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JJStrebas 09-09-2017 02:29 AM

The Cleavage Accounts
Hello people.

Please check out my new collection of stories featuring BE on Amazon. Feedback is welcome.



JJStrebas 09-17-2017 10:58 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Volume 3, as a few of you already know is up...thanks for the purchases. I fixed some typos I missed and they are in review and should update in a few hours.


JJStrebas 10-03-2017 07:59 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Volume 4 is up.


JJStrebas 10-05-2017 06:28 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
For those of you that have been reading, would you like to see the current stories continue in this chapter format with an occasional one shot story dropped in or would you like to see more new stories with different characters and settings altogether? Or some combination?

JJStrebas 10-09-2017 07:06 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
I also have an email address for questions, comments, reviews etc.

JJStrebas 10-13-2017 03:29 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Volume 5 is currently in review on Amazon and should be up soon.

JJStrebas 10-14-2017 12:26 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Vol 5 is up now.


JJStrebas 10-16-2017 06:11 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

JJStrebas 10-19-2017 08:18 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Darkstorm 10-20-2017 05:04 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 799459)
For those of you that have been reading, would you like to see the current stories continue in this chapter format with an occasional one shot story dropped in or would you like to see more new stories with different characters and settings altogether? Or some combination?

My favourite so far probably has to be your new story "The Supermarket". Seems to be a very interesting premise, and one that could lead to an epic story.
Other than that, I think "The Condition" is probably the only other one that really grabbed me. Your writing is really quite good, it was simply that the other stories just didn't seem to appeal to me as much. I'm sure you have other readers that like them though :)

I'd be very happy to see more of these two, or any other newer material you publish. Keep up the good work!

JJStrebas 10-20-2017 01:39 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Thank you for that. I am almost done with part six which includes the next chapter of The Supermarket and The Condition. I may also include another The Familiar chapter if I have time.

My other concern is pacing. I don't want to rush things by having the women get too big too fast but I want to keep things interesting. My main focus is BE but I also like to hint at and touch on other kinks as well from time to time. As far as that goes and along with other story elements like mystery, intrigue, violence or tragedy...what do you readers think could/should be added to make for an interesting story element you would like to see?

JJStrebas 10-25-2017 10:58 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Ok so Amazon is having some issues and volume six is hung up in server limbo. I decided just to do two long installments of The Supermarket and The Condition.

When it goes live I'll come back and post a link.

JJStrebas 10-25-2017 01:49 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Finally up.


JJStrebas 10-26-2017 04:58 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Okay. I am going to work hard to get 7 out sooner rather than later and have it include the next chapters of The Supermarket, The Condition and The Familiar as those seem to be the most popular stories.

Thank you all for the purchases and Kindle Unlimited reads.

Darkstorm 10-26-2017 08:17 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 800004)
My main focus is BE but I also like to hint at and touch on other kinks as well from time to time. As far as that goes and along with other story elements like mystery, intrigue, violence or tragedy...what do you readers think could/should be added to make for an interesting story element you would like to see?

Another great entry, thank you. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

I appreciated the hints at more voluptuous options for future installments of The Supermarket; while BE is my main kink, I thoroughly enjoy short, soft, voluptuous body types, so mild weight gain and even slight female shrinking would be very welcome additions!

It would certainly allow for more points to be spread, and upping her curvaceousness would help with those harder to find larger bra sizes. Of course being shorter also helps magnify the scale of curves, as Bridgette so admirably demonstrates :D

And we still haven't seen how the points are earned, or how often. Mystery!

JJStrebas 10-27-2017 10:33 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
I am glad you liked it. I am also glad you picked up on some subtle plot points that I wanted to establish without beating the readers over the head with them. I want to create some tension with this story and show what the characters would be willing to do in order to get more points that would surprise the reader and not necessairily be what you would expect...starting with Radhi giving a couple away to Gloria as being an act that you wouldn't see coming. Some more suprises are on the way.

Darkstorm 10-28-2017 09:11 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 800328)
...glad you picked up on some subtle plot points that I wanted to establish without beating the readers over the head with them. I want to create some tension with this story and show what the characters would be willing to do in order to get more points that would surprise the reader and not necessairily be what you would expect...starting with Radhi giving a couple away to Gloria as being an act that you wouldn't see coming. Some more suprises are on the way.

Yes, it does make you wonder at the motivation behind point donations, whether there is some sort of point bonus to assisting fellow employees...

It will be interesting to see how long it takes to earn points, and what actions earn them. Does simply doing a good job accumulate points? or is it random? or maybe it requires them to go perform duties above and beyond their assigned positions? I wonder if perhaps there might also be opt-in staff surveys that give bonus points for participation; or by participating, enters the employee in a prize draw to win points... interesting...

I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for chapter 7!

And what's up with The Condition? that cold hard look she gave... is the condition supernatural in origin? possession? succubi ancestry?

JJStrebas 10-29-2017 03:09 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
All of those point earning scenarios are good guesses and reasonable possibilities. Radhi's motives may not be so clear but I do think she will establish herself as a clear atagonist so I don't think her "generosity" is that at all. She has a strategy, but the trouble is she can't control everyone else - particularly the other managers/dept heads.

Elena (The Condition) can be scary sometimes, can't she? It is almost like something sinister is growing inside her much like her bust is. Remember she also mentiones that while her mother and brother and aunt have the same condition, she was the only one that had big boobs or strong teeth. I wonder why that is? Maybe one day Randall will get to talk to someone who knows more about her.

Incidentally and mostly unrelated, I have weaved in a few easter eggs to tie the stories in togerher to imply that they take place in the same universe but it doesnt necessarily mean any of the characters are related or have crossed paths in any way shape or form...yet

JJStrebas 11-06-2017 08:44 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Volume 7 is out.


Darkstorm 11-09-2017 06:05 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 800940)

Interesting. Lots of exposition this time for The Supermarket - sounds as though Jess / Gloria / Travis are in for some brainstorming with those screen photos next chapter.
A combination of height loss and upping the H/W ratio would be an intriguing way to fill out her curves with just a few points, which leaves many more available for boobs... plus she would be on more equal footing with Jess in terms of height :)

And who knows how many other training courses she needs to complete? here's hoping that new stores get a Nugenicorp machine too, and that the changes are permanent!

As for The Condition, I hope that nothing sinister has happened to Sasha.... boy Elena is possessive!

JJStrebas 11-09-2017 08:41 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Yes, I did go heavy on exposition on The Supermarket. I hope I didn't overdo it but I really wanted to expand the scope of the story to show what the typical employee was like and how they felt and looked versus the story focusing too much on the heavy hitters. I want to really set Kianna, Radhi and Bridgette apart for their breast size as well as establish Sung and Stella as superlatives as well for heavy indulgence of the machine but not necessarily pushing for maximum bust size.

And yes..I think you are right that there will be some scheming and strategizing based on the intel that Gloria is getting. I just wonder who will be the beneficiary and who's desires will be fulfilled.

Yeah, poor Sasha. I wonder if she is okay... It probably wasnt a good idea to cross Elena but Elena is a nice person. She wouldnt really hurt anyone, would she?

I am working on a new story for book 8. I will definitely have another installment of The Supermarket to go along with it. This new story will have a different setting and different elements that I haven't tried before, so it is taking me a little longer to fine tune. But don't worry, BE is the star of the show. As far as what other story to include the next installment of, I haven't decided yet. I'd like ro get back to at least 3 stories per pack or more.

Darkstorm 11-09-2017 05:26 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801112)
Yes, I did go heavy on exposition on The Supermarket. I hope I didn't overdo it but I really wanted to expand the scope of the story to show what the typical employee was like and how they felt and looked versus the story focusing too much on the heavy hitters. I want to really set Kianna, Radhi and Bridgette apart for their breast size as well as establish Sung and Stella as superlatives as well for heavy indulgence of the machine but not necessarily pushing for maximum bust size.

No, I don't think you overdid it at all - it's great to meet more employees, and to see how each has made their particular choices based on their preferences. Makes things a little more realistic to see not everyone going for mega boobs :)


Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801112)
And yes..I think you are right that there will be some scheming and strategizing based on the intel that Gloria is getting. I just wonder who will be the beneficiary and who's desires will be fulfilled.

So far Travis has played it pretty cool... throwing in the occasional comment to test the waters, but otherwise remaining dependable and supportive. If he's a schemer, he's doing a great job of keeping his cards covered. I can definitely see his input having greater influence in the future.

As for Jess, who knows... she seems too good a friend to manipulate Gloria, I think. Not really sure what she could ask of Gloria, but their friendship has taken an interesting turn recently, so who knows... she may even apply for a job at Merchant Pat's herself...


Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801112)
Yeah, poor Sasha. I wonder if she is okay... It probably wasnt a good idea to cross Elena but Elena is a nice person. She wouldnt really hurt anyone, would she?

Well, that's the thing! her jealousy and vivid dreams have me worried.... we can only hope she hasn't done something everyone will come to regret...


Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801112)
I am working on a new story for book 8. I will definitely have another installment of The Supermarket to go along with it. This new story will have a different setting and different elements that I haven't tried before, so it is taking me a little longer to fine tune. But don't worry, BE is the star of the show. As far as what other story to include the next installment of, I haven't decided yet. I'd like ro get back to at least 3 stories per pack or more.

Always good to see new stories, and with The Familiar wrapped up, room for others to continue!

JJStrebas 11-10-2017 02:05 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm (Post 801124)
No, I don't think you overdid it at all - it's great to meet more employees, and to see how each has made their particular choices based on their preferences. Makes things a little more realistic to see not everyone going for mega boobs :)

Good. That's the reaction I was going for. And, lucky for us, Gloria is a popular person that makes friends easy.


So far Travis has played it pretty cool... throwing in the occasional comment to test the waters, but otherwise remaining dependable and supportive. If he's a schemer, he's doing a great job of keeping his cards covered. I can definitely see his input having greater influence in the future.
Yeah ole Travis does keep his cards close to his chest. Im guessing he is trying not to upset Gloria anymore by making her think he wants her to look differently. But I think he is secretly hoping she models herself after Radhi


As for Jess, who knows... she seems too good a friend to manipulate Gloria, I think. Not really sure what she could ask of Gloria, but their friendship has taken an interesting turn recently, so who knows... she may even apply for a job at Merchant Pat's herself...
Jess would probably love to take a crack at the machine herself. She's too busy as a nurse to take on a second job so I wander how she'd ever get the chance...
But I think she does live vicariously through Gloria, so maybe that will be enough...maybe.


Well, that's the thing! her jealousy and vivid dreams have me worried.... we can only hope she hasn't done something everyone will come to regret...
I think Randall will find out her fate sooner rather than later.


Always good to see new stories, and with The Familiar wrapped up, room for others to continue!
Yeah, this new story I am working on is a long one shot. I am going to try to get in the habit of including those more often to keep things fresh.

Darkstorm 11-12-2017 05:27 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801165)
Jess would probably love to take a crack at the machine herself. She's too busy as a nurse to take on a second job so I wander how she'd ever get the chance...
But I think she does live vicariously through Gloria, so maybe that will be enough...maybe.

Well, my assumption following the scene with Gloria and Stella is that Jess, with her medical employment, might find herself in a position to obtain some more generic Nugenicorp supplies that would benefit her own... improvements. But I guess I'll have to wait and see how future chapters unfold :)

JJStrebas 11-16-2017 09:17 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Vol 8 is live.


Darkstorm 11-18-2017 09:17 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
So, finally had the chance to sit down and read the next chapter.

Seems Nugenicorp have a hand in everything! An interesting tie-in with the one-shot (origins?) story.
While not a fan of female muscle growth, it certainly helps explain some of the mysterious developments in The Condition. I was unsure if the overall changes from Nugenicorp products would be scientific or mystical, so it's great to see some background filled in there. Are the products developed from all 3 Chosen, or is there more going on? and which one does that powerful bite stem from? Poor Randall is likely to get a broken pelvis at this rate, if not from Elena, then her mother!

As always, love seeing more chapters for The Supermarket - can't wait to see more action there, now that Bridgette, Jess and Gloria have bonded. Very excited to see them bring up fuller figures with Bridgette; hopefully the two of them will opt for more voluptuous forms to help speed their rise to the top! Being short will really amplify the magnitude of those figures, and it obviously had an impact on Jess! Short curvy redheads are totally up my alley :)
Travis was particularly sharp this chapter. I'm sure he'll put some of that keen intellect to use in the girl's plans...

What is your preferred method of discussing your stories? do you prefer forum posts or email? just curious as to what you find easier to keep track of and reply to.

JJStrebas 11-19-2017 02:30 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm (Post 801459)
Seems Nugenicorp have a hand in everything! An interesting tie-in with the one-shot (origins?) story.
While not a fan of female muscle growth, it certainly helps explain some of the mysterious developments in The Condition. I was unsure if the overall changes from Nugenicorp products would be scientific or mystical, so it's great to see some background filled in there. Are the products developed from all 3 Chosen, or is there more going on? and which one does that powerful bite stem from? Poor Randall is likely to get a broken pelvis at this rate, if not from Elena, then her mother!

You have great insight and a very creative imagination. Your questions are so on point that I have to be careful so I don't give too much away in answering them. (Post #24 i had to skip altogether :) )For now I will say that Umbrella...oops, I mean Nugenicorp is a vast company with several divisions and interests and initiatives. They may choose to dabble in a lot of things, but I think for the most part they have leaned towards science rather than mysticism. Also, we don't necessarily know when The Temple takes place in relation to the other stories.


As always, love seeing more chapters for The Supermarket - can't wait to see more action there, now that Bridgette, Jess and Gloria have bonded. Very excited to see them bring up fuller figures with Bridgette; hopefully the two of them will opt for more voluptuous forms to help speed their rise to the top! Being short will really amplify the magnitude of those figures, and it obviously had an impact on Jess! Short curvy redheads are totally up my alley :)
Travis was particularly sharp this chapter. I'm sure he'll put some of that keen intellect to use in the girl's plans...
Bridgette of course, likes them both but seems to be particularly interested in Jessica. I think she'd probably be open to her desires which just might be a thicker body. Gloria wouldn't mind that either, but maybe not quite to the extent that Jessica would. I wonder how many points Bridgette has laying around... hopfully, there won't be any competition, conflict, jealousy or differences between the three.


What is your preferred method of discussing your stories? do you prefer forum posts or email? just curious as to what you find easier to keep track of and reply to.
Whatever you want. Ha ha. You are my most vocal reader. I don't mind forum posts at all as I hope it will encourage others to read my books or join in rhe discussion if they already are. But if you would like to discuss or ask me something privately then by all means send an email. I check the forums and my email several times a day.

Thank you.

Darkstorm 11-20-2017 05:35 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801461)
Your questions are so on point that I have to be careful so I don't give too much away in answering them. (Post #24 i had to skip altogether :) )

The stories have been quite enjoyable to read, so thankyou for creating them :)

The reason I asked your preferred method of contact, is to avoid that very situation - there's been a few times I've brought up a plot point or scene from your stories and thought to myself, "Maybe I should add spoiler tags... not everyone has read the latest chapter!"

So, hopefully I haven't given too much away when I've discussed any of the scenes!

Not many authors get any meaningful feedback, particularly within our little niche community, so I'd like to encourage others to contribute their thoughts where possible. Forum posts seem the easiest way to do that :)


Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801461)
I think she'd probably be open to her desires which just might be a thicker body. Gloria wouldn't mind that either, but maybe not quite to the extent that Jessica would. I wonder how many points Bridgette has laying around... hopfully, there won't be any competition, conflict, jealousy or differences between the three.

Can't wait to see how things go with Bridgette, her already amazing dimensions give her great potential! I do wonder what using a few points for height reduction would do - would it reduce BWH proportionately, or keep their measurements the same and only affect height? if the latter, that would be quite an easy way for someone like Gloria to fill out

I'm sure Bridgette has quite a few points stored up; she was quite happy to donate 5 previously, which seems quite generous. Let's hope any competition remains friendly in nature... it would be disappointing to have a falling out, but understandable given how rapidly things are developing - we also don't know the full agendas of the other managers...


Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801461)
For now I will say that Umbrella...oops, I mean Nugenicorp

I see what you did there :) admittedly, "Resident Boobage" sounds like a more pleasant way to go than the original!

JJStrebas 11-20-2017 08:22 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm (Post 801540)
The stories have been quite enjoyable to read, so thankyou for creating them :)

Thank you! That means a lot.


The reason I asked your preferred method of contact, is to avoid that very situation - there's been a few times I've brought up a plot point or scene from your stories and thought to myself, "Maybe I should add spoiler tags... not everyone has read the latest chapter!"

So, hopefully I haven't given too much away when I've discussed any of the scenes!
I leave it to your discretion. I will start using spoiler tags too if i think an answer or comment gives away too much, but at the same time I hope people kind of assume to tread lightly reading this thread because I ask for feedback and reviews so spoilers are quite likely.


Not many authors get any meaningful feedback, particularly within our little niche community, so I'd like to encourage others to contribute their thoughts where possible. Forum posts seem the easiest way to do that :)


Can't wait to see how things go with Bridgette, her already amazing dimensions give her great potential! I do wonder what using a few points for height reduction would do - would it reduce BWH proportionately, or keep their measurements the same and only affect height? if the latter, that would be quite an easy way for someone like Gloria to fill out
Yeah, I am looking forward to her being a testbed of points pushing so to speak. She's already a little stunner, but she has so much potential.


I'm sure Bridgette has quite a few points stored up; she was quite happy to donate 5 previously, which seems quite generous. Let's hope any competition remains friendly in nature... it would be disappointing to have a falling out, but understandable given how rapidly things are developing - we also don't know the full agendas of the other managers...
Oh i,doubt that they would really get mad at one another, or if they did it wouldn't last long...maybe just get a few feathers ruffled.


I see what you did there :) admittedly, "Resident Boobage" sounds like a more pleasant way to go than the original!
Yes, I figured that was a pretty obvious reference. :) there is another company/entity out there that has been introduced as one that deals soley in misticism. Maybe they will show up again somewhere else.

JJStrebas 11-29-2017 04:49 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
The holiday slowed me down, but number 9 is ready to go. I hope you all enjoy it.


Darkstorm 11-30-2017 06:22 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 801969)
The holiday slowed me down, but number 9 is ready to go. I hope you all enjoy it.

EDIT: Had quite a few typos and grammar problems in that and I an edited version just went live this morning. So if you already bought, just refresh/request the newest version. Sorry about the inconvenience as i got in a bit of a rush.

I also made a new cover for book 5. It doesnt show on the live site yet but if you click "Look inside" you can see it and maybe refresh your device to get it.

Two side stories plus the next Supermarket chapter - awesome :D

Wow, just wow. I initially thought Bridgette would just ease into filling her curves bit by bit, but she really jumped right in! what an amazing woman, (and amazing figure!).

Some interesting information in that chapter - sounds as though reducing height keeps proportions, and allows for re-distribution of that existing mass from height. So, changes that would lead into yellow/orange may become green again by choosing to be slightly shorter... an intriguing path forward for when the changes reach a persons upper limits. Gloria seems to be appreciating and desiring voluptuous curves more every day - I think Jess will hit the roof when she sees Bridgette next! And will there be jealousy from Travis, now that she's spending intimate time with others; or perhaps they'll all meet back at Gloria's eventually...

And we still don't know the consequences of donating points to other staff - is there a reward incentive for doing so (as suggested way back by Bridgette for Radhi's points, maybe unlocking sliders again or getting bonus points?). Maybe a team-building bonus or employee of the month type thing. That large point donation to Heather could have unexpected dividends...

Derek's magic franchise really seems to be taking off, though I do wonder about his motivations - does his magical abilities grow from each successive use of powers, like Lillian? and what is his end-game? What consequences for Amber, or Karen?

I did notice a few typos, but was happy enough to get new content :) Though, to be honest, I can't seem to get the version to refresh...

One suggestions for future releases - would it be possible to put the start of each new story in the table of contents? it would make it easier to skip through the book when going back to check on details / review ( I have no idea how hard that would be. I could always just use notes within the kindle app, but thought I'd ask anyway ;) )

Anyway, thanks again for your hard work - I look forward to the next one!

JJStrebas 11-30-2017 07:30 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm (Post 802033)
Two side stories plus the next Supermarket chapter - awesome :D

Thanks. I wanted to push myself to come up with two "original" ideas this time.


Wow, just wow. I initially thought Bridgette would just ease into filling her curves bit by bit, but she really jumped right in! what an amazing woman, (and amazing figure!).
Agreed. She is one of my favorite characters.


Some interesting information in that chapter - sounds as though reducing height keeps proportions, and allows for re-distribution of that existing mass from height. So, changes that would lead into yellow/orange may become green again by choosing to be slightly shorter... an intriguing path forward for when the changes reach a persons upper limits. Gloria seems to be appreciating and desiring voluptuous curves more every day - I think Jess will hit the roof when she sees Bridgette next! And will there be jealousy from Travis, now that she's spending intimate time with others; or perhaps they'll all meet back at Gloria's eventually...
Why yes, it all comes down to what they started with naturally. I don't think Bridgette could ever be as tall as Stella or vice versa. Nor do I think Heather could be as small as Bridgette used to be...although Bridgette is still relatively small because of her overall weight.


And we still don't know the consequences of donating points to other staff - is there a reward incentive for doing so (as suggested way back by Bridgette for Radhi's points, maybe unlocking sliders again or getting bonus points?). Maybe a team-building bonus or employee of the month type thing. That large point donation to Heather could have unexpected dividends...
Ahhh, but now that Gloria has given some away, we should get a chance to see what happens. I guess Bridgette was too distracted to explain that.


Derek's magic franchise really seems to be taking off, though I do wonder about his motivations - does his magical abilities grow from each successive use of powers, like Lillian? and what is his end-game? What consequences for Amber, or Karen?
Derek is kind of a rogue maverick. He just goes around handing out magical items to random women he would like to get with. Perhaps he is looking for someone that can replace Lillian.

Edit: ok so spoiler tags dont work here, or i am doing it wrong.

[Spoiler] hidden [/spoiler]


I did notice a few typos, but was happy enough to get new content :) Though, to be honest, I can't seem to get the version to refresh...
That sucks. I am so sorry about that. The amount of typos is embarrassing. I accidentally uploaded an older draft. By the time I figured it out and reuploaded it, it had been live for several hours. Amazon is slow. If you make just a minor change it could be a day before it goes live. It sucks that you can't see the new version. I'll ask support and find out what to do about that. I am redoing some of my covers that I am not proud of and as you can see with this latest book I am buying professional stock photos now. But even those don't seem to show on current buyer's devices. Sigh.


One suggestions for future releases - would it be possible to put the start of each new story in the table of contents? it would make it easier to skip through the book when going back to check on details / review ( I have no idea how hard that would be. I could always just use notes within the kindle app, but thought I'd ask anyway ;) )
OMG yes, I need to learn how to do links for Table of Contents. I will figure it out for next chapter. And maybe go back and retrofit the old ones which probably won't help current buyers. Sigh.


Anyway, thanks again for your hard work - I look forward to the next one!
Thank you for your support!

JJStrebas 12-01-2017 04:25 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
It seems you have to contact the kindle folks and ask them to push the new version to you. Nothing story wise changed but it is a better read due to the corrections I made and I added maybe a few lines.

Books 4 5 an 7 have new covers, although admittedly 7 is really the same just reimagined a bit, so if you dont like it now the new version of it won't change that. I may change a few more.

I added what I think is a working table of contents to Book 4 so if you want to try it out and see if it works, please let me know and I will implement it in future books. #10 is going to be a doozy. I'm going to end a number of stories and have the next xhapters of most of the others. Then I am going to possibly change the format and the way Ive been doing things altogether, not sure yet.

Thanks again for all the purchases. And for all your patience with my formatting and execution errors as this is all still new to me, but I am learning.

Darkstorm 12-02-2017 08:52 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 802083)
It seems you have to contact the kindle folks and ask them to push the new version to you.

That's pretty poor form from Amazon - seems kind of counter-productive, considering I (and probably most of us) have the auto-update feature on for book updates. I had a look on the kindle forum and it's been a known problem with book updates for at least a month. Hopefully they can sort it out soon.


Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 802083)
I added what I think is a working table of contents to Book 4 so if you want to try it out and see if it works, please let me know and I will implement it in future books.

Seems to be working, thankyou!


Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 802083)
#10 is going to be a doozy. I'm going to end a number of stories and have the next xhapters of most of the others. Then I am going to possibly change the format and the way Ive been doing things altogether, not sure yet.

Wow, sounds like a fairly substantial volume - so far you've generally released a new book every 1-2 weeks. Should we then anticipate that the next release may be some time down the track? Not being pushy, mind you; just curious about the apparent size of the task you're setting yourself! (admittedly I'll miss the weekly/fortnightly schedule, but that's simply because you've spoiled us :P )

A possible format change? are you considering releasing each story independently, or continue them as a collection of new chapters? or are you thinking of a supply change, ala Patreon etc


Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 802083)
Thanks again for all the purchases. And for all your patience with my formatting and execution errors as this is all still new to me, but I am learning.

We appreciate all the effort you've been putting in!

JJStrebas 12-02-2017 09:29 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm (Post 802120)
That's pretty poor form from Amazon - seems kind of counter-productive, considering I (and probably most of us) have the auto-update feature on for book updates. I had a look on the kindle forum and it's been a known problem with book updates for at least a month. Hopefully they can sort it out soon.

Yeah, i don't understand why that isnt automatic. The interface for writers makes it easy to update and make changes, so you would think it would be easy for readers on the other end to benefit from that. Hopefully they will fix it. I'm just going to work harder to make sure my initial release is that much cleaner.


Seems to be working, thankyou!
Good. I'll get around to retrofitting the older ones, and maybe do a couple new covers...who knows when they will go live though.


Wow, sounds like a fairly substantial volume - so far you've generally released a new book every 1-2 weeks. Should we then anticipate that the next release may be some time down the track? Not being pushy, mind you; just curious about the apparent size of the task you're setting yourself! (admittedly I'll miss the weekly/fortnightly schedule, but that's simply because you've spoiled us :P )
I'm going to try to release it close to the same timeframe I have been. I appreciate your enthusiasm and I don't want interest to wane so it is best if I try to keep up the same pace. There are at least half a dozen fans out there that buy my books the day or night they come out or within the fillowing day. That is very flattering to me and I want to make sure I keeo up with that demand. The holiday will slow me down some though.


A possible format change? are you considering releasing each story independently, or continue them as a collection of new chapters? or are you thinking of a supply change, ala Patreon etc
Yes. I am thinking #10 will be the last of the series. For now, the only story I am sure I will continue is the Supermarket. So i may just break it out on its own with a much longer installment to justify the price. And then I will also release other original stories on their own.

Or not. I'm not sure, yet.


We appreciate all the effort you've been putting in!
Thank you.

JJStrebas 12-20-2017 12:10 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Sorry it took so long. The 10th and final chapter of The Cleavage Accounts is up.


Darkstorm 12-23-2017 06:48 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 803035)
Sorry it took so long. The 10th and final chapter of The Cleavage Accounts is up.

Fantastic - early Christmas present!

It took a little while to find the time to read through all those stories; I was sad to see some of them wrapped up, but it's for the best. It also gives you more energy to focus on the Supermarket, and any other new stories you're cooking up.

Very interesting global phone number - I at first thought it might be some sort of binary algorithm, especially given that it varied in the two stories that mentioned them (batch variation? client code?)

The Condition finished nicely - glad that they found each other once again. Love conquers all :)

The Corset - Great to see Karen, Red and Sonya breaking into the fashion world. Tina's surprise certainly shows Derek's products are spreading far and wide. A lot of potential for stories in that arc.

The Detour - Nice to finally meet Ashlynn, and see the new family dynamic. Though, admittedly, the closing scene with Mara seems ominous...

The Prize - Is New Envisions Spa a subsidiary of Derek's? while it was lovely to see the girls finally put aside their differences and discover true friendship, the mysterious spa and its employees opens up many questions...

The Supermarket - Love it; still my favourite story! Kianna's reveal was a welcome surprise, in more ways than one. Gloria is very lucky to be so likeable; some surprising friendships/alliances forming. Rahdi is an interesting character - it will be fun to see how they influence each other (though, admittedly, I still have a soft spot for more interactions with Bridgette!)

The first yellow meal was excellent - love that Bridgette's transformation has opened Gloria up to being more comfortable with dramatic changes. I'm not surprised, but am happy to see Gloria contemplating more established career at Pat's; let's face it, an opportunity like that would be hard to resist!

Have you decided how you'll proceed with future chapters? Are you branching them out on their own, or are you going to continue with collections of stories?

All the best for you and your family/friends for Christmas! Enjoy some well-earned down-time!

JJStrebas 12-23-2017 09:27 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm (Post 803221)
Fantastic - early Christmas present!



It took a little while to find the time to read through all those stories; I was sad to see some of them wrapped up, but it's for the best. It also gives you more energy to focus on the Supermarket, and any other new stories you're cooking up.
It is very tough to end a story, particulary a BE story. Once the growing stops it just has to end and I like the size that Elena reached. It "hurts" me to think I am ending a character but it has to be done. But it doesn't mean they can't show up in someone else's story.


Very interesting global phone number - I at first thought it might be some sort of binary algorithm, especially given that it varied in the two stories that mentioned them (batch variation? client code?)
Good eye. I was wondering if people would notice that. What started as a simple typo I decided to leave as it will have some implications later, but you are all over it so it won't be that big a deal.


The Condition finished nicely - glad that they found each other once again. Love conquers all :)
Thanks. Elena is near the very top of my favorite characters and I toiled on how to wrap things up. I thought about going very dark with her but decided it best to do it the way it went. I'm glad she's happy and still with Randall.


The Corset - Great to see Karen, Red and Sonya breaking into the fashion world. Tina's surprise certainly shows Derek's products are spreading far and wide. A lot of potential for stories in that arc.
I wonder though if Tina got Pepper from Derek. She doesn't seem to be his type. Too old, too heavy and not pretty enough I don't think.


The Detour - Nice to finally meet Ashlynn, and see the new family dynamic. Though, admittedly, the closing scene with Mara seems ominous...
Yeah, I think Liddell might be in a spot of trouble. I don't think Mara means him any harm but she's gotten so big and is getting so heavy so fast with her milk coming in that she probably won't feel him struggling. And it sounds like she's telling a long story.


The Prize - Is New Envisions Spa a subsidiary of Derek's? while it was lovely to see the girls finally put aside their differences and discover true friendship, the mysterious spa and its employees opens up many questions...
They seem to have their own set of abilities and motivations, but Derek did give her the gift. He is at least aware of them. I just wonder if they answer to him, work with him, or something else.


The Supermarket - Love it; still my favourite story! Kianna's reveal was a welcome surprise, in more ways than one. Gloria is very lucky to be so likeable; some surprising friendships/alliances forming. Rahdi is an interesting character - it will be fun to see how they influence each other (though, admittedly, I still have a soft spot for more interactions with Bridgette!)
I love this story too. I get overwhelmed when I sit down to write it because there are so many characters to explore and the are all so likeable. If I may be so bold, this story is my Naruto or my Bleach, if you are into anime at all. Soooo many characters in those. I love Radhi and Bridgette too. I was glad to show some crack in Radhi's cool and see Bridgette strutting her stuff so confidently around. Plus with all the extea fun Gloria was having, I am glad she brought Travis in on it.


The first yellow meal was excellent - love that Bridgette's transformation has opened Gloria up to being more comfortable with dramatic changes. I'm not surprised, but am happy to see Gloria contemplating more established career at Pat's; let's face it, an opportunity like that would be hard to resist!
Yes, Gloria is going to have some choices to make.


Have you decided how you'll proceed with future chapters? Are you branching them out on their own, or are you going to continue with collections of stories?
For now I am going to release stories seperately in self contained novellas or long form shorts. I'm about a third of the way done with one and I hope I can get it out next week. Since you like Bridgette, i think you'll like Colleen too. :D


All the best for you and your family/friends for Christmas! Enjoy some well-earned down-time!
Thank you. Same to you.

JJStrebas 01-01-2018 06:33 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Happy New Year!

KBTG is a standalone story.

A southwestern news station is struck by a meteorite that bestows all of the female on air personalities with amazing abilities. However, there is a cost to using these new powers: each woman gradually grows in bust size to bra-bursting proportions. Office politics, career posturing and old fashioned jealousy abound in this tale of BE and sex.

This story features women who reach big/large sizes and features MF, FMF, FF traditional sex with several body types from petite to BBW.


Darkstorm 01-07-2018 07:14 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Happy New Year to you as well - a very welcome surprise for 2018!

An enjoyable read - as you suggested, I found much to appreciate about Colleen :) The sex scenes were great, and I was happy to see a diverse group of characters - a bit of something for everyone!

A point I may mention, and it's actually something I've been mulling over from the non-consensual growth thread. It would be quite realistic to expect people to be a little apprehensive/frightened when suddenly growing a few cup sizes, particularly from an unknown source. Even with the added benefit of superpowers :). There would be fear of radiation, chemical poisoning, mutation, cancer/medical illness; all quite reasonable fears from exposure to mysterious substances.
Even when they're able to identify the cause and accept it or even come to appreciate it, some would be hesitant to grow up to (what non-BE fetishists consider) extreme sizes.
I think in other stories like the Supermarket, this is a non-issue, as the characters are choosing to transform themselves. In KBTG I put down their acceptance to some type of space dust induced euphoria (maybe just another way they were all affected by the meteorite), as well as seeing other crew mates affected but seemingly ok, but it does seem a situation that would lend itself well to frightening non-consensual growth initially. Just something I'd been thinking about lately :)

My only other suggestion would be more descriptive breast growth sequences (probably the most challenging part for any author). I really enjoy the characters you create and their interactions, and have been thoroughly impressed by the stories themselves. I would dearly love to see you craft some epic erotic growth sequences; descriptions that really bring those scenes to life. Spaces between freckles expanding; areola stretching and spreading; skin becoming taut and firm, even shiny as breast mass enlarges; tingling and warmth, flushing through their breasts as they expand; their increasing heft and pull on shoulders and back; buttons creaking and groaning under the strain. That's the stuff that I would pay double to read again and again :)

Sorry for the long ramble; the new year has me filled with possibilities! Thank you once again for the new material; great to see you continuing to not only produce work quickly, but of excellent quality. I highly look forward to more

JJStrebas 01-07-2018 08:42 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
I appreciate all your posts. This one is especially valuable because it echoes some of the same thoughts I have been having about that thread as well as gives me confidence to keep going and new themes to explore. I had a little case of burnout to get over and it hit me right in the middle of writing KBTG as i had originally envisioned it as just another serialized chapter by chapter installment of The Cleavage Accounts. But I wanted to make it a standalone long form short or novlette/novella instead. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I am about 70% done with my next story. It is a bit of a departure from the stories I have written so far, radical for me, but old hat for everybody else because as we all know there's nothing new under the sun in anything but with BE or any writing it is just how the author puts their personal spin on it, and I hope to do just that.

I don't want to talk more about it because it isn't finished and I hope to get it out within the next few days if possible.
But I hope it scratches the Unlikely/reluctant/noncon BE protagonist itch.

JJStrebas 01-09-2018 09:23 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Okay, I present to you "Bosom Destiny."

Elizabeth leads a normal, average life until she becomes the sole heir to her eccentric Great Aunt Eunice's estate. But in order to receive the multi-million dollar windfall she has to live alone on the property for six months and is only allowed a limited amount of time off the property requiring the use of an ankle bracelet. As she quits her job and says goodbye to her family and friends and moves in, she realizes there is more than meets the eye to the house, and the land. She is not alone, and the house has a life of its own but it is the affects of merely living in the residence that soon manifest in her changing, growing bust line. At first she welcomes the growth, but too much happens too fast and she is faced with a dire dilemma. Her growing bust is not just a random side effect, but part of a grander plan that has society level implications.

I tried to step a little out of my comfort zone. This does contain elements of absorption "vore." Which don't get me wrong, it isnt what you think. Someone who is heavy into vore (oral or contact) will probably call my version of it not true vore and I am fine with that. I just think if you find the idea a turnoff, still give the story a chance because it isn't quite the same method as some of the stories and comics I have seen which are very gory. This story is NOT gory.

I wanted to capture what a woman who isn't excited about nor asked for a huge chest or continued growth might go through.


Darkstorm 01-11-2018 06:55 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Some intriguing ideas in the new novel. I liked the time/dimensional intervention aspect of her inheritance - it incites Elizabeth to think beyond her own physical changes and see how they might be for the greater good. Tie-ins with other material in your expanded novel-verse, such as The Corset (and Nugenicorp) was also a nice touch. The scene with the plane was lovely, and seemed to do much in the way of helping Elizabeth accept herself and her fate.

I too, find attribute theft to be completely anathema when it comes to BE stories, and find it terribly off-putting, even when only used once or twice; I have to admit being disappointed she didn't find the girl from the diner and help return her to normal. That's just me though, I'm sure there are fans who love stories featuring that.

I'm not sure if I noticed a slight continuity issue at the start of the epilogue - she reaches pavement and a dead-end in the road and screeches to a halt, whilst traveling in the ATV. The next paragraph I wasn't quite sure about "I had a feeling about one of the doors and grabbed the latch. It opened, and I walked into the empty office building."

Is this referring to the door of the ATV? I read it as though it was, but I had to go back and re-read the sentence to make sure I hadn't skipped something (and google RZR ATV's to have a look if they had doors :) - for some reason I pictured one without)

A very interesting read, thankyou

JJStrebas 01-12-2018 12:04 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm (Post 804198)
Some intriguing ideas in the new novel. I liked the time/dimensional intervention aspect of her inheritance - it incites Elizabeth to think beyond her own physical changes and see how they might be for the greater good. Tie-ins with other material in your expanded novel-verse, such as The Corset (and Nugenicorp) was also a nice touch. The scene with the plane was lovely, and seemed to do much in the way of helping Elizabeth accept herself and her fate.

Thanks. I was really trying to hint at a grander plan and purpose but keep things on a personal level which is why I wrote this in 1st person rather than my usual third.


I too, find attribute theft to be completely anathema when it comes to BE stories, and find it terribly off-putting, even when only used once or twice; I have to admit being disappointed she didn't find the girl from the diner and help return her to normal. That's just me though, I'm sure there are fans who love stories featuring that.
It was my intention to have a scene with those two later and resolve that but I got in a rush and forgot about it. I had decided to save that for a possible future installment. But i think she needs a "win" and something positive sooner than that so I rewrote the scene in the doctor's office which I think you will find pleasing.


I'm not sure if I noticed a slight continuity issue at the start of the epilogue - she reaches pavement and a dead-end in the road and screeches to a halt, whilst traveling in the ATV. The next paragraph I wasn't quite sure about "I had a feeling about one of the doors and grabbed the latch. It opened, and I walked into the empty office building."

Is this referring to the door of the ATV? I read it as though it was, but I had to go back and re-read the sentence to make sure I hadn't skipped something (and google RZR ATV's to have a look if they had doors :) - for some reason I pictured one without)
Yeah, it got sloppy there so I cleaned it up. Just ask Kindle to push the new version to you. Give it a few hours after this post's timestamp because the 'Zon still shows it as "Publishing" on my dashboard.


A very interesting read, thankyou
Thank you! Supermarket is next!

JJStrebas 01-24-2018 05:27 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Finally up. This took me longer than expected because I caught the flu and was down for about a week. Please enjoy the next exciting installment in the world of your favorite Supermarket, Merchant Pat's!

If you are new to my writing please be aware that this is a continuing saga that began in The Cleavage Accounts 5-10.


JJStrebas 01-28-2018 09:20 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Okay, so I promised myself when I started doing this that I would force myself to write outside my comfort zone occasionally to hone my skills.

Bosom Destiny was the first of those efforts and thanks to all of you it is already on track to being my most popular story.

So with that said, my next two efforts will deal with subject matter that may not be popular with many of you and I totally understand. Just please hang in there with me and I will continue to produce more traditional offerings as i go on.

The first of these outside the lines titles is called Compatible Extremes. It involves a FUTA.

Callie is the most beautiful woman around. She knows this to be true, it isn't bravado or delusion. She is the subject of an on-going effort by a pharmaceutical giant that has wreaked havoc with her social life and turned her into a collection of superlatives. She has an incredible body and an unknowable beauty that allows her to have any man she wants. The only problem is, her insatiable hunger for sex and fulfillment has left her unable to be satisfied by any man.

Distraught, depressed and devastated - she believes she will never find someone to really love if she can never gain true satisfaction. As the forces in her body reach their peak, she ponders what her future holds.

Then she meets Risana.

Her world is turned upside down as she struggles to understand how a woman with more physical beauty then her could even exist. She wants to know everything about her, what her background is. Was she too part of the pharmaceutical trial? What she uncovers is a tremendous secret that Risana is hiding that she never could have foreseen.

This is an erotic story about a straight woman meeting and falling in love with a Futanari. It includes breast expansion. There is female/futa intercourse.


Finalman 01-28-2018 09:48 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
I'm definitely a futanari lover so I'll give it a read. Expansion mixed with futa always seems to be a good combo to me but, I know not everyone here is into that kinda thing. It is what it is though,

I'll try to give you some feedback whenever I finish it.

JJStrebas 01-29-2018 02:24 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Thank you. I hope you enjoy it.

Darkstorm 02-03-2018 05:25 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by JJStrebas (Post 804836)
Finally up. This took me longer than expected because I caught the flu and was down for about a week. Please enjoy the next exciting installment in the world of your favorite Supermarket, Merchant Pat's!

If you are new to my writing please be aware that this is a continuing saga that began in The Cleavage Accounts 5-10.

Hi there once again! I'd been meaning to post for a number of days now, but it's been an extraordinarily busy week. And there's been not one but two new releases - you've been very busy too I see!

I fully admit that futa is not really my thing, so I may leave off any commentary on Compatible Extremes until I've given myself enough time to give it a thorough read.

The Supermarket however... so many little twists this chapter. Heather now queen of the roost - I somehow see her "owing" Gloria to have more significance later. Kianna really likes to shake up the pecking order; very motivational management style. Some very nice descriptive passages of Heather and Jessica's expansion.

I found the amplifying effects of the "generic" Nugenicorp supplements on the Supermarket meals quite intriguing, as well as their cumulative effects on their own (Jessica's weight gain from over-indulgence was lovely). I can see Gloria using this to her advantage when she plans out her growth. Bridgette too most likely :)
I'm hoping Gloria doesn't up her height (in fact I hope she goes the opposite, but then again, short girls are my thing :) ) but it is great to see her embracing the Pat's culture.

And of course, the mysterious phone call... nice cliff-hanger. I did notice the number ended with 001 - is it designated to individual Nugenicorp projects, or to their operatives? perhaps to individuals of interest? hmmm...

I can see a number of sliders opening and points given in Gloria's near future (I did also note Denae and Cindi's intriguing discussion - I wonder if Gloria will get access to firmness/buoyancy or other interesting combinations? limitless possibilities there!)

Another excellent chapter - thank-you for your hard work, particularly when under the weather. Looking forward to more!

JJStrebas 02-03-2018 08:09 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts

Originally Posted by Darkstorm (Post 805317)
Hi there once again! I'd been meaning to post for a number of days now, but it's been an extraordinarily busy week. And there's been not one but two new releases - you've been very busy too I see!

I always look forward to your posts.


I fully admit that futa is not really my thing, so I may leave off any commentary on Compatible Extremes until I've given myself enough time to give it a thorough read.
I totally understand the natural aversion some would find to the subject matter. I find it very flattering that you intend to read it at all. I wrote it very quickly just as an experiment and what looked like to me to be the perfect cover photo just sort of jumped out at me when I least expected it. So I am curious to see how it will do in the market.


The Supermarket however... so many little twists this chapter. Heather now queen of the roost - I somehow see her "owing" Gloria to have more significance later. Kianna really likes to shake up the pecking order; very motivational management style. Some very nice descriptive passages of Heather and Jessica's expansion.
I am trying to build up Kianna as a very enigmatic character, and by extension Sung. Since we've sort of unveiled the other squad leaders: Bridgette, Radhi and Stella and their motivations.

Because this is a very process heavy story, I owe to it you the readers to step my game up in describing in greater detail each time a woman changes. ;)


I found the amplifying effects of the "generic" Nugenicorp supplements on the Supermarket meals quite intriguing, as well as their cumulative effects on their own (Jessica's weight gain from over-indulgence was lovely). I can see Gloria using this to her advantage when she plans out her growth. Bridgette too most likely :)
I'm hoping Gloria doesn't up her height (in fact I hope she goes the opposite, but then again, short girls are my thing :) ) but it is great to see her embracing the Pat's culture.
We'll see. :D


And of course, the mysterious phone call... nice cliff-hanger. I did notice the number ended with 001 - is it designated to individual Nugenicorp projects, or to their operatives? perhaps to individuals of interest? hmmm...
We'll see... :cool:


I can see a number of sliders opening and points given in Gloria's near future (I did also note Denae and Cindi's intriguing discussion - I wonder if Gloria will get access to firmness/buoyancy or other interesting combinations? limitless possibilities there!)
She just might. She has seemingly made up her mind about what she wants.


Another excellent chapter - thank-you for your hard work, particularly when under the weather. Looking forward to more!
Thank you, much more to come.

JJStrebas 02-03-2018 07:02 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Okay, so my next book is kinda big.

It is also a bit of a step outside the norm. I promise that my next few works will be more traditional after this one, it is just something I've wanted to write for a while

I've been working on it off and on for a long time and it eventually grew into a novella, so I have to ask a bit more for it since it is so long.

Anyway, i'll post the blurb with a link later because Amazon will be chewing on it for a while since it is so big, probably wont go live until long after ive gone to bed.

Anyway, let me explain why this is untraditional. This is my take on a team of superheroes with all busty women, so more like Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. as opposed to the Avengers since they all have similar abilities based on one thing: Giant boobs.

These are mini giantesses. They have what I would call huge to massive breasts and they grow very fast. There's no slow incremental growth drawn out over a period of time and no angst about it all. (Well, some but not in the traditional sense) As far as the giantess portion, they range from mid six footers to over eight feet tall, but none of the traditional giantess themes of stomping on tiny men or insertion. There is crushing, quite a bit of it, but for a postive cause, but also for sexual domination (but with no one actually getting hurt)

It is has a science fiction action slant, so the setting and the action are upfront and the process scenes are few and spread out as are the sex scenes.

JJStrebas 02-04-2018 04:02 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
It is called Gaia Ambition.

Lori Wells is an engineer living an average life in an average city. Her life is turned upside down and inside out when she discovers that her world is in danger as is the entire Galaxy from an overwhelming evil force bent on exterminating the human race. Her father's disappearance leads her and her fiance on a trip halfway across the Milky Way to discover that we are indeed not alone and that Lori will play a pivotal role in saving all of Mankind. To do so she will become a powerful force known as a Gaia, a powerful, strong and nigh invincible woman with great strength, speed, agility and power emanating from her beautiful, busty body. She will have help in the form of other Gaias who have specialized roles, but will they be enough, or is it already too late?


JJStrebas 02-24-2018 10:14 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Okay, just like last week I have posted a new story and it is currently in review which will take a while since it is the weekend. I am going to bed now, but I will post a link when it goes live.

Endowment Resort.

A billionaire invites several beautiful women to his resort to participate in a reality show competition with a grand prize of 1 million dollars. They soon discover that there is a very special ongoing perk to competing and winning the events which is, of course, their growing bust lines.

This story features slow incremental growth and real world sizes starting out with flat chests. It has a big cast of varied characters, some Easter Egg references to some of my other stories, but is standalone enough to where you don't have to have read any of the others to enjoy it. It features traditional sex FM, FF, FMF.


JJStrebas 02-25-2018 04:31 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Here we go, it is up now.


JJStrebas 02-26-2018 06:08 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Okay, so if you are reading or have read Endowment Resort and are confused about some of the characters names', it isn't just you. I changed a few mid draft and didn't correct for them when I uploaded. So here are the teams:

The Professionals:
No mistakes were made here but I figure it best to go over them all.
Jennifer: redhead, main character, we meet her at the start.
Desiree: black lawyer, 1st woman Jennifer meets
Talia: Asian corporate manager

The Bimbos:
Tricia: blonde
Gail: light brown hair
Bobbi: dark brown hair
I called Gail, Vickie a couple of times.

The Jocks
Amy: bodybuilder, short black hair
Sabrina: tall sandy blonde volleyball player
Lindsay: fitness guru, latin descent

The Housewives
Candace skinny redhead

Skylar - goth
Marla - heavy black woman
Tammy - havent said anything about her yet

More gets revealed later of course, but all in due time. Thank you for your patience.

JJStrebas 03-02-2018 10:29 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
So I had a plan to work on some older titles and all new stuff before I got back around to this one, but I had it already in my head and I wanted to get it down "on paper" before it oozed out of my brain.

Anyway Risana and Callie are back in Compatible Extremes: Role-Playing.

This one, I admit, is a little more graphic and fan-servicey for me, but I felt it like it needed to be to serve the genre well. I did some, *ahem* "research" with a lot of futa content and it seems like a great deal of it is very visceral and graphic with lots of rough sex, lots of bodily fluids and the futas are usually incredibly well equipped. So goes this story.

I dont know if most typical BE fans like that much graphic descriptions in their BE stories but in my typical stories i tend to avoid it or at least lighten up on it a great deal. This story has graphic sexual descriptions and goes in hard with descriptions of ejaculations.

At anyrate, Role-Playing goes all the way for me and explores the whole range of the FUTA tropes and experience as I see it. FUTA on female, male on FUTA, and every combination in between including a bit of BDSM and bondage, female domination, humilation and docking. Yep.

JJStrebas 03-03-2018 07:02 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Good morning.

Callie's lust and desire to please herself and her new FUTA girlfriend Risana drives her to come up with a complicated scheme to entice a former male suitor to play with them and indulge them in their sexual desires. But before that can happen, the phenomenal pair of women go shopping and meet an unlikely object of their desire. Finally, Risana meets a person that has helped her become the confident woman she is today and she offers one final gift, the chance to indulge in a fantasy that can't be enjoyed in real life.


JJStrebas 03-09-2018 12:19 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Bosom Destiny: Growing Concern

Elizabeth is back in her quest to fulfill the requirements of her Great Aunt's will and inherit her fortune. Her breasts continue to grow despite her best efforts to control and mitigate their size. She is trying to understand the rules and quirks of her role as an unlikely defender as she is thrust into strange places and situations and conflicts with people she doesn't know and will never see again.

She uses her ability to pass her growth and excess on to others as a way to keep her size from becoming too large for her to handle, but in the meantime her personal and family relationships suffer.


JJStrebas 03-20-2018 09:19 AM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
I just published a new installment of The Supermarket. It is in review and when it goes live I will post a link and more details.

I have decided to take all my titles off Kindle Unlimited. They will still be available for sale on Amazon, but this move will allow me to publish them on other sites. I am hoping to make them more available to people who need more discretion and privacy due to them sharing an Amazon account with others. I'm thinking I'll go with Smashwords but I haven't locked in to that yet because I have to wait until my Kindle Unlimited subscription commitments expire. A couple of titles have already come off, but it will take a month or three for the rest. I will still put new releases in to KU to start off but won't renew after the initial period and transition them to other sites.

JJStrebas 03-20-2018 01:37 PM

Re: The Cleavage Accounts
Here it is:

Gloria, Bridgette and Jessica realize that they will soon have their own source of breast enhancing nectar with Jessica's impending supply of milk. They are wary of the outside influence of the parent company's corporate partner and their intentions and knowledge of them tampering with the machine.

A rival chain of grocery stores has challenged the Merchant Pat's Staff to a game of softball. How will the ladies' incredible figures help or hinder their cause in the quest for the trophy?

Gloria is given an incredible offer with unlimited resources. How will she react when faced with means to reach her goals?


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