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Unread 11-07-2014   #22
Smutty Lady
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Re: Your Ideal Werewolf - Discussion

For me:

1. Two legged. Definitely. Requirement there. I'm not into full wolf transformation.
2. Mentally still human and still themselves but, merged with the wolf. Heightened instincts, animalistic urges and thoughts and so forth. It's a nice battle mentally as they struggle to still stay human while dealing with their new urges. This is also a big one for me. I don't typically like characters that completely lose themselves.
3. Fully furred. I'm not a big fan of like, just shoulders and legs with the stomach and chest and back bare (bare back, heh). I want a sleek furred werewolf. Although, lighter fur around the nipples for maximum viewing pleasure (as well as feeding their cubs!) and not so thick that you can't make out the breasts of the females. I like thick tufts of fur around certain natural body hair places like shoulders and backs and especially around the pubic area.
4. Definitely tail. Thick, glorious, proud tail
5. I've been enjoying smaller changes like black lips on the face and pussy. I don't know why but it makes it more enjoyable for some reason. Still human but, yeah, not quite.
6. Bigger and more muscular but I can go either way on this. I'm also happy with lean wolves or smaller werewolves BUT it has to make a kind of logical sense.
7. I like wolf paws for the feet (including their pinkie toes "going away") but I like still mostly human hands. Make the fingers a little longer, the thumbs a titch shorter and give them padding but still leave them as workable hands.
8. For claws, I usually like actually claws rather than sharp nails but it's not a huge thing if it's the nails.
9. Human style ears - at least, on the side of the head but long and tufted and able to move (twitch, move around based on sounds, etc...)
10. Full muzzles!
11. Pain or no pain during the TF, it's all good. BUT! I don't like a *poof* "Oh, what? I'm suddenly a werewolf? How *weird*!" kinda thing.
12. Forced. Mmmhmmmm.... That's a huge part of the fetish for me - forced transformation. I want the lady to struggle and plead and fight until she gives in to it. I want it to surprise her and to change her personality. I want the shy librarian to aggressive, highly sexual creature. Or even women that know it's coming and still struggle with it while accepting it in a certain way. Or completely sexual - shy maiden changing and her sexual urges kick into overdrive until she fucks the first man she meets. Oh! Or, a male werewolf (or female, I guess?) taking a human woman and forcing the change via sex (before or after). However, it's not to say that I don't like straight up, "All right, I'm a werewolf, time to change" kinda things. I just really *really* like the forced stuff.
13. Forced change during the moon is great but I'm also fine with changing on command. Just don't make it so they can change back and forth and back and forth all day long or you'll lose me. Preferably, the "on-command" change happens solely because of heightened emotions like anger and fear and so forth.

Gimme Howling 1 style bipedals, not the old The Wolf Man stuff. I don't want a furry human.
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