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Unread 07-01-2013   #5
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Re: (collage) The Shocking Secret of the Wendy Davis Filibuster

*Thanks to everyone who posted advice - I like screwing around with Audacity so if you like this I could always do more. Note - file is WMA*

New evidence has surfaced regarding the bizarre claims that Senator Wendy Davis was shrunken in size during her filibuster. Although video is not available at this time, the same source that broke the story (reportedly from the Senator's office) has provided an audio file of the exact moment Davis was allegedly struck by the shrink ray.

At around the midpoint where Davis was in the middle of her topic on women's perspective, there is a clear sound of some sort of device going off. Davis continues to speak, but her voice quickly rises in pitch and becomes harder to hear. According to the source, a fellow senator quickly grabbed a microphone and held it level to the now 1-inch tall Davis, who finished her thought, clearly unshaken by her new stature despite the nearby brown paper bag she carried her shoes in looming over her.

The source also claims that the reports on the filibuster "3-strike" rules were also partially faked: while Davis was indeed penalized for taking a moment to secure a back-brace, the other 2 "strikes" were all allegedly as follows:

-The aforementioned help from the other senator regarding the microphone.

-Senator Davis's comment minutes after she was miniaturized, which was seen as "off-topic." Davis's statement is reproduced below without editing (emphasis of scale added):

"I want to point out briefly for those following at home that, through strange and under-handed methods designed to silence me, I have somehow been reduced to miniscule size. However, I will not let such tactics sway me, and will continue to stand strong, even if I cannot stand tall."

The source claims that Davis, upon returning to normal size, has tried to report on her experience but has been blocked repeatedly. The source concluded its latest report with the cryptic message that Davis has recently experienced side-effects from the ray...

Last edited by vid; 07-01-2013 at 09:27 AM.
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