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Amahain 08-13-2016 11:26 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by Anahki (Post 778830)
Just to expand the info available, you have the teaser here:

Now it is completely up to you to buy or not.

The TF scene's in the teaser! Sweet! That was probably the only part that would have interested me.

Amahain 08-13-2016 11:32 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Whoops, double post.

lonewarrior 08-16-2016 03:09 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
found one

blackjack60 08-16-2016 06:14 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
A sighting from Axe Cop Season 2, Episode 1, "Night Mission: The Moon." The TF is around the 07:17 mark at this link.

Shadow_Dragon 08-16-2016 08:13 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by blackjack60 (Post 779133)
A sighting from Axe Cop Season 2, Episode 1, "Night Mission: The Moon." The TF is around the 07:17 mark at this link.

Werewolf with magical iron man like thrusters interesting lol

Randy_McSporran 08-17-2016 01:24 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by lonewarrior (Post 779121)

Loved it. Thanks for posting.

SavageFlesh 08-18-2016 12:21 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by blackjack60 (Post 779133)
A sighting from Axe Cop Season 2, Episode 1, "Night Mission: The Moon." The TF is around the 07:17 mark at this link.

Good find! It goes a bit fast tho, would be nice to see in slow-mo

saixhinata 08-18-2016 02:36 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Imma upload this to youtube in a bit.

Lonebeatle 08-19-2016 09:40 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by SavageFlesh (Post 779219)
Good find! It goes a bit fast tho, would be nice to see in slow-mo

Is this one?

SavageFlesh 08-20-2016 03:13 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by Lonebeatle (Post 779318)

Great! Thanks elRey!

dorintf 08-20-2016 11:14 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by kooncds (Post 778804)
Alright, so I went ahead and bought the video, mostly out of personal interest, as I do have a huge fetish for hairy women in the very first place. I've given it a quick look over, and I guess I'll go ahead and give it a rather brief review.

So, let's start with the process. I'll be honest, and say that there isn't much. This is not missa or primal productions level work. However, the process is there, if somewhat short, and is certainly not the focus of the video. The transformation takes up the first minute and a half of the video, and features a small (and I mean small) bit of internal monologue (poorly written I might add. Really spoon feeds you the exposition, but then again this is porn after all.) After this, she begins to writhe on the bed and scream, crying out and moaning. At this stage, she rips off her clothes, which I will admit was rather satisfying. If you like clothes ripping, you will get a short but very intense scene for that.

Now, as for claws, there are none. Rather, they chose to use some nail polish and body paint to create the illusion of claws. Considering that the majority of this video is basically masturbation, it makes sense. Prosthetic claws would have been painful and obtrusive. So, not much there, 3/10. Teeth were okay, though there was no tooth growth- it was added in with the rest of the face, which was a simple jump cut from unpainted to painted. Very basic, but in my opinion it worked. This woman didn't need much to look like a werewolf, and the face paint really sold it.

Overall, don't buy it for the process alone. But if you are looking for a video of a woman masturbating rather convincingly as a werewolf, with some process, then this is for you.

Acting is okay. I say okay, because I have seen worse in both Missa and Primal videos, but I have also seen better. There is a very nice moan-howl at the very end, and she does sell her pleasure well. Pain during the transformation is a different story. Like I said, I've seen better, and I've seen worse. Do not buy this video for the acting, but that goes for all porn, now doesn't it?

Now we get to the clear 'meat' of this video. The hair. This was clearly a video targeted at the hirsute fetish community, and not directly at the transformation community. (Nothing new there, right?) If you are like me, and really love a hairy woman, this is very much a good video. She does not need very much to be a werewolf. She is naturally very, very hairy. Hairy to the point that she pulls off having actual fur much better then prosthetic fur does on a shaved model. Personally, I think transformation content creators should use naturally hairy actresses, as it would up the realism and can look very good... but this would obviously make video making much more difficult, as you would have to wait for the actress to shave, and then film the human scenes, and then have her grow the hair back, to film the hairy scenes. But who knows what editing can do? But that is another matter, sorry if I got off track.

Long story short- do not buy this video if you're only looking for process. You will be severely disappointed. Now, if you've got the money to spare, or if you really love a combination of hairy woman, masturbation, and mediocre werewolf acting with a rather good looking werewolf, well, this video is very, very much for you.

As someone with the same fetish, you the real MVP.

Decardo 08-20-2016 11:31 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by Amahain (Post 778805)
Thanks, I appreciate the review. I'll put this on my list of videos to buy in a moment of weakness, then.

Though just following your tangent about werewolf videos using naturally hairy actresses, I think you don't really need to do the whole shave-and-wait-for-it-to-grow-back thing. Just have the actress start covered up then reveal the hair as she removes her clothes. As long as the video somehow suggests that the hair is part of the TF (ie. by having the actress react to it), I think that would suffice. I don't believe a good transformation scene has to show every little aspect of the transformation.

Have to agree your pretty much on point with that, though I would consider filming the actress in the scenes with her reacting to the hair first and then filming her shaved will allow you to show before and after shots without 3 months of waiting in between. Throw in some clothed (partial reveal shots) and you have a great start to a sequence :)

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