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baxter1327 05-04-2010 10:21 PM

Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
It used to be that a guy could hit a couple search engines once a week or so, and come up w/ some intriguing stuff. I'm referring specifically to live-action youtube films, b-movies, etc... involving the occasional female werewolf. Sure, the acting and SFX weren't always as good as "The Dark", or "The Hunted" (which seem to be viewed as the top examples), but the implication was there- and sometimes that in itself can be awesome.
For a while now though, its all gone to crap, as references to Twilight, Shakira, Wizards of Waverly Place, and that god-awful cartoon webcam feature have flooded all the search engines. Sure, you can try the advanced search to try and sieve that stuff out, but it always finds its way in. As a result, I'm left with the suspicion that we've been missing some stuff we might normally take an interest in.

Thus, I propose that those who typically conduct searches for the female werewolf gem take a more active role in sharing their finds. ...I'll admit, I haven't been the most active poster on here myself...prior to this, the only thread I've posted in the TF section was a link to "The Dark".

I'll post a couple links that I've found below-- these being things that I don't recall seeing mentioned on here yet (though I may be which case, my bad).

**I might also remind you all that "13 hrs" should be coming out soon. As well as the Nickelodeon version of "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf" which is going to feature a female werewolf. As it's Nickelodeon, I wouldn't expect anything too outrageous as far as TF goes, but at least it's something.**

Found this over a year ago. Kept track of it for a while, but director dude seems to have disappeared-- taking the film with him:

B-movie werewolf western trailer. the 1:16 mark tells you all you need to know. No idea if/when/how the movie will actually be available:

This guy's youtube pg is full of old home-made films (used to be on public access). Lots of female werewolves- though the acting, fx, and general production leaves much to be desired. "Bloodwar", "Bloodwar II", and "Moonrise Werewolf II" are where it's at:

Cursebearer 05-04-2010 10:45 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
...Well. As long as we're posting anything even slightly female werewolf TF related.

There you are. Crappy as hell, but technically a werewolf TF. I mainly chimed in because this thread is an awesome idea, and if I'm gonna support it, I might as well support it. For the record, that stupid webcam effect annoyed the hell out of me too. :P

mvscsu29 05-04-2010 11:29 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Here's another fun one: Werewolves of Stayville

The whole thing was on youtube awhile back; all that seems to be there now is this trailer. I think the girl makes a half-decent were, even if she overacts the part a bit.

Anahki 05-05-2010 04:40 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Well, thanks to you all. It's a pity that we can't find something good enough these times. The only decent material created the last two years are perhaps "The Hunted" and "The Dark". You can find them on this forum, and you will find out what is good and bad ;)

slayer1 05-06-2010 06:18 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
haha dude, that's so ironic, I was thinking the same thing recently! I used to invest an hour of deep surfing and always find something new but last few attempts turned up empty and so I've given up and just check this place and Deviant every so often... But I think everything good ever made has most likely been posted and new shit seems to be few and far between lately. I sometimes think "what if I spoke chinese, russian, jaapanese, or korean and could search the web for those languages...?" But either way, appreciate the effort, and if you find that gem please share as I have whenever I find anything notworthy :)

irishshane 05-06-2010 09:26 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
This one has been around for a bit. I always thought it was pretty decent...gotta wait a bit though.

Cursebearer 05-06-2010 11:55 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by slayer1 (Post 481495)
"what if I spoke chinese, russian, jaapanese, or korean and could search the web for those languages...?"

I actually wonder this very frequently myself.

kiyoshisan 05-06-2010 04:05 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
I understand your frustration Baxter, I too have searched desperately for new female werewolf material, but all I get for my troubles are twilight crap. I hardly contribute anything on this site (I'm titled as a leecher for crying out load), not that I like keeping these sort of things to my self mind you, but I found something that I hope will make up for it.

There aren't any full werewolf transformation just partial (well at least the ones I manage to download), but it's better than nothing I suppose.

baxter1327 05-06-2010 09:37 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Any of you old enough to know the original Doctor Who series may remember this. You may also remember the cheesy fx. One can't help but wonder how awesome this scene would be if filmed like the new Dr Who.

johnmichael 05-10-2010 08:49 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Speaking of lame-but-still-counts-as-female-werewolf:

yokoritona 05-11-2010 12:42 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
A skin-rip tf so not a whole lot of detailed process, but still pretty sexy:

no-name 05-11-2010 07:20 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by yokoritona (Post 483985)
A skin-rip tf so not a whole lot of detailed process, but still pretty sexy:

And to keep the ball rolling:

(The previous link will take you through Pages 1-6.)

Randy_McSporran 05-17-2010 10:58 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Check out trailers for Paradox and Hyena

Ironhorse 05-17-2010 12:20 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Wow, Hercules has fallen on hard times.

ivan11422 05-17-2010 05:29 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Damn... Why Kevin, why?

lowes96 05-17-2010 06:37 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
hey it actually doesn't look to bad "paradox" i mean lol but hey i guess he needs the money

dorintf 05-17-2010 07:15 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
He's done plenty of worse movies. That at least looked like it had an interesting premise. Hyenas actually looks interesting.

mvscsu29 05-17-2010 09:37 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by Ironhorse (Post 486285)
Wow, Hercules has fallen on hard times.

I've seen worse movies. this very same thread, even :p

CNash 05-18-2010 02:51 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Both those movies look like they're worth a watch. Paradox is based on a comic and does seem to have a decent budget behind it; Hyenas not so much, but the morphing and makeup effects are pretty good and it looks like we might get some decent female TFs out of it.

They're both due to be shown at the Cannes Film Festival, which is taking place right now.

Dutch_bull 05-22-2010 04:48 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
I know it is not much of a help *now* but I'm posting female werewolf tfs from a movie I don't name at this stage on the comming update next month.

Cursebearer 05-22-2010 09:02 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by Dutch_man (Post 487727)
I know it is not much of a help *now* but I'm posting female werewolf tfs from a movie I don't name at this stage on the comming update next month.

I can dig it.

mvscsu29 05-23-2010 11:50 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Here's another one: "Neowolf"

Trailer 1:

Trailer 2:

Though I haven't seen it myself, most reviews I found say its beyond awful. So bad in fact that it's directed by "Alan Smithee", a psuedonym officially sanctioned by the Director?s Guild of America for use by a director who wishes to formally disown a project. :eek:

slayer1 05-24-2010 03:10 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
is there a release date for that Heyenas movie? Looks worth a watch

Arthax 05-24-2010 11:58 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by yokoritona (Post 483985)
A skin-rip tf so not a whole lot of detailed process, but still pretty sexy:

Hey, that's good stuff! falynevarger has several other pics in the series on his page as well, and there there are more explicit scenes, according to him, which he may or may not post there.

Cursebearer 06-10-2010 01:50 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Actually found this while searching for female werewolf TFs on Youtube. Go figure! Just to keep this thread going.

trc071880 01-09-2012 09:49 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
i think this fits in this thread.. stumbled upon this female werewolf tf:

pmf2 01-09-2012 10:08 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Does it have to be werewolves?

TF starts at 4:20.

midnight_writer 01-10-2012 02:41 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Hard to see much of what was going on in that last one, but it reminded me of that old sideshow attraction in which a bikini-clad woman "regressed" into an ape or gorilla.


trc071880 04-28-2012 10:21 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
found this little werewolf tf animation on youtube. its not much but it is something:

aresx 04-28-2012 10:43 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by trc071880 (Post 647545)
found this little werewolf tf animation on youtube. its not much but it is something:

that was really cool

Cursebearer 04-28-2012 06:17 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Wow, excellent for its short run-time. And breasts! Naked breasts! That's rare. Thank you for digging this up and sharing.

thrandrall 04-29-2012 12:54 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Well, don't rightly know if this will feature female werewolves or not - review doesn't specify, but from the number of creatures shown in the trailer, I'd say it's a possibility. Either way, the premise looks pretty tight too - described in the review as "'Shaun of the Dead' with werewolves"(!) - definitely looks promising IMO.

trailer link: (teaser link is at bottom of this page too)

Anahki 04-29-2012 02:15 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 647687)
Well, don't rightly know if this will feature female werewolves or not - review doesn't specify, but from the number of creatures shown in the trailer, I'd say it's a possibility. Either way, the premise looks pretty tight too - described in the review as "'Shaun of the Dead' with werewolves"(!) - definitely looks promising IMO.

trailer link: (teaser link is at bottom of this page too)

I don't think so. As a person from the country of this film, I can tell you how spanish comedy works... fine for spaniards, horrible for the rest of the world, at least in terms of comedy. And for FX, we have some incredible people who do miracles with very little money. The problem is that they work fine and hard in genuine horror movies, but for these "products" the results tend to be laughable.
And worst of all, you are not going to see a TF as in American Werewolf in London. Their inspiration (I guess) goes more on the line of Paul Naschy's werewolf movies. Love it or hate it :P
And even worse, don't expect many females here, just have a look at the photos and material uploaded in internet. Do you still have any hopes? In fact, TFs and so are the last think they were thinking about when they made the film, that's for sure. Believe me, I've been really surprised to hearing from some comment about this movie here.
By the way, it there were a single woman to werewolf TF, you'll be the first to know ;)... I need to investigate.

trc071880 06-16-2012 07:15 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
found this one youtube..its not great by any means but its something..i guess

why am i doing this 06-17-2012 03:43 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Dog_Girl_Kari 06-17-2012 11:33 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by why am i doing this (Post 654244)

Very cute find!

blaidd 06-18-2012 08:39 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by why am i doing this (Post 654244) for anyone who wants to skip ahead

irishshane 07-04-2012 05:33 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
video of a woman getting made up to be a werewolf for a music video. I couldn't find the music video yet

sodacat 12-19-2012 07:19 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Using this thread because I am a completionist, and this does not deserve its own thread.

The movie is RED Werewolf Hunter. The werewolves in the movie are basically vampires in action and personality. They kidnap humans then set them free to chase them. At 38 minutes one werewolf corners a hiding human. There's a CGI transformation of her face, then a jump cut to a full CGI werewolf. As far as CGI goes I guess the wolves are okayish. I've seen worse in better movies.

The same character dies later in the movie in human form. A cop out, but wrestling with a CGI wolf would have looked worse.

baxter1327 05-26-2013 11:52 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Sorry to bump my own old post, but this is the best place for me to put this:

Call it another missed opportunity if you'd like (process wise), but the story is good and the lead-up to the *off camera* TF is pretty awesome (IMO. You just know the poor dude is screwed as soon as she walks in! ).

*technically it's not "off camera", but seen frm first person perspective...which pretty much makes it off camera.

So much potential from those Brits.

something-wild 05-27-2013 01:52 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Funny well thought out film :)

TF-Viewer 05-27-2013 06:38 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
I liked how her transformation was sort of orgasmic, that was a nice touch.

irishshane 05-27-2013 08:31 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Sure...missed opportunity, but I really liked it. Thank you for posting

Bozo 05-27-2013 09:21 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Hm. That was pretty hot actually. Nice find.

Coal 05-27-2013 11:56 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
I missed the thread about "The Dark" can someone give me a link?

TF-Viewer 05-27-2013 12:24 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by Coal (Post 697776)
I missed the thread about "The Dark" can someone give me a link?

Coal 05-28-2013 01:17 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Thanks =)

slayer1 06-05-2013 10:01 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Couldn't find the thread so just posting in here but anyone been following teen wold season 3? Has there been anything worth noting?

Anahki 06-06-2013 06:27 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by slayer1 (Post 698757)
Couldn't find the thread so just posting in here but anyone been following teen wold season 3? Has there been anything worth noting?

If I remember from the last season, we will just have lenses/fangs/claws for the "normal" werewolves. For female alphas, we will have Kali: in werewolf form just an ugly face, and claws in hands and feet. That's all folks. This happens when you try to film furry superheroes instead of scary monsters. Personally, I still prefer Wolverine, thank you.

Rei-Lin 06-06-2013 06:32 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Well as sad as that is that we don't get to see any real money shots in this series, I do like the idea that they at least took them up a notch from the "Wolfman" look into something a bit more akin to Being Human or Underworld type Werewolves. At least I think I've seen that, never actually watched the show! I think the best female Werewolf transformation from anything Teen Wolf was from the old cartoon where Scott's family curse was affecting other people somehow (I think that was the plot) and one of the cheerleaders transformed.

BonesTribe 06-06-2013 08:08 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
1 Attachment(s)
I watched the first episode. Not much to see in terms of process yet. Kali did make her first appearance. She was sporting long black fingernails and toe nails (no process, they were already out). Then toward the end she showed her fangs. The only process part of the episode was male related, but it could mean they will show more later. Based off of some of the spoiler shots we have seen for Cora, we could potentially see something... but only time will tell. Here is a pic of Kali from the episode:

Randy_McSporran 06-09-2013 01:11 PM

New movie??
OK, a brief internet and imdb search turned up nothing on this which I found while randomly browsing youtube....

Anyone know anything? She's hot and she's a werewolf!

midnight_writer 06-09-2013 10:43 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Apparently, it's going to be a web series.

Anahki 06-10-2013 06:59 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
Interesting... sadly, there are plenty of clothes ruining the general effect xD. Well, we'll see how this ends.

slayer1 08-04-2013 08:03 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
haven't seen this posted before.... Not much but it's something

kattphive 08-04-2013 02:31 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
1 Attachment(s)
found this on a meme website. not funny or anything, but does have a female werewolf tf

kattphive 08-04-2013 10:24 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

TF-Viewer 08-05-2013 02:45 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by kattphive (Post 706116)
also found this one. in the female TF in a kids cartoon WITH process, not just poof. I'll let you guys click the link to see what cartoon I'm talking about. ;)
oh yeah, TF starts at 4:50

Um, yeah. I think we all know about that one at this point, it's kind of a classic around here.

cpt soban 08-05-2013 09:56 AM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack
That's the best quality one I've seen yet though. Everyone's seen it isn't really a good argument either as there are always new people coming into a genre.

TF-Viewer 08-05-2013 01:48 PM

Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by cpt soban (Post 706145)
That's the best quality one I've seen yet though. Everyone's seen it isn't really a good argument either as there are always new people coming into a genre.

I didn't actually complain or argue anything though, did I?

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