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Thread: Missa - TF
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Unread 05-06-2016   #1087
Process Fan
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 65
Re: Missa - TF

Originally Posted by Anahki View Post
As it happened before, I feel that it's my turn to put your feet on the groud again. The custom videos are expensive, you never get what you intended to get (and imagine if you have to satisfy a group of funders!!) and there are many small issues that end up on disaster. Well, not really, they end up in someone taking your money or at least the comission for having moved everything. Maybe this worked for other forums/fetishes. But female TFs like the ones we really want to see are difficult to execute properly and expensive. For example, there are some clips4sale enterprises that sell "transformation fantasies" videos. How many of them really worth the price paid for them? I'd say Missa's... alone. The others put very simple FX (on the best case) or bad done FX (common case).
Having been part of a film project that generated nearly $50k via crowdfunding as well as writing and filming my own horror films (yes a werewolf one will follow eventually) I am more than aware of the costs of creating film content.

However the cost of making these films will ultimately depend on Missa and how she calculates the cost of producing a film.

Bare in mind that she would like to retire so there would be a charge for the model, then there's makeup and VFX, camera and any other crew she uses, I'm assuming she has a camera person when she's filming herself.

Once we have this figure we would have a benchmark for us to create a community funded video.

So here's how this could happen, Missa puts forward a proposal 1x actress turning into a wolf for example. With a target set by Missa, we hit the target it gets made. It's that simple. No initial financial investment by Missa or the community, we get the option and you pay in or not.

This may have been done before, but just because it was done before and didn't work doesn't mean its not a viable option.

So lets see what Missa says and if she says no then fine, but lets not dismiss a great idea.
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