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Unread 07-27-2010   #23
Ichigo3924's Avatar
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Posts: 128
Re: Look what I found

Originally Posted by frice2000 View Post
JPGs. They aren't really process just continuations with lots of text. Wonder what's being said. I assume its psychological process but don't know.
I know it's not actual physical TG, but part of the process for me is the reaction, and/or mental adaption, forced or not, which I'd like to call "mental transformation TG" "MenTG" for short, if only more authors and artists would delve into it *sigh*, anyways our next step should be to get anyone on the process he descends of the heritage of the creators of hentai, tentacle rape, mind rape, subway fondling/rape, etc. rape, and lords of horniness and fetishes to translate this (all joking aside) Anybody know someone on the process that could either photoshop, translate the text, and edit it in, or at the very least post what he/she (at the latter parts) are saying?
You're Church. The leader, The Boss, The Ass hole.

You have quite a mouth on you and hate everyone on your team...those fucktards. Do you always have to be in charge? I mean come on, you're not always right! Oops...sorry, that was pretty mean..I forgot how much that might come to a shock to you. But at least you usually have good plans. Try being a little nicer to people though.
(Full Name: Private Leonard (L.L.) Church.) (Armor Color: Cobalt.)
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