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Unread 07-06-2006   #44
Process Disciple
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Join Date: May 2005
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Oh Jesus Christ, not this again.

The difference between something like Mood Boobs and something like Mahoromatic is that lots of other people will get Mahoromatic for the anime and all the episodes and parts of episodes that have nothing to do with BE. a BE fan paying $60 for a box-set Mahoromatic in order to see a 5-minute scene makes very little sense. Mood Boobs, on the other hand, is a BE movie catering directly and solely to the BE crowd. THERE IS NO REASON TO PURCHASE MOOD BOOBS SAVE FOR ITS BE CONTENT. And if that content is made available for free, then there is no incentive to buy it AT ALL. And if that happens, there is no reason for them to make any more. I actually paid for mine, and it is fantastic, but if they lose money on the production because more people just steal the free version than pay for it, there won't be any more BE content made just for the sake of BE.

Please, please edit out any links to the Youtube sites. I'm sending Warlock a PM with the uploader's handle, and he'll probably send a formal complaint in. Meantime, don't help it get any farther than it has, please.
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