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ZoeBrownWerewoman 11-22-2019 04:32 AM

[Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Hey everyone!

I'm Zoe Brown, and I'm an author of very processy Gender Transformation fiction. I publish my stories on Amazon (you can buy them or read them for free on Kindle Unlimited), and I have a small but growing catalog. I'm currently publishing one medium-length novella a week (or a full length novel every month), and it was recommended to me that I come here and let you know that I exist and that you might enjoy my stories. : )

If you are interested in checking out my work, you can visit my website at or my Amazon story Catalog HERE. I also have a Patreon, in case that interests you.


CNash 11-27-2019 02:29 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Just dived into "Finders Keepers". Thanks! Always good to see more decent processy TG fiction. Way too many novellas on Amazon that are just like "and then John was a girl", or "he fell asleep and when he woke up, he was a woman!". That's usually just a lazy way of getting the gender-bent protagonist into bed with the designated love interest so that the author can write some painfully vanilla sex scenes...

ZoeBrownWerewoman 11-29-2019 02:06 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Glad you enjoyed it! If you enjoyed the FINDERS KEEPERS books you might enjoy the others even more (I generally consider the processy transformations in Addicted to Womanhood and I, Werewoman to be better to the one in FINDERS KEEPERS, as much as I enjoy them all.)

Thanks for your feedback!

CNash 11-30-2019 05:55 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
No problem :)

Um... is "Finders Keepers" only four parts? I mean, I guess the whole Aphrodite / Werewoman narrative continues in "Addicted to Womanhood" - although I was kind of bummed out for poor Miles after reading the prologue to that one, seems like he's destined to (eventually) run out of the gender-bending Aphrodite pills and have to resort to the way more expensive Werewoman black market ones, and as a poor college student how could he afford it?

Anyway, yes, "Addicted to Womanhood" is great so far. I must say, though, that you seem to have tapped directly into the heart of what makes transformation so sexy - your transformation scenes are incredibly well written and push all the right buttons!

If I might level some constructive criticism: your work really shines when you're writing dialogue scenes between two people, and the constant internal monologue from the lead character can get very exhausting without any dialogue to break it up. I know it can be tricky due to the narrative, but perhaps having more tertiary characters who interact with the protagonist (like Jillian in "Finders Keepers") outside of his/her main encounters would help cushion the stream-of-consciousness stuff a little.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 11-30-2019 01:09 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Only Four Parts right now, more coming in the new year! (I have Bodysuit story to catch up on first.) Miles does have a bit of a struggle ahead of him/herself in future chapters, but we'll come up with some fun and exciting ways to cope with them. : )

And thank you for the constructive criticism! I know that's something I do struggle with and I try to find ways to break it up--I think I get better at it over time, though. I don't feel like I, Werewoman is quite so ponderous, although there is still a lot, I do like getting inside the head of my characters when I write erotica.

Thanks again!

ZoeBrownWerewoman 12-17-2019 09:43 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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It was supposed to be a prosthesis.
It was supposed to be a disguise.
He was supposed to be Impersonating a woman!

But when 25-year-old Geoffrey Hancock put on a high tech, super-advanced, top secret Female Bodysuit in order to help his best friend Henry D'Angelo, an undercover FBI agent who had been secretly infiltrating a New York City crime family for the past two years, sneak out of the city and away to his family home in Rochester by posing as his girlfriend, something unexpected, astonishingly remarkable, and utterly threatening to Geoffrey's sense of personal masculine gender identity had happened: rather than disguising him as a beautiful blonde woman, the suit had actually, physically turned him INTO a woman instead!

Now fully female, Geoffrey, posing as the 23-year-old fictional blonde bombshell 'Holly Reinhold,' Henry's dream girl, must quickly adapt to his--HER--new gender and identity and prepare herself for the masquerade of a lifetime: two weeks in Rochester during the Winter Holidays pretending to be Henry's GIRLFRIEND, in front of both family and friends, while under the distant, watchful eye of the New York mafia.

At over 31,000 words, HOLLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Part Two is the second part in an on-going, Holidays-themed serial erotic romance which is part sensual, romantic transgender transformation tale and part undercover adventure/organized crime/mafia adventure story as well.


And in case you missed it, PART ONE of Holly for the Holidays ( ) was revised and slightly expanded a few days ago to help turn the ongoing story into a more effective traditional romance. If you already own the title, you should be able to download the second edition update via Kindle, or delete it and re-download it from the website (for free!)

ZoeBrownWerewoman 12-24-2019 12:26 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Donning the XR-F-891A Female Bodysuit transformed 25-year-old Geoffrey Hancock from a Man into a 23-year-old blonde bombshell of a Woman named 'Holly Reinhold.' Assuming the body and identity of this previously-fictional young woman, whom his--now HER--best friend and roommate, secret undercover FBI agent Henry D'Angelo, had been employing as his cover girlfriend for the past six months, afforded Geoffrey/Holly with the opportunity to try and save life of his/her best friend.

By going home with Henry for the Holidays and posing as his Girlfriend, in front of both family and family friends, and under the distant watchful eyes of a big NYC criminal organization, the new woman and her supposed love interest hoped that their performance as boyfriend and girlfriend would convince the senior bosses of the menacing New York City crime family which Henry had been infiltrating for the past two years to relax their suspicions and leave the young undercover agent in peace. If they failed, death would almost certainly be the end result.

And yet posing as a woman, and as his--HER--best friend's girlfriend poses its own problems for the new Holly. Just what sort of effect will spending two weeks in the body of a beautiful young woman, while pretending to be the loving girlfriend of the friend she cares most for in the entire world, have upon Holly's formerly male gender identity? What new temptations and experiences will the new woman encounter during her bodysuited, gender-transformed female adventures which will challenge that same sense of masculine identity? Will she even still want to return to her old, former male existence when her new adventures are at an end?

At over 31,000 words, HOLLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Part Three is the third part in an on-going, Holidays-themed serial erotic romance adventure which is part sensual, romantic female-bodysuit-enabled transgender transformation story, and part undercover adventure/organized crime/mafia story as well.


ZoeBrownWerewoman 01-12-2020 11:03 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Bodysuited, gender transformed and newly-female 'HOLLY REINHOLD,' a twenty-three-year-old and stunningly beautiful blonde woman who had formerly been the twenty-five-year-old, slightly pudgy male 'Geoffrey,' arrived in Rochester last night alongside his/her best friend and roommate, HENRY D'ANGELO. He--now SHE--had come to Upstate New York to play the part of Henry's previously fictional girlfriend, pretending to be in love with his/her best friend and roommate while visiting Henry's family over the Holiday season. He/She had done this in order to help her friend convince his dangerous Mafia superiors back in NYC that the previously fictional blonde chick whose identity she had assumed, and who only ever 'existed' before as a cover for his/her best friend's undercover operations on behalf of the FBI, was actually a real woman, so that hopefully those same dangerous superiors would focus their suspicions elsewhere, and leave Henry alone.

Now in Rochester at the beginning of her and Henry's supposedly 'romantic holiday getaway,' the new HOLLY discovers that she must accustom herself to life in her female alter-ego's alluring, womanly body--and fast. Flirting with handsome young men, learning to apply women's cosmetics, dressing to impress her putative boyfriend's affectionate and close-knit family, and navigating the thorny complexities of her evolving gender identity and sexual orientation are only a few of the challenges which the new woman must quickly overcome, and even after she does so, will she be prepared to make an important, potentially life-changing choice which could forever alter who she is, who she wants to be, and the nature of her relationship with Henry?

At over 85,000 words, HOLLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS: BOOK Four is a novel-length fourth installment of this on-going, Holidays-themed serial erotic romance adventure which is part sensual, romantic female-bodysuit-enabled transgender transformation tale, and part undercover adventure/organized crime/mafia story as well.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 04-29-2020 07:47 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
I don't have an exact word count of every transformation, but the most recent one published is something like 7k. The one I'm publishing this weekend is like... double that?

ZoeBrownWerewoman 04-29-2020 07:53 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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25-year-old JULIAN REEVE's life had been going pretty well up until now. He shared a NYC apartment with his best friend and college roommate, Theodore Rosso, whose life-long ambition of opening a Mediterranean restaurant he had just helped to bring to fruition, and he'd recently begun an intimate relationship with the beautiful red-headed bartender Brianna Forth, another close friend from his college days. True, he was a bit... financially challenged, estranged from his father and sister, and his mother's terminal ailment had been hanging over him for years, but all things considered his he'd been pretty comfortable.

There had just always been this... one thing, though. This one little black mark on what had otherwise been a fairly happy and fulfilling life. This one little... ENORMOUS, ALL-CONSUMING desire and longing that had been plaguing and tormenting him for years, and which, no matter how happy he was otherwise, how comfortable, how content, how fulfilled, he could never quite completely rid himself of.

You see, for practically all of his adult life, Julian had been completely and utterly Obsessed with the fantasy of becoming a Beautiful, Glamorous, and Heterosexually-Active young WOMAN. It was a deep personal need which had tortured him for years, driving him to distraction, tormenting him with imaginary futures and alternate lives and possibilities which at first he had hoped he might find a way to realize, but which, with the passage of time, he had reluctantly and unhappily grown to accept that he would never be able to realize. In order to maintain his pretense at being a happy, normal young man, and out of fear over how his friends and loved ones would respond to learning about his deepest, most insistent fantasy longings, he had kept those desires a complete and total secret from all but one person in his life, another old college friend named Arián Rivera, who had accidentally stumbled upon the knowledge of Julian's most deeply-held secret desires one day years ago during a summer break between university semesters, and who happened to share those exact same fantasies, longings, and desires himself.

But when, one night, years after they first encountered one another, learned about each other's secret desire to become a woman, and built a friendship based on their mutual interest, Arián messaged Julian with a link to the video recording of an incredibly convincing-looking experiment in male-to-female GENDER TRANSFORMATION, Julian finds himself unexpectedly confronting the possibility that there might actually be a way that he can fulfill his years-old fantasies. An ancient herbal and mystical remedy discovered in writing preserved on an ancient tablet in the underwater ruins of a sunken temple off the northern shore of Egypt. Wrestling with both his long-held fantasies and the fears which had always held him back from trying to pursue his desires before, Julian finds himself trying to grapple with the possible changes that the so-called 'Elixir of Isis' might wreak upon his life, if he lets it, and with trying to decide whether he is either brave enough or desperate enough to risk everything that he HAS on the chance for something that he has obsessed over for years...

At roughly 65,000 words, this 'Part One' of 'The Woman You Make Me' is the first installment in a new, multi-part serial series from Zoe Brown which features Temporary, 'Processy' Magical Gender Transformations, Alter Egos, Wish Fulfillment, Sensual Adventures, and Romantic Entanglements.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 05-03-2020 11:21 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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For years, 25-year-old JULIAN REEVE has been fascinated by the idea of trading his manhood and masculinity for a chance to enjoy the beauty and femininity of an alluring young woman instead. But after two teams of underwater archaeologists managed to uncover, translate, and prove the existence and efficacy of an ancient gender bending potion known as 'The Elixir of Isis,' Julian was forced to not only confront his desires but also face up to his fears about how using the recently-rediscovered Elixir might change, or ruin, his... or HER life.

When the unexpected interruption of his best friend, Theodore, and the girl he's been seeing, Brianna, robs him of his chance to choose whether to drink the Elixir or not, Julian has to scramble to repair his relationships with three of the most important people in his life, while simultaneously trying to grapple with both his desires and his anxieties. When he is next offered the opportunity to drink the Elixir, and explore what life might be like for him--for HER--as a beautiful young woman, what will he choose?

At roughly 50,000 words, this 'Part Two' of 'The Woman You Make Me' is the second installment in a new, multi-part serial series from Zoe Brown which features Temporary, 'Processy' Magical Gender Transformations, Alter Egos, Wish Fulfillment, Sensual Adventures, and Romantic Entanglements.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 05-15-2020 07:41 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Some Guys just wanna be Girls.

25-year-old JULIAN REEVE was one of them. But in eight years of fantasizing about it, daydreaming about the prospect, toying with the idea of transitioning, he never got around to doing anything. He'd been too afraid--that he was too big, too tall, too masculine to ever pass as the pretty young woman he craved to become--that his family would never accept him, as a her. That his friends would freak out and abandon him.

When the thousands-of-years-old Ancient Egyptian magical potion known as the ELIXIR OF ISIS was rediscovered by underwater archaeologists and revealed online to a small number of Gender Bending enthusiasts such as himself, Julian had thought he'd found his answer, but when it came time for him to actually drink the Elixir and go through with becoming the woman he had always wanted to be, he punked out. He was still too afraid about how people would react when they realized what he'd done.

But after a month of wrestling with his decision to turn down drinking the ancient gender changing formula, of opening up to his friends about his yearnings and desires, of patching up relationships that he had recklessly endangered by keeping his longings a secret, Julian was again offered a chance to make his dreams come true, when his best friend and roommate of the past eight years, THEODORE ROSSI, offered to make the Elixir of Isis with Julian and turn him into a woman. Impulsively, Julian agreed.

Now, in PART THREE of THE WOMAN YOU MAKE ME, Julian at last undergoes the sensuous and exhilarating metamorphosis into a woman that he has put off for over a month, and finally gets to meet his new, female alter ego... 'JULIA.'

At almost 70,000 words, THE WOMAN YOU MAKE ME: PART THREE is the next installment in a ongoing, multi-part serial series from Zoe Brown which features Temporary, 'Processy' Magical Transformations, Alter Egos, Wish Fulfillment, Sensual Adventures, and Romantic Entanglements.

Hardcase 05-17-2020 02:40 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
I have to say, Part Three was worth the wait. Those first six chapters did not disappoint.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 05-19-2020 07:26 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
I'm glad you enjoyed them!

ZoeBrownWerewoman 05-21-2020 06:13 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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LIAM GALBRAITH's best friend Mallory was getting married! That was awesome! What wasn't awesome was that he wasn't invited to the Hen Night Bachelorette Party that Mallory and the rest of their close knit circle of female friends were throwing in Las Vegas the weekend before her wedding. There was a good reason he wasn't invited, of course--it had to do with him being a HIM. Hen Night was 'Girl's-Only,' and there were no exceptions to be made: not for fiances, not for boyfriends, and not even for male best friends who were otherwise treated as 'One of the Girls.'

Except, as another one of Liam's female friends pointed out, there was a way he could get around that particular technicality. If Liam were to take some of the illicit Gender Bending street drug 'Werewoman,' and become a girl for 8 hours a dose, then he wouldn't be a guy anymore, and the 'No Guys' rule wouldn't apply to him. He--or rather SHE--would truly be 'One of the GIrls,' and then SHE could come party the night away and celebrate Mallory's upcoming wedding with the rest of their friends!

Liam didn't even hesitate to agree. Although anxious about giving up his masculinity for an evening and nervous about what effect the gender bending pills would have on him, both physically and mentally, as soon as their band of five arrived in Vegas, he downed two of the little pink pills, and waited to meet his female alter ego...

Over 50,000 words, Gender Bending in Las Vegas: Hen Party, Part One is a Steamy, Sultry, and 'Processy' Gender Transformation Adventure that features Werewoman Gender Bending Pills, Self-Feminization, and Steamy Encounters.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 06-08-2020 07:15 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited! (CLICK HERE!)
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It's 2021, America has been devastated by 18 months of pandemic disease and economic depression, and K-Pop is the award-winning sensation that's sweeping the nation. Desperate to revive flagging profits, the American music industry decides to launch a whole slate of brand new acts based on the South Korean pop-music phenomenon, consisting of college age, all-male and all-female singing and dancing groups which will charm the nation back into opening up their pocket books and spending money once again.

Enter, into this chaotic vortex, 26-year old JORDAN REEVE. Born and raised in Modesto, California, the young man at the heart of our story is a college drop out who left home at 21 following the death of his father in order to enroll in the armed services, then returned from his overseas, Syrian deployment a few years later in order to become the singing and dancing, uber-masculine hearthrob star of an off-strip Las Vegas male revue troupe.

For two years he was riding high. But after devastating injury left him unable to dance any longer, Jordan has to scramble around in the muck and mire of the seedy underbelly of America's Entertainment Industry in order to keep himself afloat, and so comes into the service of a weaselly talent scout and local criminal big wig Vincent 'Vinny' DeLuca.

DeLuca explains to Jordan his plans to put together the biggest and most popular of the star-studded new, Americanized K-Pop acts rolling out of Hollywood early the next year: it involves a long, sea-side motorcycle ride up the California coast, a zany young scientist working in a top-secret, government-funded research facility, and the very newest and most-cutting edge technology in next-gen, ultra-realistic FEMALE BODYSUITS!

At over 48,000 words, I am NIKKI CHOI (Part One) is the first installment in a new, on-going Gender Transformation, Feminization, & Sensual Romance Serial Story, featuring K-Pop Music, College Coed Slice-of-Life Hi-jinks, Double Identities, and Thrilling Adventure.

bigguy123 06-10-2020 09:44 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Is there any transformation in part 1?

ZoeBrownWerewoman 06-11-2020 06:29 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

ZoeBrownWerewoman 06-16-2020 07:39 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

My First Commissioned Story!

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited! (CLICK HERE!)
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Ever since they were all friends and roommates college together, celebrated 'Ladies' Man' Andrew McCade has possessed an unusual knack for charming beautiful young women, which has made him the envy of his jealous friends. In the spirit of good fun, and flavored with a pinch of jealousy, various aspersions have been cast at him, now and again, about his true sexuality and gender identity, but he has always laughed these off with aplomb.

On the occasion of his thirtieth birthday, however, his jealous friends prank him with a gag gift lampooning his famous success with women: an all-expenses paid Gift Certificate for 'THE WEREWOMAN EXPERIENCE,' a gender transformation, makeover, and all-day immersion into life as a member of the softer side of the gender divide offered by SECRET VENUS, a new company in Seattle which touts itself as the nation's first gender-bending clinic. The clinic offers its patrons legal access to WEREWOMAN, the highly contentious gender bending drug, and provides them with discrete and welcoming surroundings in which to take the pill, transform into gorgeous girls, and then spend however long immersing themselves in femininity and womanhood.

Although mildly intrigued by the idea of finding out what life as a beautiful young woman would be like, Andrew feels no pressing urge to take advantage of the gag gift his friends have given him and so after laughing it off, he promptly forgets about it.

But when, half a year later, frustrated and socially-stymied after four months of being trapped indoors by the first American outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and Seattle's 'Stay-Home' order, and looking for a wild and crazy way to burn off some steam, Andrew stumbles across his prepaid voucher to Secret Venus again. He is suddenly struck by the idea of cashing it, booking himself an appointment at the gender bending clinic, and then showing up at his best friend Roger's VIP Club party that evening, as a woman, to return the prank that his friends had first paid on him six months previous...

Over 30,000 words in length, THE WEREWOMAN EXPERIENCE (Part One) is the first part of a two-installment story of Recreational Gender Bending and Feminization via Werewoman Pills, and the beginning of a new, long-running character's journey into self-discovery, feminization, and womanhood.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 06-16-2020 08:29 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Now Accepting Commissions for Stories:

$200 for a 30,000 word (or more) novella in one or multiple parts. Erotica or Erotica Romance. Any words over 30,000 that I produce are free. I always go over. Sometimes I go a few thousand over, sometimes ten or twenty thousand.

What I offer: -- I will write a custom-commissioned minimum-30,000 word gender-bending erotica/erotic-romance/or erotic-adventure story for a flat rate of $200 dollars. Any words I produce over 30,000 will be free (I usually go 1k-4k over, but not guaranteed.)

-- I will write the story within 4 weeks after we agree upon content, payment, etc.

-- I will accept any form of gender-bending story that we can come to an agreement on. You can request sexual couplings, story components (bodysuits, gender changing pills, lingerie, high heels, whatever, etc.), character names and appearances, themes, plot elements (best friends to lovers? kinky online relationship becomes real?), sexual fetishes (to a limit: no scat, no non-con or dub-con, no vore, no underage, etc.), and so forth. If I think something is objectionable, I will let you know and we can renegotiate. I won't write any stories that denigrate trans people.

-- I am open to receiving a series of stories as a commission, but we'll have to work out the details on that together.

-- I will retain full and exclusive publishing rights to the finished story and any sequels I design. The finished story will be published on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. I will note your name on the Acknowledgements page of the published story: e.g. 'Special Thanks to …'

I will also be able to give you a free copy.

-- Payment will be conducted via my Patreon AFTER the story is complete and you have reviewed it. (It's very simple.)

-- You can contact me here (private message), by e-mail at zoe(at), or via my Patreon at http//

ZoeBrownWerewoman 06-21-2020 10:07 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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'I was just too much of a man for her.' Famous last words?

25-year old Alex has just broken up with his long-term girlfriend, Tessa, but he did it over text message, and he happened to make a number of... unguarded and, frankly, chauvinistic remarks in public about their relationship in the immediate aftermath of their breakup which angered and upset his ex-girlfriend. Unbeknownst to him, Tessa has recently acquired real magical abilities, and when she shows up at his front door a week and a day after the end of their relationship looking to teach her ex-boyfriend a lesson, Alex quickly discovers in a hurry that he should have done a much better job of concealing his deepest, most secret fantasies from her while they were still together!

Almost 22,000 words, Under Her Spell is a short and sultry standalone story of Magical Gender Transformation.

(This Story Was Commissioned)

ZoeBrownWerewoman 06-27-2020 12:37 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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Having cashed in the gift certificate to the Secret Venus gender bending Clinic that his old college buddies had given him as a gag gift, a prank they'd pulled on him on the occasion of his birthday, some six months previous, 30-year old Andrew now finds himself transformed into his new, beautiful, and voluptuous blonde female alter-ego, 'ANDREA,' a physically 'blessed' young woman who appeared to be in her early 20s and was easily the peer, on a purely physical level, of even the most beautiful and glamorous women in Seattle.

Thrilled at finding himself--HERSELF--such a breathtaking new beauty, the new Andrea sets out to take full advantage of her twenty-four-hour, once in a lifetime opportunity to immerse herself into the lived experiences of attractive, heterosexual young women around the world: going shopping, assembling an alluringly feminine outfit, hitting the mall with a female friend, being ogled by men and envied by other women, flirting with cute guys, and dolling herself up for a night on the town. Only, along the way, the simple, casual, risk-free experimentation that the new girl thought she was getting herself into when she took a twenty-four hour dose of Werewoman, the illicit gender bending street drug, suddenly begins to turn much more serious for her, as she begins to discover just how thoroughly heterosexual her new body is, and the enticing allure of the new, less-than-chaste urges and desires that seem to come with her temporary womanhood.

30,000 words in length, THE WEREWOMAN EXPERIENCE (Part Two) is the second installment of a limited series serial adventure featuring Recreational Gender Bending and Feminization via Werewoman Pills, and the beginnings of a new, long-running character's journey into self-discovery, feminization, and womanhood.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 07-09-2020 08:59 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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'One-Two-Three-Four / Everybody Get Your Bodies on the Dance Floor, Dance Floor, Dance Floor, Dance Floor--!'

At the conclusion of their fun and free-wheeling day of feminine adventures, the gorgeous and newly female 'ANDREA,' along with her new female friend and guide for the day, Evelyn, turns up at the packed and rocking Seattle nightclub, Eclipse, for Andrea's best friend Roger's post-Covid-19 'Welcome Back To Your Life Party' all dressed up, dolled up, made up, and ready to party. Will she enjoy her wild and unrestrained night of club-rocking, pulse-pounding abandon? Will she successfully manage to return the prank that her friends originally played on her, six months earlier, when they bought the formerly-male Andrew a gag gift, all-expenses paid voucher for a full day's 'Werewoman' Experience Package at the Secret Venus Gender Bending Clinic? Will Andrea finally give in to her body's burgeoning new female yearnings and desires? And will Andrea-slash-Andrew really return to her normal life as a man following the conclusion of her all-day gender bending experience? The answers: within.

At almost 35,000 words, The Werewoman Experience (Part Three & Conclusion) marks the end of Andrew/Andrea's first, sultry excursion into the wild and wonderful world of Recreational Gender Bending and Feminization via Werewoman pills, but it is also merely the beginning of a brand new and on-going character's continuing adventures with gender transformation, a gender bending double life, and his-slash-her evolving sense of self identity.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 07-24-2020 07:53 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

Once, not all that very long ago, Jorn had been a warrior. More than that, he had been hero. In a great battle against marauding Orkund Hordes pouring out of the north, the 'pointy-eared' Cambraian sellsword had rallied the forces of Ethendale and King Helecthor's great allied host and driven into the midst of the fell enemies who had threatened to destroy the whole of the Northern Armies in a great inferno of fell magics and black fire. He had rescued the King, cut down the Orkund warchief, and saved the day!

However, in the winning of the war, the mighty warrior had suffered an ignoble injury, which left him maimed and a-halt of one foot for the rest of his life. Now, years later, the 30-year old ex-sellsword, now Weapons Master to the King of the Dale, friend to the young Prince Erik, newly come of age, finds himself yearning for past days of battle and glory and struggling against the nefarious agendas of powerful court ministers who hate and fear his people, the Fae-born and newly-refugee Cambraians who have come to call Aarden and Ethendale their home.

But as the ailing King Helecthor nears his end, and great and powerful realms from across the Continent begin to send their royal daughters to Aarden, the great city of the Dale, seeking the hand of its next king and hoping to forge marital ties with the rising power of Ethendale which could shift the balance of power throughout Calasthrae, danger comes to the palace, and new threats emerge out of the treacherous shadows of Council Agendas and Imperial Embassies to both threaten the life of the royal heir and raise the specter of wider war across the Continent.

Amidst this maelstrom of hidden agendas, duplicitous Councillors, and conniving powers, Jorn finds himself awkwardly thrust back into the role of warrior, protector, and hero once more. Will he be able to protect his friend, safeguard his houseless and refugee people, and defend the realm of Ethendale from the malevolent schemes of old and terrible foes? To what ancient purpose do the Empire and Dominion hunt the Fae-born Cambraians across the Continent? What role will the legendarily gender transformed Fae goddess of fertility, beauty, and women's sensuality, Ashtharae the Harvest Queen, play in helping Jorn to avert the complete destruction of everyone and everything he holds dear?

At over 48,000 words, the novella-length MAIDEN FAIR (Part One) is the Beginning of a Scintillating and Seductive Fantasy Romance Adventure Serial Series (A 'Pendant of Ashtharae' Adventure) which features an expansive fantasy world, a rich and deep political history and legendarium, complex cultural and civilizational conflict, and magical gender transformation.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 08-06-2020 07:17 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

The Hottest New Island Party Hotspot.
The Secret Shrine of an Ancient Goddess.
Two Unemployed Post-Grads Looking to Party.
A Few Unexpected Gender Transformations, some Feminization, and a whole lot of hot, steamy, Mediterranean Resort Hook-up Fun!

Three thousand five hundred years ago, a man begged a god for a favor. More specifically, he begged a goddess. He begged a goddess to make him a woman. When she did not hear his pleas, he offered her great treasures. When she continued to ignore him, he offered her more and more expansive pledges of reverence, fidelity, and eternal servitude. Finally, after all his supplications, the goddess chose to grant the man--the new woman--his/her request. But not without exacting a cost...

Now, three thousand five hundred years LATER, the Pleasure Island Hotel and Resort company operates the hottest new party hotspot in the Mediterranean Sea, in new West Paphos, on the coast of Cyprus, with the most luxuriant resort accommodations, the most hoppin'-est parties, the kickin'-est clubs, and the hottest women you can find on a beach anywhere in the world. When Gavin and Collin, two young journalism post-graduates, unemployed and looking to party as they wander their way across the Mediterranean looking for stories to tell of their wild and crazy adventures, learn about this mecca of sensual pleasure and indolent luxury, they know they have to visit.

But how to afford the stay? After eight months of non-stop free-wheeling adventure and world-travelling, the guys' funds are all but depleted. When the reservations representative of the most sumptuous, extravagant resort accommodation on the island offers to let the young men stay in exchange for some vaguely-defined 'Hospitality and Promotions' work on behalf of the resort, Gavin and Collin feel certain there must be more to this exchange that they aren't being told about, just yet, but although their suspicions seem justified, they can learn no more without making the trip and booking their stay at Pleasure Island Hotel and Resorts Company, where they will come to learn the secret watchwords:

'Come for the Beaches... Stay for the Boys.'

At roughly 33,500 words, Pleasure Island (Part One) is the beginning of a new, on-going serial story from Zoe Brown involving unexpected gender transformations, feminizations, and steamy, beach party resort hook-up fun!

ZoeBrownWerewoman 08-16-2020 01:56 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(This Story was Commissioned by Fellow Process Forum User 'Alchemical Night.')

Forty-four-year-old Dr. Sebastian Nairn was a man in search of rehabilitation. A disgraced scholar, his academic record in tatters, his tenure denied, he had spent the past decade and a half of his life trying to prove his 'crackpot' and 'fringe' theories about ancient Japanese occult practices and ritual mysticism to the field of Cultural Anthropology without success. But when a strange, unexpected package from the Kyoto Prefecture of Central Japan suddenly turns up at his new teaching posting with the 'City of Second Chances' Metropolitan University in Las Vegas, Nevada with a surprisingly illicit and controversial cargo inside, he sees a way to rescue his battered and disparaged reputation.

Unfortunately for the desperate academic, when a surprise, late night visit from a life-long academic rival interrupts him in the middle of conducting a series of secret, forbidden experiments upon a pair of two-millennia-old sacred stone basins extracted from the ruined site of a forgotten shrine to a peculiarly gender-ambiguous red-haired god/goddess which was once located on the slopes for Mount Chorogatake, Nairn is caught off-balance, and flustered, he accidentally drinks some of the sample of the water taken during the course of his anxiously charged and furtive experimentation, and within moments of his professional nemesis leaving his office, he begins to experience some emasculating, feminizing, and deeply troubling side-effects from consuming the experimental substance...

Over 36,000 words in length, UNANTICIPATED SIDE EFFECTS (Part One) is the beginning of new and seductive ongoing serial erotic story from Zoe Brown involving Gender Transformation, Ethnicity Change, Age Reduction, Feminization, & Steamy Experimentation.

bigguy123 08-18-2020 11:15 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
very good

ZoeBrownWerewoman 08-24-2020 09:33 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
@bigguy123 thanks!

ZoeBrownWerewoman 08-24-2020 09:35 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

This Story was Commissioned

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

2024. A world where super-powered Metahumans are a reality, but the great costumed 'Superheroes' of popular imagination are now decades in the past. A new, far-right party of intolerant 'Fundamentalists' have risen to take hold of the institutions of 'law,' 'order,' 'justice', and both national and local government all across the nation, inspiring a rash of brutal terrorist attacks and leading to the widespread state-suppression of liberal and progressive communities. In this world, THOMAS GARCIA is a 20 year-old College Student at the University of Washington (Seattle Campus) who, at first glance, seems to live a life which closely resembles that which might be found on the campuses of our real world universities. He goes to class, he has friends, he tries out for the track team, and he falls for a girl who (bummer!) isn't looking to get serious.

But when a terrorist bomber self-detonates in the center of downtown Seattle with liters of an unknown, purplish chemical substance strapped to his body, the explosion disperses a toxic, mutagenic compound into the atmosphere, which then washes down all across the city, the greater metropolitan area, and the whole of the Pacific Northwest region in a phenomenon which comes to known as 'the Day of the Purple Rain.' Over the course of a week, this compound, contaminating both the air and the water, begins transforming a small handful of local, twenty-something inhabitants of the Seattle Metro Area into the first members of new generation of fully-powered Metahumans. Being among the first people to come in contact with the mutagenic substance, Thomas is unexpectedly thrust into the forefront of this wild, exhilarating, and somewhat unnerving new world, where twenty-somethings become Reluctant Superheroes in a new battle against brutally oppressive forces seeking to remake the world in their cruel image, and finds himself--or, perhaps, HERSELF--profoundly changed by the experience.

At over 48,000 words, VELOCITY (Part One), is the first novella-length installment in an on-going new serial story from Zoe Brown featuring College-Age, Gender Bending Superhero Action, Thrilling Adventure, ‘Processy’ Gender Transformations, Feminization, Secret Identities, Self-Discovery, & Sensual Romance.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 08-30-2020 09:07 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

This Story was Commissioned

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

When 28-year-old Law School graduate NATHAN PARK moves back to his hometown of Austin to join his Korean American family's legal firm at the behest of his father, he gets an apartment with an old friend, eponymously named after the city itself: 28-year-old AUSTIN WILLOW. In their youth, Austin had been the most macho and manly guy around, a really rough-and-tumble dude who took Nathan dirt bike racing and mud wrestling whenever the two of them could sneak away from Nathan's deeply structured life and the stifling control of his overbearing parents. Now moving into together as adult professionals, Nathan looks forward to catching up with his old friend and getting back to their wild and crazy, testosterone-fueled adventures.

But, oh boy, is he in for a big surprise! Not long after moving home, taking up residence in Apartment 2B of Trevelyan Towers in the Triangle District of North-Central Austin, Nathan discovers that his old friend and new roommate has been carefully hiding a secret from him--from everyone--for the better part of five years. You see, not only does Austin not really dig traditionally macho or testosterone-y activities any longer, but while Nate's been away at college, Austin has discovered a new side of his--or, rather, HER--personality, a side brought out of the successful young Executive VP of a 'bro-ey' venue-furnishing company by regular doses of Werewoman Pills, the illicit gender bending street drug. Ever more frequently of late, Austin has been using the pink pills, purchased from Black Market dealers in Louisiana, to turn himself into his new, female alter-ego, PAIGE, a busty blonde babe who has a thing for big, brawny guys, and who LOVES being a woman (at least part of the time).

Suddenly forced to grapple with a whole new, and unexpectedly, frequently, FEMALE version of his old friend, while simultaneously trying to adapt himself to working at his family's firm and being chased after by his mother to find a nice, Korean American girl from their own neighborhood to start dating and eventually settle down with, Nate finds himself experiencing a plethora of new and sometimes contradictory emotions: attraction to his friend and roommate's female alter ego, the sense of being trapped and hemmed in by the expectations of his parents, the obligations he feels he owes to them and to his community. . . but most of all, a disquieting titillation whenever he thinks about Austin/Paige's gender bending habits, and a slow-boiling yearning to break free of all the expectations which everyone else has for him. . .

At roughly 30,000 words, THE GIRLS IN APARTMENT 2B is the first installment in a new, serial story from Zoe Brown involving secret identities, double-lives, feminization, and 'Processy' Gender Transformation.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 09-09-2020 01:04 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

When 21-year-old NYU Upperclassman Michael Banks wrecks his father's brand new, two-hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollar Tesla Roadster, while his tyrant of a parent is out of town and away on a lengthy vacation cruise, he soon learns that it will cost him roughly $25,000 dollars to get fixed, and so feels that he has good cause to believe that he is doomed. After all, there's no way he can raise that sort of money in a hurry, right? Once his dad gets home and finds out what he did--he's done for!

But when his beautiful blonde friend and ex-lover, a graduate student named Amelia, whom he met a year before when she was working as a high-priced, high-class 'escort,' suggests that there might just be a way that he can come up with money he needs, in a hurry, inside of the two short weeks in which he has to produce it before he runs out of time to pay a friend's shady Uncle to fix the Roadster up again, Michael is so desperate for any hope of finding a way out of his predicament that he leaps for it.

The only catch... well, he has take Werewoman, the illicit, gender bending street drug, and turn himself into a gorgeous and glamorous young WOMAN, so that he can step into his blonde friend's shoes for a couple of weeks, and take her place as an elite, upper-class 'call girl' patronized by the richest and most sophisticated New York up-and-comers.

It's A BIG CATCH, which really threatens his personal sense of masculinity and his identity as a big, strong, handsome and confident young man, and Michael nearly backs out several times, but in the end, summoning up his courage and trying to convince himself that it might actually wind up being FUN to take a walk on the 'woman's' side of the gender divide for a little while, he agrees to go through with it.

Join Michael in this, the first, over-40,000-word novella installment in a new, on-going serial series from Zoe Brown, featuring Gender Transformation, Feminization, Unexpected Ethnicity Change, and the exciting and sexy, glamorous high-class world of elite female 'escort' workers in New York City.

Jake 09-09-2020 05:05 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
You know, I would like you to finish one of these series.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 09-09-2020 08:57 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
I'm going to finish them all. But these are all commissions, and I have to do all Part Ones before I can start on the Part Twos. I've finished the Part Ones now, and will be publishing the first of the Part Twos next week.

Jake 09-11-2020 01:11 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

ZoeBrownWerewoman 10-31-2020 12:27 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

Two Royal Princesses have come to Aarden, seeking either the hand of its next King in marriage, or his head. Corrupt Councilors plot in the shadows, where secret assassins lurk. Only One Man can stand in the way of the dangerous plots which threaten to either destroy the Kingdom of Ethendale, or dethrone its future ruler, but he may have to surrender his manhood and adopt the physical form and womanly flesh of a Maiden Fair in order to do so...

Jorn Grimmtolsbane was once a great and legendary warrior.

Now he is a forgotten nobody, a twenty-nine-year-old exile from his ruined homeland, a maimed Weapons Master who can no longer lead the Warrior's life of a Sellsword which he yearns for most ardently, a refugee living a city governed by men and women who hate his kind, and friend only to a handful of fellow outcasts, courtesans... and to one flamboyant and rakish young twenty-two year old prince and Heir to the Realm who will one day soon be the next King of Ethendale.

When Jorn learns that there are dangerous plots threatening the safety and security of the realm, of those whom he cares about who live within it, and imperiling the life of his closest friend, the Crown Prince Erik Helecthorson, he commits himself to a secret cabal of loyalist officers, soldiers, and shadowy assassins who are working to protect the Kingdom and save the life of its future sovereign. But as maimed ex-soldier, he is of little use to the cabal's leaders, except as a conduit through which they persuade the Prince, his friend, not to take any rash action which my move the hostile conspirators to deadly action, too soon. This leaves the ex-sellsword and war hero feeling adrift, and purposeless, less than he once was, and of no real use to anyone. While his fellow loyalists search the city to uncover and defang a dangerous threat, and as royal women from throughout the Continent of Calasthrae pour in to the Great City of Aarden to seek his friend Erik's hand in marriage, and to become his future Queen, he drifts aimlessly from one dispassionate diversion to another, troubled by dreams which he does not understand, and uncomfortably aware of just how little he can do to make any difference to the great events presently underway.

But when the leaders of the loyalist movement are ambushed, and defeated, slain or suborned to malign purpose, the ex-Sellsword-turned-Weapons-Master abruptly and unexpectedly finds responsibility of defending Aarden and protecting his friend, the Prince, from deadly dangers thrust upon him. The task threatens to overwhelm him, and when a mysterious and otherworldly benefactress offers the ex-hero the power he will need to defeat his enemies and to deliver his friends, his adopted homeland, and his sundered people from their pitiable fates, how can he say no... even if the catch for such assistance requires him to put aside the manly form and male identity which are all that he has ever known?

At close to 100,000 words, MAIDEN FAIR (Part Two) is a novel-length second installment in an on-going Fantasy Romance Adventure Series which features an expansive fantasy world, a rich and deep political history and legendarium, complex cultural and civilizational conflict, and magical gender transformation.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 11-18-2020 11:08 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

'Come for the Beaches... Stay for the Boys.'

Now checked in to their swanky, two-room luxury suite at the exclusive, jet-setting PLEASURE ISLAND: 'Aphrodite from the Sea Foam' resort, located along the coast outside of West Paphos, on the Eastern Mediterranean Island of Cyprus, aspiring travel writers Cole and Gavin set out to explore the new island party hotspot, searching for hot women, good times, and the most happening venues. Over the course of the next seven days, they find all that they are seeking for... and more.

When Gavin begins to encounter a curious mystery, finding a drawer full of luxurious, high-quality women's lingerie in the dresser within his bedroom in the suite that he shares with his travelling companion, Cole, the morning after they arrive, he doesn't immediately think much of this, nor of the curious dreams which he has begun to have, dreams that revolve around him transforming into a beautiful woman every evening, and engaging in some... passionately sensual bedroom activities with some of the hotter men who happen to be vacationing on the western coast of the island. But the dreams don't go away, and more little, scattered feminine odds and ends start turning up inside of his living area at the resort, and it isn't too long before he begins experiencing some disturbingly humiliating episodes of intense, day-time attraction to a number of extremely rich, powerful, famous.. and handsome men whom he happens to stumble across on the island during the waking hours of the first week at the resort.

Wondering just what is beginning to happen to him, when he and his best friend, Cole, happen to stumble across a particularly annoying red-haired Scotsman with whom they have (reluctantly) become acquainted, just as the other begins to undergo a shockingly sensual and surprisingly graphic full-body, feminizing gender transformation, Gavin begins to worry that he and his best friend might have blundered into a trap at the Pleasure Island Resort from which there may be no escape...

At nearly 44,000 words, Pleasure Island (Part Two) is the second installment in an on-going serial story from Zoe Brown involving unexpected gender transformations, feminizations, and steamy, beach party resort hook-up fun!

ZoeBrownWerewoman 11-27-2020 01:30 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

'Come for the Beaches. . . Stay for the Boys'

After more than twelve months hopscotching across the Mediterranean in search of wine, women, and song, 28-year-old itinerant journalism Ph.D graduates COLE COSTAS and GAVIN AYLWARD had pretty much thought that they'd seen it all. Everywhere they went on their island-hopping search for the hottest party spots, the swinging-est resorts, and the sunniest beaches all throughout the Great Inland Sea, they found an abundance of hot women to woo, bouncing beats to dance to, and no shortage of tasty, intoxicating beverages to imbibe. All in all, it was a good way to spend a post-pandemic 'gap year,' if you could swing it.

Coming to Cyprus, the two young, aspiring travel writers had not anticipated that there would be anything markedly different about their time in the new party hotspot of West Paphos, enjoying an all-expenses-paid reservation to the world-class, Pleasure Island: 'Aphrodite from the Sea Foam' luxury resort, and even their discovery, shortly after arriving, that the local coastal community nearby boasted a surprisingly (almost 'impossibly') great abundance of gorgeous, absolutely breath-takingly beautiful young women, a mysterious legacy that some local folktales chalked up to the spot having originally been cited by ancient Classical Mythology as the birthplace of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, didn't really alter that assessment overmuch. There was still no shortage of drink, no lack of hot women to pursue, and no dearth of fun, hopping entertainment venues in which to party.

But all of that changed after the pair of randy young drifters stumbled into a changing room facility on the property of their swanky resort accommodations, only to watch a large bodied, heavy-set red-haired Scottish Professor of Classical Mythology with whom they were acquainted undergo a shockingly sensual and startlingly graphic full-body physical and sexual GENDER TRANSFORMATION into a gorgeous, copper-headed college coed beach bunny, a FEMINIZING METAMORPHOSIS which both terrified and (perhaps even more frighteningly) excited the two young men, who were otherwise powerless to do anything to prevent it, or to help the other, former male to do anything to avert it.

Suddenly all the bizarre dreams that both Cole and Gavin had been experiencing over the past week (dreams of womanhood, of transformation, and of lusty carnal encounters with a succession of attractive, rich, and powerful men), the simultaneous, gradual appearance of various items of feminine clothing, grooming materials, and toiletries in their suites, as well as a few of the odd things that members of the staff and fellow guests staying at the Pleasure Island Resort Hotel had said or done since they had arrived began to make sense, and it all added up to a frightening but inescapable conclusion: that 'Aphrosae,' the ancient, Bronze Age West Cypriot goddess of womanhood, beauty, and fertility that the once-male Dr. Finlay Morgan had discovered rumor of during his explorations on the island was not only real, but that she, in conjunction with the powerful and influential local Paphitis family who ran the Pleasure Island Resort company, had a penchant for transforming the resort's broke, unemployed, and vagabond 'VIP Guests' (like Cole and Gavin!) into the kind of hot, sexy young women who could bring in the throngs of rich, powerful men that the resort needed to attract in order to acquire the big, heaping gobs of cash that the Paphitis family seemingly desired. . .

Will Cole and Gavin be able to escape the same fate which had befallen their redheaded Scottish scholarly acquaintance? What more will they discover about the roots of Aphrosae's secret, gender-changing cult worship there in West Paphos? At roughly 45,000 words, Pleasure Island (Part Three) is the third installment in an on-going serial story from Zoe Brown involving gender transformation, feminization, and steamy, beach party resort hook-up fun!

Nightstar76 12-03-2020 07:35 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
I've been reading through all your books and I love your transformations! I hope to see more soon.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 12-08-2020 01:53 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Thank you!

ZoeBrownWerewoman 12-13-2020 03:41 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)
As a reminder, I am now ACCEPTING COMMISSIONS!


'Come for the Beaches. . . Stay for the Boys'

For over two weeks now aspiring travel writers Cole Costas and Gavin Aylward, both in their late twenties, have been hiding out on the far side of East Paphos, on the island of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean, with the newly-gender-transformed Finlay (now FIONA) Morgan, formerly a Ph.D-holding Professor of Classical Mythology at the University of Edinburgh, but now, a sexy, early-twenty-something redhaired 'beach babe' like all the other 'PLEASURE ISLAND GIRLS.' But when after two weeks of laying low and avoiding the seemingly-nefarious plots and schemes of the wealthy, local Paphitis family, and the ancient patron deity of West Paphos, Aphrosae, a very ancient goddess of women, sex, beauty, and fertility who preceded Aphrodite in this corner of the world, the new girl FIONA decides to embrace her newfound womanhood and return to the Pleasure Island hotel and resort property, Cole and Gavin decide that they must sneak back after her to make sure that she's alright, and are caught in the act.

Now, ambushed and dosed with the same sex-changing enchanted water which had transformed Finlay (and countless other men before him) into a beautiful young woman, the two American and Canadian men discover that if they want to hold on to their masculinities, and their male identities, they need to escape the new Tourism District of West Paphos before their bodies can fully succumb to the feminizing power of Aphrosae's gender-changing magics. If they do not, they could be trapped in a pair of new curvy, soft, and supple female forms for days, or potentially even weeks, to come.

Will they make it in time? And if not... what then?

At roughly 45,000 words in length, Pleasure Island (Part Four) is the newest installment in an on-going serial story from Zoe Brown involving gender transformation, feminization, and steamy, beach party resort hook-up fun!

bigguy123 12-13-2020 04:41 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
This looks awesome can't wait to read it.

Nightstar76 12-13-2020 09:02 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
I'm personally looking forward to Unexpected Side Effects #2

Jake 12-16-2020 01:01 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
When will that come out?

ZoeBrownWerewoman 12-17-2020 02:46 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Two weeks-ish.

CNash 01-09-2021 02:55 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Just finished part three of "The Woman You Make Me" - and super eager for more after that cliffhanger!

If I may ask - how do you decide which stories to pick up and continue writing? Do you always know how long a given story will be (how many parts), and do you have a schedule of some kind?

Jake 01-10-2021 02:09 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Originally Posted by ZoeBrownWerewoman (Post 844814)
Two weeks-ish.

It's been more than two weeks nowl

Alchemical Night 01-11-2021 07:28 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Originally Posted by Jake (Post 845264)
It's been more than two weeks nowl

Hello there,

Ah, Jake, just to say, I think the delay may be down to a bout of illness that the writer had - not covid, if curious - and they have recently returned to work, as they can.

I hope that shines some light on things ;).

Alchemical Night.

Nightstar76 01-14-2021 08:24 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
I'm looking forward to your next work, whenever you get it published! It's inspiring me to get back into writing a little. People seem to have liked my tg sequences, but they're never so good as yours.

Jake 01-15-2021 01:36 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
I hope she is OK then

garycamaro86 01-27-2021 02:46 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

ZoeBrownWerewoman 01-30-2021 01:13 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

Once upon a time, it had seemed to Dominic and Oliver that the two of them might have actually had a shot at superstardom. As a pair of guitar-playing college drop outs, the two had moved to LA together five years ago with the third member of their band, a talented female lead singer, to begin Jenny and the Angry Peaches' meteoric rise up the charts. Only, not all meteors ascend. Most just crash and burn.

Now, five years later, the pair of down-on-their-luck, mid-twenties 'has-beens' no longer have a lead singer to accompany, no back-up instrumentalists, and no gigs to play at. Their music careers effectively on life-support, after living out of the back of a Camper van for the past six months, the two young men eagerly accept an invitation from Dominic's mother to drive up the coast of California to the small beach town of Capitola, and there to clean out the uninhabited cliff-side house previously owned by Dom's late grandmother.

But when, after they arrive at the house, Dominic and Oliver find an eighty-year old photo album containing pictures of both Dom's Second World War-era great-grandfather and a myriad of never-before-seen photos of a mysterious, drop-dead female beauty and nightclub lounge singer whom they quickly identify as his great-grandmother, along with an old, leather-bound logbook and an ancient-looking necklace with a mysteriously glowing pearl pendant, the pair find themselves piecing together a nearly century-old mystery about the fate of a Marine who went missing in action, and about the gorgeous, dark-haired beauty and war-era star of song and stage who mysteriously took his place. In learning the curious, sex-changing and mythical fate of Robert/Mary Dorsey, will they simultaneously discover a way to revitalize their own flagging musical careers?

At over 40,000 words, Siren's Song (Part One), is the first installment in a new, limited-run serial erotica series involving a Slow, Magical Gender Transformation & Feminization (and Mermaids!) I hope you enjoy it!

ZoeBrownWerewoman 01-30-2021 01:16 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Originally Posted by CNash (Post 845229)
Just finished part three of "The Woman You Make Me" - and super eager for more after that cliffhanger!

If I may ask - how do you decide which stories to pick up and continue writing? Do you always know how long a given story will be (how many parts), and do you have a schedule of some kind?

Hey! Sorry it took me so long to respond! As far as which stories to pick up and continue writing, well... I ultimately intend to finish EVERY story I've begun. For a while I was alternating back and forth between a few stories to fight off burn-out, but my finances took a severe hit when Covid first hit a year ago, and I had to take on a lot of Commissioned Stories to keep paying the bills, so all of my own originals stories have been temporarily put on hold until I finish writing all of those, which will probably take me several more months. As for schedule, I DO, and I would like to put it down on my website and Patreon sometime in the next few days so--keep an eye out!

ZoeBrownWerewoman 01-30-2021 01:18 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Hey everyone, sorry for the lengthy absence of sorts. As AlchemicalNight reported, I DID get pretty sick for a while, and then just as I was ramping up again the whole... Capitol Coup/Trump Treason thing happened, and as a trans woman who is very politically conscious I kinda got freaked out and obsessed with worrying about that and it just absolutely cratered my productivity for a little bit. As you can see I just finished posting Siren's Song Part One, and now Unexpected Side-Effects Parts Two and Three should be out SHORTLY~!

Jake 02-01-2021 11:10 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
So you got distracted?

ZoeBrownWerewoman 02-18-2021 01:18 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

(Side Note: A Week ago I went back and revised, expanded Part One of this story so that the ending of Part One and the beginning of Part Two join up more seamlessly. If you already have read Part One, you may wish to do so again before reading Part Two.)

He was turning into a woman.

It should not have been possible, but it was undeniable. He was becoming a woman, a. . . short, impossibly gorgeous young Japanese woman, maybe 22-years of age, with blood-red-hair, a killer rack, and hourglass curves.

Earlier that same day, 46-year-old Dr. Sebastian Nairn, a disgraced professor of pre-dynastic Japanese Anthropology, had received a strange and unexpected package in the mail from a remote mountain village in the Kyoto Prefecture of Central Japan. The box contained two ancient, twined stone vessels, consecrated to the shrine of a forgotten mountain deity of indeterminate (potentially hermaphroditic) gender: 'The Kurenai God/Goddess.' While conducting experiments on the basins in order to determine their mineral and holistic properties, and to find out of what help they might be to him in his research, the outcast researcher was interrupted by the surprise late night visit to his office by an old academic rival. Tired and flustered, and thirsty, Nairn accidentally drank water from one of the sample bottles he had collected from the basins during his experiments, and only a few short minutes later, he began to transform.

Now, upon finishing his--sorry, HER--transformation into what, to his horror, appeared to be a flesh-and-blood, real-life incarnation of the 'Kurenai Goddess,' Nairn instantly leaps back into action, frantically searching for a way to change himself--herself--back into his/her prior male form, freaked out by his/her unexpected change of sex, ashamed and full of guilt to admit how much he enjoyed his feminizing transformation, and too afraid of what spending too much time in the body of a beautiful and alluring young woman will do to his/her sense of self, what havoc it will wreak upon his/her identity over the long term, and whether or not he/she will even want to turn back at all if, it takes him--her--too long to find a way to reverse the metamorphosis. . .

Roughly 36,000 words in length, Unanticipated Side Effects (Part Two) is the second installment in a seductive ongoing serial erotic story from Zoe Brown involving identity-challenging Gender Transformations, Ethnicity Changes, Age Reductions (and Progressions), Feminizations, & Steamy Experimentation.

Jake 02-19-2021 04:53 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
The story has too much repetitive descriptions and tangents going on. The story could have been a much easier read if it wasn't written in such a rambling manner.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 03-14-2021 03:27 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

Doctor Sebastian Nairn was a man.
He had been a man for forty-six years now.
He liked being a man. And he had NO intentions of ever changing that.
. . . or so he kept telling himself.

Ever since the outcast Anthropology Professor had first, ACCIDENTALLY discovered, a little over three days ago now, that drinking water which had swirled around within a ancient, sacred vessel consecrated to a long-forgotten Japanese fertility deity (of indeterminate gender) could change a man (such as himself) into a beautiful young Japanese woman in her early twenties, he had been wracked by continuous, persistent fantasies, desires, and longings to. . . do just that . . . again. He'd tried telling himself he wasn't really interested. He'd tried hooking-up with a beautiful woman in order to remind himself how much he enjoyed being a man. But no matter how much he tried to deny it to himself, there was ultimately no getting around the fact that deep beneath the cultured façade of a thoroughly masculine scholar and academician which he had cultivated all his adult life, now that he knew such a thing was possible, he was utterly consumed by the titillating fantasy of turning himself back into an incredibly sexy, redhaired twenty-two or twenty-three-years-old Japanese girl, and. . . experimenting, a little, with his/her new female body.

And now, he finally had the opportunity.

Join Dr. Nairn (and his new, female alter-ego Viola Hashimoto) on his/her fun-filled, sensuously thrilling adventure into repeated gender transformation, self-exploration, self-pleasuring, and a surprise, late-night party invitation and steamy private hook-up with one of Las Vegas' sexiest and most notorious bisexual, leather-clad, motorcycle-riding serial seductresses: Samantha Derby.

Over 47,000 words in length, Unanticipated Side Effects (Part Three) is the third installment in a seductive ongoing serial erotic story from Zoe Brown involving identity-challenging Gender Transformations, Ethnicity Changes, Age Reductions (and Progressions), Feminizations, & lots and lots of Steamy Experimentation.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 03-24-2021 05:52 AM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

Well, THAT certainly could have gone better.

After moving back to Texas a few months earlier following the completion of his Law Degree, newly minted 28-year-old lawyer NATHAN PARK had secured an apartment with an old friend from childhood named Austin Willow. Back in the, day, Austin had been the toughest of the tough, the most macho guy around, which is why it was initially such a shock to Nathan when he walked in on his new roommate one day not long after they moved in together to discover his once-macho best friend slowly and sensuously transforming into a beautiful and desirable young 20-something blonde woman--PAIGE--by means of ingesting the notoriously taboo street-drug known as WEREWOMAN.

As Paige, Nate's formerly male friend proved to be alluringly bewitching, a highly-feminine 'party girl' who liked to dance at all the trendy clubs, get hit on by all the studly guys, and bring one home with her practically every night. Nathan found himself drawn to the part-time, gender-bending young woman, even despite his initial discomfort with the nature of her sometimes-male, sometimes-female dual life. At the same time, he also encountered some difficulty understanding and grappling with new fantasies unfolding inside his own mind, thoughts of feminization and gender transformation, of joining Paige in taking Werewoman, and becoming a part-time party girl just like her.

But after the two friends and roommates (Paige and Nate) make the mistake of enthusiastically tumbling into bed with one another one night after stumbling home together, they wake up the next morning to reluctantly conclude that a relationship between the two of them just can't work. Nate is still too hung up on Paige's status as a 'Werewoman,' though not for the reasons that she believes him to be. As Paige takes an extended break from their shared living space, Nate is left alone to try and sort out precisely what it is that actually does want for himself. . . and just how Werewoman plays into all that.

At almost 40,000 words, THE GIRLS IN APARTMENT 2B (Part Two) is the second installment in an on-going serial story from Zoe Brown involving secret identities, double-lives, feminization, and 'Processy' Gender Transformation.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 04-01-2021 02:08 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

Imagine that you are a guy.

Imagine now that after 28 years as a guy, you one day discovered that the most arousingly sexy fantasy in all the world that you can think of is of you turning yourself into a sexy and desirable young woman, like the gorgeously golden-blonde babe ('Paige') whom your formerly-male lifelong friend and roommate (Austin) has been turning himself into with increasing rapidity over the past several months.

And NOW, imagine that after spending a week agonizing over this persistently determined fantasy which you just cannot get out of your head, you rush home from work one day when you are reasonably confident that you will be home alone, and tear through your roommate's closet in order to find his/her secret stash of little pink taboo gender-bending pills, known as Werewoman.

Imagine that you take one.

And then imagine that your roommate suddenly and unexpectedly walks in on you taking one.

And... roll camera.

At close to 50,000 words, THE GIRLS IN APARTMENT 2B (Part Three) is the third installment in this on-going serial story from Zoe Brown involving secret identities, double-lives, feminization, and 'Processy' Gender Transformation.

ZoeBrownWerewoman 04-09-2021 04:38 PM

Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon
Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
Find me on the web at
Or support me on Patreon at

(Note: This Story was Commissioned)

Following up on the events which unfolded in the previous installment, in PART TWO of TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS, after 21-year-old NYU senior Michael Banks swallows his first dose of WEREWOMAN, the illicit gender-bending street drug, and transforms into his outrageously sexy new dark-haired (and surprisingly Hispanic?) female alter ego, Michelle, she is then rigorously tutored for the remainder of the evening in all things feminine that a new 'escort' worker such as herself would to know by his former lover (and ex-call girl herself) Amelia: choosing and putting on cosmetic products, walking around in heels, wearing the sexier styles and cuts of women's clothing, how to flirt with men--even exploring her new, female body's sexual orientation with some particularly titillating photographic and visual imagery.

Upon discovering (through much pleasurable experimentation) that in her new, female alter ego's body, Michelle is a strikingly libidinous and heterosexual young woman, the new girl drops off to sleep, only to wake up, bright and early the next morning, back in her old, formerly male form and identity again. Mike and Amelia return to campus for the morning, but in the afternoon they rush back to their secret gender-bending hideout on Manhattan Beach (NYC) so that Mike can take another Werewoman pill, turn himself BACK into his glamorously gorgeous female alter ego once again, and get dolled up in a snug-fitting and alluringly revealing 'business suit' so that, as Michelle, SHE can head into the city and make an old University Pal's naughty sexual fantasy come true...

Join Michelle/Michael in this, the second, nearly 40,000 word novella installment in an on-going serial series from Zoe Brown, featuring Gender Transformation, Feminization, Unexpected Ethnicity Change, Multiple Passionately Intimate Encounters, and the exciting and sexy, high-class and glamorous world of elite female 'escort' workers in New York City.

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