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thrandrall 04-09-2010 04:57 PM

New site and art contest - new pics now!
Just wanted to give a heads up, but I've finally created a page for all my commissions: - bear with me on the formatting, we might see a few modifications in upcoming weeks.

Slowly uploading the older pics but I've got a number of new ones in the pipeline from a variety of artists at the moment - probably wind up just sticking one or two teaser pics in my threads here and posting the primary pics on the new site.

Also starting out with an art contest - cash prizes, 3 month deadline. Hoping to get a lot of participation for this first a stack of other ideas for future ones including straight up SW/GTS, expansions, artist's own choices, etc.

edit, I also like getting all them together on a single site because it lets me tag them for different content, artists, styles, etc - let me know what you think.

thrandrall 04-17-2010 08:26 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Well got the first two new commissions posted on my site - but still slowly uploading older commissions as well. Still plenty of projects in the works though so expect to see quite a bit of new material in the next month or so....

Art contest is underway...a little less than 3 months now if you want to enter. Plenty of time for 4 pics ;p

Posted some new reference pics and links from different artists - as always feel free to contact me with any questions, etc.

thrandrall 04-25-2010 07:21 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Nothing new since the last post - currently reviewing draft pics for several current commissions though so we should have more new material in the next few weeks.

Need some tips though - blogger is making some things difficult...might be better with a different blog engine? Uploading full size pics and even choosing the XL pic size is not causing the full size picture to be posted or even available for click-through/download. Am I missing something in the new or older post format options for this?

Also any suggestions for site visit counters? I'd like to get an idea about traffic if possible.

It'd be nice to see some comments there...but I guess comments here work as well. I'll keep posting teaser pics here as I put the full sequences up there.

geneticks 05-01-2010 03:19 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
google analytics is a great way of getting detailed trafic info.

I'm watching your website for pictures, the first design was fine for looking at the pictures for me.

thrandrall 05-08-2010 09:41 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
1 Attachment(s)
New 6 page sequence by Seriojainc is posted.

Sample below.

Oh...and there's 60 days left in my first art contest - poodle-girls this time, but lots of other ideas for the future. Full details at the link.

blackshirtboy 05-09-2010 05:25 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
have you gotten any yet? commission entries I mean
EDIT: NICE! unleashed is awesome

thrandrall 05-09-2010 03:12 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by blackshirtboy (Post 483010)
have you gotten any yet? commission entries I mean
EDIT: NICE! unleashed is awesome


I've heard interest expressed by some of the artists I've informed about it (some I've worked with and some not yet), but no actual entries yet :(

TF-Viewer 05-10-2010 12:55 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by blackshirtboy (Post 483010)
NICE! unleashed is awesome


thrandrall 05-14-2010 04:50 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
2 Attachment(s)
A couple teaser crops from a nice new sequence that Jitensha whipped up for me - a little weirder than usual...even for me. ;p

Full series will be up on my site later this weekend.

blackshirtboy 05-15-2010 04:15 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
lol, looks good, can't wait to see the rest ^^

thrandrall 05-16-2010 06:58 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
sequence posted. more stuff to come this week - and I'll probably finally get some of my pic issues fixed - ie. huggably soft.

TF-Viewer 05-17-2010 12:36 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Neat sequence.

blackshirtboy 05-17-2010 04:35 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
oho man that's bizarre, very nice

Riv 05-17-2010 12:24 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
This site is awesome, thanks.

thrandrall 05-19-2010 02:30 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
not tf, but I'm not making a stack of different threads to update my site status ;p

Cluedog just posted my newest commission - "Double-D Dragon" - I'll be posting it frame by frame on the site shortly.

thrandrall 05-19-2010 07:08 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 486892)
not tf, but I'm not making a stack of different threads to update my site status ;p

Cluedog just posted my newest commission - "Double-D Dragon" - I'll be posting it frame by frame on the site shortly.

Full sequence now posted.

geneticks 05-20-2010 11:46 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Thanks for posting content on the site !
There are some very nice things, I like the Jitensha piece a lot !

thrandrall 05-20-2010 01:02 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by geneticks (Post 487224)
Thnaks for posting content on the site !
There are some very nice things, I like the Jitensha piece a lot !

Thanks for the kind words all of you. Comments on the individual postings on my page would be really cool too. I know folks are checking stuff out, but it'd still be nice to see more feedback.

thrandrall 05-23-2010 06:00 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Not sure how many of you were following the "Day At the Mall" sequence that Arania was posting - but I've got the final images back and the full 53(!) pic sequence is posted on my site.

I just hope I caught a few of you unawares at the end ;p

TF-Viewer 05-24-2010 12:54 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Didn't expect that ending with the fur coat. Nice.

thrandrall 05-31-2010 01:30 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
1 Attachment(s)
New piece from BlackShirtBoy posted.

thrandrall 06-07-2010 08:37 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Sadly, gotta go out of town for a couple of no new commission posts for a while...but there will be a multittytude when I return...count on it.

Additionally, art contest deadline is being pushed back to 10 Aug....and prizes are increasing. So get those entries in - although I admittedly won't be viewing them most likely till the end of July at the earliest ;p

thrandrall 08-01-2010 04:24 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Back in town and ready to take all entries for the Poodle Girl art contest - first entry being posted tonight. All entries due by Midnight (Pacific time) the 10th.

Details on 2nd contest - due 25 Oct (spooky) will be going up in a few days!

Stand by for more new arts too.

SoylentOrange 08-01-2010 08:12 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Woohoo! It's back! :D

thrandrall 08-03-2010 07:46 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Looking for a few more thoughts/opinions:

So far I've been wanting to keep the site kinda tight as far as community - not openly listed on blogger's rolls or visible to spiderbots - not interested in attracting the wrong kinds of folks...but then that happens no matter where you go. I guess if I want more actual views/'d probably be better to open the gates in that sense.

Also interested in getting listed on a few more site lists, etc - too bad most of the old comprehensive ones are now defunct.

So far I'm listed at - and I've got my site addy posted on my profiles at DA and FA.

Any other suggestions?

SoylentOrange 08-03-2010 08:48 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
I say keep your robots.txt like fort knox. The only thing spiders will get you is bot-accounts trying to hawk garbage and the occasional troll.

thrandrall 08-04-2010 08:58 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by SoylentOrange (Post 516356)
I say keep your robots.txt like fort knox. The only thing spiders will get you is bot-accounts trying to hawk garbage and the occasional troll.

Well I've listed it with blogger now.

I guess the other issue is whether or not we want it to show up in search engine searches for this sort of topic - currently typing in the site name doesn't bring it up at all - even in google.

geneticks 08-06-2010 12:33 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
I'm more for the restricted approach.
People who are into TF/TG will get to the Process, and find you site through there.
Or find you on DA/FA and follow the link to the blog.
Even for you it might be better if only the "right" people find the blog.

Still, it's great to have you back, with all this art coming up I'm quite excited !

thrandrall 08-10-2010 06:55 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
More contest entries posted....including flash! Wooo! Bringing out the big guns here. I'm impressed ;p

(course blogspot/google are a hassle for actually posting flash - eventually should be able to link directly from the DA page, but I did say no prior posting ;p).

Details for contest 2 will be going up very soon --- something spooky and halloweeny - very retro this time. Stay tuned.

blackshirtboy 08-11-2010 04:43 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Awesome additions! The flash comic was good and anything by Enginesykie is amazing

thrandrall 08-11-2010 02:37 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Well first contest is officially over - only thing left is for you folks to vote on your favorite - for bonus prize!

Please participate!

thrandrall 08-12-2010 07:24 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
New Art Contest Details posted -

Fun for everyone - almost any process accepted if it fits the theme.

blackshirtboy 08-13-2010 02:50 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Ok I know I missed out on the last one but I will make a serious effort to get in on this

thrandrall 08-14-2010 09:25 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Catching up on posting a few recent and older things - and one never-before-seen piece of (non-tf) art. Maybe some more updates tomorrow. Need to type up more of my idea notes from this summer to submit to folks for projects.

thrandrall 08-17-2010 03:29 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
More new stuff - updates and all.

More new projects being commissioned as well. Still waiting to get others that should be done by now.

thrandrall 09-09-2010 07:57 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Just got the final pic back for my elephant girl sequence by solios. Posted tonight. Also some new material coming from muneoppaiman and others (actually already posted in requests thread ;p).

More good/new stuff on the way....

SoylentOrange 09-09-2010 08:19 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Oooh, *very* nice. :3

Solios is just great, isn't he? :D

thrandrall 09-09-2010 08:27 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by SoylentOrange (Post 528971)
Oooh, *very* nice. :3

Solios is just great, isn't he? :D

Oh yes...a real pleasure to work with!

thrandrall 09-15-2010 06:30 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Updates galore over the past few days....with more to come.

thrandrall 09-15-2010 06:46 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
BTW, thinking about expanding my collection of links. Sadly a lot of the folks I would have linked to in years past....are no longer around....any good current links I should add.

I'm a little hesitant linking to an individual artist's site directly whom I haven't yet worked with - but I guess it doesn't hurt them at all - and if I appreciate the art.....

Mitchell 09-15-2010 07:46 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Well, if you're looking for a good link, there's always
Lycanthrokeith posts there!

thrandrall 09-20-2010 08:46 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
New and old commissions posted to site.

thrandrall 09-26-2010 12:18 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Series of updates tonight - sequence plus additional random pics (intro for new thematic character....oooh!).

Also, one month left till Art Contest #2 ends - keep working on those entries!

Mr. Nibz 10-02-2010 12:05 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Heh. Your finger nipple girl is famous:

Not sure if you had seen this blog, they don't link back to your site.

thrandrall 10-02-2010 10:36 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by Mr. Nibz (Post 534417)
Heh. Your finger nipple girl is famous:

Not sure if you had seen this blog, they don't link back to your site.

That's not actually one of my commissions. Lots of folks commission from Solios, not just me. Never posted any pics on my site that weren't my commissions or gifts.

SoylentOrange 10-03-2010 01:45 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
And let's all be fair, nipple-hands are pretty damn "WTF?" no matter what you like.

thrandrall 10-06-2010 09:00 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
More new content - mostly in-an tf this time. More on the way...waiting on a few overdue pieces. Don't forget the art contest!

mercury01 10-08-2010 11:21 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Awww, I was hoping it'd be another poodle tf.

thrandrall 10-08-2010 07:34 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by mercury01 (Post 536246)
Awww, I was hoping it'd be another poodle tf.

Suggest an artist I should commission another poodle tf from - I've got one or two in mind, but if you know someone with the skills who would enjoy a project like that - please - give me a heads up!

mercury01 10-10-2010 07:20 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
I dunno. Me?

tjlemke 10-10-2010 10:06 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by mercury01 (Post 536823)
I dunno. Me?

You do?

thrandrall 10-13-2010 09:30 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Beautiful new pic by Solios posted. Also - less than 2 weeks to the end of Art Contest #2. Get your entries in!

thrandrall 10-24-2010 09:12 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
All contest entries due by monday Midnight Pac time. Expect more sequences to be posted this week.

Also have some more experiments in the works - look for big news on 1 Nov.

geneticks 10-25-2010 01:08 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Cool, I'll look out for the updates/announcements !

thrandrall 10-26-2010 02:35 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Art Contest #2 concluded and posted - was expecting a few more entries - but the ones I did get turned out incredibly well. Stay tuned for the next one (hope more folks will join in).

thrandrall 10-27-2010 05:28 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
What with Election Day around the corner...thought I'd aim for a little political intrigue this year ;p

Check it out!

thrandrall 11-01-2010 07:40 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
New art contest announced - Alien Experimentation! - Due 3 January.

New Donation Art Work posted as well - exclusive sequences.

Stay tuned for the conclusion of our Election Year cycle/fiasco tomorrow night! Who will come out on top this year? We'll have the votes tallied before the major networks!

blackshirtboy 11-02-2010 05:08 AM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)
Ok this time I will totally submit a sequence. I already have an idea and I'll get it completed like, within the next two weeks XP

Also looking forward to the conclusion of the Election Year sequence!

thrandrall 11-02-2010 07:05 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by blackshirtboy (Post 541794)
Ok this time I will totally submit a sequence. I already have an idea and I'll get it completed like, within the next two weeks XP

Also looking forward to the conclusion of the Election Year sequence!

Cool to hear it.

Hope you like the steamy conclusion....

catfish27 11-02-2010 08:23 PM

Re: New site and art contest (no new pics yet actually)

Originally Posted by thrandrall (Post 541740)
New Donation Art Work posted as well - exclusive sequences.

All three are excellent -- quite the variety of art styles, but all interesting, with very good process. Well worth the donation.

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