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fox_drifter 12-31-2009 09:05 PM

Hairy Women!
One of my primary (and certainly one of my only fairly realistic) fetishes, it remains on of the most difficult to find on the internet. I have a penchant for women with abnormal amounts of body hair, the hirsute in particular, and it's an exceptional bonus when it's story (or art!) of said hair growing in.

With the exception of particular Yahoo Groups and the odd pick-up in Rei-lin's stories, it seems pretty tough to find, or to even pinpoint a good keyword to search for ('hirsute' seems to have been labeled by the adult community as meaning 'women who sometimes don't shave their crotch').

So, please, any fellow lovers of female body hair, share your treasure troves! :)

Huginn 01-01-2010 01:24 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
well, that's a kind interest i share, assuming the girl is really beautiful ( no ugly hairy chicks *bleh*), and the hair growth is a bit more on the fantastic/ surreal side like Patricia Arquette's in "human nature" or the stunning Victoria Sanchez's in "Wolf Girl".( which i would use as a great lesson in human vanity. She was gorgeous in that movie, no matter if she was covered in hair or not.)

It would be great if there would be any stories of girls becoming hirsute, but unfortunately i haven't found any so far.
One of the founders of the yahoo groups did write a few capters on various addventures like the BE one, fiction branches or cyoc, but the usually became dead ends after one or two chapters.
But it would be great to find more stuff of that little niche.

EDIT: I forgot to mention i have a few screencaps of said movies, so if there is a demand for it, i would gladly share.

Tancred 01-01-2010 06:59 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
I like it too and I would love to see some caps of this movie! Lol! I have some hairy pics here... I'll try to find those! ;-)

Huginn 01-02-2010 03:20 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
16 Attachment(s)
ok, folks here you go:
Human Nature and Wolf Girl.
the last pics are from an adult movie, i found them in a now deleted yahoo group.

Job McBadass 01-02-2010 10:44 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Tada. Long and possibly epic T&D chain. The Hirsute Curse.

fox_drifter 01-05-2010 09:46 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Thanks guys! I've gotta get my hands on that movie. And The CYOC chain is pretty great, too, even if I'm not, personally, a big bearded lady fan.

evilconcarne 02-28-2010 05:26 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Does anyone know what adult movie those last two pics are from?

actionmang 06-11-2016 09:37 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
A new movie is coming out in August that anyone who is interested in this will enjoy.

sharinganwarrior77 06-12-2016 06:38 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Found this episode of Hero 108, a couple days ago!

Sonia's hair grows out of control

And this episode of Grossology!

Some of the females including Abby Archer end up growing breads and facial hair!

And another episode has Abby with hairy arm pits and hairy legs. (5:17-5:33)

hairylover321 06-13-2016 09:16 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Great find!

sharinganwarrior77 06-13-2016 11:43 PM

Re: Hairy Women!

Originally Posted by hairylover321 (Post 775057)
Great find!


Tancred 06-23-2016 09:54 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
5 Attachment(s)
Just a few pics!

sharinganwarrior77 07-23-2016 01:38 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
Found this cartoon a couple weeks ago!
The main female character, Arisa eats a scone and ends up growing hair all over her body and is mistake for a werewolf.
hair growth scene is at 4:45, she remains hairy until the near end of the episode.

hairylover321 08-06-2016 09:46 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Another amazing find, sharinganwarrior77. I have been searching everywhere and can never find anything. If you have more, keen them coming!

sharinganwarrior77 08-07-2016 12:22 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
Your welcome! I just find them by random or by complete surprise. lol

But yeah, if find any more I just upload them here. ^_^

evilconcarne 08-07-2016 12:24 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Found one, pubic hair growth, doesn't seem like any process but after effects. I'll probably buy this one later in the week and let ya'll know how it is

hairylover321 08-07-2016 06:11 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Nice evilconcarne! You will have to let us know what you think.

CantSaySeeSaw 08-27-2016 12:13 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Whoops it won't let me upload a photo!

Decardo 08-28-2016 04:01 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
I'm a fan of this as well and I cam across this a while back.

Not quite Hirsute but the hair growth is really well done.

hairylover321 04-19-2017 10:33 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
Found a great story. This on is on Fictionmania called The Hairy Epidemic by Chilli TNG

Ivan 06-10-2017 07:26 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
Here it is a new interesting thread in cyoc about massive hair growth.

hairylover321 06-12-2017 12:54 PM

Re: Hairy Women!

Originally Posted by Ivan (Post 794956)
Here it is a new interesting thread in cyoc about massive hair growth.

Great find Ivan!

dorintf 06-13-2017 09:41 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
Goes a little overboard, even for me. A fun read anyway though.

Randy_McSporran 10-06-2017 02:47 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Its old but still kinda good

Ivan 05-29-2019 01:17 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Side effects of a werewolf transformation: Growing ridicolous amounts of hair, obviously

BBB 11-24-2021 03:32 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
This story branch on CYOC is so good, I'll stop lurking to share it. Started 3 months ago, there are quite a few chapters, with long, lovingly detailed descriptions of all kinds of female body hair growth. Perhaps best of all, the characters aren't grossed out or horrified: they love their transformations!

Randy_McSporran 05-29-2022 03:30 AM

Been looking for a female bodyhair timelapse for a while, finally found this. Not sure if it quite counts as a TF, but maybe folks will enjoy. If anyone has anything similar feel free to post :-)

BBB 06-04-2022 07:17 PM

Re: Timelapse

Originally Posted by Randy_McSporran (Post 854020)
Been looking for a female bodyhair timelapse for a while, finally found this. Not sure if it quite counts as a TF, but maybe folks will enjoy. If anyone has anything similar feel free to post :-)

Yeah, I bookmarked that the first time I saw it. It's pretty low quality and rough, but it's also about the best we've got.

xhamster gutted their photo galleries in the last year, which was a real loss for me. But one user has taken a series of "Growing Hair" galleries with closeup progress photos. They could be compiled into a video similar to the one you shared.

BBB 06-21-2022 06:55 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
NavetseaTF does plenty of other types of transformation, and it looks like their work is known on this site. But there's one commission from this compilation in particular, "Wild in the Forest", which really fits here.

The whole comic is in one big image. It contains devolution and male-to-female TG themes, but there's a heavy emphasis on female body hair growth, and that makes it a 10/10 for me.

BBB 06-30-2022 02:48 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
"Shaved pussy until hairy 60days"

Three different day-by-day timelapses of growing out a bush in real life. Caution: repetitive queefing sounds.

polskatrz 08-24-2022 12:48 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
I find this video, this is an asian serie tv

Katsumend 08-25-2022 11:06 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Going to dump a whole bunch here because I don't know of anywhere else to post this fetish lol

Probably most directly relevant is this commission from forever ago which I'm assuming most people here have seen

Apparently that was a direct inspiration for Wild in the Forest, which I see was posted. There is a better version on the commissioners Wordpress site though:

This is probably the best armpit hair growth clip I've found (pay content):

Also if you're looking for some extreme hair growth, Kisa Fae is the best example I've found (pay content also). If you sort her vids by date and and scroll to the bottom of the page, you can see she was completely shaved. Then over the course of the pandemic she let her body hair and even beard grow out :D

I know this won't be everyone's cup of tea, but trans female-to-male hair growth is pretty amazing imo. If you think about it, the only way someone can get hairier irl is to take testosterone. I just found this reddit user for example that has some pretty good comparisons

BBB 10-01-2022 07:27 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Thanks for the links! It's great to see Wild in the Forest at higher resolution.

BBB 12-04-2022 07:15 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
I HATE that reddit now tries to hide NSFW content when not logged in, but putting that aside, here's something I found.

Themes of BE, GTS, FMG, FemDom, and futa, but the female character also grows visibly hairier.

BBB 05-18-2023 11:47 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
With AI image generation coming into its own, now I can actually create some content worth sharing instead of just sharing other's work (at least to the extent anyone using AI image generation is the 'creator').

This is the first sequence that turned out good enough to share. I uploaded an image to for it to use as reference. I'd previously worked out a good prompt & negative prompt to generate an image of attractive hairy women, with a low chance of freakish mutations or other undesirable results. I set the denoising to 20%, so the generated image would only change the reference a little bit. Then after generating, I used the result as the reference for another generation, keeping the same prompt and settings. The image generator recursed for 10 iterations this way. Then I took the images into Photoshop and arranged them in layers with transparency to make an old school cross fade morph, frame by frame.

There are improvements to be had for sure, both to the quality of the art and the turnaround time to make it. But I'm happy I was able to prove out the concept of using AI to create process art.

Randy_McSporran 05-23-2023 12:05 AM

Re: Hairy Women!
Hey, this looks really good, thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to seeing where you get to with this. I've done some experimenting with generating hairy arm images, but so far all I've managed to create is nightmare fuel....

BBB 05-26-2023 06:43 PM

Re: Hairy Women!
Yeah, sometimes you really have to thread the needle with the prompt & negative prompt to avoid nightmare fuel, or just plain ugly results. Most often it tries to produce masculine features if you push the hairy idea too far. To each their own, but I have to put "beard" and "facial hair" in the negative prompt. And of course, only refer to the hair as "furry" if you're looking for an entirely different kind of result.

Almost as soon as I made that last one, disabled their free generator. It sucks because that was the one I found that was free, with no signup. You could enter a custom prompt instead of just checking off pre-existing tags, and the image was deleted from their server once created. I'm now looking for a replacement. Two I'm looking at are and Let me know if anyone has others they like.

Randy_McSporran 06-23-2024 03:49 PM

Some may enjoy this

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