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Unread 10-24-2010   #562
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Re: TaylorMadeClips BE Updates

Originally Posted by hentayextra View Post
All these pictures of whats in the new video, is there gona be a trailer for them in or are these pictures the actual trailer or sneak preview?

Also I saw that Vanity and Revenge video, I thought it was pretty good but the bit where she screamed in pain put me off a bit. That was my only problem with it. (With the other BE stories you dont see girls in pain when they're boobs grow) but thats just my thought
"(With the other BE stories you dont see girls in pain when they're boobs grow)"

IN 99% of my videos you don't see girls in pain. There are a LOT of people in the world and they all have different preferences. These people write to me and I do my VERY BEST to put out a VARIETY of stuff to make as many people happy as possible. I am so sorry that did not make you happy.
I make it VERY clear what is in my videos through trailers, photos and descriptions. If there is something I feel may be an issue or I feel the acting sucks in a video I will talk about it in the description. The LAST thing I do is try to deceive customers. I have actually written that I though a clip sucked which is sure to hurt my sales but I am honest because I don't want someone to buy something they do not want.
I also have a VERY OPEN DOOR POLICY AND A FORUM if you have a question you go there or e mail me and I will answer whatever you want. For the particular video you were not too happy about there was a trailer released before the video was even released. Actually quite a long trailer if I recall.

"All these pictures of whats in the new video, is there gona be a trailer for them in or are these pictures the actual trailer or sneak preview?"

YOU ARE KIDDING RIGHT I am just going to pretend you are kidding or not paying close attention. I PAY MY EDITOR SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MONEY to try to do full blown trailers for ALMOST EVERY VIDEO RELEASED that is over 5 minutes- sometimes even when they are under but they are normally almost or over 2 minutes which would be half the video. Not just tiny samples BUT FULL TRAILERS. ( THIS IS NOT CHEAP AT ALL) I would love to see your list of the other producer that do that.
Process is kind enough to allow me to come on here and post pictures so if anyone finds something interesting to them they can check into it.

I also had NUMEROUS ACCOUNTS full of trailers on you tube over and over
over the past years but for some reason, someone just keeps flagging them and doing whatever they can to shut it down. Someone really does not want taylormadeclips to have a you tube account for some reason. We just had one taken down a few weeks ago we were trying really hard to build up full of trailers. There was no nudity, nothing illegal just some "concerned person" making repeated complaints about it.

If you have a question about a video you can e mail me at Anyone can. It is the fastest way to reach me. I check it all throughout the day.
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