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Zarla 08-17-2008 06:12 PM

Re: TF Request Thread
Thanks if you can find it it would be amazing i love Skunk Tf's :D

Izzy2 08-19-2008 07:33 AM

Re: TF Request Thread

Originally Posted by Zetser (Post 209799)
Anyone know where this is from, as its pretty good.

Man i wish i did, Where did you find it?

Zetser 08-19-2008 07:40 PM

Re: TF Request Thread
Unfourtunatly, Rule 34, where everthing comes from nothin as it were....

Izzy2 08-22-2008 01:28 PM

Re: TF Request Thread

Originally Posted by Zetser (Post 211971)
Unfourtunatly, Rule 34, where everthing comes from nothin as it were....

too bad.... i would like to see more from this artist process or not

bmk 08-23-2008 10:10 AM

Tf Childrens Books
I cant remember the name of these books, but I can remember only three.
On the covers it had a group of girls doing science things
one cover had a girl turning into a frog.
another one was a werewolf
and another one had a girl who was turned into a dinosaur outside the
Like I said, I can't remember any more about the books. I Saw them in my home town Library almost eight years ago, but they aren't there anymore.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about it would ease my mind

j4tproc 08-24-2008 09:06 AM

Re: TF Request Thread
The book series you are referring to is IMHO (and i have the first 3 books)
Samantha Slade by Susan Smith and she is bandaging the monster on the
3rd books' cover not turning into a monster. If you can find them they are worth a read.

VicViper47 08-24-2008 12:48 PM

Re: TF Request Thread
Hey guys! I've been trying to get the Book of the Beast vol. 4, but the download link on this site doesn't seem to work anymore and I'm not coming up with anything on my searches. If any of you guys happen to have it, please share it! I'd really appreciate it!

Soatome101 09-02-2008 06:30 PM

Re: TF Request Thread
Can anyone point me to some corruption and/or Monster transformation art and stories of the Sailor Senshi? I have seen the corruption thread ones but wondering if there are any others some people my know about.

Shadow_Dragon 09-03-2008 12:02 PM

Re: TF Request Thread

Originally Posted by TF-Viewer (Post 209163)
And here it is.

The TF and the revert happen within a minute of each other so both are in this segment. Happens at about 2:45 into the clip.

Can't tell you how bad I loled when I saw that... the villain's voice is just so epic and funny, and especially when he's talkin about takin the dude's woman (sorry, didn't watch the show).

LOL, "Venturis, you belong to me!!"

"Venturis, I have you woman! Now return to me or I'll replace her with the mostrosity you are!"

His voice is just so perfect and funny, I'd hire that guy any day... too bad it was like 12-13 years ago

cpt soban 09-04-2008 07:55 PM

Re: TF Request Thread
Hey, I recently watched Bebop again and was reminded of a sequence I saw way back. It involved Ed (who is female) turning into the same breed of dog as Ein.

As a lurker, I'm bugged to not have a clue as to how to find this again. More so as to wanting to find the artist again because I seem to remember them having alot of material. The only other clue I really have is that I believe it was made about the same time I registered on this site, oh and it was in color (so that rules out about half the people I know).

jimi20 09-05-2008 02:27 AM

Re: TF Request Thread
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by cpt soban (Post 216987)
Hey, I recently watched Bebop again and was reminded of a sequence I saw way back. It involved Ed (who is female) turning into the same breed of dog as Ein.).

Is this the image you were looking for?

I have absolutely no idea what Bebop is or who the hell Ed and Ein are :P

But a quick Google search for "Bebop Ed as a dog Ein" yielded this result in the images, i hope it is of some help the artist is "cqmorrell" and the image is from is DA page.

cpt soban 09-05-2008 03:44 AM

Re: TF Request Thread
nope, not it, but yes this is the right kind of stuff. Thanks for the attempt.

Edit: AHA I just remembered where it was I think, though getting to the site will be irritating. That picture reminded me of the guys earlier stuff.

2nd edit: In case I dont find it and anyone is curious, the guy's site had a similar color scheme to xformation's old site, and was 90% done in flash (hence why I havn't gone their in so long, load times and glitched cookies bugged the hell out of me.) I think alot of his stuff was non process material being quite malexmale, but there was an odd female tf or two in there. (alas, this means it wont be the bounty I was looking forward to)

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