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ZZZ 08-26-2013 01:08 PM

Dr. Jeckyl & Mistress Hyde - Story GTS FMG BE
I've had a few request for this old story of mine that my newest comic release is based on:

The comic is similar but different(Name changes, situations etc). I wrote this a looong time ago(1997!) so please forgive any errors(and spelling/grammer errors, no time to edit), and I tried to fix some of the corruption of the file but there might still be some I missed...

Anyway, here it is:


Dr. Jeckyl & Mistress Hyde


Into the darkness, so it begins...

Jessica Jeckyl was a young and aspiring student in chemistry. She worked hard to impress the professors and even harder to impress the male students. Jessica was 5'2 , weighed about 103lbs, with hair down to her shoulders and a very trim, uncurvy body. She did however have a very cute face. This however pulled very little weight in her mostly male class, thanks to Mary Gin, the bombshell of the chem department. Mary was 5'9 , 125lbs, with hair down to the center of her back. 34C 24 32 were her measurements,
completely belittling Jessica's 32A 28 32. No one ever really noticed Jessica, except for the occasional times when professors would get shocked at her great innovations and ideas. But then Mary would accidentally drop something, lift her skirt a bit and say, OOPS, can someone help me pick this up? and every guy in the room including the professor would be at her feet cleaning up the mess, completely having forgotten about Jessica.

Jessica was sick of this and would have no more f it. She would find a way to screw Mary over and get all the guys attention if it was the last thing she did.

Every day after her decision, Jessica would go into the lab and think about how she would go about evening out the odds between her and Mary. She figured it would be impossible for her to match Mary's good looks since she couldn't afford plastic surgery. She also could not afford any time in the gym, because above all else she loved being in the lab. In fact the professors had already given her a key to it since she pretty much lived there. Having spent so much time there, Jessica had thorough knowledge about every chemical available. She also had thorough knowledge of Biology since she had already attained a degree in Bio.

One evening it finally occurred to Jessica how she would attain her revenge on Mary. Since Jessica could feel this wild woman hidden deep within herself, she figured Mary must have an alter ego within herself that was very boring and timid. Jessica was going to devise a concoction that would drive out that little Mary, and make the competition inexistant. But Mary realized personality would not be enough. She had to drive out the physical representation of this little Mary if she were to decrease the attention to Mary. So, day after day Jessica sat back whenever she saw Mary flirting with the boys, anticipating the creation of her alter ego formula .

At last the formula was nearing completion. There was one drawback though. The formula would only work for a certain period of time, and needed a special triggering mechanism. Soon enough she came up with a solution for both problems.

She managed to stretch the lasting effectivity of the formula for a total duration of twelve hours, at which point the formula would diminish until another twelve hours had passed and the chemical would then return at full strength. She thought about what in Mary she could choose to trigger the transformation. It had to be something that Mary felt often...

Upon deciding the catalyst, Jessica went about finishing the formula. It would take twelve hours for the formula to take effect, so she had to decide if she wanted Mary to suffer all day long or all night long. With what she had chosen as her catalyst she decided upon night time being the optimum time for the formula to kick in. Jessica and the rest of the class would get a chance to see the effects since they all had a night class together in the lab from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. They also had an 8:00am class together, and that would be the time for Jessica to get her plan into effect.

Jessica had made two vials of the formula. One for Mary, and one in case Mary somehow happened to damage the first vial. She went to class about half an hour early, and began preparations. Jessica figured she would tempt Mary into taking the formula by telling her it was the ultimate drink in weight loss. Which was no lie if it worked like it was supposed to.

Upon taking the vials out of her backpack an unexpected surprise came to her as she looked up. Mary had come to class early! Shit! Looks like my damn alarm clock is running fast again. Aw great now I have to spend some time with little Miss goody two shoes. Jessica simply smiled and said, Sorry to hear about your alarm , but was thinking Screw you bitch...Think I want to spend more time with your slut ass than I have to? But Jessica would never dream of saying such a thing to anyone, not even to Mary.

It was then that Mary noticed the vials in Jessica's hand. Did we have homework or somethin? asked Mary as she stared at the vials. Jessica couldn't help but break a smile at seeing that her plan was going even better than she could have expected. No no, this is never mind. Mary quickly walked over.... What is it! Tell me or I'll get the boys to force it out of you, you little prepubescent girl! Jessica felt a great rage at being called a prepubescent girl by Mary, specially since they were both the same age.

OK, OK I'll tell you Jessica was incredibly pissed at Mary now, but she knew she had to maintain the facade and remain calm for this to work. This is a new diet drink I developed, and it's far stronger than any out in the market. Mary quickly ran over and yanked one of the vials from Jessica. She gulped down the entire vial right before Jessica's eyes. Jessica had an incredible sense of glee and couldn't help but have the biggest smile on her face. The plan had worked easier than she expected without a single problem, except...

What are you smiling at you 13-year-old lookalike! Jessica thought her smile could be a problem, but she couldn't help it and started giggling. Nothing, it's nothing...really... Something's wrong should be pretty pissed about my taking your experim...hey what the hell was that! Now I know for sure it wasn't a diet potion! Jessica was still giggling and said, Yes, it was, trust me, you'll lose the weight allright...hahaha! Now Mary was steaming and noticed the other vial in Jessica's hand.
Oh yeah? Well I think your stupid little ego has gotten too big and it could stand to lose some weight!

Before Jessica could stop laughing and think about what Mary meant, Mary yanked the other vial, pinched Jessica's nose and poured the other vial down Jessica's throat. Cough, ack...cough... what have you done Mary...oh no!!!! What have you done!!! Now Jessica began to cry because this was the last thing she would have expected, and had absolutely no idea what the results would be. Well whatever's gonna happen to me is gonna happen to you now you little shit. And it better not happen before tonight when we are giving our class presentations! Mary had almost forgotten about the presentations that were due later that evening, but right now bigger things were on her mind. I think right now we have something more important than our class presentation to consider, maybe we should both ditch tonight Yeah sure you little nerd, that was probably your whole plan to begin with! I can't stand to be in the room with you, you underdeveloped brainiac, I'm cuttin class and goin home! Before Jessica could say anything to stop Mary, she was out the door and running down the hall. Great, just great...there's really no way I can miss this presentation, it's worth one third of my final grade! thought Jessica.

Jessica started thinking that perhaps nothing would happen to her, since it was designed specifically for Mary. Besides, she never really felt that feeling which the formula was designed to target, at least she never really felt it in class. Perhaps nothing would happen to either one of them since after all, she hadn't really tested the formula. She stopped thinking about it and spent the rest of the day working on her project. It was going to be a horrible presentation she figured, she had made no previous preparations because she'd been working on her alter ego formula .

7:30pm came sooner than Jessica had hoped, but she was glad to see she was not feeling anything strange. Jessica threw on a light blue button blouse made of cotton, with long sleeves and some long, jean type shorts which went down to her knees. She got to class and noticed that she was a couple minutes late, Bob, the tallest guy in class was already giving his presentation. Bob was about 6', and was both Jessica's and Mary's favorite guy in class. Jessica felt a little nervous and upset about being late to class, because it had never happened to her before. Upon entering, everyone looked at her and started cracking up, and Mary pointed at her and said, Looks like Ms. Training bra decided to show up! Hahahaha!!! everyone in class was laughing at her, even the professor. At this she felt smaller than ever. Mostly because Mary was almost right, it had taken Jessica what seemed forever to out grow her training bra.

Suddenly Jessica felt warm and tingly all over, she couldn't understand what this wave of warmth was, but then it subsided. She ignored it as nothing and walked over to her seat. But, as she did this, she noticed her shoes felt somewhat more snug. What Jessica hadn't noticed was that at the same time she had these feelings, Mary had the exact same warm rush through her body. The only difference was that Mary felt her shoes a bit looser...

Now it was Mary's turn to give her presentation. Mary had decided to wear a low cut dress which showed a good amount of cleavage. Mary went up and started giving her presentation. As she did this she felt her favorite feeling in the world, that of power. She always felt this power trip more at night because guys wanted to be with her more then, than at any other time, and would do anything she wanted. This she usually got drunk at night, and just about anybody could score. She felt powerful because she could feel everyone's eyes on her, probably undressing her. Suddenly that warm feeling came over her again. This time it was far more intense. As she continued to give her presentation, she noticed her shoes and now her dress becoming more and more increasingly loose. It must be that diet drink she thought. She looked down at her cleavage and noticed that now only about half of what was there before was showing. Her once filled dress was now looking more and more loose, and less and less sexy. She even noticed it to be covering more and more of her thighs. She no longer had that feeling of power.

Jessica had noticed what had happened to Mary and began to feel sorry for her. She couldn't believe how low she had sunk, and now Jessica felt small at having done this childish act. Suddenly Jessica felt the warmth overcome her, and she felt her clothes get a little more snug, in fact she started thinking about taking off her shoes because they had become increasingly more uncomfortable. All her undergarments felt way tighter than they ever had before. That's when she realized it. It must be the formula! she thought, but before she could think anymore of it, people began applauding at the end of Mary's presentation. She noticed that for once it hadn't been a standing ovation as they had always given Mary, mostly because the guys weren't as turned on as they usually were by the end of her presentation.

Now it was to be Jessica's turn to give her presentation. As she walked up to the front of the class, Mary was heading back to her seat. Upon crossing each other she noticed Mary didn't look as tall as she had always seemed to her. Mary was still upset at what had transpired earlier, and as she passed Jessica said, Whoah, looks like I almost walked into a plain flat wall! An uproar of laughter came at this and Mary felt her feeling of power return to her. But then, the warmth was way stronger than the previous times, and she looked down at her cleavage to see that it was almost completely gone! She rushed over to the professor and asked to go to the restroom. While this occurred Jessica was incredibly embarrassed at what Mary had said, and at everyone laughing at her. She felt the warmth overtake her, and suddenly she heard a small ripping noise. Jessica felt her shoes were about to explode, and looked down to see her toe was slightly sticking out a newly formed hole in her shoe. How could this be? she wondered, but more importantly she noticed something else while looking down at her feet. Her jean shorts seemed to curve out a bit more than ever before, and she could actually notice her mounds! Her breasts were actually pushing against the tiny bra, almost as if they were fighting to escape. Not only that, but her shorts were now up about an inch above her knees. She felt very strange but continued onward to the front of the class. She began giving her presentation, but began to feel very self conscience about her body, as it seemed every guy in class was actually paying attention to her for once and looking her up and down. She also began to think about what may have happened to Mary, and how horrible her presentation was going. This made her feel increasingly smaller and smaller. As she felt this she felt the warmth and tingle again, in greater intensity! She then heard more of that same ripping noise, and saw more of both her feet slipping out her shoes, as they seemed to grow bigger! She also noticed there were now slight spaces between the buttons of her blouse! Her panties felt very tight as well, and she felt a wedgie forming. Her jeans were pressing in around her waist also, making it very difficult for her to concentrate. She then went quickly over to the professor and said she felt like she was gonna throw up, and that he better let her go to the bathroom or she was going to let it out on him! She was shocked as she heard these words leave her mouth. The professor was more interested in looking at her now seemingly more curvaceous legs, but excused her to go to the restroom. Before walking away she noticed that the professor seemed a couple inches shorter than she remembered, but figured it was her nervousness playing with her mind.

Jessica was so embarrassed at what she had said to her professor, but before she could feel the warmth overcome her again, she rushed to the restroom to see if Mary was OK. When she stepped in a great surprise came to her as she saw what looked like a thirteen year old standing before her, about five inches shorter than her. To her shock it was Mary. Mary looked up at Jessica and said, I'm sorry about how I treated you earlier Jessica, can we please be friends? Jessica felt horrified at what she had done to Mary, and had forgotten that it was only temporary. How could I have done this?!? thought Jessica as she looked down at little Mary, and feeling so horrible about herself, Jessica felt an explosion of heat at every inch of her body. Mary put her hand on Jessica's arm and said Are you OK Jessica? Jessica felt every part of her body filling out at an incredible rate, and instead of feeling sorry for Mary she felt anger. Of course not you little shit! Can't you see that?!?! Jessica's feet burst completely out of her shoes. Her legs became curvier and yet more and more muscular. Her jeans were now starting to rip on the sides, and now reached halfway between her thighs. Her butt was bulging out the back of her jeans as well, threatening to rip out. Looking down at her arms she noticed them bulging through her little blouse sleeves, as well as how her sleeves only went down to the midpoint of her forearm. She also noticed how her belly was now showing! The combination of increased muscle and height had completely lifted her shirt from her waist level, revealing her navel. But something else more so than the muscle or her new height were tugging at her shirt. Her breasts were ready to burst forth from her light blue blouse. Every button was straining to stay on her shirt. Yet the force with which her breasts were growing was too much. The buttons began bursting off one by one as her large, firm breasts slowly slipped out. Jessica was now towering over the small and scrawny Mary. Mary still had her hand on Jessica's arm, but her hand was about one half of the width of Jessica's arm. Mmmmm this feels sooo good! exclaimed Jessica as she ran her hands down every inch of her newly developed body. Finally I don't have to deal with that little baby Jessica anymore! Now I am out and ready to play! Mary was in awe at the way Jessica was acting, and specially at the way she was looking. Jessica's jeans were ripped on the sides up to her hip, revealing most of her long luscious legs. Three of the buttons were missing from Jessica's blouse and in there place was her large round breasts. Mmmm, too bad I didn't pop the rest of this babyish shirt... Jessica was very aroused at what had happened to her and noticed her nipples bulging forth from inside her now torn blouse. Oooh looks like I got a little too excited. She now could feel her inner self fighting and feeling ashamed about her alter ego acting so inappropriately. I'm so glad I got to have my own body and not the old underdeveloped one... That's right Jessica, you'd better get used to these feelings your having cuz....hmm I think I need a name for myself. thought the new and improved Jessica. She then looked down at her torn jeans, and also thought about how she had been hidden so long underneath little Jessica. ...cuz Jeanie Hyde has cum to play! She emphasized the word cum and then looked to see that her hand had wandered down between her legs. Hmm maybe I'll do this later... She looked over at Mary to see that she was very afraid of Jeanie . You better be afraid Mary, I have been waiting a long time to get my revenge... Jeanie walked over to Mary, who was now over a foot shorter than her. Please don't hurt me... stated Mary as Jeanie drew closer. Don't worry I won't hurt you physically because that's too easy with our new bodies, but I will make you feel small like you always made, Jessica feel!

Jessica placed her large breasts and smothered Mary's face and held her there. Jessica felt incredibly euphoric at how she had to lean down to place her breasts in Mary's face. Oooh looks like your the underdeveloped thirteen year old now Mary...HAHAHAHA!! After doing this for a few minutes she felt somewhat strange. Looks like little Jessica is feeling bad inside me for what I did to you Mary... the warmth overtook Jeanie as her shorts ripped even more, and fell to the ground revealing her tight, black panties. Her pubic hairs were actually showing from the side of her panties which were now several sizes too small. Her breasts grew larger as well. Yet another button burst forth and her blouse let out more of Jeanie's beautiful mounds. Hmmm, looks like this could end up being a lot of fun, specially with the boys... she looked down at her beautiful body and ripped clothing and said, well I don't want to give the boys too much pleasure just yet, so I think I'll be borrowing your dress Mary... Mary's dress was now almost slipping off her since her body was way too small and uncurvy for it. Jeanie removed her blouse and noticed that her bra had snapped quite some time ago, and now her large firm breasts were out in the open. OH MY!!! thought Jeanie as she looked down at them. Jeanie then proceeded to lift Mary's dress off and noticed how scrawny and flat Mary looked. Don't worry little kid, after I'm done with the presentation I'll bring back your clothes...but for now you'll just have to stay in here! Jeanie hoped to feel the warmth again, but obviously

Jessica had caught on to Jeanie's plan. Jeanie would have to find a new way to make Jessica feel small. She now proceeded to put Mary's dress on, and realized it was incredibly tight. In fact, as she finished putting on the little red dress, she took in a deep breath and her breasts made a small tear at the top of the dress letting out more cleavage. Looks like I'm even bigger than you used to be Mary! HAHAHAH. Alright, time for me to get back to class... Jeanie slowly walked over to her classroom trying to think off how she would manage to finish hide what had transpired. When she entered the room, every guys eyes seem to fly out of their head staring at Jeanie's incredible body. Even the teacher was starting to drool. Hi little boys. Said Jeanie as she looked around the room.

I'm going to be finishing my little sisters, Jessica's, presentation, because she was feeling very sick and had to rush home. the professor was gawking at her legs when he stated, Jessica never mentioned having a sister... Jeanie noticed how she was looking down, about a foot taller than the professor, making her about 6'4 or taller..We were raised by different families she replied. Oh ok, please go ahead and finish the the way what's your name? Jeanie Hyde, and I aim to please. and she walked towards the front of the class with a dress that hugged her like a second skin...

Jeanie continued the presentation from where Jessica had left off, but added a little zest to it. Whenever something seemed boring in the presentation she would lean way down to look at her notes, revealing her beautiful cleavage.

Jeanie's hair came down to below the middle of her back, and she would occasionally stroke it while giving a wink at the professor as the presentation went on. She wanted her body to grow more but she could see that it was getting tougher to belittle Jessica. She finished the presentation and an incredible uproar of applause and cheer was given to her by her classmates and the professor. It was a standing ovation, and this gave her another idea to belittle Jessica, as she glanced over at her teacher. He had a serious protrusion in his pants and Jeanie was going to take advantage of it. She started walking over to him to hand him the notes she used for her presentation. She could hear little Jessica inside her saying, No, you wouldn't dare... Wanna bet?? thought Jeanie. Standing in front of the professor she looked down at his pants, and as she started to pass him her notes, she pressed her hand up against his crotch and said... Oops, thought I was leaning against the desk...Sorry about that prof... She licked her lips after saying this.'s ok Jeanie, it could happen to anyone. He had the biggest smile of his life on his face. Jessica couldn't believe what Jeanie had done. The warmth was enveloping Jeanie again, and as she stood in front of the professor she giggled and said, Yay!!! The professor looked at her and with his still enduring smile, What's got you so happy?

Oh you'll see soon enough and you'll be very happy too. she whispered. It seemed to the professor as if somehow Jeanie's red dress seemed more snug than when he first laid eyes on her... Jeanie could feel her breasts and curvy bottom fighting to escape the increasingly tight dress. Her breasts were slowly swelling more and more, tearing a larger amount of cleavage into the dress. Her beautiful long legs were extending to all new heights, and her firm butt had begun to slip out the bottom of the red dress. She winked at the professor and walked slowly and seductively back to her seat. The professor couldn't believe what he thought he just saw. It must be getting late...I definetly need more sleep...yeah that's it, I'm not getting enough sleep. were his thoughts on this seemingly impossible occurrence.

Jeanie looked around the class and noticed every guy in class still looking at her. She felt incredibly great not having that baby body she had before.

Next! stated the teacher as another classmate stepped up to the front of class to give his presentation. At this Jeanie thought she would have more fun again with little Jessica. No Jeanie...please, not that... Oh but you know you want to feel all the new dimensions of this body... stated Jeanie as she looked up at her classmate in front of class. His eyes were only on her as he gave his presentation. At this she began to fondle her breasts, then slowly moved her hands down to her hips. After rubbing her hips a bit she slid her hands across her thighs, and moved back up her legs increasingly closer to her pleasure center. Um duh um er ugh... was all that could come out of her classmate's mouth a he stared in awe at Jeanie's exploration of her body. Uh oh said Jeanie when she could sense little Jessica crying inside of her. The warmth was now an inferno on her body. She then began to quickly think about how much more fun it would be to simply reveal herself to the boys little by little rather than all in one night. She looked over a the boy next to her whom she knew had a car and said, Tommy can I borrow your car please... As she said this she jutted out her chest and Tommy had a full eyed view of her enlarging nipples and awesome cleavage. In fact, the tear in the front center of her dress was now down to slightly above her belly button. I've got a bit of an emergency cutie, and I gotta get home. Tom couldn't even speak as he held out his keys to Jeanie. Thanks baby, I'll have Jessica return them to you tomorrow. She ran to the door at the great disappointment of her classmates and professor, and quickly made her way to the girls restroom. Now the burning sensation caught up with her and she felt her beautiful behind slip completely out of the bottom of her dress, thanks to her growing torso and increasing muscle. Mmmmmm, the boys probably would have wet themselves if they had seen this! Her red dress now finished tearing as her growing mounds escaped the now tiny looking dress. She was getting taller as well as her head slowly approached the ceiling in the class hallway. She had to be close to 8' tall now! She looked down to the dress and decided to return what remained of it to Mary. She walked into the restroom and had to duck her head to get in. She saw little Mary run up to her and say WOW!!! Thanks for the dress little girl replied Jeanie as she tossed the torn piece of clothing at Mary's face.

Inside of little Mary, Big Mary was screaming, That was my favorite dress you damn bitch! At this little Mary started getting smaller and her undergarments began slipping off. Jeanie started laughing and began feeling warm and tingly once again. Ok I better move it before I get too big not to be noticed! with this she ran out of the school building, her large steps being heard everywhere in the school.

Jeanie quickly dashed for Tom's car. It was a Ô96 red Ford Escort, and to her dismay it seemed to get smaller and smaller she approached it. She began to worry if she would even fit in the car at her new amazonian height of over 8 ft. She unlocked the door and reached for the handle. To her surprise could only fit three fingers under the door handle because of their much longer and wider size. She went to sit into the car and had an incredibly tough time slipping her large naked body behind the wheel, even with the chair pushed all the way back. She stepped back out of the car and looked down at it, remembering something she had seen a long time ago in a comedy movie. Well, if it worked for Hightower, it should work for me! OH NO!!! thought little Jessica. Jeanie began to laugh as she reached down for the seat. Flexing her recently acquired amazon muscle, she yanked out the driver's seat. She then went into the car and sat in the back seat. She had a little trouble reaching the foot pedestals, but she figured she could reach far enough, and she'd only have to stretch a bit till she go home. She then started the car, but as she began stretching her legs to reach the accelerator, she noticed the muscles in her legs beginning to bulge bigger and bigger, and her legs began to grow towards the pedestals. She was growing again and had failed to notice the warmth covering her. Looks like you didn't like that stunt with Tom's front seat, eh Jessica? Hahahaa! As she laughed she felt her head pushing up against the car top. Woah, I better hurry up and get home or my feet are gonna be in the engine. Once again she felt incredibly cramped in the car, but she had few options left and drove towards home. Maybe next time I'll just rip the car roof off. She felt a pinch of warmth and a bit more snug in the car, but it was nothing like the growth spurts she had earlier that night.

Soon enough Jeanie arrived at her apartment, and snuck in through a back window. She jumped into her bed and was ecstatic about how her legs were touching the ground while she lay in bed. She fondled her body for a while and soon enough fell asleep. Back on campus Mary was still in the restroom by herself. She lay in one of the corners f the restroom, using her torn dress as a blanket and fell asleep.

7:30am quickly approached for Jeanie, but far too slowly for Mary. Little Mary had been crying all night, but as day approached she began to feel her clothes filling in. She looked down at her breasts and saw them swelling into her bra. Her panties wee curving out to their once beautiful form as well. Slowly her body inched upwards and little Mary felt herself loose control of her body. Oh, seems like that magic juice big Mary drank is wearing THAT BITCH IS GONNA PAY! Exclaimed Big Mary as her body finally became normal size and had once again fallen under her control.

Jessica awoke disoriented, but soon remembered the events of the previous night. She looked down and partially to her joy but also slightly to her dismay her body was back to its skinny uncurved appearance. Ah well, I guess it was kind of fun while it lasted, but there's no way I'm gonna retake that potion, much less give it to Mary.

Jessica then looked down at her sheets and felt them damp, specially near the center of her hips. Geez that Jeanie was naughty! Yet sorta fun... She disregarded her lasts thoughts and prepared herself for school.

The one highpoint Jessica considered from the previous night was that today she would no have to walk to school. She quickly went out to the car and then remembered about the car seat. Great, how will I ever explain this one. She drove back to school now on her knees, so she could see over the dashboard. She arrived at school and caught Tom walking towards class. Wait up Tom, here are your keys! Tom slowly turned around with a huge smile on his face, hoping it was Jeanie who's voice he had heard. His smile quickly diminished to a slight grin when he saw Jessica coming towards him. Oh hi Jessica, you know you sound alot like your sister. Jessica disregarded the comment and handed the keys to Tom. Tom, Jeanie didn't like the material your car seat was made of so she, oh, she had someone pull it out before she got home. WOW what a woman! thought Tom. Jessica just giggled and Tom walked to class with her asking her a bunch of questions about Jeanie. Upon arriving at class all the guys gathered around Jessica and started asking her questions as well. Jessica was getting a kick out of it. Where is she from? How old is she? Does she have a boyfriend? the questions just kept on coming before she could even start answering them. Jessica's joy was soon cut down when Mary entered. Mary had put on some jeans and a low V-neck T-shirt which she had stored in her locker. What are you big boys doin with that little pre-schooler? Mary winked at them in a beckoning sort of way. Oh hi Mary...yeah yeah whatever... was basically the remark all the guys had given Mary and they turned back to Jessica with more questions. Jessica was overjoyed that she had outdone Mary for attention. Mary was incredibly pissed. But there wasn't anything she could do about it she thought, at least for now. So what kind of guy does Jeanie like? When can we see her again? At this Jessica felt a bit sad already knowing the results of her answer. She went back to her family and I don't know when if ever she'll visit again. A large collective AAAAwwww.. came from this and all the guys returned to their seats. Jessica was beginning to get sad but then noticed that the guys would still look over at her and give her a friendly smile. They were actually noticing that she existed! School would definitely be better from now on, that is until they started to forget about Jeanie. Even Bob, the guy she liked a great deal, had taken a seat next to Jessica in hopes of finding out more about Jeanie.

Class soon ended, and as always Jessica was the last t leave. To her dismay however, she noticed that Mary had stayed also. Haha little tramp, now its just you and me and Jeanie ain't gonna be protectin ya! Mary...come on, lets just leave it in the past... Mary walked over to Jessica and slapped her on the face. Next she slapped Mary a few more times each time laughing hard at her. She then grabbed Jessica by the hair and yanked her towards the ground by it. Jessica's face slammed on the ground. Jessica was unable to fight back Mary's beatings because of her small, weak body. While laying on the ground, Jessica looked up at Mary and pleaded with her to stop. Hahaha, there's nothing you can do to stop me cuz there's now way I'm taking that formula again, nor am I gonna let you take it! At this Mary grabbed Jessica by the arm and dragged her to a room where she knew no other classes would be held for the rest of the day. Mary then pulled out some computer chords from underneath one of the tables. Jessica, I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you today! Mary then tied Jessica to a chair with all of the wires. She rolled them around Jessica's body and the chair. The wires covered most of her torso. She then used masking tape to wrap up Jessica's thighs and calves, finally using a piece to cover her mouth. Wouldn't want anyone to come in here and save baby now would we? Jessica simply looked down, not wanting Mary t see the tear that had started to form in her eye. But first I'm gonna go play with the boys. I'll be back in a couple of hours.

Jessica sat in the chair all day, thinking about what she might have coming to her. I guess I deserve all this. Thought Mary. After several hours, Jessica could hear Mary returning. It was now close to 7:30pm. She could hear that Mary was talking to someone as she entered. Oh Bob I've got something your gonna love more than all those drinks I gave you. Jessica was shocked and greatly saddened to see Bob walk through the door with Mary, but it seemed he was barely able to stand because he was so drunk. J..J...Jessia, is that you? stated Bob. All jessica could do was let out moans, what with the masking tape on her mouth. Shit Mary, what the fuck have you don...BELCH! Bob almost fell over after saying this. Hahahaha, Mary's just a little pussy and she's about to get a show as to what a real woman is like and what a real woman can do! Mary then slipped her hand down Bob's pants. Come on Mary Jessica go... No way Bob, I'm gonna get my revenge now! Mary felt strangely warm. See Bob, I've noticed that Jessica likes you, so imagine how shitty she's gonna feel when she sees us do the wild thing! Bob was trying to pull away from Mary and Jessica noticed. However, Bob was too drunk to put up any struggle. Now Jessica was very sad that she would have to watch the guy she adored get it on with the one person she hated most in this world. Suddenly she felt very warm and recognized the sensation. She was shocked at first, but given the circumstances, a big smile was forming under the masking tape. At the same time Mary was feeling warm, but she just figured it was beacause of Bob. Wow Bob your a lot bigger than I thought she said this as she played with his member. Your not as curvy or tone as I thought... as Bob said this, Mary thought OH NO! HOW COULD THIS BE?! She then realized that she had not eaten anything meaning only one thing...the potion's effects were permanent! As soon as she realized this she looked over at Jessica, noticing how the wires and masking tape looked tighter on her. Uh oh.....

Slowly the sound of tearing clothes could be heard from underneath the wires holding Jessica in place. Her head seemed to be slowly rising above the wires around her.

Umm Bob, suddenly I feel like I'd better be going... but she noticed Bob wasn't paying any attention to her, he was just looking up at the ceiling counting the tiny holes. Twenty two, twenty three, um...did you say Jessica likes me? Bob smiled and said Cool . At this Mary looked over at Jessica who seemed slightly content and no longer seemed to be expanding. That's it! she thought. Jessica gets bigger when she feels bad, and I get smaller when, um...hmmm... She reached down into Bob's pants again and started to feel his member, when suddenly she felt warm. His unit started to feel like there was even more there than before. Aha so it's only when I get horny! Touching Bob again was a mistake though because once again the wires started stretching out around Jessica. No...No wait, um er, yeah Bob, um Jessica likes you yeah maybe you should just hook up with her and forget about me... She looked over at Jessica who had once again stopped growing. Well, that settles it. Bob she's all yours. Bob responded by saying Cool again and Mary started walking towards the door, and noticed something on the floor. EWW! Die you little shit! she then proceeded to squash a cockroach. Mary had been wearing a miniskirt and tank top which she had changed into after leaving Jessica tied up. Suddenly she felt her Miniskirt slide down her hips to about halfway, and her tank top was very loose now. Aw shit!!! That means I can't be mean also! Dammit! This is all your fault you little um..fuck... It was too late. The wires around Jessica's chest spread open and revealed a tightly pressed t-shirt, with two large mounds in them. Her nipples were showing through the cotton, as her breasts pushed apart the wires by swelling bigger and bigger by the second. SNAP!!! The wire around the upper portions of her chest snapped apart. Jessica's hair was now longer and much more full. The masking tape around her legs began to tear apart as her long and increasingly more muscular legs developed. Her calves popped the throw the lower masking tape, and soon afterwards her firm beautiful thighs ripped the top pieces of masking tape as well. The masking tape on her face seemed smaller and smaller and was being pushed off as her lips became fuller and fuller. Now Jessica stood up and flexed every muscle on her gorgeous body, sending all the wires flying, and leaving behind a tall, naked, beautiful amazon. She reached up and removed the remaining piece of masking tape from her mouth. Well, well Mary, now who's the little pussy? Not you um, Jeanie.... Shut up you little slut! after hearing this Mary made a dash for the door. But she wasn't fast enough. She was slower than she would normally have been, and Jessica, er, Jeanie was twice as fast. She caught her arm and looked her in the face, I'm glad you didn't go all the way to being little Mary, because she's pretty innocent compared to you, and you can probably take more of a beating! Mary was trembling and was thinking, Why isn't there a cockroach around when you need one? Jeanie then let go of Mary, This one is for Jessica! Jeanie swung her beautiful long arm and planted what she expected to be a weak slap on Mary's face. SLAP! One of Mary's teeth went flying out and Mary was knocked to the floor unconscious. Wow, didn't expect that, but it sure felt good. Jeanie now heard what sounded like numbers as she looked down at Mary. Forty six, forty seven... Bob hadn't even realized what had just happened. He was still counting the holes in the ceiling. Jeanie was feeling aroused now that she knew the strength her new body felt. She walked over to Bob and looked down where he was looking up. Wow, I can't believe I'm looking down on someone who is six feet tall! Bob looked at Jeanie, Oh wow...hi Jeanie.. he looked down at her body. Um Jeanie, I think you forgot to do something today. What's that? was her reply in an incredibly seductive voice. You forgot to wear clothes. He just looked up at her and smiled. Jeanie then noticed how excited Bob was. Looks like your happy to see me Bob Yup. He just gave her a goofy look.

She reached down and began to feel him up and down. Seems like your enjoying this Jessica, I'm not even feeling warm thought Jeanie. You know Jessica if we worked things out both of us could have a really good time, since we both feel what the other one feels. Hmmmmm. was all Jeanie could hear inside of her. Come on Jessica, if you want me to get it on with Bob I'm gonna have to carry him over to the table cuz there's too much shit on the floor, and I'm still not strong enough to do it. Snapped wires, pieces of clothes, and Mary all lay thrown on the floor. O..O..o..ok I guess, maybe... FINALLY! responded Jeanie. Now I have to make you feel small though for us to get BIG! She continued stroking Bob, who was now staring at Jeanie's chest. I wonder how many gallons of milk are stored in there? said Bob. Ok Jessica, I've got an idea, are you ready? Um, aw alright...what have I gotten myself into? You'll feel shitty at first but when I'm done with Bob you'll forget all about it. Jeanie bent down, grabbed Mary's hand and squeezed one of Mary's fingers. POP! The sound of her braking bone almost seemed to echo in the empty room. Mary was still unconscious. ACK!! thought Jessica, as she felt sorry for Mary. The warmth was once again upon Jeanie, as she felt her breasts swell bigger and bigger, with her nipples pushing out further. Ummm, ya know, if I weren't so drunk, I'd say your little hershies kisses just got bigger...BURP! Jeanie tried to lift up Bob, but it was a bit of a struggle. See, Bob was on the football team and was over 200 pds of mostly muscle. The only reason Mary was able to drag him was because he was able to walk more or less, and still hadn't felt the full effects of the alcohol until recently. Come on Jessica, ya gotta help me out here!!! Um, er, maybe Mary's dead from that smack you gave her Jeanie... Alright Jeanie that's more like it! A furious inferno overtook Jeannie. Woah! Her thigh muscles seemed to double in mass,
and her breasts were growing even larger, rounder and ever so much more firm. Now she was almost three feet taller than Bob, and twice as wide, but still incredibly curvy and even more beautiful. She picked up Bob with one arm and tossed him on the table. WOW! shouted Bob. Jeanie then proceeded to climb on top of Bob. Oh geez, for once in my life I wish I wasn't so drunk cuz I don't think I'm gonna remember this tomorrow... BELCH! Jeanie ripped his pants open and pulled out his member. She inserted him into her, and began to sway back and forth. She then ripped his shirt open and began licking him. Wow! thought Jessica. See what happens when we work together Jessica? thought Jeanie as she continued to lick Bob up and down. Y..y..yeah, hehehe. Alright, lets see if we can get Bob more involved now... She lifted up Bobs face to her chest, and she could hear Jessica say, Tell him mommy's got dinner served hehehe! Oh yes Jessica that's more like it! She did say it, and Bob began sucking her nipple. Jessica felt kind of embarrassed, and Jeanie started growing again. Slowly Bob felt less and less painfully pleasureful inside of Jeanie. Aw, I guess that's the only drawback about getting bigger. thought Jeanie. Bob began to feel his mouth fit on Jeanie's nipple less and less. That's a more than a mouthful! thought Jessica as she saw Bob trying to get his entire mouth around Jeanie's slowly enlarging nipple. She continued to make love to him till he finally passed out. Aww, I guess that's another drawback, too much endurance...hahaha. Well, we could always... Woah Jessica, I can't believe you thought that! Jeanie reached down and began to masturbate while rubbing her hand all over her beautiful healthy body until she passed out.

The next morning she awoke on top of Bob, both of them naked. Jessica just laid there in her normal, small body, looking down at Bob's face. Bob woke up, more ways than one. He was remembering the strange yet exciting dream he had the night before, and quickly filled in Jessica. OWWW!!....Wooweee! , mmmm... shouted Jessica s this happened. Bob realized suddenly his situation and quickly pulled out. Oh my God Jessica, sorry about that, I've got no clue what's goin on! Jessica just smiled at him. Jessica, I have a confession to make...even though I apparently made love to you, I dreamt it was your sister I was with...sorry.. Jessica just giggled and kissed him. That's ok Bob. But don't worry, I'll be loyal to you, if you want me as a boyfriend. Cuz even though I don't remember last night, I know it was the best sex I've ever had, and I've always had this crush on you for how smart you are. Jessica felt like she would burst of joy, then thanked him and laid her head on his chest. At this Jessica heard some moaning and noticed Mary getting up, once again at her regular size. She looked over at Jessica, and smiled showing her missing tooth. Sorry about the tooth Mary said Jessica. ok I promise I'll never be mean to you again, and I'll never make you upset...ok? Jessica could see the fear in Mary's eyes. Ok then I won't sick my BIG sister on you. Mary thanked Jessica and ran out the door. What was that all about Jessica? Jessica looked at Bob's face and said, Don't worry Bob, if your lucky and sober you'll find out tonight. Jessica lay her head back down on Bob's chest and thought, This is gonna be a great semester.


kuenbu 08-26-2013 07:10 PM

Re: Dr. Jeckyl & Mistress Hyde - Story GTS FMG BE
One of the first growth stories I ever read when I was in high school. Was using an old search engine called hotbot to get information on Phoenix Arizona, and came across the Phoenix Ashes. Was hooked ever since. Also was a frequent visitor to your hotboards. This and At Last were my long time favorites. You kinda got me into GTS when I was lil 9th grade school girl WiZZard.

qzar9999 08-26-2013 08:12 PM

Re: Dr. Jeckyl & Mistress Hyde - Story GTS FMG BE
Thanks for reposting this, ZZZ. Like kuenbu, yours were some of the first growth stories I got a chance to read, certainly about the only ones I still remember 15 years later. (Fuck, I've been doing this a long time.) Glad you're still around and still producing quality content. And...


Originally Posted by kuenbu (Post 708132)
...when I was lil 9th grade school girl WiZZard.

WiZZard, hmm? Is that you, Rincewind? ^_^ (Or is it just a ZZZ reference?)

ZZZ 08-27-2013 03:32 PM

Re: Dr. Jeckyl & Mistress Hyde - Story GTS FMG BE

Originally Posted by kuenbu (Post 708132)
One of the first growth stories I ever read when I was in high school. Was using an old search engine called hotbot to get information on Phoenix Arizona, and came across the Phoenix Ashes. Was hooked ever since. Also was a frequent visitor to your hotboards. This and At Last were my long time favorites. You kinda got me into GTS when I was lil 9th grade school girl WiZZard.

Oh geez make me feel evil why don't you, corrupting ninth grade girls with my stories! Haha! Thanks for the memories, hotboards boards were great growth related fun and many classic stories and images! Funny you mention At Last, I was just looking that story over the other day as well as my available artists ;) I will probably rename it though, more to something like "Just The Beginning!" Since "At Last 3" was one of my last written stories back then.


Originally Posted by qzar9999 (Post 708140)
Thanks for reposting this, ZZZ. Like kuenbu, yours were some of the first growth stories I got a chance to read, certainly about the only ones I still remember 15 years later. (Fuck, I've been doing this a long time.) Glad you're still around and still producing quality content. And...

WiZZard, hmm? Is that you, Rincewind? ^_^ (Or is it just a ZZZ reference?)

Yer welcome, ask and ye shall receive(when possible ;)) Glad you continue to enjoy my stuff :)

And WiZZZard is an old nickname of mine, I think it started after I wrote the Wizzzard Of Oz story. ;)

kuenbu 08-27-2013 03:40 PM

Re: Dr. Jeckyl & Mistress Hyde - Story GTS FMG BE
Haha! You know I'm a long time fan if I remember the old WiZZZard nickname. By the way I didn't know At last had a part 3. I remember At Last and Oops. Where can I find the 3rd one. And no you're not evil. I'm not sure why I was attracted to the GTS world. You're stories just drew me in!

qzar9999 08-27-2013 04:45 PM

Re: Dr. Jeckyl & Mistress Hyde - Story GTS FMG BE
I, too, was unaware of a third piece to that story.

I can also never find the second part of "Power Sauce," with the growing couple in the car and Dawn and the nurse in the hospital room. You wouldn't have those lying around, would you, old buddy old pal?

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