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Thread: Missa - TF
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Unread 09-19-2016   #1095
Process Master
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 588
Re: Missa - TF

Originally Posted by Anahki View Post
Well, I must say that her last two werewolf videos were, from my very own point of view, some of her weakest ones. Yes, they probably had more investment in terms of model hiring, FX and extra working time behind, but the scenes themselves felt a bit boring. Or maybe it is that she did before her masterpiece "an american shewolf" and could not raise the bar from there. In fact she promised something similar to that, but what we had were her last two fruitless efforts.
It is true that we, the TF communitiy, are very demanding for good stuff and innovation, but sometimes we just need to fill our hunger for new artwork. I have nothing against drawings or written production, but I only get truly satisfied with videos or photomanips, and finding new material is complicated, and with her leave from the TF stuff I am now dying to get something as good as she did in the past... I bet that she had good sales with the Panther TF, the She Wolf ones (save for the last two) or Lana Leopard.
Just being curious, you said that all of her videos were comissions. Didn't she tried anything "by herself"?
I got excited thinking she came back! But I couldn't agree with you more. I pretty much buy all the videos (to support the creator) and I'd say I didn't enjoy the last one that much, I can tell a lot of fx went in and my feedback I gave them was that once she was all in the costume at the end it shows her for like 10 seconds... I wanted to see more. And I also agree the Lana leopard and panther prob sold a ton more, we need more felines! While I don't have the funds to commission anything, I do have the cash to buy the clips, same goes for primal. Though I did go back to watch that last missa video due to the terrible drought this year has been in terms of good video content. Pretty much zero mainstream, and only primal doing the customs now
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