Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 191
Re: TaylorMadeClips BE Updates
Originally Posted by Jamball
do you guys plan on doing any more growth stuff? It's been a while since I've seen one.
Originally Posted by AndyMuerte
I agree with Jamball
Originally Posted by Nowandforever78
I've been sending e-mails asking them and they keep sending me e-mails of other videos. So guys I have to agree with about the videos. 
Originally Posted by AndyMuerte
Something like the Rubbing one up video with Moxxie. Maybe focusing a little more on the growth and how the pleasure causes it.
Originally Posted by unclecanabis
Yes, this would be cool. I been lookin for vids that are growth related on these sites tat don't involve some guy gettin squashed to a bloody pulp stuffed in some random orifice for storage, or they eat them. I understand we all have our own thing, but could you cater to those of us that like to see em enjoy there growth and want more without crushin somebody? Chick grows when she orgasms and becomes addicted to the process, then she grabs a guy and gives em the ride of his life? I got 20 on it!  ) there is a poser one by Jcalin i think called in the mood, other than the very end it was rockin, then the poor basterd ended up on the bottom and.... well u know lol.
I replied HERE in our growth thread.