in a tone that indicated it was all the apology I would ever get. “You obviously used too much. But look on the bright side – you look fantastic! Why, with your new assets and figure, you're almost as attractive as ME! Putting aside your 'little' problem, I think the cream worked perfectly, don't you?”

“Granted, but....” As I looked up at the gigantic girl, my throat suddenly felt too dry to speak. God, not now! Tiffany's massive size, her beauty, the way she was looking at me like a little morsel waiting to be devoured...that secret part of me had suddenly roared to life. My knees felt head swam with...with what? The first word that came had been 'desire,' but that couldn't be right.

Anthony, still visibly shaken at being thrown around like a rag doll, noticed my hesitation. And bless him, he was brave enough to pick up the argument. “Can you help her, or can't you?”

“Of COURSE I can help.” Tiffany grinned at me, in a way that made me think she knew exactly what was going on inside my head. She came closer, moving with a slow, sensuous gait, not stopping until she was mere inches away. The amazon girl was so much larger than me that my eyes didn't even crest the level of her ginormous tits, and I had to crane my neck to its maximum just to see the bottom of her chin. My pulse pounded, my hands and arms felt numb. I had to struggle to keep my breathing regular.

I became aware that she was still speaking, directing her words to Anthony. “Why, it's just a matter of applying the other formula. The one I'VE been using. Believe me, Samantha has nothing to worry about. When I first started using the growth serum I was this little thing, probably no taller than five foot ten. And, well, look at me now!”

“Really? You'll let me have it?” My voice sounded far away to my own ears.

Tiffany peered down from high above, as though she had forgotten I was there. The giantess laughed warmly, and gave me a humiliating little pat on the head. “Of COURSE I will, dear. I'm not a MONSTER. I'll have you back to normal in no time. And maybe, if you're good, I'll let you use it long enough to give you a little something...extra?”

Anthony glanced back and forth, from Tiffany to me, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. “I think you're both forgetting a very important fact – that all of this is IMPOSSIBLE. People don't just magically grow a foot taller in less than a year. Or shrink overnight, either! This cream...Tiffany, where did you GET that stuff, anyhow? What the hell is in it?”

She ignored him. “I'll tell you what, Samantha hunnie. Come into the back room with me, and let's apply your first dose right away.”

An unmistakeable bolt of pleasure shot through me – partly from the thought of regaining my lost height...but mostly at the prospect of being alone with the beautiful giantess. “Can we?”

“Yes, sweetie. I'll even give you a bottle of the expanding serum to take home afterward, free of charge. Just my way of setting things right. What do you say?”

I nodded eagerly, any objections I had to the strangeness of the situation gone. When she held out her hand to me, the way a mother might before leading her child across a busy intersection, I took it without a second thought. It just seemed...right. Tiffany led me toward the back of the store, and through a large door marked with a sign reading 'Private.' It snapped shut behind us, and immediately after I heard the distinctive, metallic snick of a latch being set in place.

pseudoclever 12-11-2011 01:22 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
1 Attachment(s)
Chapter 4 Audio:

Audio Lessons Learned #3

That Star Wars-lookin' orb you see there is our new technology - a pretty high-end microphone that is a cut or two above the built in Mac input we were using before. It sounds better, creates new problems.

If a car drives by outside, if you listen REAAAAAALLY close you can hear it. That, and it roughly doubles my edit time, doing things like making sure Yogurcita's breathing (her freaking BREATHING) matches up between pieces of cut tape. Oh, and it increases the file size just a bit - it'd be a waste if I kept posting these in bit rates so low you can't hear the improvements. Any thoughts on this compared to, say, Chapter 2?

qzar9999 12-11-2011 02:35 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Hmmm. Got to wonder what Tiffany's true motive here is...

Yorick89 12-12-2011 02:02 AM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
Psuedoclever. I would be more than willing to contribute my voice to any future projects of yours. I have done theatre,musical and otherwise, so I have a somewhat versatile voice. I would find any level of compensation exceptable (including none), the job would be its own reward. Fyi I'm male. Thought that might be important to point out.

pseudoclever 12-12-2011 02:06 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward

Originally Posted by qzar9999 (Post 624068)
Hmmm. Got to wonder what Tiffany's true motive here is...


pseudoclever 12-12-2011 02:07 PM

Re: Audiobook - Honesty's Reward
5. Lust and Deception

I had been expecting the room Tiffany led me into to be an office, or possibly a stock room. It was nothing so mundane. The room was large and windowless, with a number of old fashioned wooden shelves, each one holding several nondescript bottles of lotions and potions. The lighting was low and indirect, coming from two fancy-looking shaded lamps standing in opposite corners. But the most prominent feature was the huge, vinyl table sitting by itself in the center of the room.

A massage table.

Tiffany strode across to one of the shelves, and without hesitation grabbed a small, familiar plastic bottle. “Here we are,” she murmured, turning the jar so I could read its label. As I did, I felt an electric shiver of anticipation rush through me. Written on the jar, in black sharpie, in the same handwriting as my bottle at home, was a 'plus' sign.

The giant girl set the bottle on the table. “Now Samantha, before you get too excited I should warn you that there are a number of minor complications. First, know that, unlike becoming smaller, growing is a long, arduous process. It took me nearly eighteen months to go from my original height to my current six foot six.”

My eyes widened. “Wait, you're six six? You told me just the other day you were only six FIVE.”

The amazon beauty flashed me a seductive smile, forcing me to silence. “You remembered the number, did you? My my. What am I to make of THAT?” She paused for a long moment, staring, making sure I had time to realize how I'd just incriminated myself. Finally, she went on. “In answer to your question, haven't I told you before that I'm still a growing girl? In fact, I did quite a bit of growing just last night.”

So my suspicion was right – she really WAS bigger today. A thrill coursed through my little body, a thrill with a distinct and unwanted charge of eroticism. I shook it off.

“I do have some good news. My first few inches came fast. Extremely fast. I think that the smaller you are, the more easily your body will accept the serum. I bet that in only a few treatments, you'll be tall enough to live a normal life again.”


She nodded. “Now, as for why we're in this room, and the purpose of the massage table. The growth serum, unfortunately, does not work if you apply it to yourself. I therefore pay a young woman to visit me here three times a week to apply it. My Vanessa is an extremely skilled masseuse, and she makes the entire process very, very pleasurable for me.” She paused, giving her lips a suggestive little lick. “As I intend to do for you. So, take off your coat and let's get started.”

A hot blush began to creep over my face. The sudden jolt of embarrassment as I held my long overcoat protectively against my felt like shrinking all over again. “I'm...ahh...not wearing...I mean, I couldn't find anything else that fit, and....”

The giantess walked toward me, hips swaying, her large blue eyes never leaving mine. “You're naked under there, hmm? So much the better.”

Slowly, Tiffany dropped to her knees before me. The larger woman was so close that when she bent, her long blond hair tumbled into my face. Even from her knees Tiffany was still slightly taller than me. This fact hit us both in the same instant, affected us the same way. For three full heartbeats we just stared at each other, reveling in our secret, shared obsession.

Did I rock forward on the balls of my feet, as if I longed to be held by this girl, this girl who was bigger and more powerful than me in every way imaginable? Did I purse my lips, wishing that she would press her own against them? And most damning, did I imagine what it would be like to look even further up to meet her gaze? Did I suddenly wish that I could become even smaller, more delicate, and watch Tiffany Ardeen grow taller and taller with every inch I lost?

If you asked me then, I would have denied it all. Yet....

Without another word, Tiffany began to unbutton my coat. After only the first two had been undone it slipped from my tiny shoulders, and the oversized garment fell away to pool around my ankles. I stared up at her meekly, completely exposed, feeling far less than my four foot nine. The larger girl looked me up and down for a moment, nodding her approval at my naked little body. Slowly, one well-muscled arm wrapped around my hips. A long fingered hand reached down, cupping my ass, supporting it. And then I felt her hoist me into the air, as easily as if I were a small, lost child.

Again, the conflicting emotions. Anger and shame at being overwhelmed so easily. Wonder at her ability to do so. And the involuntary sex response that had me squeezing my legs together to conceal the pulsing wetness between my thighs.

Tenderly, she lowered me onto the massage table, face down. The vinyl was cold at first, but gradually it was warmed by my own natural heat. From behind me I heard a jar being unscrewed. I turned to look, but stopped as I felt a large hand pressing, not unkindly, against the base of my neck.

“Relax, my dear little Samantha. There are three important rules to receiving a massage. The first...eyes must stay closed.” Tiffany placed two giant fingers against my forehead, and drew them down over my eyes.

“Second, be silent. Word are unnecessary, and talking disturbs the magic of a good massage.”

I clearly heard the faint suction noise that could only be a certain, special cream being removed from its jar. “Third,” she said, her voice a husky whisper. “And most importantly. Whatever you feel...enjoy it.”

This, it turned out, was incredibly easy.

Tiffany's first touch was just beneath my shoulder blades, and so gentle that it felt like butterfly wings fluttering against my skin. Her giant hands began to move down the small length of my back, pressing in slow, sensuous circles.

I moaned, in spite of my efforts to keep quite, and felt myself relaxing under her skillful touch. I've had back rubs before but...she was just so big! Each of her hands covered a huge portion of my back, and Tiffany seemed to know exactly how hard to press – just enough to make me feel good, not so much to hurt me. Whenever she felt a knot or a place of tension she would pause, knead, stroke it, until all that was left was a tingling ease.

Gradually I became aware that this tingling wasn't entirely natural. It was spreading out from each place she touched, growing and growing, resonating with the blissful sensation of her hands against my back. And soon after the tingling...came the heat.

The changes began. First, the snapping rearrangement of my insides as my midsection tightened, improving upon my already fantastic curves. The tidal swell of my bosom was next...there was a wonderful sensation of my breasts smooshing together as they grew, and my entire upper body was steadily lifted from the table by two firm, velvety pillows. As if by accident Tiffany brushed her thumbs lightly against their expanding edges, causing a sharp, luscious bolt to arc from the place she touched, straight to my very center.

The pleasure of these changes came in pulses like the beating of an enormous bass drum, the rhythm my heartbeat. It seemed to reverberate through my tiny frame. And Tiffany's gentle, knowing fingers were amplifying it a hundredfold. I found myself moaning almost constantly, my hands balled into fists, my eyes clenched tight.

Again, my mind seemed to divide. A part of me, the honest part, felt clearly the next stage of my transformation begin, understood what was happening, welcomed it. This part of me was clever, devious. It knew enough to divert my other half – my inner prude, we'll call it – by letting it tread water in the ocean of ecstasy into which I had been cast. And so at first I didn't notice the sharp contraction around my belly button, or see the heavy columns of steam rising from my body. I didn't feel my face slipping down, down, or the glacial expansion of Tiffany's hands against my shrinking body. It was so easy to ignore these things as those hands slipped lower, as one of them covered both cheeks of my dwindling little derriere, as they pressed firmly against my inner thigh. I let out a rapturous sigh, and as if by instinct my legs parted a fraction of an inch – wide enough to reveal the tiny, glistening pearl of wetness that I had been trying so hard to conceal.

Tiffany gave a soft little coo of recognition, but maddeningly, didn't take what I offered. Instead she pulled her hands away, losing contact with my body entirely. The moan in my throat began to sour into a disappointed groan, but before I could finish the sound I felt someone impossibly big and powerful grab hold of me beneath the shoulders. My head swam as Tiffany lifted me effortlessly, holding me upright with my feet dangling just above the massage table.

She pressed me tight against her bosom, with my tiny body nestled snuggly between her enormous breasts. In this way she let me survey the massive scale of the room around me, making sure I fully understood how she had tricked me, that I had been shrinking, not growing. And taking special care that I took in just how much smaller I had become.

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