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MrDark 09-16-2019 05:45 AM

New Transformation Page
5 Attachment(s)
Hi, I'm Mr. Dark. Been doing film for awhile now, but trying to get some ideas and concepts out there with female transformations from photo-manipulations and some shorts (Photoshop and Poser).

My Deviantart is:

My Patreon is:

Hoping to get what I can out there as the months go by, but I tried to put up a good start on the Patreon page and of course some artwork with Deviant. I'm nothing like some of the masters, but do enjoy what I'm trying to give esp in an area that is hard to find. I love AP, who doesn't? LOL

Next month for Halloween I will be releasing on the $5 Tier of Patreon a short I worked on and haven't thought to release till now (teaser on Patreon page). It will be a 11 minute short of a story and below I gave a few preview shots to wet your appetite.


Mr. Dark

shy 09-16-2019 07:22 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Hey, go team! Glad you're getting into this.

MrDark 09-16-2019 07:42 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Thank you very much. I hope to bring some good material to the Process!

runaway 09-23-2019 01:13 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Really looking forward to this, think anything else like it will happen anytime soon

MrDark 09-23-2019 04:04 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Well the short will be released next month on the $5 tier. That's as soon as I can say.

somnium 09-24-2019 06:50 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
It's good to see more AP artists around.

MrDark 09-24-2019 10:16 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Thank you.... I've loved Age Progression for a very long time...from anime to films... just hope I can bring to light what I can for I have a lot of ideas, just have to figure ways to do it in my time frame.

PhoncishCoash 09-27-2019 08:37 AM

New Transformation Page
Matchless topic, very much it is pleasant to me))))

MrDark 10-04-2019 06:00 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Today is the big release of Ashley AP short film (11 mins). Took me a long time to figure away to release it, so now it is. You can go to my Patreon page and the $5 tier is where it can be seen. Happy Halloween everyone!

Poor Ashley is being bullied by girls at school and she comes home and something magical happens and..... you'll have to see for yourself. Join my $5 for goodies. More to come in the future! More support, the more I can produce more age progression and female transformations.

MrDark 10-17-2019 01:51 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
New Sequence added to the $1 on on my Patreon but heres a sample pic

MrDark 10-18-2019 08:58 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
A short is going to be released next month of a short live performance called Age Progression of Mia. Done sometime ago, it's time for this film to be seen. Great performance to the actress it will give a nice glimpse at my earlier live action work.

If you're not apart of the $5 tier, this might be the opportunity to join it.


Mr Dark

MrDark 10-29-2019 12:36 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
Another goodie added to the $1 Tier. What will she do now I wonder? Animation coming soon.

Again $5 tier is where the animations are at. Mia coming next month, will be an oldie but goodie live action done of Mia transforming.


-Mr Dark

MrDark 11-03-2019 06:25 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Transformation of Mia is up!

The short sample production was done years ago, but at that time it was a good attempt at giving an age progression concept.

Again this is available on my Patreon page on the $5 tier.

Have a great day!


Mr. Dark

hiper 11-04-2019 01:46 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Is the Mia transformation a live action video of a grown up woman bursting out of kid clothes?

MrDark 11-04-2019 04:47 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
No, but an adult acting younger and ripping clothes....

MrDark 11-08-2019 07:04 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Decided to do 2 cells with Giantess. Having fun with other female trans art. Enjoy! This is on the $1 Tier.


Mr. Dark

MrDark 11-12-2019 09:36 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
Tina will grow in an animation next month. Tier $5 only on my patreon. Hope everyone is enjoying my thoughts and images on Female Transformation.

Heres a still to give you an idea of Tina.


-Mr Dark

MrDark 11-19-2019 06:34 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
New Comic page added to $1 Tier. Ginger turns She Hulk. Enjoy!


Mr Dark

MrDark 12-02-2019 03:18 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Tina's AP growth is up on Tier $5! Hope you enjoy it, I decided to release it early this month. Merry Xmas everyone!


Mr Dark

MrDark 12-10-2019 09:29 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
As a gift for up coming Christmas, I've uploaded a short animation with AP during sex. You can see it with Tier $5 along with the other goodies there!

Next year (month), I will release a commission done recently with Hotaru transforming into Mistress9!

Be safe and remember, AP is better!


Mr Dark

MrDark 12-24-2019 08:54 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
3 Attachment(s)
Next month/Year I will be releasing a commission done with Salior moon character age progressing.

Also, to wet your appetites, I'm building a short called, "Kidnapped." This will be a short animation based off a little girl in a kidnappers room and she is forced to grow older.

These animations can be found on my patreon on the $5 tier. There is $1 Tier goodies, but just a few dollars more and you get the whole experience!

Below is a few teases from the upcoming Kidnapped. Be safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Age Progression is life!

MrDark 12-30-2019 08:13 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
A shame to see a few people leave right when the new year is upon us. Next year some nice things are in store for the $5 tier.
First off I will be releasing the commission done with a Sailor Moon with Hotaru to Mistress 9 which is a short animation of pure enjoyable AP growth.
Second, I'm working very hard on a animation called, "Kidnapped." It will be probably the best yet that I've stretched myself to produce esp with the sounds and animations. It will be about a little girl trapped with a kidnapper and is forced to grow. Down to some voice overs which will be a little tough to pull off, but I'll do my best to finish that....
Lastly, with the new year I'll release a few with the $1 Tier, but I'm going to mainly start focusing on the $5 tier for now (which I think everyone enjoys more anyways).
Hoping everyone can spread the word about the quality or the attempt to release some good AP being not much is out there that tries to focus on longer growth. Again, if you have commissions I try to give honest numbers for how much work goes into making custom things, because animations take a lot of time and being its not my main job it cuts into my small freetime.
The countdown begins to saying goodbye to a decade and starting a new one. Hope you all have a Happy New Year and be safe!
Mr Dark

MrDark 01-01-2020 08:25 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
Happy New Year everyone! As promised I'm releasing Hotaru to Mistress 9 AP animation on my tier $5 on patreon. Enjoy!

Good news! Teamed up with AgeGrowthFictions with my soon to be released Kidnapped Animation short. His music is awesome. You can check out him on his patreon and deviantart, esp with his new release The Duet, which is stunning btw.

Mr Dark
- - -

PS. I released the wrong one so the link and status on the $5 tier has been fixed to reflect the correct release***** Apologizes....

-Mr Dark

MrDark 01-07-2020 05:09 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Just released my short "Kidnapped AP". You can see it on my $5 tier on my Patreon.

When a small girl is kidnapped she is transformed into what the kidnapper wants...a woman. Music was done by AgeGrowthFictions himself and you can check him out on Deviant Art and his Patreon.
Mr. Dark

MrDark 01-10-2020 10:51 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
So, this has been hopefully a great month of releases. The newest commission some already saw being I uploaded the wrong link will be coming out again in Feb. with Chibi to Blacklady AP.

Also, in production for a more tougher story about Twins that are forced to age by a little girl demon. Hoping to put it in storybook form with animation for the transformation parts. So, there will be a double transformation scene. I'll do my best to get it by Feb because work has been very busy. But when it does come out, it will hopefully be worth it.

Thank you for the kind words of how much you've enjoyed Kidnapped, esp with the surprise ending.

Again, if there are people wanting commissions based off what I do, please feel free to email me and I'm very easy to negotiate a price within your budget and I do my best to get it out quickly.
I'll keep you all posted with new content.

Mr Dark

Reactant 01-17-2020 01:03 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Seems like you are creating a lot of content, thanks for your work, sorry I can't afford to contribute at this time.

MrDark 01-17-2020 11:03 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Np... it's there when you can... cheers!

MrDark 01-18-2020 09:10 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
2 Attachment(s)
Just a promo for whats coming either in Feb or March. All depends on rendering time. It will be called The Twins. Premise: A set of twins has a demon show up and forces them to grow older.

If you want a lot of content for $5 please head to my Patreon page:

Next month, again, will be the release again of Chibi to Black Lady AP short animation.

Happy weekend everyone!

Mr Dark

MrDark 01-20-2020 01:56 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Update: Just finished the Commission with Girl to Taarna (from Heavy Metal). This release will be later in Feb, but again the re-release of Chibi to Black Lady will be the beginning of the month.

Still plugging away with The Twins which is looking like beginning of March will be the release of this.

If you haven't been to my Patreon Page the start of this new year, I'd recommend it. $5.00 goes along way if you like female transformations esp. Age Progression.

See you there!

Mr Dark

MrDark 01-23-2020 07:21 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Want to thank everyone so far who has supported me and has been very nice in enjoying my uploads of Female Transformations.

I'm thinking of taking someones idea about creating a $10 tier which will support in making quarterly longer animations/Comic Storyboard shorts between the 10-15 min range, but I'm afraid no one will want to support that kind of tier being they're not receiving something each month versus the $5 Tier which I'm doing my best to release a few things a month.

So, the question is....would it be worth to create a $10 Tier? I do want to continue to do my style of productions but these will require finding voice actors (more than just the audio clips of reactions to change) more funds would be required for such projects.

Let me know in the comments your thoughts on this. Thanks


-Mr Dark

MrDark 01-23-2020 09:56 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
So, decided to add the $10 tier anyways. This tier will be to support for elements needed to bring shorts animation/storyboard 10-15 every quarter (roughly 3 months).

To kick it off so it isn't an empty tier I moved the Ashley AP short into there. Password has changed to reflect the change.

I will work on the next short in due time being I'm finishing things to put into the $5 tier for next month and March.

*$5 Tier Patrons- update, finished modeling/rendering one of two twins and working on second, so slowly getting The Twins AP done.
*Feb-will release Chibi to Black Lady AP
*Commissions-Please feel free to run by me commissions of things you'd like made for you.

Hope you all are happy with what's coming. Trying to give what I can each month within my busy schedule.

Mr Dark

MrDark 01-27-2020 06:51 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
4 Attachment(s)
A few cells to get people excited for the big unveiling of The Twins AP short coming end of Feb early March. $5 tier only! Join today!


-Mr Dark

MrDark 01-30-2020 02:10 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Updates: AgeGrowthFictions has joined on again to bring music to the upcoming release of "The Twins" (either mid Feb or early March). Please check out his deviantart and patreon page.

Few days away from re-releasing the short Chibi to Blacklady AP (commissioned project)... and soon will release the short Girl to Taarna from Heavy Metal (commissioned project).

Hope everyone is excited for what is coming, I don't hear much from the Process so hoping to hear more.

Check out the Patreon if you haven't. Few tiers to work with.

$1 still images

$5 short animations

$10 Tier (new) there will be quarterly shorts from 10-15 minutes

Have a good day everyone!

Mr Dark

MrDark 02-01-2020 08:42 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Jump to my Patreon Page. Donate $5 on that tier and get some goodies! Today Chibi to Black Lady AP has been re released!

Mr Dark

MrDark 02-04-2020 09:56 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
2 Attachment(s)
Going to release soon the newest commission of Girl to Taarna (Heavy Metal) AP.

To see all these wonderful goodies join the 5$ tier on my patron page.

Below is 2 samples of the soon to be released AP.


Mr Dark

MrDark 02-07-2020 10:08 AM

Re: New Transformation Page

On Valentines Day (Feb 14) I will release a commission done which involves Heavy Metal character Taarna!

Coming March 5th: The release of the short The Twins AP. It was just completed and I'm very excited versus most things I've produced for this short! It will be about 4.5 minutes long. I've already showed a few sample cells. It's in storyboard form till the transformation scene and it won't disappoint. I'm very happy how all the sfx came together between a double transformation scene involving the two female twins. I'm also happy how AgeGrowthFictions produced beautiful score of music to it. (Again check out his work on his patreon page and Deviant).

Plot: Parents are fighting and kids aren't happy they are. The one wishes they could be older, but the other doesn't want that at all. To bad a demon girl was listening and forces it on them.

This can only be seen on the higher tiers of my Patreon from $5-10. So, join today to enjoy what goodies are already there.

Finally, I will begin to work on the short that will be only viewed on the $10 tier which will be the upcoming quarterly release as promise (April). It maybe based off a Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde plot line, but we will see.

Hope this helps with the ones following my work and for the newbies.... join today to see what I have.

Mr Dark

MrDark 02-12-2020 10:24 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
So, my Deviantart page has been Hijacked, so I've tried to recover it, but someone changed the email address and the administration seems to not being able to help me being I can't "prove" it's my account. I don't know what to do without starting completely over with a new page (losing all followers in the process and all important emails from clients). Thanks to whomever felt they needed to do this!

Happier updates:

Valentines is soon upon us and I will be releasing the Girl to Taarna (Heay Metal) on the $5 Tier on my Patreon.

$10 Tier: I have begin to work on a serious project to make this tier happen by April. I've started to build great models (poser) to bring this story to life. It will be in storyboard format with the transformation scenes in action. Working with a voice actress to bring the female parts to life for the 3 characters at different stages and will get the male character done later. I will attach a promo cover of this project, which will be called, "The Formula: A Jekyll Story"

March: March 6th will be the release of my finished short, "The Twins" with music by AgeGrowthFictions himself! This will be an exciting piece to add to the AP world. This will be released on the $5 tier on my Patreon Page.

Hoping everyone is excited for the good news of what's coming. I will keep everyone posted on what happens with my Deviantart Page including if I have to re-upload everything.

Mr Dark

MrDark 02-13-2020 05:58 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Just to let everyone know my Darkproductions2019 on Deviantart is now dead thanks to the powers that be to not help me recover it. So, I've created a new page (yes have to start fully over; 10 months down the drain):

So, if you were a follower before, please add this new account being this will be where all "NEW" updates will be posted. The old one will be there as long as they keep it up. If it's taken down I can repost all my work I had on before.

Tomorrow I will be releasing my short Girl to Taarna AP on Valentines Day on my $5 tier.

See you tomorrow!

-Mr Dark

MrDark 02-14-2020 08:03 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
Happy Valentines Day!

As promised I released the Age Progression of Girl to Taarna (Heavy Metal)!

This was a commissioned production, but you can check it out on my $5-10 tier at:

Enjoy your day everyone!

Mr Dark

PS. wrong thumbnail... Thats Blacklady animation

MrDark 02-14-2020 08:22 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
This is the right Thumbnail. Preview with clothes with Taarna Model.

-Mr Dark

MrDark 02-18-2020 02:25 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Posted 2 Promos on the $10 Tier to give a small tease on a scene in the upcoming "quarterly" release on my Patreon Page.

The story again is a Jekyll and Hyde type story. It will be storyboard based with voice actors. The trans scenes and some extra scenes will be animation based.

Few weeks away from the release of the short "The Twins", which will be on the $5 tier. So, join today and see what's up now.

Mr Dark

theperv584 02-22-2020 04:01 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
I am sorry Mr Dark. I need to be candid.

While I like your content, they come in too little for the price to support you. I stopped last year to move over to Dawnlab (who had a two high quality AP).

Out of curiousity I stopped Dawnlab's support to support you this February. Aside from a few poser pictures and a single clip (supposed 2 clips but it was moved to March), AND promotional screenshots for March, that is all being shared. I sincerely hope either the rate is adjusted or the amount of content changes. For your record I did the the max contributions when I was supporting.

MrDark 02-24-2020 05:24 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
What do you mean a single clip? Ive placed around 11 clips based on the time I've first started the page which is more than enough content being released for the $5 tier (again this isn't my full time job). The $1 tier has been random for a handful of pics and teases, but recently mentioned more time is being put into the $5-10 tiers.

As for quality...Ive put the low res for the animations or people would be waiting months to receive my longer $5 tier clips. Other artists take months before releasing one thing being how long it takes in render times and I feel doesn't justify anyone helping with that tier being theyre not getting anything all the time. I also warned I do things in poser not Daz and I prob won't be switching (esp with how much content I have for Poser and don't have the time to learn a whole new program being it is more confusing).

I'm also building content in a $10 tier that will be annual (between 3-4 month releases) longer animation stories which Im already 6 minutes into it and as a part one will be released in April as promised. And everything in the $10 will be 10-15 minute productions. I've been telling every step of what I plan to do in all my posts so no one feels theyre being swindled in their donations (knowing many have with other artists for what I hear).

My work isn't for everyone, but at least I'm giving what I can in the realm of female transformations being there isn't a lot of constant content for Age Progression.

I appreciate your opinion on everything and hope you continue to find great artists that better suit your tastes and pocket book.

Mr Dark

Abazaba 02-25-2020 03:11 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Unless I am missing something, Dawn Lab does comics not video. Of course they are going to be able to put out more content in a faster manner. Dark is doing full animated videos with voice acting and audio which takes a LONG time especially as a single person and not a studio. Even Studios can take a month to produce a 30 minute animation. One video a quarter if a pretty solid goal. Honestly supporting a creator just for what they produce in a month is short sighted. You should be supporting creators long term(with words or money) and watch them over time. I am sure as Dark learns the craft, videos might come out faster. However it is a new Patreon a back log is not going to mature over night. Give it time and fund because you want to, not to expect content.

Also the few things Dark have produced are pretty epic, so giving just to get that is worth it.

There are a few people who have Patron accounts that produce almost nothing, and I still give just because they give updates and I know great content will come eventually. Most of the things we are into are VERY niche subjects with very few people producing anything. So just giving to keep Dark going motivation wise is something to strive for as well.

Then again maybe I am just old and seen too many content producers fall off and can be patent enough to wait out for the gold.

MrDark 02-26-2020 05:05 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
Just getting everyone excited for March craziness when I'm releasing The Twins AP.

If you haven't been reading the updates, this is a short on the $5 tier on my patreon page.

Story is about a set of twins that are having a rough evening with parents fighting and a demon girl comes and shakes up their world by forcing them to grow up.

The short is storyboard format but the transformation scene has been animated. The music has been nicely done by my good friend AgeGrowthFiction which you should check out his patreon and Deviantart pages as well:

Update for April ($10 tier): The major short is coming along nicely. It will be full of different themes. It will be storyboard format except the animation moments during the transformation scenes and extra scenes that I don't want to give away. This will be part one of 3 parts, which makes 2020 a great year at least in my eyes for AP stories. The main storyline is about a little girl finding a formula that Dr. Jekyll had created and her adventures on discovering it.

Hope to see you at my Patreon page!

Mr Dark

Ps. Thanks for your kind words Abazaba!

MrDark 03-01-2020 06:35 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
The Twins AP has been released on my $5-10 tier. Enjoy! Happy March!

April will be release of The Formula, only offered on the $10 tier!

Mr Dark

MrDark 03-03-2020 03:04 PM

Updates for March
Hope everyone on the $5-10 tier is enjoying the new release of The Twins AP! I'm just letting everyone know of next months big release for part one of The Formula which will be an ongoing series for most of the year. These are shorts over 10-15 mins long and is only offered for the $10 tier and will be released quarterly (every 3-4 months).

The story is based off of a Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde type of format. Again, this will be storyboard story with voice until the transformations and possibly other surprises in the story that will be animation.
I'd like to thank the $10 tier for the support and hope to bring some fun shorts with that support.

I'm getting close to finishing the visuals for the film and atm I'm on shot 136. It takes time to pose each shot as if it was a real feature film being made.
Anyways, hope your Tuesday is a good one and hope to see you next month with The Formula!

Mr Dark

Dex164 03-04-2020 08:24 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Is there any sample you provide of your animation skills, model quality, and voice talent outside of the preview thumbnails?

Otherwise these thumbnails posted here are not enough to convince me to open my wallet. I'm confident I speak for many lurkers.

MrDark 03-04-2020 06:17 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
Sorry no...I give what samples I can to show some of the models I use to give an idea and explanation, but for $5, it's not asking a lot... and I have more content than most and in a month a new short thats in the $10 tier will be given.

Mr Dark

MrDark 03-11-2020 08:39 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
The Formula Part 1

The project is coming along very well. The visuals have been completed with part 1 and now working hard on audio and music. Teaming up with AgeGrowthFictions again and his music will be amazing as always.

Voice talent has been great and I look forward to releasing this for $10 tier first week in April!

Mr. Dark

MrDark 03-19-2020 07:25 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
The Formula Part 1

Just letting everyone know that the release with my part one is still happening. It will be released on my $10 tier on my patreon page beginning of April.

This will be exciting and hopefully needed with all the crazy happening to the world.

Mr Dark

MrDark 03-21-2020 07:34 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
Finished part 1 of The Formula: The Dr. Jekyll story. So, April 1st I will released it on the $10 Tier. Then I will begin some more on the other tiers. This is very mature in nature just giving heads up.

Hope everyone is staying safe in this trying time. I'm open for commissions if anyone wants some special animations or stills made for them. Send me a message!

Mr. Dark

MrDark 03-31-2020 08:40 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
Just released Chloe AP on the $5 tier and several new pics for the 1$ tier....getting everyone stoked for the release of the Formula Part 1 coming out tomorrow on the $10 tier.

Have a great day during quarantine!

Mr Dark

MrDark 04-01-2020 03:50 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
Happy April 1st! The Formula part 1 has been released! This will be a several part series that will be released every quarter. Go to my Patreon Page and enter in the $10 tier to see the short.

As mentioned before on previous posts, the story is about a young girl finding in an attic some old notes and formula of the scientist Dr. Jekyll. She will grow into a woman and have adventures.

Story is in storyboard form with animations for specific parts. Enjoy!

Mr Dark

MrDark 04-20-2020 08:59 PM

Re: New Transformation Page
1 Attachment(s)
Sorry its been a few weeks without updates but tried to make sure a lot was released for this month with everything going on with shutdowns and I being busy trying to deal with normal life. However, Suzanna AP coming first of May!

Also to mention, I've begun working on Tier $10 with Part 2 to Dr. Jekyll Story.
It's looking very good, but then again, I'm biased. Hope you all enjoyed Part 1, haven't heard much feedback.

Anyways, thought to send some updates your way.

Mr Dark

MrDark 04-29-2020 09:43 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
May 1st is coming for those months releases! Hope you all are excited. If you don't know what cool things I offer, come to my Patreon Page:

Tier $1- Stills

Tier $5- Animation/Shorts

Tier-$10 Longer Shorts (quarterly) Next release July/August: Part 2 of The Formula (Under Production now)

Also take commissions especially when my main job has slowed down because of the virus.

Mr Dark

MrDark 05-01-2020 05:48 AM

Re: New Transformation Page
It's May 1st and well new things added for the month on my Patreon page!

Suzanna AP and a little tease for the $5-10 tier

Patty's Growth for the $1 tier

Hope you all enjoy!

Mr. Dark

MrDark 05-29-2020 05:08 AM

May2020 Updates
I apologize for being so quiet, but a lot going on...however... June 1st will be exciting being I'm going to release Tiffany Growth AP another great short to show the power of Female Age Progression. I'll throw in a few goodies for the $1 tier.

I know many are eager for Part 2 of the Formula and it's coming along nicely. I hope for a July release. If things go my way, I hope to have a teaser to release to get you even more excited for it. There still much to do on it. Jade is making some interesting choices.

Hoping everyone is surviving these crazy times and my little corner has brought some entertainment. Wish you all the best.

Mr Dark

MrDark 05-31-2020 05:21 AM

May2020 Updates
I've decided to launch Tiffany Growth AP a day early. Head to my Patreon Page and join the $5-10 tier today! Enjoy!

Hope everyone is safe at this crazy time!

Mr Dark

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