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Unread 08-02-2017   #844
Mr Wayne
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Lightbulb Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

Originally Posted by GRZEHOPL View Post
freaking awesome, yeah too bad without sound effects, I really wish hear her scream, and depp breathing during transformation mmmmm
That being said, might I suggest an alternative?

I am very fond of tinkering with adding either sound effects or music pieces to clips such as this. Normally for my own tastes. Heart beating for female growth material, for example. This music video presents an excellent opportunity, not because of the preferred or disliked music in the background but simply to replace that with something more 'helpful'.

From exactly the 2:00 mark to 2:50 to trim out, I set the video speed to 0.99. This slows down the video segment so little that it isn't noticeable, but with my editing program it does void out the audio completely. What I put in its place worked perfectly.

Try "Hi-Finesse - The Wolf", ironically enough. See if it is agreeable to anyone who has the right editing software programs. My program, however, reduces the video quality and there is no way I can get around it with what I have.
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