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Unread 09-06-2014   #12
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Re: Movie Alert: Spring

Originally Posted by Skalla-Grimm View Post
The implicit answer to "who knows?" was meant to be "someone who has seen the film".
And I saw the film. Was confirming. Take it or leave it, friend.

As for Anakhi, who is the guy from the south? Not sure what issue you are referring to, but as the mystery of the girl's conditioned is revealed, we see more of her transformations. The first one we get a decent look at seems to be a werewolf (or some kind of dog/cat-family transformation). The directors never clarified which animals she changed into specifically in the Q&A, but they didn't like werewolves but liked the idea of them, so they put a spin on the concept with their film. I remember a werewolf, snake, scorpion, Octopus or Squid (unclear) and some were ambiguous as far as I know. I actually stopped watching for the TF and kept watching for the story. It's very unique.

There is nudity, particularly with the biggest transformation. There is also tail growth, but it is more amusing and will disappoint anyone expecting to see the tail grow.

Even if the transformation disappoints viewers on this website (or elsewhere), it's a fantastic character-driven piece worthy of multiple viewings. The girl is gorgeous and the story has humour, charm, and even scares.

If you guys don't believe that I saw it, I don't care. Wait for the film yourself. It will be a while before it's online. I won't spoil what the girl is, because it kind of ruins the mystery of the film. Telling you that she transforms into various animals is a big enough spoiler anyway. I went into this film not even knowing there would be TF. I read a vague logline and bought tickets. Was pleasantly surprised and you guys will be too. It meets the quota for all these disappointing indie films that we keep holding out hope for.

Last edited by Kantomaster1111; 09-06-2014 at 08:59 PM.
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