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Thread: Missa - TF
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Unread 06-02-2021   #1198
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Re: Missa - TF

Originally Posted by Ohdevil View Post
Another question is will Aiden Ashley get naked when transforming into a werewolf? Or will she be one of those lame clothed werewolves? Also will there be multibreasts and vagina shift? I would like to know guys, thank you.
As for nudity during the TF, I mean, it’s porn, so I’m guessing yeah? Not to mention all of Missa’s TFs in the old days featured nudity. But stranger things have happened. There once was a She-Hulk porn where She-Hulk didn’t get naked during her TF. As for “multibreasts,” Missa wasn’t known for adding breasts during the TFs for most, though not all, of her old videos (and even then the multi-breasts were more like multi-nipples), and I, for one, am happy about that. I know I may be in the minority, but I was never a fan of multi-breasts during the TF (bigger breasts, yes; multi-breasts, no). As for the “vagina shift,” Missa was known to alter that area with digital effects during the old videos, what she affectionately called “pulsating pussy,” which usually triggered the TF. I’m a fan and hope she reuses that effect for the latest video, but I’m guessing that’s not going to happen. Anyway, as the guy who started all this (I commissioned Missa’s first werewolf TF video that kickstarted this thread and the whole movement), I feel, at this point, I’ve created a monster, both figuratively and literally.
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