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Unread 07-28-2013   #34
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Re: Shrinking video from Missa!

Originally Posted by Obsidian Reaver View Post
No. Honestly, no. "I like it" is okay, but "I didn't like it" isn't? Come on now, that's a bit disingenous I think.
You may have noticed I went on to explain exactly WHY I felt that one was ok but the other wasn't. Or perhaps you chose to ignore my supporting argument and attack only my initial statement?

Originally Posted by Obsidian Reaver View Post
Long story short, I think a few of you owe that member an apology. Jumping all over members who dare voice a difference of opinion in a respectful manner is NOT a good way of keeping this forum healthy and a place where folks can discuss their fetishes with like-minded individuals.
If my response had simply been "You didn't like it? What the fuck is wrong with you, you idiot?" then maybe so, but I didn't respond how I did strictly because he didn't like it. As I said before, he's entitled to his opinion and a negative opinion is just as valid as a positive one. What irritated me is that he gave it a very bad review with no useful feedback for what was wrong or how it can be improved. As Rei-Lin said, bad reviews can hurt sales numbers (Missa and other producers have said this themselves), so it's important to them to know how to avoid bad reviews in the future. "This wasn't to my personal tastes, 4/10" doesn't help in any way. Granted, he did technically say the process was too short, but that's about it; given that it's nearly 25% of the video I have to wonder where he's coming from on that, but he did say it. I don't think most people would have considered that complaint enough to give it such a bad review, though. On technical merit alone this video is easily above average.

Originally Posted by Obsidian Reaver View Post
You know you erred, now the right thing to do is to admit it and correct your mistake.
...yeah that's not how I see it at all. I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree, here. You seem like a good guy overall, OR, I don't really wanna keep going around on this with you.
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