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Unread 06-24-2020   #64
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 386
Old content?

Wow...first off...the site has been down for me to even see your post. And it just seems rude how youre coming off. I didn't have to share anything up to this point, but the pics does give an idea of what to expect. $5-10 for even one month to see those tiers isn't asking the world. It does cost money to hire people to do voice work esp for the content us artists are trying to do. My main job has been cut down for the covid so I try to bring what I can.

As far as "old work" the animations short as they are...are part of a paying tier and I won't share those (being there isn't a whole ton of them being how long it takes to make some). Someone asked for a teaser before and I finally produced a teaser. I do try to bring entertainment in the Age Growth genre which most aren't....

Hope your day becomes better for you sir.

Mr Dark
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