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Thread: Missa - TF
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Unread 10-28-2014   #651
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 632
Re: Missa - TF

Norz, TF Viewer, Greebrun, WBfoot, Buzy: Thank you! <3

Amahain: YES! Did you happen to see Viviann'e happy trail to pubic hair patch? I have to watch the video again to see where it popped in. That video was a super long shoot, and the sequence is a bit of a blur. I remember her painting it in, gluing on the hair, and thinking "that looks really cute."

Slayer: Yes! Digital! :-D the bottom cat-like fangs that you love have to be done digital as well. I've bought bottom fangs, several different brands but none of them fit with the top fangs in. The tail is digital as well. Think of it like a picture flip book, there are around 30 frame in one second of video, every single frame needs to be painted to create movement. Every single flash of fangs, swish of a tail, takes hours and hours. It's grueling work BUT I think my fangs are looking better and better, and the tail is looking better too. I love a long, thick tail swishing wildly, it's killer in editing but it makes the video.

Bakers: I had a real doll once, it was more submissive than silly/cute. Thank you for your suggestion. I like new concepts to consider. Right now I am trying to make submissive animals like pig LESS submissive, and more dark, spooky, fierce, and sexy. That's a challenge!

Last edited by missa; 10-28-2014 at 03:58 PM. Reason: wine posting problems
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