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Unread 10-30-2018   #118
BE Writer
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Re: The Cleavage Accounts

The Gaia team is being spread thin due to multiple attacks across different fronts as The Curators continue their assault on the Gorran home world. Lori shows off her improved stamina and exemplary fighting potential as does Phadria, but both still find themselves overextended.

Lori initiates a daring and risky initiative to bring in reinforcements and the team discovers an unforeseen power from an unlikely source. In the process, Lori hatches out a scheme to transform her incredible body into an even more potent form. Yet an unbelievable revelation puts everything in a different perspective.

This is an erotic tale featuring mini-GTS up to and over 8 feet in height. It contains fast BE, weight gain, muscle gain, crushing and mild violence, MF, and FF intercourse.

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