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Unread 06-16-2015   #7231
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Re: Evil conversion(for the lack for better term)

Blog copypasta
Okay, now let me see if I understand all of this correctly. Metal Face turns Fiora into roadkill. Vanea and Meyneth salvage Fiora’s remains for parts and build a new robot out of her. This brainwashes Fiora so she’s an undead puppet controlled by Meyneth, but Meyneth gradually loses control because Fiora still has googly eyes for Shulk and the power of love miraculously allows her soul to live on. But then there’s this double-layered brainwashing thing going on where Meyneth herself is programmed to be subservient to Egil, so Fiora’s love also breaks through Meyneth’s brainwashing. Meyneth becomes friends with Fiora once she (Meyneth) gains her own free will, and she and Vanea help Fiora claim her rebuilt body for herself. Is that how it goes?

So, like, Character A is scrambling Character B’s brain, but Character A is also having her brain scrambled by Character C, while she’s inside Character B’s already scrambled brain? This is like… corruptionception.
Correction: The Xenoblade stuff looks REALLY neat.

Last edited by Voltronzilla; 06-16-2015 at 08:09 PM.
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