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LycanDope 10-23-2014 04:02 PM

Hunter's Moon
Chapter 1 - My Halloween story! A young Twilight fan convinces her friend to take a trip to visit Dracula's homeland during the week of a blood moon. Part 1 of 2. Probably. Maybe 3 total.
"No," Heather said. "Abso-fucking-lutely not."

"Come on," Teri whined. "Just one week. That's all I'm saying. What else are you doing? Nothing, that's what."

"I'm trying to pay off my student loans!" Heather shouted. "You know, that thing we owe? The one you keep ignoring? They won't just forgive it, Teri. You know that, right? It just keeps getting worse and, eventually, they'll-"

"One week," Teri interrupted. "I won't ask for anything from you ever, ever again."

"Blood," Heather said. "Sharks. Water. Student loans. It's stupid, anyway. Twilight had nothing to do with Dracula. From what I can remember of the movies you made me sit through. They weren't even the same kind! Dracula didn't sparkle in sunlight; he burst into flames and died screaming!"

Several nearby customers turned curiously to the arguing women. Heather pulled her light jacket tighter against her chest. Despite the mid-day sun, the air was permeated with a bone chilling cold. Heather's pale cheeks burned bright red, nearly hiding the spray freckles along the bridge of her nose.

"He was still a vampire. And the first one!" Teri said. The young woman spoke with an enthusiastic fervor. She waved her hands while she argued and seemed constantly on the edge of an impish grin. "Look, I know you think it's dumb, but-"

"More than dumb, Teri."

"Four words," Teri said, a grin finally breaking out on her wide, open face. "Super Hunter's Blood Moon."

"Teri, you're killing me," Heather said, groaning while rubbing her temples. "I'm literally dying here. I can feel my brain cells screaming in agony while they suffocate from all the bullshit in the air. What in the world does-"

"And it's October!" Teri shouted, her hands raised triumphantly. "Seriously! Almost Halloween. Halloween, a Hunter's Blood Moon and Dracula!"

"I can't afford the trip, Teri," Heather sighed. She'd known the other woman since the 2nd grade. Arguing after a certain point was useless because the other woman would simply overrun her with her enthusiasm. It was both infuriating and annoying endearing.

Teri's eyes took on a thoughtful calculating look. Heather sipped her chai, enjoying the warmth and the sweetness of it. She tried not to worry about her friend; her mind often wandered down strange, incomprehensible paths.

"Two words, then," Teri said. She was looking down at the round glass table between them. She pushed at a few grains of spilled sugar while she spoke.

Crap, Heather thought. Her serious face. This is bad.

"I'll pay," Teri said.

"You can't," Heather replied immediately. "I basically do your financial planning for you. What little there is. I know what you can and can't afford. You can't afford a trip for two to Romania. I don't even know how you plan to afford one ticket."

"I can too. That's how much I want you to go, Heather," Teri pleaded. "Come on, we're getting older and who knows when we'll go on a trip like this again? Why'd you even get a passport if you're not going to use it?"

"Every adult should have a passport. Just in case. It's smart planning."

Teri sighed, sinking back in her wrought iron chair. "I'm going whether you go or not. What if I die on my trip because you're not there? What if a handsome, pale vampire swoops in and steals my virginity?"

Heather snorted. "Your what now?"

"Or my innocence! I would swoon in his arms while he made me his immortal lover, destined to cower in a coffin by day and feast on the blood of mere mortals by night and it'd be all your fault!" Teri held the back of her hand to her forehead while leaning back in her chair.

"Jesus, Teri," Heather said. "Breathe once in a while. Anyway, you'd be all over that. Don't lie."

"Not if I couldn't sparkle, Heather. I'd be a Dracula vampire. Not a Team Edward vampire. It's not the same thing at all."

Heather flicked a small crumb to the nearby perpetual crowd of begging pigeons. She watched the ensuing fight while she considered. "You can really afford it?"

"Yes," Teri answered. "I can afford it. But, you pay for your own food."

"I can take care of my own meals," Heather said, distracted as she worked through the details of a possible trip. "If I was dumb enough to go."


"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. The current weather on the ground in Cluj-Napoca is thirty-two degrees Celsius with clear skies and we'll be landing at Cluj International Airport in thirty minutes. Please ensure your tray tables are stowed and your chairs are in the upright position. Thank you for flying with Lufthansa." The speaker's voice was professional and soothing and was soon repeating the message in Romanian.

Heather gripped the arm rests while the plane descended. Her eyes were closed as she breathed deeply and evenly. Teri sat in the window seat next to her, staring at the landscape. She loved the mountains that seemed to ring the area. Farms and greenery stretched far off into the distance.

"You should look, Heather. We passed all of that bad weather a long time ago. Don’t worry so much."

Heather turned her head minutely and opened a single eye briefly before groaning. "I see. Yes. Very pretty."

The plane touched down with barely a bump but Heather's knuckles turned white. Slowly, the young woman's muscles relaxed as the plane taxied to the gate. She flexed her hands over and over to work blood back into her fingers.

"Oh my god, oh my god, I'm so excited!" Teri bounced in her seat when the seat belt lines turned off. People stood to gather their luggage and stretch. "I didn't get to go on my senior trip in high school. They went to France and I couldn't go because we couldn't afford it. I was so mad but, seriously, this is way, way better."

"Yeah. Now I know I don't like airplanes. I'm going to burn my passport when I get home. I'm fine with cars. I don't need to go anywhere special. New York has everything I need. I'm good."

Teri made a face at her friend. "Don't be like that. We still have our mid-life crisis to go through. I expect in fifteen years we'll both take a month long trip to Europe when our husbands leave us for younger women."

"Teri," Heather said, trying vainly to fight off her friend's infectious happiness. "We're not married. I don't even have a boyfriend."

"Well, not yet," her friend agreed. "But, eventually! Unless, of course, we find our immortal beloveds and we swoon our way to an early engagement. We'll never get older so they can't leave us for younger women. Practice it with me. Swooooooon."

"Augh," Heather groaned. "You're insufferable. Help me with the bags so we can get off this death trap."


"I don't think he understood me," Teri said.

"Gee, you think?" Heather replied. "Let me see the dictionary. Holy hell, Teri. What're all these little accent things everywhere? We only had like, three in French."

"En Francais, you mean?" Teri asked.

"Shut it. You cheated your way through the classes. Um, crap. Umm... Vor... vorbiti engleza?"

A grizzled old man stood in front of a pristine dark yellow taxi. His beard was spotted with white and gray and his thin hair waved in the cool air. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest. He watched the two women as the spoke. When he answered Heather, he spoke slowly but firmly. Despite how carefully he spoke, neither women understood him.

"I thought you said people spoke English here?" Heather asked her friend.

"That's what the travel agent lady said. That the, what do they call them here? Cabbies? Taxi drivers? Whatever, that a lot of them spoke English."

"This is the third one, Teri. None of them speak English. I think your travel agent lied to you. Where's your map?"

"Somewhere in my backpack. I can find it. Probably."

"No, just... what's the name of the place again?"

Teri paused. "Hog-his?"

"Hoghiz?" the old man asked. Both women turned to him.

"Yes!" Teri said loudly, nodding her head. "Hog-his!" She pointed at the driver and made steering wheel motions with her hands. Heather covered her face in embarrassment.

The old man spoke again. He nodded and opened the trunk of his car.

"Hah!" Teri exclaimed. "Success!"

"Why didn't we just stay here for the night? Cluj-Napoca is huge and has tons of history. I'd rather explore and rest. We just got here, Teri."

"No," Teri said emphatically. "That was the deal. The Hunter's Moon is tonight and I'm not spending it in a big dumb city. You promised. Bran Castle first and then, on the way back, we'd spend a day at the city. I wanted an authentic village experience and there's a little one in Hog-his. So, we're going to stay at an inn and go out and watch the moon."


"I'm paying. Don't forget. My rules."

Heather whistled low. "You'd fit right in around here, Madame Dictator."

Teri lifted her chin, gesturing to the taxi as the driver closed the drunk. "Open the door for me, peasant. I needs must ride this strange mechanical carriage."

"Come on, princess. It's getting colder. Let's go find this creepy village."


Heather slept fitfully in the back of the taxi. The inside was as spotless as the exterior and the driver played classical music quietly as he drove. Late afternoon turned into evening until, three and a half hours later, the driver pulled in front of a huge old building. Heather stirred and stretched and yawned before unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Merci!" Teri said as she got out of the car.

"He's not French, Teri." Heather opened her door and shivered in the sudden cold. The driver already had the trunk open and was unloading the bags.

"The dictionary says it's close. Wow. Wow, Heather. Look at this place. It's beautiful." The young woman hugged herself. Her eyes were wide as she turned in a slow circle. Old cobblestone roads mixed with dirt roads and a few paved paths. None of the buildings looked new and Teri clapped her hands in delight at several of the homes. "Heather! They have shutters on their windows. Shutters, Heather! They look like they came from a storybook."

Heather dug for her wallet. She'd left her purse at home and decided to keep a wallet well hidden in her backpack instead. She'd designated herself Keeper of the Coins due to Teri's spending habits. Smiling at the driver, she paid him for the roundtrip with a bit extra in thanks. The old man smiled, nodded and left. Heather watched him go.

A large, well-kept wooden sign hung above the door of the inn. Heather couldn't understand the words but an artistic bull's face filled nearly the entire sign.

"This is the place?" Heather asked.

"Yup! Just don't ask me to pronounce it. It's the only inn in the town. Coo-choo-lata. Something like that. The town, I mean."

"You are the very definition of an ignorant American tourist. Did you bring your guns and fireworks and bald eagles, too?" Heather asked, sighing as they made their way to the inn. Their wheeled suitcases squeaked behind them as they bounced on the cobblestones.

"I know where we're going. I just can't pronounce it. Ask me about vampires or Dracula or Bran Castle and I'll tell you all about it. My tongue doesn't work right for Romanian."

The inside of the inn was warm with a large fire roaring in the center of their great room. A few people looked up at the newcomers before returning to their meals. The smell of stew and fresh-cooked bread filled the room and Heather's belly rumbled. She hadn't wanted to chance eating on the plane.

A smiling, middle-aged woman stood from a nearby table. "Welcome!"

"You speak English?" Heather asked.

"Oh, yes. I was born just outside of London. My husband owns the place and I mostly run it. You're just in time for dinner. Teri and Heather, yes?"

"Thank god," Teri said. "It smells wonderful. I'm so hungry. I'm Teri, by the way."

"Oh, my manners! I'm Elena. We'll get your things stored in your room." Turning to the side, the older woman spoke in Romanian to a teenager. The young boy looked up from his phone, scowled and then grudgingly took the two women's suitcases. "Just leave your backpacks and Constantin will come back for them. Your room is at the very top of the stairs."

"Thank you," Heather said to the young boy. He grunted in reply.

"Sit, sit," Elena told the two women. "I'll bring your dinner. It's simple beef stew tonight. The bread is fresh and we get our butter from the farms. Well, the beef is, too. May I bring you some wine?"

"Yes, please," Heather answered. "For both of us."

Teri and Heather sat opposite each other, close to where Elena sat. The older woman brought out their food and then settled in next to them.

"Oh my god," Heather exclaimed. "This stew is amazing. Seriously."

Teri nodded emphatically, her mouth full, as she scooped up thick chunks of potatoes and carrots onto still warm bread.

"Thank you," Elena beamed. "My husband cooked tonight. What brings you two to Cuciulata? Your travel agency didn't give me much information. I don't mean to pry but we seldom get people passing through."

"We're going to Bran Castle," Teri answered.

"Ah, Dracula is it? Are you a fan of his, then?"

"Oh," Teri said, blushing slightly. "I... I like vampires. I'm not like, crazy, about them and I don't think they're real but it's all interesting and I thought it'd make a great excuse to go on an adventure. I dragged my friend along. "

"Well, the castle and surrounding area is beautiful so I can't say I blame you for visiting. And I've heard the tour guides are more than happy to elaborate on Vlad's bloody history. Thankfully, though, you'll find the area is quite a bit more calm these days. We hardly behead people anymore." Elena smiled as she spoke. The older woman had small wrinkles at the corner of her eyes and mouth and her smile came easily.

"We're actually planning on going out for a little hike this evening, too. Tonight is the blood moon and I kind of planned the whole trip around that. It makes it more spooky and mysterious."

Elena covered her mouth to hide her giggle. "Oh, goodness. Yes. Well, I'm sure you'll have a very good view. The evenings are wonderful in the country. That is certainly one thing I do not miss from the city. Even at my age I still like to sometimes sit under the stars in the summer."

"Are there any wild animals nearby?" Heather asked. "Bears? Wolves or other scary things?"

"Snakes! There's no snakes, right?" Teri added, shivering.

"Oh, no," Elena said, waving her hand. "Nothing for you to worry about unless you go far from civilization. Still, you're both quite smart to ask. Don't get lost, make your presence known and don't go too far and you'll be safe. I would be more worried about twisting your ankle, honestly."

"Well, thank god," Heather said.

"Although, I will add that you should go out sooner rather than later. Daylight is always better for safety and you'll be able to see more of this beautiful country. There are farms all around but, to the south is a wonderful area to visit. Forestry mixed with wide open unworked fields. This is an ancient land and archaeologists visit more than the tourists. Always finding new ruins, it seems."

Teri glanced over at Heather. The young woman's eyes were lit with the thrill of adventure. "I think that sounds perfect. Are you ready Heather?"

With a sigh, Heather pushed her empty bowl away. She quickly swallowed the last big gulp of her dark, red wine. "Not even a moment's rest? We just landed a few hours ago."

"Four words, Heather," Teri said. She nearly vibrated from excitement. "Super. Hunter's. Blood. Moon."

LycanDope 10-28-2014 08:40 PM

Re: Hunter's Moon
Chapter 2 (of 3)
"How long are you going to stare at them?" Heather asked. The young woman tightened her backpack's strap against her chest. A sudden cold wind knifed through the folds of her coat and she shivered. Heather turned, sniffing the air lightly. The wind was sharper than the evening air and she wondered if a storm was far behind. "It's cold, Teri."

"I may never get a chance to see lanterns in my life, Heather," Teri said. They both stood outside the inn. Two outdoor hurricane lamps swung on hooks above the door, creaking slightly as the gust of wind pushed at them.

"Home Depot has them. Probably on sale right now. Back home," Heather added. "They probably have a sale on them since Mr. Edison just came out with his fancy light bulb invention. I know you don't read the news but everyone is talking about it. Come on, Teri. They're just lamps. Charlie's back near my apartment has some on his bar."

"But Charlie's isn't a rustic old village with shutters, Heather. Do you think they have village dances here? Everyone dressed up in heavy dresses and vests and those funny wooden shoes and funny curly hats kicking their heels up and dancing around a pole? Not like a stripper pole but those one poles? You know? From the movies?" Teri made vague pole shaped motions with her hands while she spoke, trying to show the width and length and circumference of the imaginary pole.

"I'm pretty sure wooden shoes were a Dutch thing," Heather answered. She turned slightly to the side to hide her smile. She'd learned long ago that if Teri caught her smiling, she'd just embellish whatever story she was trying to tell. "I don't know about poles. Mayfair poles? That rings a bell for some reason."

Teri turned and Heather hid her face away. With a sly grin, Teri continued. "I bet that's where stripper poles originated from. Villages like these with their lanterns and shutters and beef stews. Some enterprising young woman was dancing around it and thought, 'You know, I just betI could swing on that thing.' And then she climbed right on up and started gyrating on it. Boobs probably plopped right out of her crazy dress. And a tradition was born. The men were all 'Hushaw!' or whatever they say around here. And, look Heather, look. No really, look."

Heather held her sides. "I... I can't... Stop, please..." The young woman's pale face reddened as she tried to hold back her laughter.

"The men probably danced like this around the enterprising young stripper. Look, Heather. Looooook."

Heather turned to watch as her friend lowered her hips and spread her arms. Teri shook her whole body while turning in a circle. Her heavy clothing did little to hide her wide hips and large breasts as she gyrated around in front of the inn. "Hushaw!" the young woman cried out.

Heather choked back her laughter and tears. "Stoooop," she pleaded.

"I need tassels for this. Oh! And, and then," Teri continued. With her legs still spread and her hips dropped, she rested her hands on her knees. "Heather, look. And then the old men were like this and saying 'Oi, meshugh! This new strange dancing wears me out. I must rest. But... but I cannot stop dancing!' And so, twerking was born."

Teri, still in the same position, frantically worked her ass up and down while randomly crying out "Oi! Oi! Hushaw! Meshugh!"

"Oh my god. Oh my god, I can't even. You made it so I can't even, Teri. And you know I hate not being able to even. It's not a real thing. Just some weird teenager thing. I'm leaving." Heather took a deep breath. Her cheeks ached from laughing at her friend. "Come on, crazy."

"Don’t worry, Heather," Teri told her. They both walked through the empty streets in the direction Elena had pointed out earlier. "Puberty will come to you some day and then you'll finally fill out and get your own set of hips. In the meantime, you just keep doing all those... those things you do without hips. I dunno, like, tapping your feet awkwardly at the club? Nodding your head? What do non-hippy people do? Don't worry. You'll be a woman soon."

"I hate you," Heather said, smiling and wiping away the last of her tears. "I do just fine without those saddlebags you call hips. I'm just more lean than you are. Taller. It evens out. I can reach the cookie jar and I don't have to go to special stores for crazy bras. Life finds a way, Teri."

"Oh. My. God. That just gave me a great idea. For Halloween. We'll go as Master Blaster! From Mad Max! It's perfect. I'm brilliant and short and you're dumb and gangly. We'll get that leash you keep in that little chest in your closet and-"

"That's-! I don't-! I lock that chest!"

Teri looked at her friend with pity. "Heather, I basically live with you. I can pretty much read your mind and I look through all your stuff. I play a game called 'Find Heather's secrets' whenever you go to the bathroom. Keeping your key under your mattress isn't exactly the best hiding place."

"I'm never letting you into my apartment again," Heather fumed. Dirt crunched beneath their boots as they left the village. Dark clouds hid the bright, full moon but, beyond the clouds, an amazing array of stars filled the night sky. A huge, foreboding forest lay to their right while smooth, grass hills curved around to their left. The two women followed the dirt road that led to the hills, connecting Cuciulata to its neighboring village.

"Oh, Heather," Teri said, her eyes large. The young woman patted her friend's arm. "It's so cute that you think I didn't steal your spare and make a copy."

The two women bickered happily back and forth while they stomped along the road. Tall, green grass and short stalks of winter wheat fell in waves against the increasingly heavily winds. Occasionally, an animal cried out. Hunting or playing or running.

"I wonder if the rest of these hills have old artifacts," Teri asked.

"Probably," Heather answered. "I'm surprised they haven't closed the whole place off to look around. I kind of wish we had a metal detector. That'd be a lot of fun." Heather sniffed at the air again. "I think we better find a spot to sit or you're going to miss the moon. Clouds are coming in pretty fast. Kinda feels like it wants to rain. I don't really want to be caught out in it."

"I know," Teri frowned. "Here's just as good as any place. I really just wanted to sit out for a bit with you. Away from everything else and out in the 'old country' before we do anything else."

Heather bumped her hip against her friend. She found a dry spot on the slope of the current hill and then sat with her knees up against her small chest. Teri settled beside her, crossed-legged.

"Ah. Feels good to sit a bit," Teri sighed. She looked back at the village. "I'm surprised how far we went. I'll be honest, I thought it'd feel scarier out here but it doesn't feel that way at all. Just feels homey. All these farms and everything, I guess."

"Yeah. I wonder if it's the same way back home? Around the farms. Or if it's just because of all the history here. It'd be interesting to find out. I wish there were some cows. Or horses or something."

Teri looked up. "Hopefully they put them inside at night. How come the moon isn't red? Or gigantic? I mean, I guess it's a little bigger? Maybe? But it's just a full moon. That's a little disappointing. I'm sorry. I hoped for some huge dramatic red full moon."

Heather shrugged. "Aw, I don't care. I'm glad I came anyway. You're crazy but I love you and I probably would've found a way to come along anyway. You'd be lost out here by yourself. Or broke in a day. Don't tell yourself but, you're right. This was worth it."

Teri smiled, leaning gently against her friend. They both sat beneath the open sky, watching as the moon was swallowed by the rolling dark clouds. Trees far in the distance swished and swayed against the increasing wind.

"How far away is the next village?" Teri asked. "I can't see any lights."

"A ways," Heather answered. "I think Elena said it's an hour's drive. Something like that. I-" A single drop of rain fell against the woman's air. She wiped it with a finger. Another fat raindrop hit her shoulder. "Aw, hell."

Thunder rumbled in the distance but, before it finished, lightning forked down just beyond the forest. Another, louder peal followed. More raindrops fell from the edge of the oncoming storm.

"Should we head back? We're gonna get soaked," Teri complained.

"I think, hey, yeah, look. That next hill has a big ass rock. We can hide under it until it passes. I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway. Let's go, Master."

"Noooooo. You're supposed to say it right. And I'm supposed to have the kinky leash!"

Heather stood and walked away without another word. Teri struggled to stand and the followed. Rain began to fall in waving lines as the storm moved over them. The two women ran the rest of the distance until they were under the huge rock topping the hill. The dark gray stone jutted out of the hill like a giant's overgrown fingernail and a small tunnel lead into the hill itself. Teri stared into it.

"No," Heather said, reading her friend's mind.

"What if there's treasure?" Teri asked.

"Or wolves. Or spiders. Or snakes. No. Hell no. I'm not going in there."

"What if the Ark of the Covenant is in there? Or, oohh! The Holy Grail! Isn't it supposed to be in Europe? What if this leads to some knight's tomb and the Grail is clasped in his old, dead hands?"

"Teri," Heather said with a sigh. "These people have lived here forever. You know how kids and-" Heather glanced over at Teri. "Some adult kids are like. Every square inch of this area has to have been explored. I hate to burst your bubble but unless you have an excavator or your last name is Jones, probably the most exciting thing we're going to find is a pretty rock."

Teri sat quietly for a moment. "Well. I like pretty rocks."

The rain hammered the stone above them. Both women pulled their coats closer as the wind picked up, howling around the rock and throwing rain nearly sideways at them.

"Maybe," Heather said, her teeth chattering against the harsh, cold wind and rain. "Maybe just a little further in is okay."

"Yeah," Teri said. "Now I bet you wish you weren't such a Mayfair stripper pole now, do you? Still, yeah, the rain's a bit much." Teri followed Heather as she stepped deeper into the small cave beneath the stone.


Deep within, small black creatures shifted uneasily. Tiny wings fluttered as furry bats moved in the darkness. Below them, the ground split apart. A large red claw reached through the opening. A pale, nearly pink arm with a leathery black flap emerged. Several of the younger bats panicked and flew deeper into the cave.

The moon sang to the emerging creature and another clawed arm reached out. It pulled and a furred snout appeared. Huge, feathery ears twitched as it listened to the moon. The remaining bats shrieked and then fell quiet as the creature coming from the ground called to them. The red-limbed creature resembled the bats in a rudimentary, ancient way. Almost completely hairless and twice as large as the largest of the cave bats, it pulled itself completely free and hugged the ground with spread arms. Not a single bat twitched as the newcomer surveyed the area.

Deep black eyes set within a red, hairless snout turned towards to entrance to the cave. It couldn't remember the last time it'd been called out but it could remember the smell of its prey. The creature shook itself and flapped powerful wings until it hovered briefly in the cave. It called soundlessly to its cousins and they responded mindlessly, unable to refuse.


Teri shivered and gasped and, beside her, Heather did the same. The temperature had suddenly dropped and she'd felt like she'd been dunked in a freezing cold pool.

"M- maybe the... the rain... isn't... s- so bad. M- maybe we-" Teri stuttered.

The young woman's words were lost as an immense cloud of bats burst from deep within the cave. Both women shrieked, instinctively covering their heads as they were enveloped by the rushing swarm. Teri and Heather were driven to their knees from the continuous impacts.

Heather felt a sharp pain lance through her exposed neck. She tried to scream but a strange sense of euphoria filled her, replacing every pain and ache. The warmth flooded her body and she collapsed to her side. Her fear of the bats was gone. Her thoughts were gone. Everything was gone. Two small claws held her head away from her neck. Blood flowed easily through a large cut on the side of her throat. The ancient red creature clamped its jaws against the young woman as it feasted on her.

A small moan escaped Heather's lips. The warmth brought pleasure as it suffused her lower body. She tried to focus but her mind was buzzing and all she could think of was how okay everything was. How right everything was.

The small red creature looked up. The stream of bats was slowing and it knew its time was short. With a sharp, fierce cry, it took flight and streaked through the dark night, surrounded by a cloud of black.

No trace of blood or wound remained on Heather's neck.

"Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god oh god," Teri repeated. The young woman's hands explored her own body, sure that some bat had found a hidden spot to take residence. Her short, curly hair was in disarray. "Heather? Are you- Heather!"

Heather was still on her side. She felt like she was floating in the night. Although the feeling was retreating, she still felt warm and happy.

"Heather! Are you okay! Hey!" Teri yelled. She reached for her friend and then bit her lip. Am I supposed to move her? Oh god, Heather would know what to do. "Please, god, please. Heather, you're okay, right?"

"'m fine," Heather said. She smiled and moved her arm slightly. "Fine. 'm fine."

"Did you faint? Are you okay?"

"Shhh," Heather said. "I- Ugh. Oh Jesus, my head." Sudden sharp pain crashed beneath Heather's eyes. The pleasurable warmth was immediately gone. The young woman pushed herself up to sit against the cold wall of the cave and then cursed herself for moving.

"Did you hit your head? What do I do, Heather? Wait. Your eyes, I'm supposed to check your eyes or something," Teri said. She rubbed her hands and licked her lips, her own fear gone as she worried for her friend.

"No, I just, maybe? Maybe I hit my head. I'll be fine. It just really hurts." Heather gently massaged her neck and head. The pain shot down from her eyes to her neck and along her back. It throbbed deep within her, in time with her heartbeat. Suddenly, she hunched over and vomited.

"Oh god, Heather, oh god." Teri gently rubbed her friend's back in a small circle.

"I'm. Fine," Heather gasped. Her stomach burned as it tied itself in knots. The cave spun around her and only Teri's arm around her shoulders kept her from slamming against the floor. "Think. I think. I just. Need to-"

Heather heaved again and Teri hid her face, willing herself not to throw up. The smell combined with just the sound of her friend throwing up made it nearly impossible to resist the urge.

"Better," Heather said weakly. Her face and lips shined with cold sweat. She shook as a sudden fever rode through her body from her temples to her toes. Rather than making her feel worse, it cleansed as it passed through her. "Feel better. Headache's going away. Think. I think I got stew. On my coat."

"You big dummy. You had me scared. Oh god, Heather. Just don't move until you're all the way better. That's right, isn't it? For people with concussions?"

Heather shook her head weakly. "I don't think. Don't think it's a concussion. I feel better. Feeling better. Just let me rest for a minute. Just let me rest. You're warm and soft."

Teri hugged her friend tightly. "It's because I have hips and a little belly."

The two women sat together against the hard, cool cave wall. The rain slowed above them, the roar changing to an erratic staccato before stopping completely. Teri had her eyes closed, thinking of all the happy thoughts she could - her form of prayers.

"I think I'm okay now," Heather said. She still felt weak but it felt more like a shaky weakness after throwing up than anything else. "Help me try to stand up."

"Are you sure?" Teri asked. "I don't mind sitting for a while longer. If it helps."

"No," Heather said. And then, more strongly. "No. I think I'm okay. Come on. I don't want to be in here any longer than I need to be."

Teri stood, bent at the waist as she gave her shoulder to her friend. Heather pushed against the wall and rose, leaning against Teri. Her legs felt shaky but solid enough to stand.

"All right. Now, let go." Teri stood away and Heather continued standing. "Yaaaay."

"Are you sure, Heather?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Just gimme a second and I'll be able to walk. Standing is definitely helping. Fresh air will help even more. Here we go." Still holding onto her friend's shoulders, Heather took a hesitant step and then another. By the time they exited the cave, Heather was walking by herself with Teri standing nearby, ready to catch her.

"The rain's stopped," Teri said. "We could just sit here for a while until you're all the way better."

"No," Heather said. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I want a bath and a bed and sleep. I'm sorry, Teri but I'm really done for the night."

"Oh! Don't - don't apologize. I totally understand. If you're sure, we'll just walk back and go to bed. I'll even tell Elena we'll need an extra night and we can go to the castle the day after tomorrow. It's okay."

"No. No way. You're set and you have a schedule. We'll go tomorrow. I'm feeling way better. The headache is gone and everything. Just my stomach feeling a little off and I bet sleep will wipe that away."

"Promise?" Teri asked. "Promise you're feeling better and you won't lie tomorrow just to make me feel better?"

"Yeah. Totally. If I'm not up to it, I won't go."

Teri nodded but still stayed close to her friend as they made their way back to the village. Neither woman said anything while they walked. Elena met them when quietly entered the inn and the older woman's smile faded slightly as she looked between the two.

"Is everything all right?" Elena asked, her voice warm with concern.

"Yeah," Heather replied. "Just. Bats gave us a scare. We were up at a cave on one of the hills and they suddenly just all flew out at once. I think they knocked me over and I banged my head a little. I'm okay, though."

"Oh dear," Elena said with a frown. "Were there any bites? I don't want to alarm either of you but bats have been known to carry rabies and other unsavory diseases."

"Rabies?" Teri asked, her face pale.

"I don't think so," Heather answered. "We'll check, though."

"Well, we have a local doctor and I'd be more than happy to go with you and translate if you need it. I'd feel terrible if anything were to happen."

"Right now I just want a bath. A nice warm bath."

"I understand," Elena said. "I live right down the hall there. Please don't hesitate to wake me up if you need something. I have the doctor's number and can have him come over. It's one benefit of living in such a small area."

"Thank you so much!" Teri said. The small young woman gave the older woman a quick hug before following her friend up the stairs.

The evening passed quickly. Both friends checked each other for bites and were enormously pleased to find neither scratches nor bite marks. Heather took a long bath and then stumbled into her bed to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

TF-Viewer 10-29-2014 01:40 AM

Re: Hunter's Moon
Looking forward to the conclusion.

LycanDope 10-29-2014 10:04 PM

Re: Hunter's Moon
Part 3 of 4 (Honest! I know because 4 is almost completely done and will be posted tomorrow!)
"Heather," Teri whispered. "Are you awake?"

Bright morning light peeked around the edge of the thick, red curtains of their east-facing window. Heather groaned as her eyes fluttered open. Her body felt heavily and useless, as if she were buried under the thick, old quilt. Her freckles stood out in harsh contrast against her pale skin.

"It's almost noon, Heather," Teri continued to whisper. "I've already had breakfast and explored the town a bit. Do you still not want to get up?"

Still? Heather thought wearily. Speaking seemed to take too much effort. But I'm just now waking up.

"I think we should just stay here today. And maybe I should have the doctor come over and take a look. Just to make sure you're okay. You look a little off."

"No," Heather said softly. The young woman willed strength into her body and she slowly sat up. It took an enormous effort to move and she found herself breathing heavily while she lay against the wall with her eyes closed. "Just. Just give me. A second."

"I dunno, Heather. You look like death warmed over. Look, I'll just talk to Elena and she'll call the doctor. He'll just-"

"No," Heather said firmly. Her eyes opened and Teri slumped in front of her.

"Okay. Heather," Teri replied. Her voice and expression were far away.

"I said we'll go to the castle and I meant it. I'm fine," the young woman growled. Her head throbbed as she forced herself awake.

"Yes. We'll go," Teri answered. "You're fine."

"Just go ahead and get your stuff ready and I'll finish wake up."

Without a word, Teri went to her bed and began packing. Her movements and mannerisms were mechanical. Heather closed her eyes briefly and then forced her legs out from under the blanket to stand. Everything seemed too bright and the air itself felt heavy against her body. She turned from the window to pack her things, barely holding back yawns while she did. When was the last time I slept so late? And still felt so tired? the young woman wondered. She felt slow and dumb and wanted to crawl back into bed. The only thing keeping her going was the thought of how sad Teri would be if she missed going to the castle.

Heather turned and found Teri sitting quietly on her bed. Her bag was packed and the young woman stared at a small spot a few inches from Heather's head. Slowly, the small woman blinked and her personality seemed to flood back into her. Teri shook her head and then stretched.

"Oh!" Teri said. "You're almost packed. Wow, I'm out of it; I didn't even notice you getting up."

Heather stared curiously at her friend. "Yeah. I'm tired but hungry and I'd like to get going. I know how excited you are."

Teri smiled. "Lunch is some fancy sandwiches. And potatoes with gravy. And steamed carrots, I think?"

"That sounds really good," Heather said. Her stomach grumbled in agreement. "We'll come back up for our bags afterwards. I'm starving."

When Heather stepped onto the landing at the bottom of the stairs, every single person turned to stare at her briefly. Heather shivered. They'd all turned as if they were one person and their eyes seemed dead. One by one, they blinked and turned back to their conversations. Heather picked a spot far away from everyone else, unnerved by their stares.

"I'll get some food for us," Teri told her friend. "Just wait here."

Heather nodded. She caught herself glancing around the room. As more people came downstairs, she noticed they chose seats far away from her. It seemed subconscious and possibly meant nothing at all but families sat directly next to other families and single women chose to willingly sit next to other men. A bubble of empty seats fanned out in front of her. Heather chastised herself for her paranoia as Teri walked back from the kitchen with two large plates of food.

"Oh, thank god," Heather said. The young woman ate quickly, tearing into her sandwich before touching her vegetables. Some of her strength returned but, despite the late wake-up and food, she still felt tired.

"I wish I could've afforded to come in the summer," Teri said. "You're positively glowing with paleness. I think your red hair is slowly leeching all the color out of your body is what's happening. When you're all old.... well, older, you're going to have translucent skin and really, really red hair."

"Meh," Heather said, waving her fork. "It's a curse. Red hair, pale skin. Something something milkshake, something something yard. Also, thank you for not wearing your Team Edward shirt."

Teri blushed. "I left it at home. I almost brought it but I thought I'd look stupid wearing it."

"Well, not stupid," Heather said. "Overly enthusiastic fangirl with a hard-on for vampires, maybe. Still, I totally thought I'd have to find it and hide it from you. So, thank you."

"Yeah," Teri grinned. "You owe me."

"I'll go pay if you'll get our stuff. Deal?"

"Deal," Teri said brightly.

Heather stood from the table. Every single conversation ended as she stood. The young woman looked at the other end of the room but everyone seemed focus on their food. She rolled her shoulders and made her way to Elena.

"Hello again," Heather said. "I'm here to- are you all right?"

Elena's smiled faded as Heather approached and something like fear hid behind her eyes. "What? Oh, yes. Yes, I'm fine. Just a bit under the weather at the moment. I'll take your card."

The older woman's hand trembled as she held it out. Heather gave her the Visa card and watched as the older woman fumbled trying to run it. It took four times until Elena was able to slide the card through the reader next to her outdated computer. She laughed nervously at herself and handed the card back.

"Are you both well this morning?" the older woman asked. Her eyes darted around the room. "You slept in late this morning, I noticed."

"Yes," Heather said slowly. "Just tired. Still tired. Are you sure everything is okay?" She could hear and feel her heart thrumming through her forehead. Slowly and surely it beat. The sound was almost distracting.

"Hmm?" The old woman had taken two steps back while they talked. "I'm fine, dear. I hope you both enjoyed your stay. Please don't forget to leave a good review for us when you make it back to the States."

"Sure," Heather said. She heard a thump behind her and turned to see Teri struggling with their suitcases.

"I'll call Mikhail for you. Your friend spoke to him earlier and he's agreed to give you both a ride. He's a very nice man and you'll be safe with him."

"Thank you again," Heather said. "For everything. Take care, Elena."

The older woman smiled absently and quickly stepped away. She held her right hand tightly in her left but both shook noticeably. Heather frowned before turning to help Teri. Beneath her coat and between her shoulder blades, fine red hairs sprouted in a faint line up to her neck and grew even more faintly across her shoulders. Her ears twitched and swiveled minutely.

"... who ... that..." someone whispered directly in her ear. Heather turned quickly, sure that someone was standing at her side. Her heart leaped in her chest. The thrumming increased and, mixed in with the sound were fragments of whispered words, too low to make out.

"Ready?" Teri asked loudly.

"Y- yeah," Heather answered. "Let's go."


Heather bit back a curse as she stepped outside. The air was cool but the sun was bright and it knifed through her head. "Jesus, that's bright. Fuck."

The air grew heavy around Heather, pulling her down. The young woman sagged against the front of the inn while she covered her eyes. The dull thudding of her heartbeat was lessened, replaced by icepicks stabbing through her forehead.

"Hey," Teri said, her voice full of concern. "You sure you're okay? Isn't light sensitivity a sign of a concussion?"

"I'm fine," Heather hissed. "Just inside too long or something. I'll be fine once my eyes adjust." Beads of sweat broke out along her hairline as a wave of faint nausea rolled through her body.

"Well, our ride's here. If you're not feeling better before the castle, we're going to stop and find a doctor." Teri opened the door for Heather and the young woman quickly stepped into the car. The side windows were tinted and Heather's relief was immediate. Teri loaded their bags into the trunk of the car while her friend huddled against the car's door, eyes closed against the light coming through the windshield.

Heather slept fitfully in the back of the car. She found it difficult to rest as she alternated between being feverish and too cold. The line of red hairs continued growing down her back, small red hairs lifting along her spine until they reached the small of her back. Her tailbone reshaped deep within her body and a single new bone formed, pushing against the skin about her ass. The skin moved slightly, back and forth before settling. The young woman's hips swelled almost imperceptibly against her jeans, adapting to the changes happening within her body.

Teri gently touched Heather's shoulder. Heather groaned and opened her eyes. Teri sucked in her breath and drew back.

Heather's normally pale blue eyes were fully black.

"Teri?" Heather asked sleepily. She blinked twice rapidly and the blackness faded, drawn to the center of her eyes. "Are we there?"

"Y- yeah," Teri answered, shaken from what she'd seen. Impossible, she told herself. Your eyes are just playing tricks on you is all. "How are you feeling?"

Heather stretched with a high pitched squeak. "Better, actually. Still tired and a little out of it but better than this morning."

"All right. Mikhail is going to wait here for us so we can leave our bags. He's our ride over to our room after this. I got us booked at, oh my gosh, ready? Transilvanian Inn! How awesome is that?"

"Hah," Heather said weakly. "Of course you did." The young woman hissed as she stepped out of the car. The sun hung full and heavy and impossibly hard to look at. Just before she'd turned away, Heather was almost certain that it'd been a dark reddish; an open wound in the sky. She quickly stepped into a shadow provided by the imposing castle. Teri chattered around her, squealing in delight at various parts of the landscape and the castle itself.

A crowd gathered as the next tour time grew close. Heather found herself again glancing around. She felt sure that everyone was watching her. Staring at her. Slowly, she found herself drawing away from the crowd. The slow thud of her heartbeat had begun again and she hadn't noticed it'd stopped back at the inn. Heather swallowed. Did I drink anything at the inn? I can't remember. Why am I so thirsty?

"Heather!" Teri called out. "There you are. I got us tickets and they're starting. Let's go."

Heather nodded, following her friend at the back of the crowd of tourists. Heather swallowed again as a dull ache formed behind her eyes. The thrum of the heartbeat increased in response.

"Do we have any water?" Heather asked. Her voice seemed to catch in her throat. She felt as if she'd gone weeks without drinking anything.

"No. But, we're stopping near the gift shop first."

"Can you-" Heather stopped. As she crossed the threshold into the castle, the air changed around her. She felt like she'd walked into the middle of a summer thunderstorm. The small hairs of her arms and the line of red fur along her back and shoulders lifted in response. She expected to feel sparks of lightning but nothing happened and nobody else seemed to notice. Gravity seemed to warp around her, pulling her towards the middle of the castle. And down. Briefly, unnoticed by anyone else, blackness flooded Heather's eyes before vanishing again.

"Heather?" Teri said quietly. "Is everything okay? Heather?"

"Yeah," Heather answered. She stared around her and her voice was faint. "Yeah. Everything's fine. Can you grab me a bottle of water?"

Teri vanished into the small gift shop at the entrance. The tour guide spoke to the crowd of people but Heather paid little attention. The thrum of the heartbeat was impossible to ignore. It came from everywhere. She'd realized it wasn't her own heartbeat. Hers beat in time but paled in comparison to the heavy beat surrounding her. The young woman licked her lips and swallowed again.

Slowly, the rounded tops of her ears pushed into points, sliding through her hair. The edges of her ears curved forward and then stopped. General sounds - the sounds of footsteps and coughing and quiet voices grew louder. As she turned to face the tour guide, the woman's voice was as clear as if she was standing directly in front of Heather. The young woman turned to a child at the front of the crowd. The little boy was shuffling his feet and pulling at his father's shirt. As with the tour guide, the child's whisper became clear and loud.

"Here's your water," Teri said.

Heather jumped, startled at her friend's sudden appearance. She realized now that she'd heard Teri's footsteps but they'd been lost in all the other new sounds begging for attention.

"Thank you," Heather whispered. "I'm- I'm going to stay in the back. Why don't you go to the front so you can listen?"

"Are you sure?" Teri asked. The young woman desperately wanted to be closer but obviously didn't want to make Heather feel bad.

"Yeah, go, go."

The tour began but Heather still paid no attention. Between the invisible, intangible live wires strung through the air, the cacophony of sounds and the overwhelming thrumming noise of a gigantic heart, she lost herself in the moment. The young woman floated from exhibit to exhibit. The bump at the small of her back pushed further until a vestigial tail lay nestled against her now rounded ass cheeks. The fur along her spine thickened slowly.

Heather drank from the water bottle but found her thirst only partially slaked. However, as the tour went on and the sun sank lower, she found herself growing in strength. Where she'd been weak and tired before, she now grew restless and energetic. Red fur grew up from the collar of her jacket, hidden behind her hair. Heather sniffed at the air. A faint, cloying smell had begun to permeate the area. She found her mouth watering in response to it but couldn't figure out what it was.

The sun touched the horizon as the group made its way up the stairs to the third floor. Heather felt a sudden pressure against her body. Something touched and pushed at her. Pulled and tugged at her. She turned to her right but whatever it was stayed in place, far in the distance and yet somehow connected directly to her. It filled her and she felt a small bit warmth from it. A strength of mind and body as if she was drawing on it. Four smaller, but similar touches brushed against her body.

When Heather turned back to the group, she froze. Everyone was turned to face her. Teri was at the front of her group and her normally cheerful smile was gone, replaced by a slack nothingness. Heather stepped to her left and the group followed her. Goosebumps broke out along her arms and back. Beneath her coat, her nipples tightened as the outside force and the electricity in the castle clashed inside of her.

The eyes followed her. Watching her. Their gaze bothered her. They crept under her skin until she felt like they were hunting her. She lashed out and her eyes blackened to midnight.

"Stop looking at me!" Heather howled. Her small, nearly blunt canine teeth cracked and reshaped, growing to tiny points. The entire crowd of people turned around as one. Heat and rage boiled along Heather's veins. Her lips pulled back as she snarled at the people in front of her. Invisible lightning coursed along her body. Light, red fur crept around the back of her neck and up to her jawline. She was so thirsty. Heather's eyes focused on Teri and, slowly, she pushed the anger away. The castle. The castle is doing this to me. I can feel it in the air.

"Teri, we're leaving," Heather said. She turned and walked, sure that her friend was following without even needing to hear her footsteps. Stairways and hallways and passages faded behind Heather as she gnashed her teeth. She reached the entrance and crossed without hesitation.

The electricity and feeling and pull of the castle barely faded. Heather roared and spun, facing the sprawling building. Teri stood at the entrance, her eyes and expression still blank. The young woman could also still feel that external force pushing and pulling at her like the ebb and flow of water on a lake's shore. As it had in the castle, other light touches of power brushed against her skin.

"Let's go," Heather rasped. The young woman grabbed the car door's handle and it crumpled beneath her fingers. The door whined alarmingly as she pulled it open. Heather lay back against the seat, breathing slowly to calm herself. Mikhail sat still in the driver's seat, as frozen as Teri was now that she sat beside her friend.

"Go," Heather told the driver. "The... Transilvanian Inn. Where Teri told you to go." The driver started the car, shifted and left without a word.

Heather breathed deeply. She hated the anger she felt. When she was younger, she'd often found herself in fights with boys and other girls. She'd been a tomboy and the other kid's had made fun of her constantly. Over time, she'd found herself snapping too easily, getting angry over unreasonable things. Eventually, it became bad enough that she nearly took her own life. It was a wake-up call for her to turn her life around. It'd taken time but, slowly, she'd worked on her responses. She'd hated losing control and she'd been proud of herself when she'd first noticed a difference. Teri had been invaluable in helping her. She was always cheerful, ridiculously optimistic and had a bad joke ready at any moment.

Now here she was again. Snapping. Letting the emotions get to her. Feeling the loss of her control. The young woman breathed and calmed herself incrementally. She noticed that as they drove further from the castle, the rage faded. Yet, she could still feel it at the back of her mind. The other things called out to her, pulled at her, filled her with unreasonable confidence. But, no anger.

"Wha-" Teri said next to her. "Wait, wow. Umm, am I really out of it or what? I don’t' remember getting in the car."

"Yeah," Heather said. She turned her head to the window and grimaced. She hated lying to her friend. "You looked a bit rough. Too many people and too much excitement, I think. We left a little bit ago. I think maybe I'm not the only one worn out by the trip."

Teri yawned wide, hiding her mouth behind her hand. "And tired. Sheesh."

The sun curved above the horizon. Deep red and black lines raced across the sky as the sun set. Mikhail drove quietly, whether by compulsion or out of indifference to his passengers Heather was unable to tell.

It was dark by the time they arrived at the inn. Teri yawned and tried to work up enthusiasm over the new building but finally ended up simply following Heather up to their rooms.

"Jet lag, I think," Teri said. "Finally caught up to me. And all the excitement, right? I'm just- I'm just going to go to sleep. Wake up early and make up for the early bedtime."

"Me, too," Heather lied. She felt incredibly awake and distracted by the world around her. "Goodnight, Teri."

"Goodnight, Heather. Thanks for going with me today. I owe you one."

Heather nodded quietly. Her long, curved ears eventually caught her friend's light, even snores. Heather closed her eyes. She could point directly to the castle if she wanted. She could also point to the strange, large force that pulled at her. And all (nine, she counted automatically) smaller touches far in the distance. Black coloring flooded her eyes until no other color was left. She swallowed and her throat caught.


Heather opened the window and unlatched the shutters. The dark, outside world was full of colors and smells and sounds. Crickets chirped, frogs croaked and birds sang their goodnights.

The bright, hot smell of blood called to her.

Heat flooded her body and she moaned, licking her dark lips. Her small canines grew, pushing at the surrounding teeth until they jutted from beneath her lips. Fur raced from her jawline up to cover the side of her head and then down her throat and between her breasts. Heather ripped at her nightshirt, leaving her small chest bare in the cool night air. Red fur raced down her hard stomach, disappearing beneath the waistband of her pants.

Leaning from the window at the third floor of the hotel, Heather jumped, spreading her arms wide. Thick, leathery skin grew from her armpits, racing along the bottom of her arms and the side of her body. The young woman's biceps bulged as her black wings grew out to her wrists. Her fingers cracked, growing wider and longer as thick, black claws burst from her fingertips. Bone-like structures lined her new wings. Wind rippled along the thick skin. She could feel it against her wings. Her wings.

Heather flexed her arms and the wings billowed like sails. The young woman soared along the ground until she angled beat her powerful arms.

She was airborne, screaming through the sky.

Thick red fur crept around to cover her expanding chest. Her previously small, pert breasts grew heavy and full until they hung beneath her, covered with fur. Her small tail lengthened, pushing at her cotton sleeping pants until it was free. As with her wings, thick, black leathery skin grew from the base of her tail, down to her thighs. She spread her legs and turned, pulling her wings into an S-shape. Heather spiraled in the air, screaming in pleasure.

Claw marks appeared at the tips of her wool socks. Slowly, the holes grew wider until the black claws completely pushed through. The socks strained as her feet widened, muscles thickening to push at the bones. Thick padding grew from the bottom of her feet and the socks finally tore, leaving her new flexible paws exposed to the night. The air rustled past the mane of fur along her back.

Heather's lips pulled back into a snarl. Her jaw popped and cracked, pushing away from her face as a short muzzle formed. Her nose pulled flat and wide against the tip of her snout and she screeched out a shrill cry of pain. Her ears grew longer, tufts of fur sprouting along the tips as they curved and expanded. Deep within her throat, her vocal chords split and reformed, new muscles attaching. Her screech went beyond human hearing. Animals in the forest nearby scattered out of pure, raw fear. She tracked them as they moved, pure black eyes and large, curved ears spotting every movement.

With powerful beats of rippling muscle along her back, shoulders and arms, she pulled higher into the sky. The village shrank beneath her and she hovered briefly, upright. Her furred breasts weighed heavily against her. She kicked her clawed feet once, twice until she was free of the pants she'd worn as a human. A long, wide grin formed on her muzzle. She dove, utterly silent. Mist formed tiny drops of water on her fur before flicking away against her speed. She felt her excitement in her bare, furred sex and in arcs of lighting from her chest. Her tail and wings shifted, bringing her again parallel to the ground. With a deft, natural flick of her arms, she twisted her body and landed, sliding against the rough stones on her paws. Sparks flew where her claws scraped the ground.

Voices called out in the night as a young man stumbled against a well-lit building. The man called back to his friends and then walked in a crooked line down the street. Heather's ears twitched but caught no other people nearby. Her arms were at her sides, heavy wings folded against her body and legs. She followed the man silently, powerfully muscled legs completely silent as she moved on padded paws.

The man left the center of town, heading towards the farms that surrounded the area. Heather crouched, body against the ground, heavy breasts with nipples brushing against the dirt road. Suddenly, she kicked off. Huge plumes of dirt and rocks lifted into the air as her black wings beat the air. She flew low and silent until she crashed into the oblivious young man. He cried out as they tumbled against the wet grass and ground.

Heather's fangs found their marks and the man fell silent. Euphoria flooded his system as Heather drank from him. The young man's blood fairly steamed in the cold night air. Heather's spit kept the wound from closing and she drank at her leisure. The man twisted under her, listing his hips while his fingers roamed ceaselessly against the thick red fur covering her powerful body. He gasped and moaned as a lover would. Even as his heartbeat grew faint, he never once cried out in pain. The man died in her arms, eyes open and mouth slack with pleasure.

She'd thought she'd felt power earlier at the castle but, now, drinking the man's lifeblood, she realized how wrong she'd been. It was impossible to quantify. She felt as if she could do anything she wanted. That nothing could stop her. The world was small and pitiful and, she alone sat at the top.

Along with the rush of power, she realized what the forces were earlier. A massive colony of bats was the large force pulling at her outside of the castle. She saw them through their own eyes. Flashes of shapes as their cries echoed in the air. Beyond that, several smaller colonies of bats and packs of rats tugged at her. Heather exerted the smallest part of her will and the colonies surged forth in a frenzy, feeding off of her blood thirst. Hunt, she told them.

Heather lifted her bloody muzzle, deep black eyes surveying the nearby forest. She grabbed the corpse, easily lifting him one-handed. A few minutes later, animals crashed through the forest, wild with fear.


Soft gray light cast a haze across the edge of the world. Heather stumbled between buildings, her strength draining from her. Her ears, shorter now but still pointed, twitched as she caught people preparing for the day. Long, sharp fangs protruded from beneath pale lips. She couldn't stop running her tongue along them. So out of place in her mouth. Her small tail, shrunken back to little more than a nub twitched fitfully beneath a long, thick line of red fur running from the small of her back to her shoulders. She was larger now and she spared a pained smile at Teri's comment from the previous day. I filled out after all, I guess.

Too tired emotionally and physically to even cry, Heather stood naked beneath the window to her room. Curtains fluttered through the open window. The young woman sighed and kneeled. Looking up at her window, she grit her teeth and leaped. Muscles like steel cable flexed, pushing her easily through the air even in her weakened state. She landed impossibly light against the window frame. Crouching, stealing a quick glance at Teri's sleeping form, Heather stepped into the room. She closed the window, tossed her torn shirt under her bed and made her way into the small bathroom.

Steam filled the bathroom. Heather lay in the bathtub while the showerhead cast a stream of hot water over her. The faint smell of blood and wet fur surrounded her and she couldn't help the sudden intense craving that coursed through her.

The young woman explored herself slowly. Her breasts were larger but not quite as big as Teri's. They lay heavy and flat against her wider frame. She was as lean as she'd been before but, beneath her skin her muscles felt like rocks. Her finger traced down her stomach to her mound and the soft pink flesh between her thighs. She touched herself carefully and sighed. The memory of taking the man played through her mind, brought forth by the simple pleasure of a touch between her legs. Pleasure from killing that man, she thought sourly. Her stomach twisted at the thought just as her mind lit with cravings for more.

Her thighs seemed normal until she flexed them. Corded muscles stood out and her calves flared. A loud, nearly metallic scratching caught her attention. Looking down further she noticed thick black claws still tipped each of her toes. As the morning wore on, she found her body growing heavy. She knew it wasn't from exhaustion. The sun was rising and it stole her strength as it stole the darkness.

Heather could remember every single moment of the night before. She'd felt a total loss of control, as if she'd been riding along in someone else's body. But, it was still her and she remembered every sight and sound and smell. She was terrified. Not because of what she'd done but because she'd enjoyed it.

She'd felt like a god.

Not enjoyed, a small voice told her. Enjoy. You enjoy it. You still want it. Heather bowed her head.

"Yes," she whispered. Despite checking for bites, she must've been infected in the cave. She'd knew that now. Something called forth by the moon or something else. And, still now, she could feel the colonies of bats teeming in the darkness. Calling for her guidance. Rats covered the entire city and only her will kept them from coming to her to pay homage.

She touched her chest and felt the reassuring strong beat of her heart. She'd worried briefly whether she'd died, as vampires were supposed to do but her heart still beat. Not all the myths are true, perhaps, Heather thought.

The water had turned cold but Heather barely noticed; she'd only realized when the steam had stopped. Her body protected her as it had during the night. Keeping her warm and healthy and strong. With a sigh, the young woman pushed herself up. Her legs shook to hold her weight and so she sat while she toweled herself off. She caught her reflection in the mirror. Her fangs still protruded from her mouth, sharp and perfectly white. The young woman tried to push her lower jaw out to hide the fangs but they threatened to cut into her flesh and grinded against her lower teeth. She sighed and relented and instead found herself fascinated with how she looked.

She looked alive. Predatory. She exuded an easy sensuality that hadn't been there before. A self-confidence born of the gifts given to her. And, another myth gone. I have a reflection.

Heather collapsed against the wall and the room spun around her. "Fu- fuck," she gasped. Reaching a shaky hand up, she opened the bathroom door. When she realized she could no longer stand, the young woman crawled to her bed. Pulling herself up and into the small but comfortable bed, she breathed a sigh of relief. Sleep took her just as she'd covered herself.

TF-Viewer 10-30-2014 02:40 AM

Re: Hunter's Moon
I'm liking your version of vampires a lot.

LycanDope 10-30-2014 07:36 AM

Re: Hunter's Moon
Yeah? :D

Is this story not as good or as engaging as the others? It doesn't seem to be getting much attention at the various sites. Or, is it because I didn't tag the transformation until this chapter? Or that there's no pure sex?

Inquiring minds want to know!

TF-Viewer 10-30-2014 01:32 PM

Re: Hunter's Moon
Who knows, might just be that some people aren't as interested in something if it seems like it's going to be vampire related than if it were werewolf related. They're missing out though if they steered away due to thinking it wouldn't have transformation, because it totally did. :)

Anyway, looking forward to the finale.

LycanDope 10-31-2014 11:09 AM

Re: Hunter's Moon
(Chapter 4) At the conclusiont to the story, Heather succumbs to her thirst and learns what happens when she loses control.
Heather lost track of her dreams, memories and reality. She thought Teri tried to wake her up twice but she wasn't sure whether she was dreaming it or remembering the morning before. She dreamed she was flying and it was as glorious as she remembered. Wind buffeted her face and fur and she spiraled down to the ground before swooping back up. Catching prey in flight. Claws rending flesh. The smell of blood filling the air. The rush of excitement from the chase and the kill. The near sexual pleasure she felt as she drained the-

"Heather," Teri whispered. An echo of the day before. "Hey."

"No," Heather rasped. Her back was to the other woman. She'd curled up in a fetal position under her covers while she slept.

"Heather, it's almost 1 pm. Tell me the truth. Are you sick? Or just tired?"

"Tired," Heather said faintly. The young lady could barely think and she was sure she couldn't move. Her body didn't exist to her; only her mind was there and that only faintly.

"Oh, Heather. I'm worried about you. You've gotten worse since yesterday. I've got the room for another day but I think I'm going to ask for a doctor. I'm really seriously worried about you." The bed moved as Teri sat beside her friend.

"No," Heather said again. She pulled her knees closer to her chest and the move tired her.

"I'm sorry, Heather. I have to. You haven't been right since-" Teri screamed. Her hands flew to her mouth as she stumbled up and away from her friend.

In her sudden fear of being found, adrenaline surged through her and Heather found the strength to face her friend. Heather's eyes were an endless black and her fangs glistened in the dim light filling the room. Her long, curved ears twitched in irritation.

"Jesus Fucking Christ!" Teri screamed.

"Be quiet!" Heather hissed.

Teri slumped to the floor. Her expression and will drained from her, leaving her staring far into the distance. Heather sighed. The outburst had cost her dearly. She hated the way her friend looked. She hated what she'd done to her, even if it so far appeared to wear off without a trace. Heather swallowed and her throat clicked.

"I'm tired, Teri," Heather rasped. She closed her eyes. Her mind was sluggish and she barely realized what she was doing or saying. The world felt no more real than a vivid daydream. "Tired and weak and so thirsty. So..."

Heather slipped back into her dreams.

Teri was there with her. Smiling, happy Teri. They were chasing each other, running and laughing through a brightly lit forest. Heather slowed, leaning against a thick tree trunk. She waved breathlessly at Teri and then sat on an old, gnarled felled tree. Green moss and huge, flat mushrooms spiraled around the massive log.

"Are you okay?" Teri asked. She had flowers braided through her curly black hair. Her eyes glistened with amusement and her dimpled cheeks wore storybook rosy red.

"Yes," Heather answered. Unlike her friend, her cheeks were chalk white. "Just tired from running. Worn out. That's all."

Teri grinned and knelt before her friend. She cupped her hands and Heather was unsurprised to see clear water shimmering in the sunlight.

"I brought water for you," Teri said. Her voice was as steady as her hands.

"Thank you. I am thirsty," Heather told her. She bent to her friend's hands and sipped the water being offered. It was cold and sweet and terrible. A faint grimace flickered across Teri's face but Heather didn't notice. She hadn't realized exactly how thirst she'd been. She reached for her friend's wrists, tilting her hands to drink more easily. Her claws (claws? A part of her mind wondered) dug into her friend's soft wrists while her heavy black wings shaded the kneeling woman. Teri gasped, pleasure and pain mixing on her face.

Heather woke to the deep, rich scent of blood. Teri lay cradled gently in her arms, writhing and moaning as Heather drank deeply from her. Pain and anguish cut through Heather's heart as she realized what had happened. She could feel her friend's heartbeat slowing.

Teri was dying in her arms. Heather tried to pull herself away but her body refused. She railed and cursed herself while savoring every single moment.

Please, Heather prayed. Please, I don't want this. Not Teri. Please. No one answered her. There was no small voice arguing against her. No tiny devil sitting on her shoulder, forcing her to kill her friend. It was just her. She was the one doing it. Please.

Heather struggled against herself. Again and again she threw reasons at herself. Reasons to stop. And, still, still she drank.

A final memory came to mind. Five years ago it'd been reversed. Teri had held Heather in her arms as gently as she was now held. There'd been a bottle of pills and a crushing depression that wouldn't end. Bullying and a feeling of hopelessness for the future. Teri had cried and begged her to stay awake until the ambulance arrived. Heather couldn't remember how her friend had known. Had she called her after she'd taken the pills? Or come over randomly to hang out? She'd wanted to sleep so badly but Teri wouldn't stop. And then lights and noise and she woke up in the hospital. Her mom and dad were there and so was Teri. Her friend's face was puffy and red from crying and so unlike her.

Tears streamed down Heather's face, mixing with the sweet, coppery taste of Teri's blood. Heather threw her head back and howled. Everyone within a mile of the inn collapsed senselessly at the powerful scream. Electrical lines surged and popped, filling the air with an acrid smell while starting six house fires. A large jetliner, on descent to Cluj International Airport lost power and rapidly descended several hundred feet before the engines roared back to life. Wild animals fled the area while pets desperately tried to hide.

Teri's heart beat faintly in her chest. Blood continued to pool down her neck from two large, round wounds that refused to close. Heather bent over her friend. Her lips touched the wounds and she kissed them lightly. Power moved between them.

"Please," Heather whispered, rocking back and forth with her friend held tightly to her chest. "Please don't go. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Teri."

"I'm," Teri said faintly. "I'm. Cold."

Heather cried out. Her friend's heart was slow but steady and the bite marks had closed. But, more than that, she could feel Teri. As with the bats, there was a place in her head now that she knew belonged to her friend. She could feel the other woman's pain.

"Cold," Teri repeated.

"Shh," Heather whispered. "I know." As gently as possible, Heather pulled the other woman into bed with her, covering them both with her blanket. Teri pressed herself against her friend and immediately fell asleep. Heather kissed Teri's hair. She fought against the inevitable and lost, sliding into her dreams once again. When Teri whimpered in her sleep, Heather subconsciously brought her closer. The sun climbed into the sky while they slept.


Heather's eyes snapped open. She hadn't moved while she slept. Teri was still pressed against her, soft and warm. Heather's right arm wrapped protectively over her friend. In her mind, Teri was a bright point of light, warm and happy and healthy. She didn't need to feel her friend's heartbeat against her hand to know she'd recovered.

Various animals stirred restlessly as she woke. She felt them more strongly now. Rats had come from far away to join nearby packs, pulled in by her influence. At her unspoken command, they kept their distance respectfully. With her eyes closed and her will focused on them, she caught snatches of conversations and oddly distorted images. The large colony of bats had relocated. Southwest of the inn, she knew. Closer to her.

Bran Castle lay nearly directly south. She felt its presence as a dull pressure at the base of her neck. Heather felt tethered to the castle in some way. As darkness began to fall, the link between her and the castle strengthened. And, in turn, it fed her the energy that she felt racing through her veins.

Teri stirred against Heather. The young woman stretched her legs, murmuring something sleepily. Heather felt their connection shifting subtly as her friend woke.

"Oh," Teri whispered. She was still but Heather felt her anxiety as it mixed with fear and curiosity. "It really happened then?"

"Yes," Heather answered quietly. As she focused outside of her mind, she became aware of the activity in the town. Red and blue flashing lights crept through the edges of their curtains. Heather closed her eyes and a thousand tiny black eyes showed her a scene of chaos. Fire trucks, ambulances and police vehicles littered the village. It was difficult to tell through the eyes of the rats but it seemed that police or other government officials were interviewing people. Residents huddled under gray blankets with steaming cups held in their hands. Four buildings lay in smoking ruins.

"Does it- does it hurt?" Teri asked.


"Are you..."

Heather could feel her friend's sudden rush of worry. The small woman trembled in Heather's arms.

"No. No, I'm not dead." Heather replied.

"Oh, thank god," Teri whispered. "Thank god." The young woman relaxed noticeably. "Was it the bats after all?"

"I think so," Heather said. "I don't remember anything but what else could it be?"

Teri shook in Heather's arms. Heather could feel her overwhelming sadness before the woman's tears fell against the arm she had under Teri's neck.

"I'm s- so s- sorry," Teri hiccupped. "It's all. All my fault. All my fault."

"Stop. It is not," Heather told her gently.

"It is so!" Teri wailed. "I made you come on this trip! I made you go out that night! If you hadn't come this wouldn't have happened. Oh god. Oh god, Heather!"

Heather pressed her forehead against the other woman's neck. Something stirred deep inside of her at the closeness of the woman's skin. The gentle curve of Teri's smooth neck was so close. All she'd have to do is open her mouth and take her. She'd want you to do it, a small voice said.

"I didn't have to go," Heather said. "You don't control my life. I make my own decisions and I won't let you have this one. I am my own person. I told you before; I would've come anyway. Somehow. So, stop."

Teri cried in Heather's arms and Heather felt her own tears fall. She hadn't stopped to wonder at her loss. And how much her life had changed suddenly. At what it might mean for her. Eventually, they calmed.

"Are you okay?" Heather asked. "Do you remember what happened earlier?"

"Only a little," Teri answered. "Pieces of it. You- You-"

"I'm sorry. I'm so terribly sorry, Teri. I didn't know it was happening. I dreamed. I dreamed of us and in my dream you offered me water to drink but... But..."

"Will I die?" Teri asked. Her voice was small.

"I don't know. I don't think so. I don't know what any of this does or what it means. I thought you were dying earlier. It was so hard to stop, Teri. You have no idea. I almost didn't stop. But, I did and you were so weak and cold but you're better now. I can feel you. In my head."

Neither woman spoke for a while.

"I think," Teri said, hesitating. "I think I can feel something, too. It's hard to explain. I think if we were apart, I could close my eyes and point to where you were. It's... it's oddly comforting. Your presence. I thought I'd be scared but I'm not. Is it the same for you?"

"Almost but more. I can feel your emotions. I can feel how strong you are, how healthy you are. You're afraid but relaxing a little. And something small is hurting you?"

"My knee," Teri said. "It always hurts a little when I spoon with people. That's... that's crazy. I guess hide-n-seek is out, isn't it?"

Heather laughed quietly. "Yeah. I don't think that'll work. Do you-" Heather stopped. Among all the things quietly living in her head, a new thing was growing. Where Teri was bright and warm, this new sensation was cold and gray. And yet, she felt a small boost of strength from it. And a sense of familiarity. "Oh, no."

"What? What is it?" Teri asked.

"Last night," Heather said, hesitating. "Last night I... changed. I couldn't control myself. I don't know. Maybe because it was the first night? I killed someone, Teri. A man. I drained him completely and dumped his body deep into the woods. I can see it clearly now but at the time, I couldn't stop myself. Oh, god."

"Oh, Heather," Teri said. Her voice was low and sympathetic. "I'm so, so sorry. You... you weren't yourself. I know you'll-"

"No," Heather interrupted. "I think... I think he's coming back. I need to go to him. He's in my head like you are but it's different. He's so cold. So full of anger and hunger. Teri, I think he's dead."

Heather removed herself from her friend and turned to hide her face when Teri looked over. She felt unusually awkward in her nakedness even though Teri had seen her naked many times over the years.

"Don't," Heather said. "Please don't look at me."

The bed creaked as Teri stood. Heather flinched as the other woman's hand touched her cheek lightly.

"It's okay, Heather. It's okay," Teri said. "I know who you are. You could've killed me but you didn't. It's okay. Please." Heather turned slowly. Teri's eyes searched her face as if she were memorizing it. "Your eyes are super creepy like that but I think your fangs are cool. See? I'm not afraid."

Heather didn't correct her friend's lie. She could feel the other woman's fear through their link. But, it was subdued, almost hidden under a layer of compassion and love. Heather's heart hurt as she watched her friend subconsciously touch the two faded marks on the left side of her neck.

"And look!" Teri continued, looking down. "You have hips! Is it... is it too soon for a 'Monster Mash' dancing joke? Yes? No? Or are you supposed to do waltzes and ballroom dancing instead? Is there a manual somewhere do you think?"

"Oh, Teri," Heather sighed. "I don't know how you can do it. How you can live through all of the terrible things in life and still smile."

Teri blushed. She looked down at her toes while red crept up along the sides of her ears. "It's all I have. There's already too much pain in the world, Heather. If all I can do is make people smile then that's what I'll do."

"I," Heather hesitated. She wanted to tell Teri to wait at the inn while she looked for the man but she worried about her. Alone in the chaos she caused.

Go, she told the waiting rats. Find him. She guided her small army through the forest.

"Heather?" Teri asked.

Here. Here. Here. Here. Here, they told her. Heather couldn't remember burying the man but he was not as she left him. A small pile of dirt marked his grave. She briefly considered having them dig but if they weren't fast enough or strong enough to stop him, what would happen?

"We have to go," Heather told her friend. "I have to find the man from last night. I can feel his hunger and he's not even awake yet."


Heather dressed herself quickly, tugging and pulling at her jeans. She was larger but, thankfully, not too big for her old clothes. The claws at the tips of her toes wrecked her socks and her shoes refused to fit. She hadn't realized but, in addition to the claws, her feet were wider and her soles were tough and leathery. Her toes also seemed longer and she was pretty sure there was an extra joint on every single one of them. They curled in in a faintly obscene way when she flexed them.

"Like this," Heather said finally. Her nipples pressed against her thin white top. The shirt did little to hide the swells of her larger breasts.

"Umm. Ummm," Teri said, blushing again. "Maybe a jacket, too?"

Heather blinked. "Right. I, uhh, don't feel the cold much anymore. I'm going to go without. It doesn't really matter."

"Well, now I am jealous. That's super handy. Won't people notice? The fangs... they're kinda... and your ears..."


The two women left their room. The hallway was empty but Heather could hear people talking on the ground floor. Teri followed behind her nervously as they made their way downstairs. As soon as Heather stepped into the open, the conversations stopped. Every single face was turned to her.

"Heather!" Teri hissed. "They're staring at you!"

"I know," Heather answered. "Look at their faces."

Everyone from small children to grandparents were devoid of expression. Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. They breathed almost as one, steady and even.

"Are you- are you doing that to them?" Teri asked. Heather felt a sense of awe coming through their connection.

"Not on purpose. Let's go. We have to hurry."

The faces turned to follow them as they passed and, exiting the inn, they found the same thing outside. Everyone within eyesight tracked their movements silently.

"Holy crap. Holy crap. That's... that's... hey, how come I'm not doing the same thing?" Teri asked, ever curious.

"I think maybe because of what happened to you. What I did to you. You were caught by it yesterday. The effect of it." Heather led her friend through the town towards the forest. She began to walk more quickly as the dead man stirred in his deep grave.

"Whoa, seriously? I don't remember... oh. Ohhhhh, okay. That's nifty. But creepy. But ultimately nifty." They walked in silence for a while, deeper and deeper into the nearby forest. "Wait. Wait. Heather, oh my god, am I going to grow fangs?"

Heather turned to look at her friend. "No?" she answered, unsure of herself. "I don't know. I don’t think so. Do you feel any different? Any urges or things pulling at you?" In her mind, she spoke to the rats. Go, hide yourself.

"No," Teri said with a frown. "Just you. Kind of. I'm not going to lie; I'm a little disappointed. What do you think it'd take to-"

"Shh!" Heather whispered, her hand low to the ground. "We're here."

"Where? I don't- Oh, shit."

A small pile of dirt lay in a clearing ringed by trees. As they watched, the dirt shifted and moved. More dirt pushed up and out of the ground. A single gray hand reached through the mound. Teri hid herself behind Heather as a second hand pushed through. Thousands of small eyes joined with the two women to watch the dead man pull himself from the ground.

Dirt clung to the man's lanky, matted hair. Bones protruded from his face and through the holes in his clothes. His eyes were milky white and but they swiveled as he looked around. Sharp fangs jutted from under his top lips.

Heather could feel the man's rage. And his hunger. It consumed him, leaving nothing behind.

The fur along Heather's back began to thicken and spread as her body responded to the creature in front of her. Her creature. Small bones popped in her jaw and at the base of her spine.

The dead man screamed as he freed himself completely. He turned to face Heather. He'd known she was there. He could feel her nearly as well as she felt him. The man crouched and ran. Dirt and leaves shot up behind him at his incredible sprint. Long ropes of drool slid from his fangs to his lips as he charged, arms held wide.

Heather lowered herself while her body changed. Her face cracked, pushing out into a flat-nosed snout as red fur raced up and over to cover her head. Claws pushed through her fingertips as her tail pushed at her pants and shirt. A line of skin grew from her arms and down her sides, black and thick. The young woman's shirt tore as she changed, falling to the ground to expose her wings and thick fur.

Teri stepped between the two, mere seconds before the man reached Heather. Teri's arms shot out lightning quick and she shoved. As quick as the young woman was, the man was faster; he gripped her wrists and pulled. The two crashed to the side, slamming against a huge old tree. The man howled, clawing and snapping at Teri but the young woman held her own until the man's hands raked down her chest. She screamed but latched onto the man's wrist. Her arms trembled as she fought to contain the immense strength of the vampire above her. Slowly, the insane creature's hands reached closer and closer to Teri's chest.

"STOP!" Heather screamed.

Although her face was reshaped into a bat-like snout, the words were clear and loud and mixed with undeniable command. Her long, curved ears picked up the tiny angry shrieks of bats as they flew into a rage, racing toward her to offer their support. Thousands and thousands of rats surged from between the trees, only stopping for further commands from their mistress.

The male immediately dropped to his knees with his head bowed and his body bent, cowering before her. Teri rolled to the side with one knee bent. Her shirt was in ruins and her bra hung between her bloody breasts. Four livid lines of red split her skin and she winced, holding her hand against the raw, open wounds.

Insane hunger burned through the link between Heather and the vampire. Her command was the only thing holding him in place. The male threw every ounce of his willpower against her and she could feel each useless effort. The smell of blood permeated the air but Heather's pure, black eyes focused on the male. She screamed again and the sky became pitch black, the moon and stars hidden behind a cloud of swirling bats.

Heather took a step and found herself instantly standing directly in front of the vampire. He trembled in front of her, words pouring from his mouth as he perhaps begged for his life. Anger and rage and hate burned through Heather. Her deadly claws ripped the man's head from his shoulders in one quick, savage motion. She lost herself in her bloodlust as she tore the man apart. Only when she burst his gray, shriveled heart did the dull light at the back of her mind blink out of existence. Heather screeched triumphantly and her eyes locked on Teri.

Teri held a bloody hand to her mouth. Horror and relief flooded into Heather from the other woman.

"This!" Heather screamed. "This is who I am! Now tell me the world makes sense. Now tell me it'll all be okay!"

"It'll... It'll be..."

"LIAR!" Heather screamed. Her red furred muzzle was wide, black lips pulled back to expose her fangs. "I can smell your blood! Even now... even now all I want is to take it all from you. It's taking everything I have not to drain you like I drained HIM! You have no idea. NO idea!"

Tears fell from Teri's eyes but, despite it, Heather felt her resolve. Teri stood and pulled at her shirt, easily tearing the rest of it away from her. She stood exposed and bloody in front of her friend. Her new strength and speed weren't her only gifts as the marks on her chest had begun to slowly heal. The young woman's huge breasts hung low on her wide, curvy frame.

"I trust you," Teri began. "I-"

"You shouldn't!" Heather screamed.

"I do. I trust you," Teri said. "I... take it. I trust you not to kill me. If you didn't before, you won't now. I trust you."

Heather raised her clawed, furred arms wide, thick black wings spread. She screamed her frustration and anger and fears. The bats overhead fled from her and the rats followed, terrified at their mistress's rage.

Teri took a step towards her friend.

"Don’t!" Heather warned.

Teri took another step.

"Stop!" Heather commanded.

Teri grunted, grimacing through the sudden urge to stop moving. She slowly forced herself another step forward.

"Please," Heather begged. "Please don't."

Teri stood in front of her friend. Heather fell to her knees. The smell of Teri's blood was overwhelming. She could feel the woman's heartbeat without touching her. The part of her that was still human wept as her claws dug into Teri's hips. She leaned forward and her black lips brushed against the other woman's wounds. Heather closed her eyes and her long, thin tongue reached out to lap at her friend's blood.

"Oh," Teri groaned. "Oh. That's. Oh."

Heather's claws dug further into Teri's skin, holding her tightly as she cleaned the blood from Teri's stomach. Teri reached out, gripping the thick tuft of fur along Heather's neck.

"That's. Should it. Feel like that?" Teri moaned. Her hips worked in a small, slow circle as Heather cleaned her.

The bright point of light in Heather's head flared. Pleasure. Overwhelming pleasure. And trust. And love. Heather almost lost herself as her tongue licked slowly along the healing cuts in Teri's chest. Teri hissed above her friend, strong hands pulling almost painfully against Heather's fur.

"Yes," Teri sighed. "Oh. Yes." Her small, pink nipples stirred and hardened. Biting her lip, she fought the rising lust burning within her. Heather is my friend, she told herself. "F- fuck."

Heather stopped. Her friend's blood sang through her body and she wanted more. It wasn't enough. It could never be enough. But, the bond forged earlier saved them both.

"It's enough," Heather gasped. "Enough."

"Oh. Are- are you sure?" Teri stuttered. "It was... I... It's..."

Heather pushed herself away. Her long tongue made a quick circuit around her muzzle. Teri's wounds were already half closed and no scar was left behind. Unlike earlier, when Heather fed from her, the young woman's bleeding stopped as soon as Heather finished cleaning her.

"I-" Teri tried to say. The young woman sat heavily and then lay down. "Holy shit. Holy shit, Heather. I... I almost..."

Heather leaned back with her eyes closed. She had to adjust herself to make her tail more comfortable but, eventually, she found a good position. Her thirst was nowhere near sated but, unlike the night before, she found she could ignore it. She felt at peace, almost. The forest was utterly silent. No large animals remained anywhere near her and her own creatures had left, giving her the space she needed.

Teri touched her chest lightly. "Whoa," she panted. "I'm a superhero. Look. Look at me. Healing factor. And. And I was strong! And fast. And. Holy shit. Hooooly Shiiiiit. I was like, bam! I'll be good in a minute. Just need to lay here. Oh. Hey. I guess I can see pretty good in the dark now, too. That leaf looks like Abraham Lincoln smoking a crack pipe."

While her friend rested, Heather ripped her jeans from her body. Her heavy, larger breasts lay against her chest but were now little more than curves under her heavily furred body. Even her sex was covered. The fur above her mound was darker, brown and black mixing with the tuft of red. She felt ashamed at the way she felt instead. At the way her nerves stood on end deep within her body. At how excited and turned on she felt. Teri was her friend but the experience had been highly erotic. Still, she wondered. Why wear clothes at all when I'm like this?

Eventually, Teri pushed herself up. She looked at her friend. Heather braced herself for the loathing she was sure she'd feel through their bond but, instead, found her friend's familiar curiosity.

"Does that hurt?" Teri asked.

"No," Heather answered. "I think it takes a lot to hurt me. It just feels different."

"Yeah. It looks different. But still, a bit. A lady bat. Oh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Can you fly?"

Heather nodded. "I did last night. It's-"

"Can you take me flying?!" Teri blurted out.

Heather's wide, black lips curled into a mockery of a smile. "Maybe. I can't hold you and the wings are attached to my sides so I don't know how you'd hold onto me. But, I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"Oh my god, please? Please can we try?" Teri begged.

"No," Heather said. She stood, brushing sticks and dirt from her fur as best as she could. "I need to see something. Will you come with me?"

Teri stood. Her chest was whole and unmarked. Heather looked away, both out of respect for her friend's naked body and because the memory of what she'd done came back to her in vivid detail. Her mouth watered at the thought of it. Between her thighs, muscles relaxed and tightened, rubbing wetly against each other. Heather grit her teeth, fangs grinding against her lesser teeth.

"Will I need a shirt wherever we're going?" Teri asked. "I shouldn't have ripped it. Lost in the moment, I guess?" She glanced down at herself and blushed. "It's, umm, a bit cold out. That's all."

"No, you won't need one," Heather said. "Nobody would notice. Not while I'm there."

"Oh?" Teri said sweetly. "Your figure fills out finally and suddenly you're the bees knees and think you're prettier than me? Psh. You're just a jumped up hussy. My boobies are-"

Heather stepped to her friend, wrapping her in her leathery wings.

"H- hey," Teri complained weakly. "Oh. You're warm." The young woman slid her arms around her friend's waist. Heather looked down briefly as Teri pressed her face happily between Heather's furry breasts.

Turning slightly, Heather faced the unseen castle. She closed her eyes, remembering what the castle looked like. She pulled details from her mind until they were as clear as the forest around her. Heather stepped through the darkness, emerging on the ground floor of the castle. She spread her arms, uncovering her friend. Teri was smiling happily as she rubbed her cheek lightly against her friend's soft chest.

"Um," Heather said.

"What?" Teri said, blinking. "Oh. Oh! Whoa! How... how did you do that?"

"I did it automatically earlier. I thought I would try it again. I guess it wasn't a fluke. I," Heather blushed. "I walked through the shadows I think."

"Oh. Em. Gee! Heather. Heather, that's amazing. That's- What's that thing? There's something here."

"I know," Heather replied. "That's why I came. You can feel it, too?"

"A little. It feels heavy. Oh! Like, standing in a big bathtub and feeling the draining water suck at you. Against your body. Kind of like that. Pull-y, suction-y kind of thing."

Heather tried cocking her eyebrow in her new form. Failing, she instead crossed her arms against her chest and her wings draped around her, covering her from the waist down.

"Is... is that your skeptical look?" Teri asked. "Should I get used to it? It's kind of hard to tell. Are you doing something with your eyes?"

"I'm... no, not skeptical. It's my, uhh, 'where the hell do you come up with these things' look."

"Ohhh, that look," Teri said. "I see it now. It's different than your normal 'What the hell, Teri' look."

"It just feels like gravity to me. Like the center of gravity is off."

"Well, you would say that. Gravity. I don't think you've ever had a romantic bone in your body. And that's why you're always single. Men don't want gravity, Heather. They want pull-y, suck-y things."


Teri laughed loudly suddenly. "Oh my god. They actually do want pull-y suck-y things. You know, with the-" Teri pressed her tongue against the inside of her cheek over and over while jerking her hand back and forth in front of her mouth.

"Yeah. Yeah, I got it, Teri."

"Blowjobs. I'm talking about blowjobs, Heather. Poetic blowjobs. Not science blowjobs."

Heather sighed. "I'm a vampire ... thing... maybe... or something. I don't even know. And you're... not exactly human? I don't know what you are, either. And we're sitting in the middle of Dracula's-"

"Not actually Dracula's castle," Teri interrupted. "He was barely here."

"Dracula's castle," Heather continued. Her short, wide red tail twitched in irritation. "There's something potentially terrible in the castle's basement and you're making jokes about blowjobs."

"And turning myself on a little, too." Teri grinned. "Mark had the best tasting-"

"All right!" Heather said. Despite everything, she found herself blushing. "Come here. I don't think there's an easy way down."

Teri squealed and immediately pressed herself against her friend. "Gosh, you're just so soft."

"Just... Can you not... Augh. Leave my breasts out of it, all right?" Heather wrapper her arms around her friend. She had no images of where she wanted to go but whatever was pulling at her provided enough for her power to work. The young woman blinked and immediately found herself in a massive underground cavern.

Centered in the middle of the area was a gigantic black form. Heather released Teri and dropped to all fours, her arms and wings spread wide. Her small, stubby tail raised and she bared her fangs, hissing as her pitch black eyes shined. Teri kicked herself back, screaming as she caught sight of the figure standing before them.

He, for he certainly was male, had to be over thirty feet tall. Pure white chains, each link as big as a car held his arms, legs and neck in place. The ragged, hacked remains of what could only have been gigantic bat wings slowly worked back and forth. He growled, baring four fangs as his biceps strained against the chains holding him in place.

So, the figure said. His voice thundered through their minds.

"Oh god, Heather!" Teri said, shielding her eyes. "What is that thing? I can't... I can't even look at it!"

Heather's claws anchored her to the stone floor. Slowly, she relaxed and glanced at her friend. Her own behavior and posture had been automatic. Ever since she'd changed, she'd thought she was invincible. That nothing could stand against her. Now, faced with this creature, she knew how wrong she was.

I thought your kind long dead, he said, his eyes locked on Heather's prone form. My progeny.

"What do you-" Heather began.

Born of my blood. Have you come to free me or mock me, as your ancestor did?

Heather's ears ached from the creature's onslaught. Beside her, Teri leaned over and vomited loudly. The other woman pressed her face against her knees with the heel of her hands on her ears.

"Who?" Heather called out.

My Son, Aelius, and his creature, Vlad. Have you come as they did, Daughter?

"I'm not your daughter!" Heather screamed. Rumbling filled the cave and Heather realized the giant was laughing.

You've tasted my blood. You've received my gifts. You are mine. As eternal now as I am, bound here from before your human kind walked the earth. Are you come now to release me?

"Why?" Heather asked. "Why are you trapped here?"

Silence filled the cavern. Somewhere, water dripped slowly. The figure watched her quietly.

It is beyond even your ability to comprehend now. Release me.

"How?" Heather asked. The young woman crawled over to her friend, covering her with her wings protectively. "What will happen if I do?"

End my existence.

"Will I be human again?"

You will never be as you were. There is nothing in the whole of reality that can remove my gifts save Death's artful hand and my own release. And even Death will find you no easy prey now.

"Will," Heather paused. "Will it heal my friend?"

Again, no. Your own death will not free her of you. She is yours and no other will feed of her as you do. She would survive your death and wander, lost forever.

Heather lay against her friend. Pain and suffering radiated through the bond. The creature's very existence was slowly killing Teri.

Leave me, Daughter. I can see into my own child's heart. If you will not free me then I shall not suffer your presence. Go! And be wary of the world you've crossed into.

With a sharp, loud cry, Heather willed herself away.


Heather opened her eyes. The sky was pure dark blue, aglow with an eternity of stars. She lay with Teri on cool, damp grass at the side of a hill. She knew immediately that if she looked behind herself, she'd find a familiar rock jutting from the top of the hill. Her ears twitched as the bats deep in the cave sang their joyous greetings. The young woman exhaled, unsure of how long she'd been holding her breath. Every time she blinked, she could see the onyx giant.

"Teri," Heather whispered. "It's okay. He's gone." She felt slightly weaker and she knew it was due to the distance away from the monster under the castle. He gave her power but she was tied to him. Heather sighed. As Teri was tied to her.

"Scared," Teri whimpered. "Hurts."

"I know, honey," Heather said quietly, she rubbed her friend's back gently in a circle. "I'm here."

"I can't. I can't. I can't." Teri repeated.

Heather covered her friend and pulled her closer. Teri instinctively nuzzled against Heather's chest. Her pain slowly began to fade.

"I think," Heather said. "I think they have it wrong. Vampires. You know? Cursed to live in darkness while lamenting the loss of sunlight. Why? The stars are beautiful and the sun hides them away." Rather than tiny, solid white pinpricks of light, the stars were large and opalescent. She wasn't sure if she'd ever seen someone as visual stunning as the immense field of jewels glittering above her. The moon, nearly full was enormous and bright silver. A halo of pure white surrounded it and she smiled up at the light it gave to her.

Teri shifted against her friend. She held her hands up under her chin like a small child would.

"I'm... I can't go home, Teri," Heather sighed. "I'm pretty sure it would kill me. I think... I think the further I am from... him... the weaker I'd get until I just... stopped. I can feel it. I think I'd be okay with that."

Sadness and anger raced through their bond.

"No, listen. I think I'd be okay with it if it was just me. Maybe. You saved me once, years ago. I thought, you know, after being bullied and told how much of a freak I was because I didn't wear dresses and all that crap. You stayed with me. You taught me to live because people cared about me. That I mattered to other people. You stayed with me then and afterwards, until I was safe on my own. I-"

"Still here," Teri whispered. "I'm still here."

"I know, Teri," Heather said. She hugged her friend fiercely. "I think I'm going to need your help again. I'm scared, Teri. Scared of what this will do to me."

"Need you, too," Teri said.

"I need your laughter, Teri," Heather said. "I need you to remind me to be human." Hot tears mixed with the fur along her muzzle. Human, she thought bitterly. Not so much anymore.

"I will," Teri answered.

"Stay awake with me, Teri," Heather whispered again. "Watch the stars with me. I'll keep you safe and watch out for you."

"Just. Just like you always have," Teri said, her voice small.

"Just like I always have," Heather replied, her throat painful with emotion.

Teri shifted against her, turning to face the stars. Heather wrapped her wing around the woman when she shivered. Teri closed her eyes with a sigh and then opened them again.

"Do you-" Teri paused.

"What?" Heather asked, gently.

"Do you think Uranus is out there somewhere?"

"I- what?"

"I was just wondering if your anus was out there. You know. Because it's so big now. Your ass. Star-like."

"That's- that was terrible, Teri. Way below your normal standards."

Teri sighed again. "So are you, Heather. But, I'm still here with you anyway. And I'm not going anywhere. You'd be lost without me."

"Maybe we'll even get a house somewhere," Heather said while they both stared up into the night.

"With shutters?"

"Maybe. Maybe shutters. Definitely lamps, though."

"Are you hitting on me, Heather?"

The two friends bickered happily back and forth under the stars, their future as limitless as the night sky.

Leliel 11-02-2014 07:53 AM

Re: Hunter's Moon
First: Good story!

Second: Now I'm interested in...Dracula's grandsire, I guess? He's one of those things that are just so strange, so darkly majestic, you really have to know more about this guy. Who and what is he, how did he end up bound there, was he lying about wanting to die or not?

Not a lot of stories can do that, show that primal sense of wonder and horror. So good job.

CryoVchriS 11-02-2014 09:51 AM

Re: Hunter's Moon
dude im serious awesome ;) i'm hooked! yoy have to write moar!!! :D

LycanDope 11-02-2014 11:02 AM

Re: Hunter's Moon
Thank you both! The .... creature was a slightly late addition to the story. Well, more that when I started kinda sorta tossing the story idea around 6 months ago (it just popped up and I let it sit there for later) and then last week I finally sat down and wrote a quick outline and he appeared. Who knows. Perhaps I'll add to this later and he'll make another appearance :) Or a prequel. Or something.

@CryoVchriS - thank you! :) I have quite a lot of stories posted if you're only just now discovering my things. My main personal site is but I also post here, FurAffinity, DeviantArt (as olddog77), SoFurry and others. Try Testing Grounds or The Coin next perhaps. But, there is a little variety.

darkkol 11-06-2014 11:34 AM

Re: Hunter's Moon
Sorry took me a few days to read this, had the tab open but got busy with life. Once started couldn't stop. Glad I waited till the entire thing was posted.

Very good tale like always. Had a good flow the story and the ending was good even if you added it at the last minute.

I look forward to your next story as always.

Keep up the good work.

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