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Unread 03-19-2012   #7
Process Master
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Re: Office Restructuring

Thanks for all the kind words, I've been toying with the idea of starting a poll on my account and letting people decide what happens next, but I may have to hold that off until school's over.

Originally Posted by smooch View Post
Beautiful linework and transformation. I like how his breasts expand into his hands.

Out of curiosity, how did you do the speech balloons and what's the font in your comic? For the life of me, I can't find a reliable means of creating them in Photoshop.
I did the whole comic in Manga Studio, but the process I used for the balloons was almost the same as what I do in photoshop.
I do the text first and position everything on a page, then on a layer underneath I go in with the ellipse tool and make the bubbles, stroking the path with the brush tool. Then I either draw in or use the pen tool to make the "tails", erasing the bits where the tail and balloon overlap. If there is any lineart underneath then I'll fill the balloon with white.
Alternately you can create a layer under the text and use the ellipse selection tool, fill the selection with white, draw in the tails and then go to layer effects and add a stroke.
And the font I use is called "Digital Strip", I've been using it for almost a year now.
blegh, hope that helps.
Check out the comics I've got for sale over on!
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