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Unread 02-23-2015   #8
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 11
Re: Ludella Hahn Transformations

Originally Posted by baxter1327 View Post
Hello Ludella. Glad to find you here. As memory serves, you've done four wolfy style vids- and I've bought them all. Honestly the first was something of a let down, but you've improved quite a bit with each new vid (much appreciated!) This last one, that you feature in your post, is far and away your best effort to date.

Like Greenbrun above, I'm not so super keen on the Scooby-Doo theme, but I understand it's probably requested by the commissioner, and it wasn't anything I couldn't look past. You're a good actress, kickin' bod, and have a great voice (IMO). Speaking of voice (pun!?), I especially appreciate the voice mods you do as the TF progresses. That's something that's fairly easily done but so many others forget and it makes a world of difference. me anyway.

No doubt you'll be inundated with requests and suggestions on how to keep improving now that you've made your presence known here. Everybody seems to have their own little eccentricities when it comes to this fetish (often at odds with each other); but we're thankful when people like you come here and ask for feedback. Take it and do what you can with it and have fun, and I'll keep buying. :-)
Thanks for the feedback. As you've already recognized, since all my transformation clips thus far have been commissions, I'm following what someone else has commissioned me to do, so not everyone is going to enjoy the same things as the commissioner.

In regards to the let-down in the first one, could you be more specific? Criticisms are helpful if they're constructive, and though you said my clips since that one have been better, I'd still like to know what part of the first one was the issue so I can keep it in mind in future filming.

If it was just a matter of special fx, I suppose there's no going backwards anyway. I think the first werewolf clip was actually my very first time playing with those special fx, and since learning more, I've thought about going back and re-editing a couple of the first ones to bring them up in quality, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

Thanks for your input. Sorry you guys aren't a fan of Velma. I've been getting a lot of commissions for her. :P Feel free to let me know some of the character types you like to see.
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