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Unread 01-27-2021   #1732
Process Master
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Posts: 612
Re: Female Werewolf needles in a haystack

I wouldn't say I'm disappointed in her work just that as others have said her choice in props is a bit strange. The teeth are really weird and a lot of her videos are the painful type. All the blood is a turn off for me even though I wouldn't mind seeing it now and then, but not in ever single video. The claws she's using have improved and I like the multiple nipple thing she's got going on. The fur is okay, it's not as bad as some but it always looks like there's too much in one spot, like it's just a huge pile of fur. It's not bad and has gotten better.

One thing she should work on is adding sounds of things changing even when we can't see them. It gives the sense of the transformation occurring. One great example is the Fetish short where we could hear her bones snapping and some claw ripping going on even though the camera was focused on her face. Then she looked down to see that her hand had started to change. We heard it even if we didn't see it. Most of her clips we only hear things happen when they're on camera and that could improve with a small adjustment like this. Just my two cents, can't wait for her to continue her improvements. Glad somebody like Rose is doing good work like she does. =)
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