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Unread 06-04-2008   #18
The Thread Ender
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Re: Teen Titan Starfire WG

I'm inclined to agree with Long John. In my experience, pandering and trying to be nice to someone who needs serious critique is not nearly as helpful as the firm slap in the back of the head that honesty provides. By simply posting the pictures up in the first place, you are agree to the unspoken rules of the internet, which usually entails expecting some bad responses to your work, but because you posted it up in the first place, you wanted someone to see it, and you likely wanted someone out there to help you in some way.

Anyone who posts up their work (especially fetish work) and expects a tidal wave of support and praise is delusional.

So, in an effort to be somewhat professional...
-The overall quality is poor, with the blurryness between panels being so bad that I actually sat for an extra few moments waiting for the picture to load only to find that it was naturally that blurry.
-The line art is wiggly and inconsistent. The line tool could have saved this comic in a few of the smaller areas, like the machine/vat/whatever. Starfire herself, has more that a few panels where lines just don't connect to each other. Additionally, you don't seem to have a fully grasp on basic anatomy.
-The coloring is quite bad, with everything changing in color from panel to panel, which could have easily been fixed with a sampling tool (The 'eye dropper tool'). Every panel is filled with artifacts (the little bits of white crap around the edges where the color didn't fill in) and the areas where you tried to add some white for a shiny effect show that you have issues coloring within the lines.

Calvin228, I understand this is some of your very old work, but if that's the case, why not post something newer? What you've shown us here is just... bad.

In closing, I'd like to ask that no one else make a big argument/debate out of this. I'm really f***ing tired of threads having to end with a mod coming in and threatening to ban everyone just because some people can't debate with maturity.
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