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Thread: Missa - TF
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Unread 07-03-2013   #5
Process Master
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Posts: 612
Re: Missa - SheWolf II

Well, should I do a review on this after so many have leapt on it without so much as a peep from me? =D You may have guessed who it was that commissioned this one but in case you didn't, BOO!

In any case Missa does a wonderful job with the script I sent her and it took her nearly double the time she has on other videos because I tried to squeeze so much into it. To be honest I really can't say anything bad about this clip, it came out so well and she put so many little special effects into it, I just have nothing bad to put down outside of perhaps nitpicky shit that doesn't matter (a few special effects disappear here and there for example). But honestly for as much as she put into the clip and still only charges $15, there's just no reason not to pick up a copy of it, even the Futa version.

For me personally, since this was based off my idea, I will mention that the actual Wolf part of this wasn't even in my original script. It's actually an accidental misinterpretation of a few things that I wrote when I came up with the idea! So almost the entire second half of the clip is Missa taking a mistake and turning into something, that while not following what I was after, that turned out well enough that all or most of you totally love it. Happy accident? Sometimes they do happen!

Anyway, you should expect some more stuff coming down the pipeline from me at some point and I do suggest if you have any ideas of your own that you give Missa an email and work out some prices and script ideas with her. I think that between TMC, X-Spander, Maxgrowth and Missa, we'll have enough fetish material to swim in soon enough.
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