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Meapmasta 03-11-2019 06:19 PM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]
*crosses arms and sits next to Arcane* "Being this small is really inconvenient, but we do get to watch the fun of others joining us. It's like a weird game of dodgeball. Here, just watch." *shoots a beam at zdarkness again*

armorcommand 03-11-2019 09:53 PM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]
Suddenly concerned over her new friend's smallness, Artemis makes her way over to Zone. Wrapping her fingers around the tiny woman, she lifts her up into the air.

"Let's get you to higher ground."

She stands up on her tip toes and places Zone onto the surface of the table.

zdarkness 03-12-2019 12:06 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]
Hey! No, no! I do NOT need to be handled like a pet thank-you very much!

Zone zaps Artemis twice before being let go.


ArcaneBEFan 03-12-2019 04:54 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]

Originally Posted by zdarkness (Post 822030)
Hey! No, no! I do NOT need to be handled like a pet thank-you very much!

ArcaneBEFan runs up and hugs Zone's leg. "Awww... If I were still big, I'd definitely adopt you like a pet though... you're adorable this size."

zdarkness 03-12-2019 05:47 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]
Zone turns red.

That's another zap for you if you don't cut it out.

armorcommand 03-12-2019 06:34 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]

Originally Posted by zdarkness (Post 822030)
Hey! No, no! I do NOT need to be handled like a pet thank-you very much!

Zone zaps Artemis twice before being let go.



With every zap the pins and needles had only gotten stronger. Now they overwhelmed her senses, her initial protestation changing to a soft moan. The table rises up before her, and her shirt finally slips free of her shoulders, sliding down her dwindling form and pooling at her feet.

She opens her eyes to the giant world before her. Turning beet red, the grabs at the collar of her top and holds it up over her chest.

"O-okay..." she stammers in response, "But...but you're just so adorable."

Looking around at the other little ladies, she timidly points upward toward the table.

"Um...C-could one of you give me a boost?"

ArcaneBEFan 03-12-2019 04:24 PM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]
Total, there are 76 shrink ray batteries just waiting to be used...

I'll let that sink in for all the people still bragging about how tall they are...

theangelofdeath1986 03-13-2019 03:25 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]
Oh wow I have mega boobies!! Im more boob than girl ^_^

Zaps Ozzie, Arcane and shink a dink :)

Prof_Sai 03-13-2019 04:37 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]
Zap's AngelofDeath's clothes.

ArcaneBEFan 03-13-2019 04:48 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]

Originally Posted by theangelofdeath1986 (Post 822070)
Oh wow I have mega boobies!! Im more boob than girl ^_^

Zaps Ozzie, Arcane and shink a dink :)

The first shot strikes OhZone while she's sitting in her petri dish... and she shrinks entirely out of view! OhZone is now only 685 microns tall.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Amoeba proteus sizes range from 220 and 760 microns."

OhZone's Reflector Field
Zaps whoever zapped OhZone 40% of the time. Goes off on a 1 or 2.
  • theangelofdeath1986, 1 zap
    /roll 1d5: 3

Arcane is still hugging Zone when a zap misses her and goes right over her head... hitting Zone in the butt. "Huh?" She felt Zone dropping in height and shrinking into Arcane's hug until the two were nearly the same size (Arcane 2.1cm, Zone 2.3cm). "YAY!" Arcane hops then hugs her friend again. "I've been waiting for you to shrink again," she grinned.

ArcaneBEFan 03-13-2019 04:53 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]

Originally Posted by Prof_Sai (Post 822072)
Zap's AngelofDeath's clothes.

Angel! We need a ruling. Did your clothes shrink with you?

If they did, Prof Sai zapping them will make them a little tight in the chest area ;p

If they didn't, you're at 50% and they'd be at 95%. Sai, you're sure you wanna shoot clothes? XD

Speaking of, Sai has 1 shot that still hasn't hit BW yet. At the end of the week, if he doesn't respond it'll end up hitting somebody else.

zdarkness 03-13-2019 04:53 AM

Re: Shrink Ray Fight! [Forum Game]
I'm getting a little worried about O-HNNGH!!

Zone bites down on her lip as she shrinks down, small enough for Arcane to hug fully.

H-hey! That's not fair, that one was meant for you!

Zone sighs, and pouts.

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