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Unread 08-18-2014   #86
Valeyard Vince
Process Disciple
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Re: Expansion Fan Comics - official updates

Originally Posted by Xtrem View Post
As far as you want to release free comics or give free images, I'll just say this : for comics, go for the older ones, like the first 4 or 5 ones you released. Plus, I do consider most of those as the top of the website, so I think people would enjoy them more.
Originally Posted by Xtrem View Post
...I hate Inflated Ego, so seeing 2 add-ons is a huge turn-down.
The ironic thing is that many of those early titles you prefer appear to be among our least popular, whereas Inflated Ego and The Cleavage Crusader are among our top crowd pleasers (Inflated Ego in particular is our #1 most popular comic right now).

Originally Posted by Xtrem View Post
For free images, no comment. I would have rather had a second comic free than see that.
Are you talking about the "10 free pin-ups" contest we've been holding on DeviantART, or just that we post any of the member requests on DA to begin with?

Originally Posted by Xtrem View Post
You found I was rude with the artists ? I found you were rather rude yourself to me. I don't mind. I'm known for being tactless, straight to the point and reckless. However, the artists also know it's my strength : I'm not licking your boots, meaning when I say something is good, it's truth and I'm not trying to get something from you.
What I think happened is that Yubari felt you were being rude because all you said was that The Cleavage Crusader is a " failure," and then didn't offer any constructive criticism beyond that to help us address your concerns with the series. Your honest opinion is appreciated, but we generally prefer feedback with a bit more substance.

And while it is true that The Cleavage Crusader has gotten a fair share of praise (some even going as far as saying its the only comic they subscribe for), I'm always looking for ways to improve...

Originally Posted by Xtrem View Post
Without revealing anything about the content, I will say that the comic missed the parody target she is aiming at. It looks like a lallapalooza of expansions which is unfolding at a pace dictating the pace of the story, whereas I'm looking forward to a story dictating the pace of the inflations and expansions. The Cleavage Crusader would have been a one-shot or two chapters story, I would have understood. That isn't the case.
...which is why I would appreciate it if you could clarify this statement, because I have no idea what you're saying here. For example, I looked up "lallapalooza" and got the definition "A person or thing that is remarkable, excellent, wonderful, superior, etc."

Originally Posted by Xtrem View Post
Which website ? Banna Galactic. 6.50$ per month. Meaning that if you want to test one time, compared to your lowest option at 40$, then yes, it is way more interesting.
Finally, your recommendation for Banna Galactic makes me raise an eyebrow: sure, it's cheaper, but that's because it's ONE artist running the whole show, which means they can afford to be cheaper. Furthermore, it appears that certain images get archived and locked away from paying members unless you send an e-mail requesting the specific images, and even then you're given a limit on how many you can have access to.

Are you saying you'd prefer if every single one of our comics looked EXACTLY the same and we made it so that you could only access a small handful of our material at a time even if you're paying full price? That sounds awful!
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