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qzar9999 01-06-2010 09:00 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
They are, in fact, from the same project. It's in the thread entitled "Coming soon: Huge Anime Growth/GTS Doujin." It isn't finished yet--last I heard it's on indefinite hold--so there is no more than that currently available. You can check that thread for more info, but whatever you do please don't necro the thread, that was just done last week.

JhonEmerson 01-06-2010 08:19 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Hello! I want to do a growth request.
Yeah, there is A LOT of growth material around the internet... but of that material, are some of "eating and grow"? I mean, something like a woman growing each time than she eat food...
If you think than I should do other topic to do this request, tell me.

gameseeker18 01-08-2010 02:38 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by mofoapoo (Post 425062)
anyone know where this comic is from or have the rest of it?

I'm pretty sure they are from the same strip...

I know that's drawn by DNAPalmhead, who that's for I don't remember.

Cilansis 01-08-2010 08:42 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by JhonEmerson (Post 425278)
Hello! I want to do a growth request.
Yeah, there is A LOT of growth material around the internet... but of that material, are some of "eating and grow"? I mean, something like a woman growing each time than she eat food...
If you think than I should do other topic to do this request, tell me.

Is this what you're looking for?

JhonEmerson 01-09-2010 09:05 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by Cilansis (Post 425798)

Yeah! Something like that!
And there are some like this but without furry?

vid 01-09-2010 05:06 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Hi, I was wondering if anyone here remembers a black and white foreign film from a few years back:

A woman calls her husband from her office telling him she'll be late getting home, not knowing that he's cheating on her with the maid. Later, she's walking down the street when she's zapped by a weird statue and grows into a gts (unfortunately there's no process for that, although you do see her being zapped). She finds the husband and, after chasing him, is about to crush him with her bare foot when she is zapped again and (process) shrinks back down to normal size. She then shoves the man to the ground and leaves.

I'm not sure what langauge it is (my guesses are Italian, French or German), but I'm fairly certain it was on Giantesscity some years ago (I've already requested there too, but so far no one's answered).

If anyone has any info at all I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Blood-Line 01-25-2010 11:50 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I know there is a manga called morumo 1/10, tho what i am looking for is the Japanese RL videos of it. i remember every time her heart rate spikes she grows, wither physical or emotional. I had had seen it also on youtube but lost the page.

If anyone could help that would be great.

Mr Wayne 01-25-2010 04:28 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by Blood-Line (Post 430669)
I know there is a manga called morumo 1/10, tho what i am looking for is the Japanese RL videos of it. i remember every time her heart rate spikes she grows, wither physical or emotional. I had had seen it also on youtube but lost the page.

If anyone could help that would be great.


Below are the links from YouTube for all 8 clips, and all of them are still working. There was a posting on this forum before with probably the exact same links, but if they aren't the same, the ones below are accurate anyway. Enjoy, glad I could finally help someone on here B-).

1/8 ** first growth scene



4/8 ** second growth scene




8/8 ** third growth scene

pschaef 02-07-2010 07:49 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Could someone send me some good slow growth/giantess poser stories
my e-mail is thanks

LOD 02-26-2010 12:44 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Okay I've been looking for a grow/giantess pic of Lilith Aensland that was posted on the old process. I've searched every entry in the Wayback Machine and can't find it so I hope someone else remembers it.

She's growing in a city between two buildings, and in the pic is about as tall as the second floor window.

Thanks in advanced, I hope this sounds familiar to someone...

Phantom 03-19-2010 12:30 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
6 Attachment(s)
Which Manga is this? Is Their any more?
I know the artist is Horihone Saizo.

LOD 03-19-2010 02:29 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
This is my first time seeing it O_O

All i can tell you is awesome find dude!

j2k 03-19-2010 03:04 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by Phantom (Post 459058)
Which Manga is this? Is Their any more?
I know the artist is Horihone Saizo.

According to the first page you posted, the title is "Okkii ne" (おっきいね), which means "Big, isn't it?".

Magniphile 03-22-2010 02:16 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Actually, there are a few more pages to this (unfortunately including some scat content, if memory serves). I never kept a copy of the comic when it was doing its rounds on Giantess City years back, simply because I was a little too creeped out by the fact that the giant girl looked underaged.

ranmafan 04-03-2010 07:42 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I didn't really know where to put this...But does anyone know who made this video and if they ever made more similar ones?

dsojourn 04-03-2010 08:06 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Umgos, from the look of it.

ranmafan 04-03-2010 10:27 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
thanks but it appears his deviantart and yahoo group was taken down. Do you know where I can find more of his stuff?

Jmthd91 04-07-2010 02:59 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I am currently looking for a small comic that had a progression of muscle comparisons between men and woman from prehistoric era to "present" with the woman ending up several times bigger than the man, anyone seen this by chance?

rembo 05-13-2010 03:55 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
does anywhone know where i can find a comic about 2 girls that have somekind of a orc-scroll that make your muscles big as a orc by just squeezing the muscle?

it was a while aco in, but i cann't find it. maybe somewhere else?

urza 05-13-2010 07:53 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
That sounds like a cool comic, I will second the request to find that.

LOD 05-20-2010 06:26 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by Phantom (Post 459058)
Which Manga is this? Is Their any more?
I know the artist is Horihone Saizo.


Here you go!

Phantom 05-25-2010 12:27 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
thanks scat is not my thing but the rest is good

Ent 07-24-2010 11:47 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Looking for a picture set that use to be on the old website of a girl on a bus who dreamed of being bigger then became bigger, trying to drown two bullies wither her breast milk. Anyone know where it is?

LOD 07-24-2010 11:52 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by Ent (Post 512747)
Looking for a picture set that use to be on the old website of a girl on a bus who dreamed of being bigger then became bigger, trying to drown two bullies wither her breast milk. Anyone know where it is?

KlnKing's daydream...

Ent 08-07-2010 01:57 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
thank you!

geno13 08-09-2010 01:24 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I'm not sure this is still around anymore, but does anyone remember that old sequence on the original Process site drawn by a fellow named Pickeljuice about a girl growing after putting on a pair of enchanted platform shoes?

EchoWing 08-09-2010 03:01 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by geno13 (Post 517789)
I'm not sure this is still around anymore, but does anyone remember that old sequence on the original Process site drawn by a fellow named Pickeljuice about a girl growing after putting on a pair of enchanted platform shoes?

I remember that! Doubt we'll ever see it again outside of the Wayback Machine, but I definitely remember it.

Drybones 08-09-2010 05:40 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by geno13 (Post 517789)
I'm not sure this is still around anymore, but does anyone remember that old sequence on the original Process site drawn by a fellow named Pickeljuice about a girl growing after putting on a pair of enchanted platform shoes?

I actually have that comic, I would post it. But only with Lorekeep's permission.

LOD 08-09-2010 10:13 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Crystal Growing in Japan? Well i know that a few of the comics pickle juice made for lore are for sale in his store in a package deal.

LK 08-09-2010 10:40 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
That isn't one of them. Feel free to post but just zip it up.

geno13 08-18-2010 05:46 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Cool, hopefully someone will soon. :D

Mr Wayne 08-19-2010 01:24 PM

Short fem growth story
I know this may sound funny to ask about, but I haven't been able to remember where I last read the story. I do recall it being rather short with some clothes rippage detailed but the speed of the growth was quick. The story took place at a college campus setting with the main character sitting in a classroom when two fem students started outgrowing their clothes. Next few growth details I remember were that once he was outside he witnessed arms, legs, and such bursting out of the nearby buildings as well as nearly getting hit by a fem student growing inside her moving car. By the time she crashed and came to rest she had filled the inside completely and was busting out of it while unconscious. I can't remember much more after that because I suspect it may have been a short story or 1-2 paragraph blurb written on the side. If anyone can direct me to the story I would be much obliged, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is somewhere I've already looked. Happens to me when I lose something that its in the last place I look. Thanks much.

p.s. I first thought it was written by Wussy, to which he declined. If I had to guess it felt like either ZZZ or Magnus Knight but I think I've already searched their posts here. Again, I'll probably smack myself whenever someone finds it.

LOD 08-19-2010 01:40 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I don't think I've ever read this, but I'm definitely intrigued.

MadDocofGrowth 08-20-2010 08:49 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Volf, first sounded like ZZZ's "At Last" comes to mind but the details don't match. Though it really does feel like ZZZ's or a MKnight's story. Once I'll get some sleep i shall return finding that.
Was curious if anyone recalls a story i vaguely remember; involves maybe 2 girls, one of the girl's relative/family member had a special ingredient that whenever cooked with grows. Believe the girl baked it with brownies, or cookies.Think it was mini-giantess (under 50ft at most), Several chapters of it. Is a very good read, appreciate to those who can provide ;D

Clickme 08-20-2010 09:15 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I remember that one! (the brownie one) but I can't remember from where... >_>

Mr Wayne 08-20-2010 01:05 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by MadDocofGrowth (Post 521832)
Volf, first sounded like ZZZ's "At Last" comes to mind but the details don't match. Though it really does feel like ZZZ's or a MKnight's story. Once I'll get some sleep i shall return finding that.


I'll vouch for the fact that it is not ZZZ's story "At Last". That's why I mentioned maybe what I read was just a 1-2 paragraphs mini-story written while writing was slow and to perk up interest. Hope this helps.

samuel11 08-22-2010 12:20 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Does anybody know which comic this picture is from??

Clickme 08-22-2010 12:40 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Oh, now that looks interesting

dsojourn 08-22-2010 08:09 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I can't remember what the actual name is, but that's the only growth/size page in that comic right at the end there. It's by the same author and with the same characters of that doujin where the same girl you can see there gets BE'd to the point where her breasts overwhelm the earth.

LOD 08-22-2010 11:53 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I am interested as well ^_^

samuel11 08-22-2010 12:09 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by dsojourn (Post 522551)
I can't remember what the actual name is, but that's the only growth/size page in that comic right at the end there. It's by the same author and with the same characters of that doujin where the same girl you can see there gets BE'd to the point where her breasts overwhelm the earth.

I remember which comic your on about, can't remember the name of it though :P

Mr Wayne 09-02-2010 06:24 AM

Re: Short fem growth story

Originally Posted by Volfsbayne (Post 521575)
I know this may sound funny to ask about, but I haven't been able to remember where I last read the story. I do recall it being rather short with some clothes rippage detailed but the speed of the growth was quick. The story took place at a college campus setting with the main character sitting in a classroom when two fem students started outgrowing their clothes. Next few growth details I remember were that once he was outside he witnessed arms, legs, and such bursting out of the nearby buildings as well as nearly getting hit by a fem student growing inside her moving car. By the time she crashed and came to rest she had filled the inside completely and was busting out of it while unconscious. I can't remember much more after that because I suspect it may have been a short story or 1-2 paragraph blurb written on the side. If anyone can direct me to the story I would be much obliged, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is somewhere I've already looked. Happens to me when I lose something that its in the last place I look. Thanks much.

p.s. I first thought it was written by Wussy, to which he declined. If I had to guess it felt like either ZZZ or Magnus Knight but I think I've already searched their posts here. Again, I'll probably smack myself whenever someone finds it.

Thought I'd bump it 1 and 2 weeks after posting then give it a rest. Here's to somebody remembering where the story is. CheerZ.

EchoWing 09-03-2010 05:52 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Hey, can anyone post VDisco and Tehsean's Doombox sequence? The site that originally carried it has apparently deleted it, and the latter artist got rid of the images from it that he had on his Furaffinity page.

ZZZ 09-17-2010 05:21 PM

Re: Short fem growth story

Originally Posted by Volfsbayne (Post 526924)
Thought I'd bump it 1 and 2 weeks after posting then give it a rest. Here's to somebody remembering where the story is. CheerZ.

Hi from the writer mentioned ^^

You might have two stories there intertwined in yer memory. One is "Rising Price of Gas" by MK, the other isnt At Last. Anyway here is Rising:

The Rising Cost of Gas
By, Magnus Knight

Fiction MA: Must be 18 or older to read.

The price of gas was skyrocketing out of control. First $1.89 a gallon, then two dollars which rose to $2.69 a gallon, and as if that wasn’t enough it soon blew past the three dollar mark to a whopping $3.79 a gallon in some parts of the country on a regular basis. The nation was in a state of crisis as the rocketing prices on oil sent gas spiraling out of control. The whole nation’s economy was tanking and unemployment was rising and the man in charge at the White House had no clue as to what to do to fix the problem. This man in charge of the nation knew about the economy and science as much as most people understand quantum theory.

The nation started to divide and as his approval ratings dropped he did what he does best during a crisis. Turned on the TV, not to any news network, but the Sci-Fi channel and just vegetated for a few hours hoping one of his advisors would come up with a solution. On this particular day there was a B movie marathon of some of the cheesiest science fiction movies of the fifties and sixties. As he watched an idea, rare as they came, began to form in his head as to what could be done about the whole mess. While drinking beer he arose as a solution popped into his mind from the void. The president immediately ran to the nearest phone and placed a call to the vice president to assemble the top military scientists in the country for an early morning meeting.

That next day as the scientists patiently sat the president spelled out his plan to save his nation. He explained how in all those old movies the monster was always some kind of giant monster that ran amok and terrorized the area. The solution this elected man in office came up with was for the scientists to come up with a way of expanding the molecules that make up gas so there would be more of it. None of the scientists there wanted to laugh at the president and risk loosing their funding, so they all reluctantly agreed to the insane task figuring that at least they could pocket millions in federal research money while goofing off and doing nothing. One of those scientists colleagues did not think this was a bad idea, as he was the nations top mad scientist who for the sake of argument we’ll say made the impossible possible on a daily basis with his alien technology from his days working out on Groom Lake in Nevada.

Days and weeks went by, but soon enough this mad genius came up with a way of doing what the president wanted, but in a different manner. Instead of causing gas molecules to expand, he devised a way of causing them to divide and multiply like the cells of living organisms. He knew this process once started would cause the gas supply in the nation to multiply exponentially at such a rate that dependence on foreign oil would be eliminated. Keep in mind now this person was mad, not stupid and therefore wanted to test his product out in the real world before releasing it to the whole country and let something catastrophic happen. So with some government funding he opened up his own little gas station with tanks full of his special infinite gas at low prices so people would use it, and he could keep track of them to make sure nothing would go wrong. Such as the gas multiplying and rupturing a car’s tank, which he found a way to control and limit the gasses multiplying ability that is so complicated I just don’t have the time to fully explain.

Week’s go by without incident and he is getting ready to report to the president his results but just wants to watch one more subject for a few days to make sure there are no accidents when a blue Cadillac pulls into the station. As the light baby blue Cadillac pulls into the station and comes to a stop its engine goes quit as the driver side door swings open and a slender leg pops out encased in a bright white pair of tights. A dark grey pump that encases a delicate feminine foot clacks onto the pavement, soon followed by its twin. As she rises from her car a young woman appears in full view. She is dressed in grey pumps at a sensible height, and light grey dress with three large bold buttons down the front, below which is her wide dark grey belt which matches her pumps. The dress is short sleeved and has a small slit in the back just below the knees where it ends for added mobility. She has her long blond hair in a neat bun at the back, and is wearing two large hoop gold earrings and three chunky gold bracelets on her right arm.

This woman reaches into the right pocket of her dress, the pockets on the upper part over where her breasts are, and pulls out her credit card and slides it into the machine. She then reaches out to the pump and proceeds to fill her tank with gas. As the scientist monitors the transaction the card reader shows her name is Jessica Bentley. The scientist signals for a dark black car with a NSA agent in it to follow Jessica around for a few days and to make sure the gas works out fine in her car.

Jessica is filling her tank clicking her left heel on the ground as she waits for the pump to read the desired amount she wants for her tank. As she fills up the gasses from the gas begin to waft up and around Jessica’s head. She breathes them in and seems to notice right away they smell unusual for some reason. She doesn’t know why but the scent which all drivers are familiar with seem stronger to her. As she inhales them and the fumes rush into her lungs she coughs, and for a brief moment feels a tad bit dizzy and looses her balance and kind of sways back and foreword again, but before coming to completely hears a cracking sound which brings her back completely. As she brings up her right hand she notices she just broke a nail on her index finger. She mutters a curse word and stomps her left foot in agitation. Then hangs up the nozzle on the pump, gets into her car and drives off. The government car follows.

As the government agent follows he is beamed from government computer Jessica’s stats. Address, place of employment, height 5’6”, age 27, eye color (blue), everything including her cup size (B) and shoe size (7). The government does track all the information, but if you knew the horrible reason why you would go insane. As she drove to her office she failed to notice the car behind her, and she had no idea of what was about to happen to her.

As Jessica was driving on the freeway she became embroiled in an unsightly traffic jam that as far as she could tell stretched for miles. Honking horns and blaring car stereos blasting began to take their toll on the young twenty-seven year old. She brought up her hand from the wheel to massage her temple as a headache began to pound. As she rubbed her head she brought her hand down to examine it only to find it moist, along with her forehead from sweat. Jessica began to feel sweat all over her young slender frame.

Her arms had these little hairs on them that were very fine and pale, but she could feel them standing on edge. She placed her hand over her breasts as she felt oddly panicked and began to breathe hard. Her white opaque tights felt itchy on her long slender legs as her sweat and for a brief moment felt very confined by her surroundings.

Jessica rolled down her car windows and turned the air conditioning on in her car to full blast, but for some reason instead of feeling cooler she just felt hotter as the seconds past. She began to roll her head around as a fog clouded her mind and she tried to clear it. She tapped her left foot on the car floor in her grey pump while her other foot pushed a little harder into the brake pedal. Jessica pounded the steering wheel with both hands in frustration as the feeling of impending anxiety began to over take her.

As she pounded on the wheel with each slap on its leather rim her fingers began to push out a tiny bit more. Also the top part of her outfit the sleeves crept up her arms ever so slightly to show off more pale white skin. The bottom of her grey dress which while sitting in her car before was hanging just below her knees now crept up past her knees. All of these changes went on with her paying no attention to any of them. All she knew was that she was hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable.

The first thing Jessica noticed was her thick, chunky, dark grey belt pinched her belly. She removed her hands from the wheel to tug on it and try to adjust it by moving it from side to side; believing the problem was the large front buckle shifted and was digging into her. To her surprise she found the belt was facing exactly how it should. She couldn’t really adjust it anyways as for some reason it was no longer loose around her small waist. She couldn’t get her fingers behind it to get a grip and adjust it.

Jessica also noticed how she had a hard time looking down at that angle to see her belt. Her chest seemed to be in the way, heaving as she had more trouble now breathing. She could have sworn the dress never used to show off her small cleavage before like it was doing now. She pressed hard into the dress to smooth it out, only to find her breasts seemed to be pushing it out further then before she tried this.

“Ow,” she parted her lips to say, “OW, ow, ow.” As she quickly lost interest in this and looked down past all of her body to focus on her feet. “Why are my pumps so uncomfortable now?” She asked herself while glancing down. The shiny polished leather grey pumps were pinching the fronts of her toes something awful now, and she had no clue as to why. They were always comfortable on her in the past. She stopped fidgeting them and placed the left one flat on the car mat. As she looked at it she could see how it seemed to be cutting into her feet on all sides, with bulges of opaque encased foot jutting out of the top trying to escape. The other shoe felt just as uncomfortable, but even more awkward in that it was really pushing hard into the break pedal. She tried to move her foot back, but instead found that she really couldn’t move her foot or leg. It was as if she was wedged into the position she was sitting in at the time. She reached to the side of her car and with a thump the seat flew back to its limit. This allowed her to ease up on the pedal, but did nothing to alleviate the mounting pain her pumps were causing her.

She tried to remove the left pump by dragging it against the floor mat, but the thing was wedged on so tightly now it wouldn’t come off. Jessica tried to reach over to take it off her self, but found that despite moving the seat back there really wasn’t any room to maneuver in her car. She felt squished, hot, and sweaty in her car. Just then a new problem arose for her. Her three gold chunky bracelets on her right wrist seemed to no longer be loose, but were digging into her wrists, causing them to turn red and throb, like her feet were doing. Jessica tried to undo her bracelets, but found this too was proving to be useless effort. Her wrists had become so swollen that she couldn’t get them off her arm at all. As she pounded the wheel in frustration a new problem arose. Her right foot was once again pushing hard into the break pedal. Some how she realized she once again took up all the room in her car and began to feel squished again. She pounded on the wheel in frustration and shook her head from side to side.

While shaking her head she bean to scream and pound the wheel harder as her anger grew over her predicament. While shaking he head her neatly coifed hair began to turn into a sweaty mess as she threw her growing tantrum. After two minutes of this she could see her blond hair in front of her eyes and reached for her rearview mirror to adjust it and allow her to see what she did to her hair. Instead of adjusting it though she tore it clear of the windshield and as she held it in her hands thought it was her car just falling apart. The mirror brought up to her eye level showed that her hair was not only messed up with strands sticking out of her neat bun, but her hair seemed to be getting longer as she watched. She brought up her hand to move it and found more just grew to cover up her eyes again. As she lowered the mirror something else caught her attention, her gold hoop earrings were gone. They seemed to have somehow come loose and flew from her ears while she was shaking her head.

Jessica now was angry, hot, sweaty, and something else too. She couldn’t quite place it, but she felt something else was now out of place. She felt clingy, or to be more precise she felt as if everything was clinging to her more then before. Her bra, panties, tights, all felt too clingy on her. Her shoes were too tight. Her belt was constricting her, and her dress felt off. She began to feel as though she was wearing clothes meant for a child. This just added to her frustration, and with a yell she pounded her wheel so hard it bent back. Now this really got her worried. Was she also driving an unsafe car?

Traffic began to move, but Jessica’s car just remained still. As angry motorists honked and shouted obscenities at her there was only on thing that was on her mind. The sound, unlike a sound she believed she ever heard before. A sound like a rubbery, leathery, stretching sound that seemed to be reverberating throughout her car. Her heart began to race as the sound grew louder, and with the sounds came increases tightness in her pumps, and more constriction from her belt. She began to ask herself if the problem wasn’t her outfit, but herself that was changing, expanding somehow.

Jessica tried to glance over to look at her feet, but was unable to as her chest had expanded and it kept her from looking down. Her once smaller B cups seemed to look and feel like C’s or D’s now as they pushed outwards into her bra cups, into her dress, pulling the front buttons taught as tiny gaps appeared between them now. The grey sleeves of the dress, once at elbow length now slowly crept upwards showing off the smooth skin and her nicely rounded biceps. The bracelets of gold on her right wrist now twirled about slightly as her skin reddened as the shiny trinkets dug into her. She opened her mouth wide for quick gasps of air as the large dark grey belt she wore tightened and crushed her diaphragm. Her knee length skirt pulled itself up, dragging itself along the bottom seat and exposing more of her opaque encased legs.

“Pop, snap!” a loud noise scared her and she jumped a bit in her seat, her head striking the car’s ceiling. Jessica knew this was very odd as her head should have been no where near the ceiling. She reached to undo her seatbelt only to find it popped itself free from the buckle. She relaxed a bit knowing that was the source of the noise, but other noises filled the small car soon. Creaking and groaning sounds seemingly from all directions caught her attention. Jessica looked for the source but soon found it was her.

“Huh!” she huffed, and then again she quickly breathed. She reaches to try and undo her belt as she had finally had enough of it. As her arms and hands grabbed at the buckle, she was unable to undo it. It was so tight with so much pressure at it the damn thing wouldn’t budge. As she tried one last time to undo it “snap!” a loud snapping sound occurred and she could breathe again. She thought she had undone it, when the truth was the buckle exploded, with the metal pin breaking and the hole it was in snapping, along with the left side of it splitting in two.

She brought her wrist up in front of her eyes watching with some sense of fascination as the gold bracelets contorted. Then to her astonishment the one furthest up her arm just snapped in two and fell away. “Snap!, Crack!” and there went the other two as well, both breaking and falling to her sides.

Her accommodations in her car began to get more constricting as she grew. Her head now was pushing up into the ceiling and she was craning her neck to get more room. The hair band that was holding her neat bun in place at the back of her head snapped as the hair overwhelmed it. With blond locks cascading down her neck in the back, the front top button on her dress snapped and plopped into the windshield in front of her. She was attempting to reach for it when “pop!” the next one in line popped off and hit her hand that was reaching for the first. She shook her hand as the button hitting it stung a bit, which just showed her how much force it shot off with.

Her head now pushing into the roof of the car with such force it was becoming painful Jessica reached up with both arms to push on it and try to relieve some of the pressure. As she raised her arms the under side stitching on the sleeves tore and opened with the rips traveling down a few inches on the dress. Her breasts were straining the floral satin cups of her bra as they heaved themselves into them.

“Vroom!” the car took of like a bat out of hell weaving in and out of traffic erratically with Jessica screaming all the way. Apparently her legs grew too much and one of her feet jammed into the accelerator hard to set this in motion. After a few minutes of this the car slammed into some guard rails and that halted its motion. The airbag in the steering wheel didn’t go off due to the damage the wheel encountered earlier, but Jessica was fine, since her growth wedged her into the seats tightly.

As she quickly regained her wits “pop!” went the last button, with such force it went through the front windshield. The front of her dress yawned open to reveal heaving breast with nipples erect pushing hard into the cups. The car began to groan it now as she grew in it exerting more pressure on its metal frame. Ambulances sirens in the distance caught her attention for but a moment, as a closer sound worried her more.

“Crack, split!” her tightening shiny grey pumps couldn’t take any more, as the front of the leather tore and cracked open violently, stitching snapping the tops from the soles. Her opaque sheathed toes forced themselves through and forced more of the leather pump to separate itself, tops from soles. “Snap!, crack!” the backs of her feet forced the heels on the pumps to crack open and allow foot expansion on both ends. With her feet sticking out the fronts and backs of the pumps, the sides tried desperately to hold on.

Meanwhile new sensations over took the growing woman. Her panties began to wedge themselves into the crack of her ass, as the tights she wore tickled her legs. Turns out the tickling was being caused by runs forming behind the calves and along the thighs of the lycra cotton material. The runs grew and soon covered most of her legs, even the unexposed under her dress. These runs began to widen and split to become full blown holes in her opaque tights, turning them into Swiss cheese. To Jessica, the ruining of a good pair of shoes was the last straw.

“Uhh,” she groaned as she decided enough was enough, and wanted to get out of her car. So pushing up with full force the ceiling of steel actually bent, and then distorted enough to allow her to sit upright again. Now with a little bit of room she was able to slam her car door hard. The first time dented it, the second slam shot the thing clean off, with the loud sound of twisting metal. The door flew in front of the ambulance forcing the driver to slam the breaks.

As the ambulance driver glanced over he saw a very large foot stomp the ground having emerged from the wrecked car. As it hit he noticed how odd it was to see the fronts of feet hanging out of the peep hole that much, only there was no peep hole, just a rupture caused by an expanding foot. As this foot was firmly planted on the ground, the shoe seemed to explode, leather flying everywhere as only a white foot remained. As the other foot swung out to join the other, the white material covering them shredded as toes with a badly painted pedicure burst forth.

Next two long legs emerged, wrapped in strands of white lycra and nylon, ruined by gaping holes that caused them to loose their integrity and just hang there limp. Then popped out a giant female head with a long mane of blond hair, followed by a straining bra.

As Jessica emerged from the ruined car she slowly rose to her new height, and soon realized how big she was. The lights she knew above her that lit the road were about twenty feet up. She was almost half way there, and wasn’t slowing down. In fact, after emerging from the car her growth seemed to pick up a little.

As Jessica rose upwards She looked down to see the bottom hem of her skirt climb up to the point where it was too short to be called a minni. As it crept up it also clung to her round, thin thighs more and more. Soon it crept up so high her thighs wouldn’t allow it to pass any further. It started to tear itself in two slits along her thighs, showing off more leg. Then the back tore in the center, and as the tears traveled soon only rags hung from her waist down. Jessica’s face turned bright red as a “snap!” sounded, then a white satin rag floated to the ground.

“Shrip, rip!” and a cool breeze was felt across her back. The grey dress just tore open down the center, to reveal the straining clasps of her bra. “Rip!” the sleeves tore further until there were none left. “Uhh, oh, uhh.” She let out as she grew higher still. At around fifteen feet her bra cups ruptured showing off erect nipples exposed in the cold fall air. “Clang!” and then the back clasps snapped open. Soon enough the straps themselves snapped and the bra shot off about ten feet.

“Rip, shrip!” the dress continued to tear itself to shreds until just before her head hit the light post, the last remains of it fluttered off of her leaving her totally exposed, and very large. Then her head hit the light post shattering the glass and smashing the bulb followed by a “zap” and the giantess collapsed on the pavement as the lights went out along the thruway for miles. Seems the big lady electrocuted herself and the shock knocked her out cold. Still, unconscious she grew as her feet spread out knocking cars out of their way, and her arms jutted out toppling road lights and billboards. After about eight more minutes she finally stopped growing.

Later that day a large fleet of tractor trailers pulled up, and drove off along with their fifty foot cargo. Later that day a car with government plates pulled into a gas station and two men in black suits came out and went into the station. Two days later a phone rang in the White House. The president answered and a voice on the other end said, “Mr. President, I believe I’ve found a way to end your personal war overseas.”

ZZZ 09-17-2010 05:34 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by MadDocofGrowth (Post 521832)
Volf, first sounded like ZZZ's "At Last" comes to mind but the details don't match. Though it really does feel like ZZZ's or a MKnight's story. Once I'll get some sleep i shall return finding that.
Was curious if anyone recalls a story i vaguely remember; involves maybe 2 girls, one of the girl's relative/family member had a special ingredient that whenever cooked with grows. Believe the girl baked it with brownies, or cookies.Think it was mini-giantess (under 50ft at most), Several chapters of it. Is a very good read, appreciate to those who can provide ;D

Thats one of my all time favorite stories by Rapscallion:

Mr Wayne 09-17-2010 06:32 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by ZZZ (Post 530797)
Thats one of my all time favorite stories by Rapscallion:


Good to hear from you and thanks for the effort to keep my unknown story alive. I knew beforehand that it wasn't Rising Cost of Gas because I have that story in my collection and I'm quite familiar with it. :P To reiterate, I do strongly recall the story was quite short (if even the length of an average story at all) and it was set in a college campus setting with multi-floor buildings. I have several of your stories, those of Panther, Magnus Knight and others at a total of 57. And for the record, if nobody can recall the story I seek then there's no need to lose more sleep over it. Just nudge it into the cold case files, lol. But to those who have expressed interest in figuring it out I wanted to thank you.

LK 09-17-2010 07:15 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Well, shit.

That's like Elvis coming out of hiding.

Neko KK 09-18-2010 10:54 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Anyone remember the name of a sequence where a fitness gal got a necklace in the mail, started growing and weird stuff like turning into a futa started to happen... Thanks if you do...

ZZZ 09-18-2010 01:48 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by Lorekeep (Post 530809)
Well, shit.

That's like Elvis coming out of hiding.

aint nuthin but a hound dog...

Anyway, what do you think of Evelynn design in League of Legends? Blue and super heels, seems your type :)

Back on topic, Sorry Volf, no idea what story it is then :) Only 57? Tee hee ;)

Mr Wayne 09-19-2010 10:16 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by ZZZ (Post 530892)
aint nuthin but a hound dog...

Anyway, what do you think of Evelynn design in League of Legends? Blue and super heels, seems your type :)

Back on topic, Sorry Volf, no idea what story it is then :) Only 57? Tee hee ;)


57 fem growth stories (7 of yours) plus 7 excerpts from stories and 12 She Hulk stories. Figured you were calling me out on that last comment so I added the authors of the fem growth stories that had the names. But don't let only 7 fool you. You were one of the first favs when I first discovered this stuff online. There are also a few unfinished stories started on this forum that I have bookmarked for whenever they are continued. Enjoy and feel free, anyone, to add the authors I don't already have listed.

After the Fact -- Doug Kulp
Always Liked a GTS -- royal762002
An Overly Hasty Demonstration -- Indra
And She Didn't Know Why** -- ???
At Last -- ZZZ
At Last Redux -- ZZZ
Attack of the Giant Hannigan -- Magnus Knight
Automobile GTS -- Code Name D
Big BJ** -- Magnus Knight
Break Alone -- Sho
Cassandra's Wonderful Adventure -- FrankEC
Choose Your GTS Destiny -- ZZZ
Cindy and the Macromizer -- Hi-Standard
Danielle's Debut -- Indra
Ebony's Rising** -- Magnus Knight
Erin's Growth -- Magnus Knight
Fantasy at the Expo -- Panther
Gem GTS** -- ???
Growing Anxiety** -- Magnus Knight
Growth Serum -- Dimbulb
Growth Story -- JBaller
Growths of Diversion1 -- Magnus Knight
Growths of Diversion2 -- Magnus Knight
Growths of Diversion3 -- Magnus Knight
Growths of Diversion4 -- Magnus Knight
GTS in the City -- ???
Halloween Cookies -- Merlin
Halloween Tricks or Giantess Treats -- Magnus Knight
Heather's Change** -- Terry
Infectious [incomplete] -- Spike/LinkG07
Kim -- Chelgi
Life on the Farm [incomplete] -- Panther
Lightning -- ???
Little Hillary and Ms. Hyde -- ???
Love Machine -- Panther
Lydia -- Solomon
Macro Obsession -- Magnus Knight
Maggie -- Solomon
Magic Candy -- Hi-Standard
Melissa in Wonderland -- Panther
Message Board PLUS -- ZZZ
No Meat Please -- ZZZ
Out of Los Angeles -- Panther
Out of San Diego -- Panther
Power Sauce** -- ZZZ
Prizes and Sizes** -- Magnus Knight
Right Wing Giantess -- Magnus Knight
Sizable Transmutation1 -- ???
Sizable Transmutation2 -- ???
The Bee (Part1) -- Indraguy
The Neighbor -- ???
The Play -- ???
The Rising Cost of Gas* -- Magnus Knight
The Trouble with Shadowlings -- ZZZ
Trial of the Obsession -- Magnus Knight
Trial of the Obsession2 -- Magnus Knight
Witches 2 The BIG Brew -- GrowSpaz

Growth Academy
Growth Fantasy
More Growth Fantasies
My Expansive Day
Small Town Giantess
The Amazing Colossal Interactive
When Good Girls Grow Big

Lust of the She Hulk
Savage Redux
The Incredible She Hulk
College Rampage*
Emerald Extasy
Fantasy in Green
Gothic Rampage**
Lindsay Lohan vs Hillary Duff
Power of Voodoo CH.3&4
Self Denial

Clickme 09-22-2010 09:39 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
I stumbled on this online and have no idea if it's SW or GTS and was wondering if anyone could ID it?

samuel11 10-27-2010 04:05 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Does anybody know the author and where i could find the full comic?

Blackbat 10-28-2010 08:38 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by samuel11 (Post 540597)
Does anybody know the author and where i could find the full comic?

hotlinking not allowed by g.e-hentai

samuel11 10-29-2010 02:16 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
Srry I didn't know :o

LOD 10-29-2010 05:34 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by samuel11 (Post 540860)
Srry I didn't know :o

Meaning, no one can tell what you are trying to show us, please link us to the page in question so we can answer your query.

isaacs13 10-30-2010 07:03 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread
1 Attachment(s)
I do actually want to know something from g.e-hentai, here's the image.

See Ya!!

awesome 11-07-2010 03:11 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Hey guys, I'm looking for the first one of the "Roomfiller Gal" series by Night/N647, since he took it down.

Does anyone has it?

EchoWing 11-08-2010 07:21 AM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by awesome (Post 542856)
Hey guys, I'm looking for the first one of the "Roomfiller Gal" series by Night/N647, since he took it down.

Does anyone has it?

You may want to type in N647 over at There's two or three galleries of his stuff there, so finding it shouldn't be a problem.

samuel11 11-08-2010 02:30 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by liveordie83 (Post 540867)
Meaning, no one can tell what you are trying to show us, please link us to the page in question so we can answer your query.

ahh i see...... :p

Here's the link then.

lets hope this one works.

LOD 11-08-2010 05:15 PM

Re: Growth Request Thread

Originally Posted by samuel11 (Post 543102)
ahh i see...... :p

Here's the link then.

lets hope this one works.

It's by Dagan.

And here's the comic:

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