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Unread 05-19-2016   #449
Process Master
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Posts: 612
Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

I can't speak for all the normal outlets for Transformation, but I know that Missa as an example slowed down a lot on the subject for two main reasons: Cost, Little Returns. Transformation is the giant elephant in the room and is a difficult genre to do well enough that people will look at it and actually be in awe of what they're seeing. We're spoiled by the classics like American Werewolf and The Howling and we yearn to see those transformations remade with a female and done to almost the same standard.

And that's the problem for most of the artists like Missa or TMC. The cost to buy the props, make the props, find a make up artist and a willing model to go through the huge amount of time to get into the whole idea is very expensive and even if Missa was to get around those points, for as much as we on The Process always say they want these transformation videos, what they really mean is "We want these transformation videos...for free!." It's hard to make money on sales of clips if it only takes a few people actually buying it and spreading it around to porn sites, their friends, torrents, etc.

Ultimately it's a business, and making amazing transformation clips isn't cost effective since it's a shit ton of money, time and effort for mediocre returns. It sucks for sure, but that is the reality of it from the perspective of people that have done them. =(
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