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Unread 10-14-2022   #2933
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Re: TF Request Thread(Read First Post)

Originally Posted by Herro View Post
I've collected a couple of requests from reddit that went unresolved, wondering if anyone might know what these are about:

"Looking for an OLD comic.

Boot up the way back machine for this one.

I remember it as black and white line art. Essentially a guy learns a spell "klatu barada nicto" that merges things. His wife is yelling at him in the first page or two for making sporks from the silverware. He accidentally casts the spell on her and the (dog/cat? I don't recall) resulting in their being merged.

Any idea who the artist was, or where to find it?"

"Need Help finding a Sequence

It's about a girl sitting on a table that gets transformed into a Fox/Wolf and as she changes she also gets sexually aggressive,it's just 3 sequence long if i remember?.I think the story is she got invited to a garden party i think?the last panel i think is she's about to pounce on her partner? it's a sequence/comic(3 pages if i remember,not sure) from FA i think.It got posted here but i cannot seem to find it anymore. the last panel also shows her boobs."

"I can’t recall the name, but there was this really detailed story of a girl getting transformed into a tiger girl on CYOC. It was all about her and her boyfriend coping with her transformation and trying to live their lives together in spite of it. It was crazy long and went for chapters and chapters, like actual book length. It also went really in depth about exactly how the transformation was effecting each part of her life, down to even minute things. Writer was clearly very knowledgable about tigers as a species."
I think this is the sequence for #2, don't know about the others though.
I just want to beat up some guy that makes monsters in a sky fortress for no reason other than to annoy the neighbor kids.
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