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Unread 08-16-2020   #10
I come in peace
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Re: Transgender Process Poll

Originally Posted by ailovestogrow View Post
What I’m seeing that sets this poll apart from I’m very into looking at What Happens Now? in my process stories, which is why I’m against mental changes. For instance, guy turns into a girl, has the obligatory sexual exploration, then what? Either she has to prove to the courts she was a he to transfer identity or she has to now live life off the grid (easier to do now than it was even ten years ago). Or, turning into a woman sounds like fun right up until your first period. How does someone still mentally male deal with all this is what I’m looking for in a TG scenario.

Regardless, I am loving what I am seeing. These responses are a great help and I hope many more will come forward and share what tickles the kinky depths of your brains. Loves!!
If you are looking for opinions on permanent TG, then I am not the person to comment.
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