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BustArtist 10-13-2012 07:24 AM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
10 Attachment(s)
Ack! Sorry it's been so long. Had password troubles. I just got back on, and in the meanwhile, I have been working on the next issue. Here are previews for the first 10 pages of grOw/cOmic#5 ("growing Appreciation"), issue 3 ("Intermission") now being worked on. The issue will be 19 pages long. Enjoy!

75thparellel 10-13-2012 08:45 AM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
Needless to say i cant wait for this to come out.

BustArtist 10-16-2012 01:10 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
2 Attachment(s)
Ah, another good page. I enjoyed working on page 47, and happy to be starting the next on our way to issue completion. This is now the 11th page of 19. Not counting the cover to issue 3 (seen as a sneak preview at the end of this upcoming issue), we are now about 58% through the issue, with the previous page completed (46) being the initial break past the halfway mark. To show the progress visually, I have added to this post my usual "progress map" laying out the work that has been finished, and that which still needs to be done.


Originally Posted by 75thparellel (Post 670862)
Needless to say i cant wait for this to come out.

Thanks, 75th!

BustArtist 10-19-2012 01:42 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
I thought I would finish this page yesterday and get started on the next one, but page 48 proved to be a more detail and labor-intensive one than first anticipated. However, it was worth it. This is another great page. And it's a hot one! Just 7 more pages (and the cover to issue 4) to go! Hang in there, as we nearly pass the two-thirds mark!

BustArtist 10-23-2012 06:13 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
I thought that I would have had this done by Monday evening, but, alas, it was not to be. There was just a little too much work to do, and it was getting late. So, finishing it up this morning with an extra hour or so's worth of work wrapped up page 49. With 13 out of 19 pages now done, we have surpassed that two-thirds point.

topcat37 10-24-2012 09:37 AM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
Looks great! Can't wait. thanks

BustArtist 10-26-2012 06:21 AM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
OK, I got so wrapped up in working on the issue, that once I finished page 50 (shown here) during the afternoon, I immediately went into working on page 51 without posting an update ? duh. (On top of that, I was also wrestling with a lot of "RL" work dropped in my lap ? so maybe that's what distracted me.) With this page, 14 of 19 pages for issue 3 have been completed, leaving only 5 to go!

Note: I wouldn't expect any more updates this week. Also, there may be not updates until late next week. This is due to a combination of "real life" work interfering as well as a big ol' nasty storm (a.k.a. Hurricane Sandy) heading my way. So, either I will be working, prepping for the storm (clean those gutters!), or sitting at home without an electricity. Hoping for the best in all of the above. :)


Originally Posted by topcat37 (Post 672117)
Looks great! Can't wait. thanks

Thanks, topcat!

BustArtist 11-02-2012 02:37 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
Hurricane Sandy came to town for a visit, and boy did she ever outstay her welcome. This was a 100-year event for this region, with huge swaths of devastation. Luckily, we are well with little damage in our very local community, but large areas were severely damaged only a few miles away. With Monday and Tuesday morning being Hurricane days, and Tuesday and Wednesday as clean-up and taking stock of the situation, and then Thursday and Friday recovering and working on "real life" work, I was unable to finish any new pages this week on grOw/cOmic#5, issue 3. However, I did work on page 51, and was able to make great progress on this detailed page to the point of about 75% completion. Hopefully, next week, we will begin to return to a normal schedule.

JBird 11-02-2012 03:04 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
Don't sweat it, man. I know how it is with hurricanes, so take as much time as needed to get that stuff taken care of.

75thparellel 11-02-2012 10:42 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
Holy crap it sucks to hear that you were affected by it. I saw what was going on via the news and it looked pretty nasty! Best wishes to you and everyone else over on the east coast who was hit!

BustArtist 11-05-2012 01:27 PM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
1 Attachment(s)
It's been a long week, but I was finally able to complete page 51. The power gods were nice to me and let me have electricity for most of the week, having lost only about 8 hours on the day Hurricane Sandy hit. 90% of the 1.1 million of the customers for the Long Island Power Authority lost power (about 25% are still without power now 6 days later) ? so I count myself extremely lucky.

This page was another detailed one, with matching the drawings to the background taking some time, as well as the detail in each frame. Good page! Only 4 more pages (and the cover to the next issue ) to go!


Originally Posted by JBird (Post 672942)
Don't sweat it, man. I know how it is with hurricanes, so take as much time as needed to get that stuff taken care of.

Thanks, JBird!


Originally Posted by 75thparellel (Post 672965)
Holy crap it sucks to hear that you were affected by it. I saw what was going on via the news and it looked pretty nasty! Best wishes to you and everyone else over on the east coast who was hit!

Thanks, 75th. We're hanging in there, dealing with a serious gas shortage now, resulting in 75% of gas stations without power or gas, and lines 90-100 cars long. Should ease soon, though, as the ports open for gas deliveries and the electric comes back on.

BustArtist 11-08-2012 09:33 AM

Re: next grOw/cOmic to be a GTS story.
2 Attachment(s)
This was a detailed page, and required lots of work ? especially with lighting. But page 52 is another one that I am proud of. Chip, chip, chip ? I am working steadily closer to the end. Only 3 pages to go!

On the Personal front: It was a good day few days to stay inside and work. The region is still recovering from Superstorm Sandy. On top of that, we just walloped by another nor'easter that dumped 4-6 inches of snow with 30-40mph winds and below freezing temperatures ? not fun for the 200,000+ households/businesses without power for 9 days straight, nor those with holes in their homes. Unless you have a fireplace, no electric means no heat. Gas lines are still long, too! And not just for cars, as people wait in hours-long lines for gas for their generators to keep warm. How bad is the shortage? Check out this site: Make sure the "All stations" is chosen from the po-up menu in the upper-left. Red is a station with no gas, green with. (Or, just look at the attached screenshot) You will see its about a 5:1 ratio.

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