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thrandrall 03-09-2014 12:58 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Most recent pic isn't process either - but Solios' work is stunning. Hard to imagine how much work went into this if I hadn't seen most of the stages along the way.

For the record...current outstanding donation projects being worked on include a 50 page TF comic (already drawn by zanfadar...currently over 1/2 colored by another artist)....a 40 page AB/DL process comic by 3 different artists, and a 20 page project by navetseatf (which will feature my first ever ftm TG sequence...among many others).

Along those lines...(I'll be making another discussion post tomorrow) (original post: - still 6 days left for voting)...I really welcome more feedback along the lines of my current poll - for the amount of time and money put into these projects...not sure whether my current distro process is the best possible is really appreciated for future release concepts.

Along those lines....more pics by Synthean soon (!)....and also art contest #7 ends in about a month - remind your friends - and the 4th anniversary celebration for the Transformation Repository....

More ideas for the future....slowly compiling ;p


thrandrall 03-16-2014 10:51 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
New art up by Synthean...this video project is getting better and better.

Less than a month till the current art contest is done - no entries yet.

shinchan1 03-20-2014 02:35 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
for some reason I cant comment on the sythean post :/

thrandrall 03-23-2014 08:41 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by shinchan1 (Post 727198)
for some reason I cant comment on the sythean post :/

Not sure why - you should be able to as anonymous - or with a google login. None of the settings have changed.

Oh cluedog project starts tomorrow.

thrandrall 03-24-2014 10:49 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Ok. We'll be posting new cluedog pics M, W, F on the current schedule...just telling a little story a little at a time - like the ones she puts up on her DA page every now and then.

shinchan1 03-25-2014 09:23 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
I really hope that naughty nancy girl turns into a full cow because of her actions. You site is great! keep up the fantastic work!

thrandrall 03-25-2014 10:19 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by shinchan1 (Post 727592)
I really hope that naughty nancy girl turns into a full cow because of her actions. You site is great! keep up the fantastic work!

Why just her?


thrandrall 03-26-2014 02:04 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Soooo, just posted a little sequence Jitensha did for me.

Vore alert though - love the style, but not everyone's taste.

shinchan1 03-26-2014 09:03 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 727598)
Why just her?


I dunno, I just imagine each one ends up with various stages, I figured she would have the worst and become a full cow.

thrandrall 03-26-2014 09:46 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by shinchan1 (Post 727651)
I dunno, I just imagine each one ends up with various stages, I figured she would have the worst and become a full cow.

Well they're all transforming at the same rate - so, we'll see what happens ;p

shinchan1 03-28-2014 01:27 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 727654)
Well they're all transforming at the same rate - so, we'll see what happens ;p

oooh, im excited!

afin 03-28-2014 10:27 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
TransRepo Odds 'N Ends good movie ...........

thrandrall 03-28-2014 10:44 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by afin (Post 727800)
TransRepo Odds 'N Ends good movie ...........

which one?

NuclearKite 03-28-2014 11:19 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 727802)
which one?

I dont see a movie, its just pictures.

thrandrall 03-28-2014 11:20 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by NuclearKite (Post 727806)
I dont see a movie, its just pictures.

It's my movie/book/etc review blog....what are you looking for? I thought it was pretty clear from my signature (and obviously on the blog itself) that that's what it is.

thrandrall 04-03-2014 10:02 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Well folks, getting pretty close now and still waiting to hear from some folks. I know a number of people have expressed interest in participating in Art Contest #7. Please don't wait too long to get those entries submitted. Just a little over a week left.

While my work schedule is looking pretty good for that weekend, just to be on the safe side, I'm moving the deadline to Noon Hawaii Standard Time on 12 April (sooo, about 3 PM PST / 6 PM EST) that Saturday.

That timeframe will also mark the general site celebration (such as it is) for four years of operation. Not much to show for myself....except a lot of great art and some great new working relationships (and friendships) with some great folks. Sometimes, that's all you really need.

Have a good one!

And yes....that really is a *growing* list of pending commissions on the projects list!

thrandrall 04-05-2014 11:58 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Woo! First entry posted for Art Contest #7 - and it's a sweet one by Blackshirtboy!

thrandrall 04-06-2014 11:57 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
2nd art contest entry - by new artist - Furrtografurr - pretty tight with some great descriptions.

thrandrall 04-08-2014 11:09 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
3rd Art Contest Entry posted - by Furco.

SPF should resume normal posting on Friday.

thrandrall 04-11-2014 11:42 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Running a little behind on my contest posting. Just posted one - two more to post tonight!

thrandrall 04-13-2014 12:05 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Art Contest Results posted! Congrats to Synthean, zdemian and blackshirtboy!

Voting open for a week on the Viewer's Choice Award!

The_Nameless_One 04-13-2014 02:03 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 727807)
It's my movie/book/etc review blog....what are you looking for? I thought it was pretty clear from my signature (and obviously on the blog itself) that that's what it is.

Out of sheer curiosity: How do you choose the movies/books you review?

blackshirtboy 04-13-2014 07:26 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 728798)
Art Contest Results posted! Congrats to Synthean, zdemian and blackshirtboy!

Voting open for a week on the Viewer's Choice Award!

Thank you so much! The comic was a lot of fun to work on and I'm excited to see the results for the next poll.

Also I'm gonna try and make a better effort to keep more on top of your contests in the future.

thrandrall 04-13-2014 10:23 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by The_Nameless_One (Post 728808)
Out of sheer curiosity: How do you choose the movies/books you review?

All of the ones on the site at the moment are just new ones I've gotten and have watched/read (or rewatched in the case of blu-ray upgrades) - but I intend to reach back as I get slowly through my backlog to my collection proper (which is why I'm open for requests).

thrandrall 04-15-2014 08:33 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Next donation project will be available later this week. Also, I'll be running my first ever caption contest - about a month long - although this first one will also have more of a TG focus fwiw. Regular updates planned with SPF, etc.

thrandrall 04-18-2014 01:32 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
3 Attachment(s)

It took 6 years, but "The Long Weekend" is finally finished. 50+ pages of beautiful transformation artwork by zanfadar, colored by muhboobz - for a $9 donation - supporting two artists here folks.

The story is nothing amazing - I'm fully responsible for that, but the transformations are great IMO.

Trust me - if you liked - this is what it was always meant to be ;p

Just follow the donation link in my sig.

killx 04-18-2014 07:43 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
The Girl's Night Out is one of my favorites from your website.
So there was no hesitation buying The Long Weekend :)

thrandrall 04-18-2014 10:37 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Thanks. Sorry for the delay responding to emails. It went up kinda late my time - and it's still really early here too ;p

Coal 04-18-2014 09:58 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Just donated, looking forward to seeing this.

thrandrall 04-19-2014 12:30 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by Coal (Post 729265)
Just donated, looking forward to seeing this.

Caught up on the current emails. Everyone from this afternoon should have theirs.

catfish27 04-20-2014 12:58 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
"The Long Weekend" is excellent -- well worth the donation.

thrandrall 04-21-2014 09:21 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by catfish27 (Post 729342)
"The Long Weekend" is excellent -- well worth the donation.

Glad you like it. It took a loooong time, but I think it turned out really well overall.

Just started a new contest as well - but this one is my first themed TG caption contest ;p

Don't worry - more new art coming this week too.

mysteryman29 04-22-2014 04:58 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Yeah, I'd like to also mention how excellent The Long Weekend turned out! I don't typically purchase online comics, but that one was WELL worth the buy! Great story, beautiful artwork, and a perfect balance between all of the characters.

Nicely done!

thrandrall 04-30-2014 08:18 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Finally....long overdue - my first blueberry girl commission from LordAltros is posted.

thrandrall 05-03-2014 01:43 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
New sequence by Sigoogle posted.

Many more new projects in the works - check out the list of pending pieces!

Stay tuned.

thrandrall 05-11-2014 03:55 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Mr-DNA and I worked out another concept - but this one requires some audience participation:

Please vote in the poll!

Mr_DNA 05-18-2014 04:39 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 730828)

The votes are in, and it's a tie! Head over there to see both conclusions-- no waiting for a runner-up because there isn't one!

thrandrall 05-18-2014 08:19 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
A few days left for the first caption challenge - TG....of course...I guess my prize money will just roll over if nobody submits an entry in the covered categories.

thrandrall 05-31-2014 08:45 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Well, figured I finally needed to get another animation commission done:

Direct linking since .swf is a pain with blogger. I'd say it turned out really well - need to look at more context-buttons for the next project - and probably a lot more combinations and variations ;p

We'll see!

Lots of stuff in the works.

thrandrall 06-07-2014 11:46 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Got a sweet little pic by izumi-frog - love how it turned out.

In the meantime, South Pacific Follies keeps on trucking - just getting to the good stuff!

Much more stuff in progress.

thrandrall 07-14-2014 11:59 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
A little while since my last update here - just finished another short sequence by Pink-Diapers including some TF elements.

A lot more projects in the works.

thrandrall 07-28-2014 09:28 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Just posted first pic of a new sequence by Solios. Aiming for one pic a day for the week. We'll see if I can keep it up.

We're progressing nicely on South Pacific Follies as well IMO.

Coal 07-28-2014 09:41 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
New Solios looks like it's gonna be fun on a bun.

thrandrall 08-16-2014 07:32 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Ok. Finally got Solios pic 4 posted!

Coal 08-16-2014 07:58 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
I was right!

thrandrall 08-17-2014 01:35 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Continuing the action. Several new pieces also ready for posting in the next few days.

Getting back to posting South Pacific Follies, starting again tomorrow.

Lastly...reopening the Illustrated Story project ( if anyone is interested in being commissioned to illustrate one of those stories, please drop me a line.

thrandrall 08-19-2014 05:29 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Solios' most recent sequence is complete (for now)....but we've got a few more sequences by other artists to post this week.

thrandrall 08-21-2014 03:21 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
New commission posted by Queen-Dedede. I'm only missing five letters of the alphabet from my commission list.


Any suggestions?

thrandrall 08-23-2014 07:04 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

More new art - this time a sequence by Janexas.

thrandrall 09-12-2014 06:07 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
More mini-sequences being posted this weekend (connectivity permitting as I move), and more new art next week as well!

Offroad 09-13-2014 01:34 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
You should edit the thread title, since there's obviously pictures now :P

thrandrall 09-18-2014 03:18 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by Offroad (Post 737363)
You should edit the thread title, since there's obviously pictures now :P

Tried, but it wasn't possible before...maybe now ?

thrandrall 09-27-2014 06:04 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
New caption contest running now - not exclusively limited to TG themes - open to TF options, MC, bimbos, hair growth, clothing changes, etc.

Also...for the artists out there - have a new poll posted re: my art contests.


Mr_DNA 10-02-2014 07:54 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
No process, but take a gander at some gift art from yours truly!

thrandrall 10-25-2014 02:08 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Got a new TF piece up by Okayokayokok - always fun stuff!

thrandrall 10-27-2014 05:32 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Started Halloween Week posting with the first pic in a new sequence by 0pik-0ort.

Lessee...aside from this sequence....I should have at least 5 separate pieces of art by different artists all ready for posting by Friday night...and another sequence ready for the beginning of next week.

Stay tuned...and please leave feedback!

thrandrall 10-28-2014 05:03 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Mmmmm....more pie!

Snowglare 10-28-2014 07:23 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

thrandrall 10-30-2014 02:53 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Still have till midnight tonight (EST) to submit caption challenge entries - nothing says they have to be TG themed or not. Plenty of other options. Lots of commissions to post tomorrow!

thrandrall 11-01-2014 06:02 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Forgot to post an update last night - but we went crazy with posting last night - more for this weekend too!

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