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Zetsub 02-10-2013 02:46 PM

Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign - New Tiers Added
*Current Greenlight Status*
Vote for the game here:
We're now live on Steam Greenlight! We're slowly climbing the ranks but we need a lot more votes if we're going to be greenlit. If we get on Steam, we'll send a key to everyone who backed the game or bought it on Desura, which you can use for yourself or give to a friend.

Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme is a TG visual novel, focusing on 13 characters who suddenly have to adapt to a life as the opposite gender. It features lots of ridiculous transformations and 13 playable characters, each with different endings to unlock. Some characters have male love interests, others have female love interests and some even have both! Each character reacts to being transformed differently, so each playthrough will be different.

Trailer -

Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme is available for purchase via alphafunding on Desura. The first five characters are complete and the other eight will be released as they are developed. You can grab the game here, and there's also a free demo available too:

Lach / Zet

Kyril 02-10-2013 06:25 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
Don't post here often, indeed.

Funded at T2. Good luck.

Zetsub 02-10-2013 07:39 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
I swear I posted a few times last year!

But thanks for backing, it makes a huge difference.

The project is going really well so far, and if we keep up this momentum then we'll be able to complete our goal.

Cuchulin 02-11-2013 05:02 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
I'll almost certionaly contribute $10 and I'll try for twenty but i doubt you'll reach your goal in the time set.

Zetsub 02-11-2013 05:36 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
Thanks for considering donating! At this point, due to the mega donation, we'll definitely meet our 2k minimum, meaning we can finish what we have. Only one character will have transformation sequences, but we'll have a good chunk of game to show off.

I think we'll end up hitting our goal. Hopefully. I'm really excited to see how this will turn out :)

frice2000 02-11-2013 06:06 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
Something missing from that page is what are you shooting for in development time to each milestone release and such? Is any work already done?

Zetsub 02-11-2013 06:18 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
If we don't hit any of the milestones, we'll be able to get the game finished in two months. We're already beginning work on it now. As for work that's already done, we've completed over 90 sketches for the game, and we've written linear routes for the 'true' endings for each character. We still have a lot of work to do, namely the digital inking/colouring/shading and writing all the branching scenes, but we already have a lot done.

Zetsub 02-12-2013 04:22 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
In celebration of almost hitting 2k, we've posted a big update on the indiegogo page showing off the first character's male/female forms. And who knows, this specific character might be subject to even more transformations...

Scroll down to see it!

tghawk555 02-12-2013 04:40 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
Do you mind if I question a couple of things about the characters?

For one, Lynn looks a little cross-eyed. I'm not sure if that's just how it's supposed to look or if I'm blind, but yeah... Also, her face seems a little stretched out, for lack of a better term. Mostly in her smile, I'd say.

Sorry if I come across as complaining: I'm actually not trying to be rude, if you can believe that. ^__^"

Zetsub 02-12-2013 04:55 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
Absolutely, questions are more than welcome. And constructive criticism is always good, so feel free to ask any more details about the game, I won't be at all offended.

As for the face being stretched out, it's the artists style. However, that isn't going to be the only character expression, each character will have several, so she won't be smiling like that for the entire game, that's for sure.

If anyone else has any extra questions, feel free to ask either here or on the project page! :)

Xodiac 02-12-2013 06:15 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign
There's a big, BIG jump in tiers, from $25 to $800. You're not going to get many people contributing that much, but this project is in such a niche market that you may need too many of the smaller tiers to manage funding. Assuming no mega contributors, you'd need 200 people contributing! That's a lot.

I suggest adding a few mid-level tiers. A $100 tier and a $250 tier, for instance, would be a good draw to those with moderate amounts of money but not piles of it. As for what the rewards might be... Well, custom art by the projects artists would be good, or a custom short story of up to x words, or maybe something physical. I dunno. But something between $25 and $800 would probably get a few hits.

Zetsub 02-12-2013 06:22 PM

Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign

Originally Posted by Xodiac (Post 684885)
There's a big, BIG jump in tiers, from $25 to $800. You're not going to get many people contributing that much, but this project is in such a niche market that you may need too many of the smaller tiers to manage funding. Assuming no mega contributors, you'd need 200 people contributing! That's a lot.

I suggest adding a few mid-level tiers. A $100 tier and a $250 tier, for instance, would be a good draw to those with moderate amounts of money but not piles of it. As for what the rewards might be... Well, custom art by the projects artists would be good, or a custom short story of up to x words, or maybe something physical. I dunno. But something between $25 and $800 would probably get a few hits.

The funding tiers are similar to a lot of other fundraiser projects, the big tiers really aren't about getting value for your money but being able to support a project you're really passionate about. For example, the double fine kickstarter offered a $100 tier that offered a poster, but $250 to have that poster autographed.

And clearly it worked, we already received an $800 donation. We've received 40% of funding in three days, and I'm confident we're going to be a successful project. We've already received enough money to make the game in a playable state, but we need 5k to release the game at a level with which we'd be happy at.

EDIT - I'm going to have some discussions with the artist and see if we can come up with a new physical reward tier.

Edit 2 - Yep. We're in the process of updating the campaign now. Thanks for the suggestion :)

Edit 3 - New tiers are live!

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