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Unread 04-29-2020   #10
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Re: [Paid] Zoe Brown's 'Werewoman Adventures' Stories on Amazon

Available on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited!
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25-year-old JULIAN REEVE's life had been going pretty well up until now. He shared a NYC apartment with his best friend and college roommate, Theodore Rosso, whose life-long ambition of opening a Mediterranean restaurant he had just helped to bring to fruition, and he'd recently begun an intimate relationship with the beautiful red-headed bartender Brianna Forth, another close friend from his college days. True, he was a bit... financially challenged, estranged from his father and sister, and his mother's terminal ailment had been hanging over him for years, but all things considered his he'd been pretty comfortable.

There had just always been this... one thing, though. This one little black mark on what had otherwise been a fairly happy and fulfilling life. This one little... ENORMOUS, ALL-CONSUMING desire and longing that had been plaguing and tormenting him for years, and which, no matter how happy he was otherwise, how comfortable, how content, how fulfilled, he could never quite completely rid himself of.

You see, for practically all of his adult life, Julian had been completely and utterly Obsessed with the fantasy of becoming a Beautiful, Glamorous, and Heterosexually-Active young WOMAN. It was a deep personal need which had tortured him for years, driving him to distraction, tormenting him with imaginary futures and alternate lives and possibilities which at first he had hoped he might find a way to realize, but which, with the passage of time, he had reluctantly and unhappily grown to accept that he would never be able to realize. In order to maintain his pretense at being a happy, normal young man, and out of fear over how his friends and loved ones would respond to learning about his deepest, most insistent fantasy longings, he had kept those desires a complete and total secret from all but one person in his life, another old college friend named Arián Rivera, who had accidentally stumbled upon the knowledge of Julian's most deeply-held secret desires one day years ago during a summer break between university semesters, and who happened to share those exact same fantasies, longings, and desires himself.

But when, one night, years after they first encountered one another, learned about each other's secret desire to become a woman, and built a friendship based on their mutual interest, Arián messaged Julian with a link to the video recording of an incredibly convincing-looking experiment in male-to-female GENDER TRANSFORMATION, Julian finds himself unexpectedly confronting the possibility that there might actually be a way that he can fulfill his years-old fantasies. An ancient herbal and mystical remedy discovered in writing preserved on an ancient tablet in the underwater ruins of a sunken temple off the northern shore of Egypt. Wrestling with both his long-held fantasies and the fears which had always held him back from trying to pursue his desires before, Julian finds himself trying to grapple with the possible changes that the so-called 'Elixir of Isis' might wreak upon his life, if he lets it, and with trying to decide whether he is either brave enough or desperate enough to risk everything that he HAS on the chance for something that he has obsessed over for years...

At roughly 65,000 words, this 'Part One' of 'The Woman You Make Me' is the first installment in a new, multi-part serial series from Zoe Brown which features Temporary, 'Processy' Magical Gender Transformations, Alter Egos, Wish Fulfillment, Sensual Adventures, and Romantic Entanglements.
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