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Unread 05-31-2015   #2
AAWIL fanatic
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Re: Thoughts on TaylorMadeClips new TF clip?

Well, I have some thoughts to share about it, but notice that they fall in "personal preferences":
-They put much effort on their clips, and they have managed to reach a good level on certain FX (especially in inflation they have mastered it).
-Some of the models are not just appealing, but also deploy some acting skills (my favourite is Holly Webster, btw).
-They listen to their fanbase in their forum.
-There is very little nudity on their videos. A pair of breast (or more xD) is not enough for me, even though in some videos we can get some nice extras (like bare feet). The day they created FX that could be used in naked performers, they will gain for sure a new customer .
-They mix different fetishes. When you mix two different fetishes, the result is not the double of buyers, but the opposite. E.g., many people will never buy a futa video, or don't give a shit for inflation.
-The prices are not yet well adjusted. This is a mistake done in most video producers, I don't know if that is based on clips4sale rates, but some short videos done with lots of means deserve to be sold at higher prices, and the opposite for certain long ones. Well, it's their business, but my opinion is that their prices are more or less 5/8$ higher than they should... and I don't consider the "vidown" discount.
-And finally, some years ago they promised to make a werewolf clip that never was done. Yes, they were working on it, but I suspect that they cannot fit their FX resources into a viable werewolf TF.

To resume, they have the experience, but they still have some potential unexplored... meanwhile we will be waiting and see, although they have recently created some interesting pieces (the latest donkey TF and the ape TF, even considering that I really don't like futa).

Last edited by Anahki; 06-01-2015 at 11:43 AM.
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