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make_her_grow 04-26-2014 07:32 AM

"Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 7 added 5/25!
New Story. This story is of course purely fan fictional. Contains Female growth, gts, and eventual growth controlling ability. Rated pg-13 for moderate language and violence level. There will be NO vore or crush type of violence.

So with out further ado, here we go!

"Origins" Part 1

Kirsten Kelly and Greg Washington have been best friends as long as they could remember. From the time they grew up in the orphanage to now, one week away from Kirsten’s 22nd birthday. To celebrate this occasion, they’ve come to the state park they always come to once a year, same time every year.

The timing could never have been better. Especially recently, with Greg now starting his final year in college for his masters degree. You see, Greg was one of those boy geniuses who had a natural knack for computers. Standing at 5’7, with messy brown hair, and his round-rimmed glasses gave him the typical computer geek look. He never had any problems with his looks, even his weight problems. Luckily, even though he weighed 275 pounds, he was mostly proportionate for his size except a larger belly.

But even with all of that against him he always found a way to look past his negatives in life thanks to his close bonds with Kirsten. He turned and marveled at her beauty. Standing at 5’9, with dazzling red hair and equally gorgeous green eyes, angelically thin body, most men would call her a solid knockout. Even with her beak shaped, slightly large nose. He was always relieved that she FIRMLY dismissed the idea of what she called “feel good” plastic surgery, which to her included nose jobs, ass implants, lip enhancements and the like. She strongly believed in keeping the looks god gave people.

He couldn’t help but smile. There she was, walking with HIM of all people, down a serene path of nature. Sure, she’s had a few boyfriends over the years that wasn’t him. But he was ok with that. Greg always believed that if she ever dated him and had to separate that it would destroy their friendship, and that terrified him. More than once that girl had called him family and he resented the thought of losing her.

His smile widened as he noticed what kept her waiting. At this point on their trail they were standing on a VERY large old tree trunk that spanned across the old swamp they were crossing. He walked over to her to see why she was crouching and looking at the water. She raised a finger to her mouth to indicate he should stay as quiet as he could.

“Shhh”, she whispered. “Look down there”.

Cautiously he approached her position and peered over the edge into the murky water below. He could barely see them, but swimming underneath a couple of lillipads were some tadpoles. There was a loud “croaking” sound and only then did he see the toad hiding in the pad’s flower.

“Lovely”, he chuckled. “Shall we get going?” Her love of animals not with standing, it was getting late. And he was getting hungry.

She raised and eyebrow at him “Let me guess, getting hungry?”

He smiled and rubbed his belly.

She sighed wearily. “You and your stomach.”

“Sorry, I’m a sucker for food.” He laughed. “Besides, you KNOW the Park Rangers always warned us about coming out at night. Plus there’s those nasty rumors floating about…”

“Uhg, you take to much stock in old wives tales.” She said in frustration.

“Old wives tales?” He asked in disbelief. “Kirsten, police reports have been filed. There’s a group of thugs that have been coming out at night lately, and…”

“Ok, ok let’s go.” She said in resignation.

He understood why she didn’t want to rush. After all, this past month had been particularly rough on her. Not only had her most recent boyfriend broke up with her two weeks ago, but her Antique Shop’s reports indicate that business was slightly down for the third month in a row. She NEEDED this vacation to unwind and relax.

Reluctantly They continued their walk through the trail. After a half hour or so of nature watching they started talking about anything to life’s problems, advice, to life’s ambitions. Before they knew it, it was dark and they STILL hadn’t reached camp.

Greg was startled when he realized it was night. Uh oh, this can’t be good, he thought. Just when he thought things couldn’t get worse, the bushes ahead of them just before the swamp’s edge started ruffling. Then, a man wearing a ski mask emerged. Terrified, the life long friends froze as the man wissled. To more men, who were lurking in the swamp’s tree’s behind them approached. The man ahead of them then pulled out a gun.

“Hands in the air.” He commanded. “This is an old fashioned stick up. Do as we say and you’ll go home tonight. If not…” he took off the safety. “This is going to get messy, real quick.”

make_her_grow 05-04-2014 05:28 AM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 1!
Does anyone know how to edit thread titles? I wanna post part two today.

qzar9999 05-04-2014 05:53 AM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 1!
I don't *think* you can unless you're a mod.

If you'd like, I'll do it for you later today, after you post the next part.

make_her_grow 05-04-2014 06:24 AM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 1!
Good to know, thanks Qzar. Here's part 2!

“Origins” part 2

“Hands in the air”, the thief commanded. “This is an old fashioned stick-up. Do as we say and you’ll go home tonight. If not…” he took off the gun’s safety. “This is gonna get messy, real quick.”

The two life-long friends froze. As their situation sunk in they did as they were told. Thankfully, 10 years worth of martial arts taught Greg how to stay calm in a crisis such as this so he can analyze the situation.

Ok, he has a gun, he thought. He chanced a look back at the other two thugs. No guns, that’s a relief. So only the leader…

“Hey, He-man, eyes front.” The leader snickered. “Ok, pudgy, make with the cash. Now!”

“We have nothing.” Kirsten said, finally breaking her silence. “Just let us go.”

Ok, go time. I can’t take out all three at once. Not even the two guys behind me. The guy in front is the only one with the gun. Greg couldn’t believe what he was planning. Taking on an armed thief was insane, and most likely suicide. But on the other hand, if he didn’t act, both of them could end up dead.

“Money.” Their leader said, now very impatient. “Now!”

Well, when in Rome…“Kirsten, RUN!”

With that, he lunged himself full throttle at the guy with every bit of force he could muster. The result was a spear-like tackle and a very winded and surprised thief.

The gun went off. He hoped to god Kirsten wasn’t hit. As they both hit the ground he heard rapid footsteps as she took off.

“Get the bitch!” The masked man called. The two thugs complied and followed suite swiftly.

As the two fought on the ground, Greg felt impact on his face. He had just been slugged in his left eye. Trying his best to ignore the pain, he tried to keep his assailant pinned to the ground but physical strength was never his strong point. Soon enough he found himself being tossed into the air and landing with a thud onto his back.

As he stood, the thief sneered “After I’m done having fun with your friend, you’re next.”

As Greg tried to recover, the leader took off after his cohorts.
Meanwhile, Kirsten had never been so terrified in her life. As she fled she realized that there was a shortcut to the Park’s main office lounge from where she was so she could call for help. Turning left and heading into a thicker part of the forest she forced herself to pick up speed. She knew this area well after coming here for so many years. But her pursuers weren’t too far behind. As she glanced back she didn’t noticed the “Do not enter” sign she passed. Then, as she refocused her eyes up front, she saw another sign in the short distance, a stereotypical skull and crossbones warning sign saying “Warning, toxic waste ahead.”

That’s never been there before. She observed. But she didn’t have time to contemplate further and hoped if she went on ahead the sign would scare off her attackers. Nope. They still followed suite. Finally, she came up to an old metallic bridge. It crossed over to what USED to be more swamp area, but it didn’t take too long to see it was anything but swamp. She had no idea what it was. Her nostrils flared as the stench of what ever it was filled her nose, the stench so strong if forced her to slow down. It was a fatal mistake.

Stopped halfway on a bridge with no rails, the muggers caught up. They quickly surrounded her, temporarily unaware of the stench. Once they realized it was there they both doubled over as she did, soon quickly recovered themselves.

“Thanks for the exercises, bitch.” One of them said. “Game over. Money. Now.”

She only vaguely heard what he was saying. As she was doubled over and recovering from the smell she was looking down at the mysterious goop. In it she saw a barrel floating with a corporate logo of two different trees fused together as one encased in a circle.

The thief placed a hand on her shoulder. “Didn’t you hear me? I said…”
Greg had never run so fast in his life. He could see their leader in the main distance be had had a hard time keeping up. Cursing his weight for slowing him down, he put as much energy as he could into giving himself a burst of speed. Reluctantly complying, his body obeyed. He started to catch ground with him, but it wouldn’t be enough. As he started finally catching up to him Greg learned what her plan was. The short cut, nice! He hoped if she could cross the bridge over this part of the swampland first the thieves would give up. After all, once they got past the bridge and got out of the forest, the main office was only a few hundred yards away. Nothing doing.

To his horror, he spotted his friend on the bridge with the assailants and they were in a struggle. Outraged, he grabbed the nearest object he could find, a heavy branch, and joined the fray. As she shrieked, Greg swung with all of his might at one of the thief’s legs. He yelped and collapsed.

“Shit, I lost the gun,” Their leader shouted. “Dump the bitch in and let’s go!”

“No!” Kirsten shouted but too late. Before Greg could stop the thug trying to hold her he threw her into…what it ever was before. With a VERY different splashing sound she splashed about, with the muggers dodging the muck like it was a plague. For a while it seemed like she would stay afloat. Normally she was a very strong swimmer. But what ever this stuff was it seemed to be pulling her down.

“Hang on Kirsten!” Greg called to his friend. He had no idea why she was sinking. She loved swimming and swam all her life. Even in a panic she should be at least staying afloat on top of the water. But she was already chest deep and still sinking.

“Help me, please.” She pleaded. She finally calmed her self down enough to wear she was just staying still as she sunk. It slowed the sinking process but not enough.

“Hang on, I have an idea. Grab onto this branch.”

She grabbed the branch and he tugged. As he did so he chanced a glance at their muggers. He watched them as they snickered and walked off casually with their injured friend limping behind them. They were on their own.

As he looked back he saw in horror that Kirsten was now at neck deep and still sinking. I’m pulling, why am I not getting her out?

Greg it’s useless.” She said. “Just forget about me and go. I’ll only pull us both in.”

“No way.” He shook his head. “I’m in this with you until the end.”

She smiled fondly at him as she started crying. He could see her tears of gratitude as her head begun to go under. “Thank you. You were always the only family I” She didn’t have time to say more. Now the only visible part of her body were her hands, which were still holding onto the branch.

make_her_grow 05-04-2014 10:17 AM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 2 added 5/4!
Oh and I should point out, ALL comments that are NOT flaming are welcome. This is my first story after all and I want to improve.

qzar9999 05-04-2014 10:32 AM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 2 added 5/4!
Well. That escalated quickly.

One assumes the toxic waste is going to be a factor in her eventual growth, but I wonder why it sucked her down like quicksand? Strange stuff.

make_her_grow 05-04-2014 04:44 PM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 2 added 5/4!

Originally Posted by qzar9999 (Post 730338)
Well. That escalated quickly.

One assumes the toxic waste is going to be a factor in her eventual growth, but I wonder why it sucked her down like quicksand? Strange stuff.

Heh trust me that gets explained eventually...and it may NOT be a matter of why/what exactly but WHO. :cool:

Pretty much I've got the story already all outlined in my head since it's been a fantasy of mine since I've gotten into this fetish. Once the origins sections get done the growth fun begins.

Two more origin parts to go. :)

Expander 05-05-2014 10:34 AM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 2 added 5/4!
Mmm, i like the setup, kudos! ;)

make_her_grow 05-06-2014 06:18 PM

Ok, here's part 3. A bit more on plot, story and possible villains set up!

“Origins” part 3

She smiled fondly at him as she started crying. He could see her tears of gratitude as her head begun to go under. “Thank you. You were always the only family I-” She didn’t have time to say more. Now the only visible part of her body were her hands, which were still holding onto the branch.

Greg couldn’t believe this was happening. Why in the hell is she sinking? I’m pulling as hard as I can here. He almost yelped in surprise as realization struck him. No…she isn’t being PULLED under, could she? He looked down at the goo. It wasn’t any solid one color, more like a mix of different shades of orange. The stench of it all still filled his nostrils but he couldn’t afford to dwell on it long. What the hell is this stuff?

Feeling her sink once again, he could see now even her hands were almost under. Rallying one last push of effort, he dug his own feet into the bridge as much as they’d allow and pulled with everything he had left. He thought he would be forced to accept defeat, until what ever was playing tug of war with him finally decided to let go. Kirsten came shooting out of it almost like a canon and landed with a thud as he fell backwards, winded.

Flat on his back, Greg forced himself to sit up to check on her. Coughing and gasping for air, his best friend was slowly recovering facedown.

“Kirsten?” He asked nervously. “You ok?”

“Ye-yeah.” She replied, still gasping. She raised herself to her hands and knees, looked up at him and smiled. “I’ll never take oxygen for granted again.”

Not being able to take it any longer, they both burst out laughing, happy to be alive.

“Thank god you’re alive.” Greg said in relief. “I don’t know what I would’ve done…” he trailed off.

She crawled over to him and placed her warm hand on the side of his face. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

She smiled gratefully. “For not abandoning me, and” she leaned forward and locked lips with him. He couldn’t believe this was happening either. Usually only heroes get the girl. At first he was nervous and froze, but eventually he eased into it. The moment seemed to last an eternity before he realized something.

Why are her hands and faced dry already, that can’t be right.

Finally she leaned back, looking more fondly at him then he ever remembered her looking before. “For saving my life, of course.”

There was silence. They just sat there, looking into each other’s eyes. He didn’t want to bring up this latest mystery, but he looked behind her. The goop was still on the bridge. He looked at her. Her clothes were still damp and dripping with the stuff. But her skin was completely dry. No, now’s not the best time to bring that up.

“So, shall we get back and report what happened?” Greg suggested. “The police will want to know. Besides, this place stinks.”

“Yeah, I never want to see it again.” She agreed.

They headed back to the main lodge. They didn’t know if they would meet up with their would be thieves again so they were more cautious about it. As a result it took them almost an hour for what should have been a 20-minute shortcut.

To their surprise they already saw cop cars lined up outside with lights flashing. With his arm around her shoulders, they moved in cautiously. Suddenly they heard a voice.

“There they are!” the local park ranger called. With it being night they didn’t get a chance to see the Ranger was huddled with a group of officers with what looked like a map of the park. She smiled in relief at them.

“Thank god, the mugger said you were in trouble. We were just about to send help.”

“Help?” Greg asked. “How did you guys know already?”

“Ah yes, about that.” The Ranger said victoriously. “Apparently, the guy you whacked with the ranch got it worse than the other two. His leg’s busted.” She pointed a thumb in his direction. He was cuffed and sitting on an ambulance bed, being checked out by an EMT while being read his rights by an officer. “As you can see he’s not talking yet. But we’ll get the other two now. Good job.” She clapped Greg on the back.

“Well at least we got one of them.” Kirsten said bitterly.

“We have them all now.” Her smile widened. “Unfortunately for Mr. Thief there, he decided and went to go give himself a custom tattoo a few months back. A nice little dragon entwined with some stars, to be exact. While we were getting ready to come after you lot, we cross-referenced that Tat with parlors that would make that for him and got a hit. Meet Mr. Jones. Mark Jones, to be exact.”

Greg laughed. “You think he’ll flip on his friends?”

The Ranger’s brown eyes frowned. “Don’t mock the system, kid. Unless he wants to face assault, assault with intent to kill, MULTIPLE theft and burglary charges solo, then that’s the plan. He’ll do what’s in his best interest in the end.”

“Good.” Kirsten said. She turned to her friend, no, her hero. Though he didn’t know it, she was beginning to see him in a new light. She smiled. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to go home.”

“Home, you sure?” He was caught off guard. “We still have a whole week.”

She nodded. “I’m sure. After we fill out the reports, I’m ready to go home.”

Elsewhere, a few miles away from the park, three hours later, just on the outskirts of the city Greg and Kirsten resided in, there lives a mysterious conglomerate. No one outside of its walls really knows what they do or are about as they guard even their most casual secrets most jealously. All anyone not working for them ever sees is a VERY large, gun-metal gray building with three, large smokestacks, each with the curious logo of two trees fused together with in a circle.

Inside the corporate castle, in the CEO’s equally impressive and large and spacious office, the main man of the company was having the worse headache of the day. He read the report again. His brow was drenched in stressful sweat. His sleek, lack hair may have looked sharp, but his stone cold blue eyes were frowned in worry.

Sitting at his desk, he read the report a third time. Then, sighing in resignation, he looked up at his personal assistant, a younger blonde woman. “Have these reports been confirmed?”

“Yes.” She replied coolly. “The contamination happened at approximately 8:30 this evening. Our inside sources at the local P.D. and at the State Park both confirmed it.”

He pounded his desk in frustration. “We put up those signs. How in the hell did she get dunked?”

“Thieves, sir. Three of them.” As she read off from her own copy of the report. “One of them was caught and is expected to plead out in exchange for info on the other two.”

“Any of them contaminated?”

“Negative.” She shook her head. “The only other possible is another man she was with, her best friend apparently.”

“There’s something, anyways.” He nodded. “One she undergoes the mutation symptoms, we can use him as leverage down the road if we have to. Keep him under surveillance and keep those two alive.”

“And the muggers?”

“Eliminate them.” He ordered. “But make it look like they were killed by gangs or something. We can’t e connected with this.”

“Understood.” She said.

“And, Ms. Kelly? How long does she have?”

“If her symptoms manifest the same way as the last, um, subject, it’ll take ten days for the main transformations to be completed.” She explained. “In the initial stages, she’ll experience a severe hormonal imbalance. Doctors may suspect anything from minor hormone fluxuation to pregnancy. Physically this will manifest itself in major mood swings, enhanced feelings, and VERY increased sex drive.

“And, the BIG changes?”

“That happens about 6 days after contamination. Physically she’ll start experiencing enhanced senses. Sight, smell, and hearing particularly. Her bone structure and organs will strengthen drastically. Then-” She shuddered. “Well, you know what happened on day ten. We are still fixing the R & D departments’ roof and walls.”

He nodded in understanding. Standing up, he straightened out his red silken tie and his black multi-thousand dollar suite.

“So, ten days until the fun begins it is, Ms. Kirsten Kelly.”

make_her_grow 05-06-2014 06:40 PM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 2 added 5/4!
After giving it some thought and re-arranging my story a bit I figured that only the first THREE parts need to be considered "origins" part of the story. The changes and fun will be starting with my next chapter, which will be appropriately called "day 1".

Expander 05-06-2014 10:46 PM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 3 added 5/6!
This is going to be soooo good =D *grabs popcorn*

make_her_grow 05-07-2014 07:57 AM

Re: "Growing up Together" - Story (tags inside) Part 3 added 5/6!
Heh you'll love the next part, then. There's going to be a "dream sequence" that should prove very interesting as her body begins its "mutations" as explained by the CEO's assistant.

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