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Unread 05-04-2013   #48
Dark Horseman
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Re: Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme - Indiegogo Campaign

The majority of funds come from the $2500 contributors who want to be a character in the game. Granted, they could have commissioned an artist to make similar art for much, much less, but it's not interactive and I guess that's how they want to be "seen" by other people playing the game. You might find that ridiculous, but honestly, if you were making 6 figures, you can do whatever the hell you want with it.

Their project goal was only $5000, which is believable, but the momentum got going so well from these individual backers that other people are bandwagoning (would you pay $10-20 for a project only 5% funded?). It was a pretty brilliant perk funding strategy imo.

The art isn't this, but it has polish, and it's one of the few tg games that uses original content rather than caption an image of a famous model and say it's tg; hence the added value.

Last edited by Dark Horseman; 05-04-2013 at 11:37 PM.
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